Relationship Between Interfaces And Firewall?

May 8, 2010

Can we call firewall an interface?

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Write A LINQ To Objects Statement Where The Relationship Is A Grandparent, Parent, Child Relationship?

Feb 3, 2010

Basically, I am trying to write a LINQ to Objects statement where the relationship is a grandparent, parent, child relationship. (You could also call it a Master Detail relationship.)

Dim coverages As New List(Of Coverage)
Dim coverage As Coverage
For Each rl In oClaimsPolicy.RiskLocations


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Create A Firewall In .net

Dec 3, 2009

I need to create a firewall in Give me some idea how to proceed .

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.Net Packet Dropping (firewall)?

Feb 22, 2009

I am trying to intercept connections on port 2302 that is being used by a game. I was think about using something along the lines of

#Region " Imports "
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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IDE :: Make Firewall Blocking?

Jul 27, 2009

I am unable to get on to internet explorer or IM on my laptop . I am using Windows XP.Each time I log-in it says my firewall is blocking.

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VS 2008 Add To Uac And Firewall Exception?

Dec 21, 2009

is there a way to add to firewall and uac exception list for XP,Vista,Win7?

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VS 2008 Check If The Firewall Is Off?

Dec 29, 2009

How can i make a program to check if the firewall is off.And if the firewall is off how can i turn it back up again.

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VS 2008 How To Detect Ip Behind Firewall

May 21, 2010

i dont want my local ip..its a remote computertheres diferent ranges in the ips but from where i am looking for the ip im connected to the same network..lets say my ip its but the one i try to see if its one its the above....but its behind a firewall..i know its on...but when i ping from my code

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WebBrowser Control And Firewall?

Mar 21, 2012

I've never use a .net WB control before. When navigating to an internet web page I kind of assumed the firewall would block it or pop up a dialog telling the user that someapplication is attempting to access the internet.

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Add Application To Firewall Exception Through Regedit?

Feb 9, 2010

Im trying to add my application to firewall exception through regedit but when i add the sub key it doesnt work.

I dont have to have an installer for a chat program because its only 1 file.

FireWall Dir:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesSharedAccessParametersFirewallPolicyFirewall Rules

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Check If Someone Has UAC On The App Or Put That Firewall Thingy On The Button?

Apr 24, 2010

I saw the other day in an application there is a Shield sign on a button then when i click it if i didnt Run As Administrator firewall asks me to give it admin....anyone knows how to do it? i really need it for file associate function because it requiers admin rights .

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Parsing Of Firewall EMail Logs?

Apr 23, 2012

I get EMails from my firewall router for any alerts (when they occur) as well as the complete log (every day at 4:00 AM) - I have been saving the logs manually by copying and pasting the EMail body into a text editor and saving. I started on a VB project and have run into a bit of a snag.

Heres part of the code that 'grabs' each EMail:

For i = 1 To oItems.Count
oMsg = CType(oItems(i), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem)
If oMsg.Subject <> String.Empty Then


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VS 2008 Firewall Blocking Emails

Jun 11, 2010

Me and my friend both wrote an app to send emails, same code. When I run my app, I can let it send an email. When I run my friends app, the firewall blocks the outgoing emails. Is there any way to let the emails send from my friends app, by changing code or so? I don't want to add it to the whitelist of the firewall.

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Check If Port Is Blocked By Windows Firewall?

Aug 15, 2011

How do i check if specific port is blocked by Windows firewall , both in incoming and outgoing connections.

I've seen code samples such as this one:

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim host As String = "localhost"
Dim port As Integer = 6900


But how can i know if the exception is thrown specifically because of firewall blocking, and not because of other socket errors?

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Make An Installer With VB And Have An Option To Run As Admin And Add To Firewall?

Dec 21, 2009

I know that you can make an installer with visual basic and have an option to run as admin and add to firewall. But is there a way to do this with out installing?

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Use Windows Firewall To Control Security Board In .Net?

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to control the security board using the Windows Firewall which connects to my server that was made in VB.Net. My only problem is when I open the Windows Firewall my server crashes. It also displays this error: "Error, win%fir%90y4e does not support this server. upgrade you version of Winsock.". So I upgraded myself to the latest Winsock that there is out there. After doing so I try again and my server still crashes, but this time with a different error. The error this time was the following: "Error, no client is available for win%fir%90y4e. try again later.". What do I do?

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Write Services Anti-bypass Firewall ?

Jun 6, 2012

"how to do anti-bypass firewall using Service"

some way bypass the firewall, such as using : software Ultrasulf , Proxy-Server , Web-Proxy

In this case , i will anti-bypass firewall on Proxy-Server and Web-Proxy , i will write a services in window

I think it as same : First , capture package with IP-Address , then request from proxy-server . Second ,very importanly , in here , we compare with IP-Add is truth , if IP-Add not truth , at list Block IP-Add , else accept to request to website

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.net - Expose WCF Service Cannot Retrieve Object Through Windows Firewall?

May 13, 2011

I built a WCF service that exposes itself for a web application, it accepts an object and prints the data on the clients machine. Works fine on my development machine, and the service is up and running on any machine i install it on. I can enter ip address in clients machine web browser and see it is running. Problem is when i send the object to the clients machine it returns an error, that sounds like it could be because of the clients windows firewall. Where would i start at to deal with this problem ?There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

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Cannot Get User IP Address (proxy/firewall/load Balancer)

May 16, 2011

I used code below to get client ip with before but after I moved to VDS this function begin returning only my subnet mask which is or[code]...

