Music Keyboard/Digital Piano - How Software Can Get Information Of What Key Was Pressed

Jul 24, 2009

I am developing a software for musical trainning. By now, the user can only use the keyboard of PC. I want use also a music keyboard/digital piano.There is a code that get information of what key was pressed? For example: the user press the B note (not the letter B), and the software recognize this. Remember: I am not talking about PC keyboard, I am talking about music keyboard.

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Detect "key Velocity" Of A Digital Piano Keyboard?

Dec 15, 2009

I am using the code from this site[url]...

to detect the music note (C-D-E-F-G-A-B) that was pressed in the piano keyboard.

Now, I want detect the "key velocity", or in other words, how hard or soft a key was pressed.

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Detect MIDI Input - Software Don't Recognize Digital Piano?

Aug 11, 2009

I made a musical software. Its only to my personal use. And I have a digital piano (model: Cassio Privia PX-800), with USB conection. I need to know how my software can detect my digital piano and how to detect what key note was pressed. I tried this sample code: [URL](at the end of the page there are a icon to download the project) but no success.

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Set Digital Product Id And Personal Information Into An Application?

Jun 11, 2011

I have create a application with ms access. i am make it .exe.After that i am instal it my pc working but my friends pc not work. After i am cheking my friends system all. .net framework is intallaled 3.5 thats same as mine. Error ,indicate that application1 has encounterd a problome and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.More detail ( digital product id, identify your license and internet protocol(ip).My application only a smal invoice. How can set digital product id and my personal information in to my application.

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Get A Key Pressed From The Keyboard?

Nov 7, 2010

This may sound like a dumb question but I need to know. I know you can tell which keys are pressed on the keyboard but I like to know if I can do something.Ok, heres what I am trying to do. A user is in another program that is max on the screen. He has to press Print Screen to take a screenshot, but he got to min the screen he is in to paste the screenshot into paint. This causes slow loads on maxing that screen and sometimes crashs of the program. I already got the code done to check when the program is running and to capture the screenshot and save it. What I to do now is, find out while in the other program with my program running in the background, if the user has pushed the Print Screen button.

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Determine If Any Keyboard Key Is Pressed?

Mar 3, 2012

I have a few problems with my VB.NET project. I am making an application that should track every key inputted by the user. This may sound scarily like a keylogger, but it is intended for statistics purpose only. All data is stored on the client's computer and will not be sent anywhere on a network or the Internet.

The problem is actually figuring whether or not a key is pressed globally. That means, not in a KeyDown, KeyUp or KeyPress event. Let's say if the user inputs anything in Microsoft Word, my application will notice.

I have already tried this code. It gives PInvokeStackImbalance errors in the MDA. It has actually worked out for another application I am making, until I figured the severity of this error.

Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer
Private Sub CAKS(ByVal Key As Long)
Dim WasBeingHeld As Boolean = False


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Catch Any Keyboard Keys Pressed From Anywhere?

Jun 21, 2010

What I'm trying to do is get the form to catch any key on the keyboard that has been pressed so it will reset a timer?

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Simulate A Key Being Pressed Or Held Down On The Keyboard?

Feb 2, 2010

I know how to send keys using Sendkeys.Send("{RIGHT}") I even know how to use Send keys In a timer, to repeat the key press... But it's just a key press, and it lets the key up. So If I tried to put sendkeys.send("{RIGHT}") under a Timer, then it will press/release the Right Key. I don't want that. I want to HOLD THE KEY DOWN. Here's Some Code, that I know how to do that Simulates a Mouse Click, Left Down, AND Left Up. Mouse Click. Ok...? So here's some example code of how to Send a simulated Mouse Click.

