Multiple Interfaces With .NET?

Aug 6, 2009

Im building a game with VB.NET I designed the core of the game in form1 window But now I need menus. How can I implement this without having 5 or so windows that I show() and hide() ? Doing that slows it down a lot and uses lots of memory. I tried tabs, but I don't want the tabs to appear, just switch. Whats the best way to implement multiple interfaces?

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Using The Same Event For Multiple Interfaces

Oct 17, 2011

how to do something that seems that it should be simple.

I tried it on a larger project I'm working on and got an error, so I reduced it to the simplest possible that I could find:

Public Interface IF1
Event WakeUp(ByVal TheObject As Object)
End Interface


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Interfaces - Implementing Interface For Multiple Class

Oct 21, 2009

I'm dealing a problem in implementing interface for multiple class.

Assuming I have a class named Class Unu .

I created an interface called Test for those 2 classes.

The first class Unu has 2 data members(i=12 and j=12.17). When you run the program it stores the result on screen 24.17

The second class called Doi has 2 data members(a=20 and b=32.17).

What I want now is to do the same thing for data members a and b so that it stores on screen 20+32.17=52.17

My problem is that I want to be displayed also the result for the 2 data members for the second class on my screen. I implemented the interface on class Doi but I cannot see why he isn't displaying me the second result 52.17.

What I must add to my code to do that?

Here's the full code:


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Usage Of Interfaces To Implement Multiple Inheritance?

Dec 15, 2011

Can any one explain the usage of interfaces to implement multiple inheritance in VB.NET.

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Storing An Object That Implements Multiple Interfaces And Derives From A Certain Base (.net)

Dec 7, 2010

In .net, it's possible to use generics so that a function can accept arguments which support one or more interfaces and derive from a base type, even if there does not exist any single type from which all valid argument types derive. For example, one could say: Sub Foo(Of T As {IInterface1, IInterface2, SomeBaseType})(Param as T) And be allowed to pass any derivative of SomeBaseType which implements both IInterface1 and IInterface2. This will work even if SomeBaseType does not support Interface1 and Interface2, and classes which do implement those interfaces don't share any common ancestor that also implements them. This can be very convenient if one won't need to keep the parameter anywhere after the function has exited. Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to persist the passed-in parameter in such a way that it can later be passed to a similar function, except perhaps by using Reflection. Is there any nice way of doing that?

The closest I've been able to come up with is to define an interface INest (perhaps not the best name-- thus:

Interface INest(Of Out T)
Function Nest() As T
End Interface

And for any interface that will be used in combination with others or with base-class "constraint", define a generic version as illustrated below:

Interface IFun1
' Any members of the interface go here, e.g. ...'
Sub DoFun1()


A class which will support multiple interfaces should declare itself as implementing the generic ones, with itself as the type argument.

Class test123a
Inherits sampleBase
Implements IFun1(Of test123a), IFun2(Of test123a), IFun3(Of test123a)
End Class

If that is done, one can define a function argument or class variable that supports multiple constraints thusly: Dim SomeField as IFun1(Of IFun2(Of IFun3(Of sampleBase)))

And then assign to it any class derived from sampleBase, which implements those interfaces. SomeField will implement IFun1; SomeField.Nest will implement IFun2; SomeField.Nest.Nest will implement IFun3. Note that there's no requirement that IFun1, IFun2, IFun3, or sampleBase share any common derivation other than the generic interfaces inheriting from INest(Of T). Note also that, no matter how many INest-derived interfaces a class implements, it only needs to define one implementation of INest(Of T).Nest. Not exactly beautiful, but there are two nice things about it: (1) any concrete class which in fact implements the necessary interfaces can be assigned directly to a field declared as above, without a typecast; (2) while fields which chain the types in a different order are not assignment compatible, they may be typecast to each other. Is there any better way to store something in such a way that it's "known" to support multiple interfaces and derive from a certain base type? Given that one can write such code in a type-safe manner, it would seem like the .net 2.0 CLR could probably support such a thing quite nicely if compilers offered a little assistance.