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Capture The Actual Traffic Coming From The Firewall On The Network

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to write a program that captures log information from my Cisco 5510 firewall. I have a service working where it will perodically write text to a file. What I need now though is how to capture the actual traffic coming from the firewall on the network. It uses UDP port 514 to send it. I need to know how can vb capture that traffic and write it to the log file. I am a beginner to so please be patient with me if it seems like I am asking too many simple questions.

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Check If Port Exist In Firewall Exceptions List?

Oct 20, 2009

I need to check if port exist in the firewall list I am currently using this piece of code to check if port 80 exist do something if it doesn't then add it. This works fine but I feel It should be cleaner[code]...

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Company Firewall With System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser

Nov 22, 2010

VB2005. In my application I am required to go to a website, collect info, and then display both the webpage and the info collected. For this I am using the System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser component and have it working faily well. The only thing now is that in order to get to external websites the company requires us to login to the firewall proxy server. For example when I visit [URL] a login box pops-up for our firewall server [URL] and I sign in with ID 9999 and password "pass". I am trying to programatically do this with the WebBrowser by using the credentails but have not found any relevant examples. Is this possible with the System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser component?

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Show Installed Virus Software And Whether Firewall Enabled Etc In VB App

Aug 2, 2011

Is there anyway to find what virus software is installed and whether it is up to date, and whether firewall enabled/disabled from within a VB app?

It is for a health check tool for my customers, so picks up and shows lots of info such as ram, processor etc and want to be able to show antivirus name and as much info as I can about version, updates etc

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Use WMI And Admin Credentials To Tell Windows Firewall To Unblock A Port?

May 8, 2009

Use WMI and admin credentials to tell windows firewalll to unblock a port

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Relationship Between Three Tables?

May 17, 2012

I use Visual Basic 2008 Database is Mysql Three tables:


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Relationship Between VB And BASIC?

May 15, 2011

I remember we were taught BASIC (Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language in school, when we were in 5th grade. It was purely in DOS-Mode and we basically used it for drawing. Then I learnt Visual Basic 6.0 quite a few years basic. I neve found a similarity between them

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VS 2008 One-to-one Relationship

Jan 4, 2011

I have two tables which need to be connected using a one-to-one relationship. In SQL Server 2005, how would I add this relationship to the database diagram, do I just leave the relationship blank? Is there any pre requisite queries I have to add? How do I connect these tables in VB? .. the same way I would connect a one-to-many?I need the Student table to be linked to the Class Table where One student can be in only 1 class.

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Are Interfaces Used Often

Oct 16, 2009

Are Interfaces used often? Need opinions.

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C# - Internal Relationship Between Properties?

Jul 21, 2011

My issue involves relationships and cascaded effects between properties, and I'm wondering what best practices are on this.I have a class that contains a list of varying length of numbers. When editing the list, sometimes the user prefer to set a TargetSum, so that the program enforces the list will always add to this sum. I am accomplishing this by programmatically setting the final element in the list such that list sum = TargetSum. For example, if the user chooses to UseTargetSum, then sets TargetSum = 10, then creates a list of length 4, and enters 1, 4, 2 for the first 3 elements, then the final element is programmatically fixed to 3. The user cannot change the final element themselves.

I do this behind the scenes by handling all necessary events, such as a list element value change, list length change, and the UseTargetSum option change. For each event trigger, it recalculates the last element's value.It works but then there was a bug when loading saved data. If a list is loaded by sequentially adding the elements, the handlers modify each entry. Regarding the example, when the first value of 1 is entered, the handlers say "a value was just added, the sum should be 10, there is currently only one element, so it needs to be 10". So the first element gets changed to 10 behind the scenes. When the second element is next added, the handlers say "a value of 4 was just added, but the first element is already 10, so it should be zero." At the end of the load, the final list reads 10,0,0,0 instead of 1,4,2,3.

I know it is possible to rearrange the load procedure such that I get the correct list. For instance, I could avoid enabling the TargetSum event handlers until after all the data is loaded. The list would first be created as 1,4,2,3 and then the handlers would change nothing.

But this experience makes me wonder if I am opening the door for other sneaky side effects. It seems you should be able to load data without worrying too much about an implicit ordering. It also seems unusual to have "cascading" effects between class properties. Is there a more accepted approach?

The other alternative I'm considering is to only enforce TargetSum only inside UI forms. Ie, when you know it's a user making the change, then enforce the TargetSum, but otherwise leave the core class logic alone.That way database loads, etc, are left unaffected. But I guess the downside of not having ubiquitous enforcement is that opens the door of incorrect sums via some unforeseen complication.

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Cannot Find Relationship In Dataset

Mar 14, 2011

I have made a small "front-end" application for an Access databasefile.

I set up 3 tables with relations in Access, and added the database as a datasource in my project. I have done no database programming, and the app has worked nicely for about 2 years. It's a simple master-detail form with 2 datagridviews dragged from the datasource window.

Yesterday I opened the project to add a new form. The form is just a "setttings form" with no database activities.

When I press F5 - the main form do not start, and I get the error message "DataMember property '{0}' cannot be found on the DataSource." - where the property name is the name of one of the 2 relationships in the datasource.

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