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Storing An Object That Implements Multiple Interfaces And Derives From A Certain Base (.net)?

Jan 24, 2012

I was looking through some legacy code we have and I noticed something that struck me as particularly odd.Say we have the concrete class TestClass. TestClass implements the interface ITestClass.What sort of behavior should I expect in the following case, then? (I didn't realize this was even possible)

Dim testClass as TestClass = Nothing
testClass = New ITestClass


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Are Interfaces Used Often

Oct 16, 2009

Are Interfaces used often? Need opinions.

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.net - Casting Interfaces And MEF?

Mar 13, 2009

I have the following problem with MEF: Interface definition to be used by host:

Public Interface IExecuteDoSomething
Inherits IAddinSettings
Event DataReceived As EventHandler(Of DataReceivedEventArgs)
Function DoSomething() As Boolean
End Interface


Everything seems to work fine until the Button2_Click routine is executed, then an InvalidCastException is thrown with the info:Unable to cast object of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[SharedLibrary.IExecuteDoSomething]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List1[SharedLibrary.IAddinSettings]'.

How can i solve this problem, because the imported object implements both of the interfaces?

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A To Z Usage Of Interfaces In .NET?

Dec 30, 2011

In this discussion let us discuss every usage of interfaces in .NET. Any real time examples and difficulties in using interfaces can also be discussed here.

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Oop - Inheritance And Interfaces ?

Jul 14, 2011

Has someone a hint what I'm doing wrong in VB.Net?

Module Module1

Interface ISearch(Of T As ISearchResult)
Function ids() As List(Of T)
End Interface


The third cast isn't working. Why? did I miss a oop lesson?

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Using Dictionary With Interfaces?

Sep 12, 2009

What I would like to do is make an abstract class that will hold objects in a dictionary and manage the adding/deleting/key changes of those items in the dictionary. My problem is that in order to make the class as generic as possible I declared the dictionary as dictionary(of long, of SomeInterface).The problem is when I try to pass a strongly typed dictionary in the constructor using dictionary( of long, ClassThatImplementsSomeInterface) I get a compiler error because it cannot convert to that type.

The reason I want to pass the dictionary in the abstract class's constructor is so that I can use the strongly typed dictionary in the subclass and have the abstract class manage the keys when it needs to. So how can I do something like this? Also- If there is a much better way to manage keys than what I am doing feel free to let me know, but I am much more interested in how to make this work since I have encountered this type of problem a few times before.

Here's the abstract class:
Public MustInherit Class HasChildrenKeys
Protected m_childItems As Dictionary(Of Long, IHasKey)


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.net - Using VB Interfaces, Enums, Etc In C# Code?

Oct 20, 2011

I have a solution with multiple projects, some of the projects are written in VB, some in C#. I am wondering if there's a way to use interfaces and/or enums written in VB in C# classes? My C# code below doesn't compile, however I am able to see the interface in intellisense.


P.S It's a console/service application, not ASP.Net (where I know it's doable).UPD: Sorry guys, was missing a reference to the project with the interface. It's fixed now. I think the thing that in VB projects references are done slightly different than in C# confused me.

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3 Values To The Serial Interfaces

May 1, 2009

I have a program written in Visual Studio to me 3 values ( 0-255, 0-255, 0-255) to send the serial interfaces, and While assigned to the 3 values of 3 sliders together.[code...]

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Collections And Interfaces And Casting?

Nov 14, 2010

Say I have a interface called IProperties and I have a collection called colMyProperties that is a collection of IProperties. Then I have an object called clsProperty that implements the IProperty interface. Now, in my code where I add objects to the colMyProperties collection I add a bunch of clsProperty objects. so far so good.

Now when I try to access an object in the collection I can only access properties and methods of the IProperties interface, not the clsProperty object. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to cast the object?

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DLL Settings - Project That Has Several Different Interfaces ?

Oct 4, 2011

I have a project that has several different interfaces (a website, a local application, and some webservices), that all use the same class library. The library is an API to a database. Some settings, like log level, database connection etc, i want to store in a single place, and I want them editable. What is the best way to accomplish this? I am concerned both about ease of editing, and ease of access for the dll, as there will be a lot of calls to it and a lot of lookups for the values. I have considered using app.config, a standalone XML file, and writing values to the registry, but I cannot find any good comparisons.

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Equals Operator For Interfaces?

Dec 8, 2009

I have three classes which implement an Interface iComparesWith, and I wish there to be a single function such that each iComparesWith object of any of the three implementing classes should be able to compare itself with any other iComparesWith object, again, of any of the three implementing classes, and know if the two objects are equal. How can I code this so that the comparison code is only written once? Is it the case that I will have to create a top-level MustInherit class which implements the equality comparison, and have MustOverride methods for all of the methods of iComparesWith?

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How To Singleton Pattern Using Interfaces?

Jul 5, 2010

I am working on creating a customized UI composite control. This control would be a container to several other custom controls.As a first step, i am creating the container UI using a singleton pattern. This is because at any point in time only one isntance of this container is allowed to be created. This is fine.Now i want to practice interface based desgin. So i introduced a sinple interface calleD IdesignSurface which has two properties. I would like my singleton class to implement this interface,so i tried something like this and got an error saying "end of line

Class DesignSurface
implements IDesignSurface


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How To Use / Implement .NET Controls/interfaces

Aug 25, 2011

I am a VB programmer of some 13 years. I started briefly with VB5 back in the mid-to-late 1990s, but then quickly moved to VB6 which I did for several years on PCs and HPCs (CE 1.x devices).I have done .NET 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2008 each for stints, intermingled with VB6 coding, at various jobs. But, I never got formally trained on VB.NET. In fact, I taught myself VB5/6 too. I have a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics, but the university CS program only had Unix systems. I basically learned everything I know on the fly from various Microsoft Press and other company's books (and the MS website/MSDN CDs too) while doing projects.I was wondering what everyone would suggest to really learn the .NET workings and why they are setup like that for Windows client/server applications. It doesn't have to be technical and brain-numbing.I have recently run into things dealing with MSFlexGrid vs DataGridView and how they link/work with database sources that confounds me. And, I am assuming there's just something I don't know about how/why VB.NET works the way it does...and I want to learn it to become a better developer.I want kind of that fun book that's easy to read, is thorough in that it teaches you a wide range of how to use/implement .NET controls/interfaces, and will fill in the gaps in my knowledge and experience.

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Inherited Members In Interfaces?

Apr 21, 2010

When I pass an an object 'MyObject' which implements 'IMyInterface' to a method parameter declared as IMyInterface, I understand that this method parameter 'sees MyObject through the eyes of its interface'.

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Relationship Between Interfaces And Firewall?

May 8, 2010

Can we call firewall an interface?

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Specify The Interfaces An Argument Must Implement?

Nov 3, 2010

I have an interface called IBaselineControl. Now I'm trying to write a procedure which requires, as an argument, a Control which implements the IBaselineControl interface. However, I don't know the syntax for this. VB.Net allows us to require multiple interface implementations along with class inheritance when writing constraints for generic types. The syntax used there suggests that something like this might work:Public Sub Test(X As {Control, IBaselineControl})Unfortunately, that syntax doesn't work and I'm unable to find any syntax which does.

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Specify Variable Implementing Two Interfaces Possible?

Mar 13, 2011

Is is possible to implement a type specifier with 2 interfaces in .net? Something like:
Public Sub New(obj as ICollection and INotifyCollectionChanged)
''Initialize Code
End Sub

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Transfer Interfaces From Delphi Dll?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a Delphi written DLL that exposes some interfaces to a application.
The interfaces inherit from IUnknown (but this could be changed if required), simplified example:

IWindow = interface(IUnknown)
function GetCaption(var Caption: PChar): HRESULT; stdcall;


Now I want to transfer a collection of IWindow to, and in the application I want to be able to loop through it with a for in loop.

I read that it's possible using IEnumerable/IEnumerator but I don't quite understand how to implement them. Are there any good tutorials about this, specifically showing the declarations on both side? Example code would be great.

Please note that I prefer not create a com dll that should be registered and imported. Currently I export a function that enabled me to obtain an interface.

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VS 2008 Interfaces :: Can Contain Code Or Not

Apr 9, 2009

I just started playing around with interfaces recently and I have a couple things I want to ask. First off I always understood that an Interface cannot contain code, you are merely creating almost a "template" of methods, property's etc...Lets say I have this:

Public Class MyTest
Implements IMyTest
Public Sub iDispose() Implements IMyTest.iDispose


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Why Are Interfaces Not Strongly Typed

Jan 8, 2010

I have the following code compiles without issue. Of course, I get an invalid cast xception when executing the Dim C As IDoThingsC = GetThing_C(). Am I missing something?Would you ever want to return an object that does not meet the interface requirement for a function return value?

Public Class ClassA
Public Sub DoThings_A()
Debug.Print("Doing A things...")


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Why Can't Add Interfaces To Already Existing Classes

Jan 19, 2010

is there any reason why we couldn't add/extend an interface to an already existing class?

i believe this would be v useful. it would be like drawing links from my class to already existing classes, and drawing links from already existing classes to already existing classes

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Add Interfaces To A Class Programmatically (at Runtime)

May 7, 2012

I am looking for a way to add an interface implementation to a class at runtime.
Here is a sample code, which I will discuss below.

Public Interface IAction
Sub DoThis(a As Integer)
End Interface


This is related to WCF, where one needs to provide to CreateHost a single class, which implements all interfaces required for the end points. In this scenario, ActionDispatcher is such a class, and IAction is one of the many interfaces to be implemented.

My vision is to avoid implementing IAction in ActionDispatcher manually, but have some sort of registration mechanism, where I can say, that ActionDispatcher must implement interfaces IAction, IDoing, INoAction, etc - and have the dispatching methods generated for me.

MSDN says, that any class is compatible with any interface, so I don't need to declare "Implements" in the ActionDispatcher. But I still need to implement the interface and connect the implementing method to the interface definition, so WCF can find it when needed.

The closest thing I found is probably the Automatic Interface Implementer, but it (1) creates a new type, (2) adds dummy methods.

I has also tried to understand CodeCompileUnit class, but so far couldn't see the relation to what I need.

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C# - Abstract Class Over Interfaces In ADO.Net Environment

May 13, 2010

I am developing a web app but is not satisfied with is architecture that I am following. The architecture is plain old conventional 3 tier architecture. What i want is follow some design pattern or architecture that will be help me in decoupling my code.I have idea about MVC and MVP architectures for Web App but i need different from that. I want to use OOPS concepts using abstract classes and interfaces, polymorphism etc in my app but not MVC and MVP. I dont know why?

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Collection Of Interfaces (plugin System)

Mar 8, 2012

I am trying to make a plugin system in and i am using interfaces to do that. I have managed to implement the plugins but now i am having problems with setting the plugins in a dictionary or some sort of array.

The system is simple. I have the main application and i have plugins. The application needs 2 mandatory plugins and that is data and authentication. Other plugins are free to use so i have 3 interfaces. Data, Authentication and CustomPlugins.

I load the plugins with this


It works fine like this but i want to make a collection of plugins because i don't know how many plugins the customer make. So initially i thought to make a collection


But that doesn't work. The main focus is to load as many plugins as i like but have then in some sort of array. A dictionary would be perfect but is not a must.

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Define A Variable That Is A Collection Of Interfaces?

May 6, 2010

I want to define a variable that is a collection of interfaces - it could be any interface that is defined for use in my app.

e.g. Dim x as New List(Of InterfaceBase)

Is there a base type for all interfaces that I can use for InterfaceBase?

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