Public Class Form1
'To allow to detect keyPresses. latter on in your code.
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer


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Create A Programme Whereby When Hotkey Is Pressed / Keyboard Key Spams Automatically

Jun 4, 2010

i am trying to create a programme whereby when a hotkey is pressed, a keyboard key spams automatically .for e.g , i press F10 and the letter "Z" spams..i know i need to add in a timer , and I added two buttons for the function of start and stop . after that , i added in the hotkeys and then i am stuck in adding the code for the automatic spamming of the particular keyboard letter.i found out how but it is only when i click a textbox then it would spam . here is my code. i need it to work in a certain game . like auto loot [code]

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How To Access File (music) Information From Code

Jul 14, 2010

I would like to try to make a program similar to Zune or iTunes. To do this, I need to access a music file's information (the kind which can be found in Properties>Details.) Can someone help me with accessing this information?My idea is to have the user open one or more music files and have their display names go into a ListBox, and when you select an item, TextBoxes or Labels would display the information. If I were to use TextBoxes, then I would like to be able to save the information if it is changed. I do not need help in actually playing the song, just how to access the information (i.e. Artist, Album Artist, Album, Song Name, Year, etc.)

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Add Music - Make A Button Make A Sound Out When Pressed?

Jun 21, 2010

I wanna ask how to code to make a button make a sound out when pressed? Can you add sound files to it, like a mp3 file?

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Music Studio - Real Music Video Where Can Play Many Sound At Any Time

Nov 1, 2011

Hey guys, I'm a new guy in VB.NET. I am proposing my final year project a title called music studio. My version of music studio is like real music video where we can play many sound at any time. For example, the application that I want to build can create many button and also add an audio along with it. And then, when we hit the 1st button, it play 1st audio. while 1st audio play, we also can hit 2nd button and 2nd audio is playing. for example, 1st audio is sound of man walking, and then 2nd audio is the sound of glass break. lastly 3rd sound sound of police siren play. Is it cool? so, my question is, is it possible the I can build an application by using VB.NET?

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Interface And Graphics :: Set A Button So That When It Is Pressed / It Stays In Pressed Down Graphic State

Aug 14, 2008

How can I set a button, so that when it is pressed, it stays in the pressed down graphic state. Then when pressed again it returns to the normal not-pressed visual.Make a button stay like this until pressed again: url....

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C# - Make A Ctrl+Tab When Pressed Works Like Tab When Pressed In A MultiLine TextBox?

Oct 17, 2011

I have a TextBox and set the MiltiLine property to true and AcceptsTab property to false.When the TextBox has focus and i press Tab it works fine and the next control get the focus, but when i press Ctrl+Tab it works as if AcceptsTab property is set to true and makes a tab character into the TextBox.The reason i press Ctrl+Tab.. when switching between forms in my MDI application.Now how to make a Ctrl+Tab when pressed works like Tab when pressed in a MultiLine TextBox?

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Make A Virtual Piano?

Jul 12, 2010

i am trying to make a virtual that i am also playing music files which is recorded through the above said piano.but how can i understand when this music playback ends.i need to invoke another function when the plyback how can i understand when the playback end.

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Mdi Tabcontrol - Play The Piano Swf Inside The TabControl1 (WebBrowserA)

May 23, 2012


I have problem to play the piano swf inside the TabControl1 (WebBrowserA), but i can play piano swf within the main form (WebBrowserB). Anyone know why, and the method to solve it to play at tabcontrol1

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Make A Piano Type App So When Press A Button It Plays A File?

Oct 7, 2009

how can i make a piano type app, so when you press a button, it plays a file, if this can be achieved ill need help scripting itI like.....

Understandable Answers
1 2 3 4 5
- - - - - Rate yourself And Have A Kitkat
5 5 5 5 5

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Waveout Sometimes Memory - Output A Piano Tone Using Winmm.dll Via Platform Invocation Services

Feb 23, 2010

This code works to output a piano tone for 2 seconds using winmm.dll via platform invocation services, it seems to work fine on XP but waveoutopen fails in windows 7 rc updated based on feedback from John Knoeller


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Create A Virtual Piano Using Pictureboxes To Represent Keys That Play .wav File Versions Of Notes

Nov 5, 2011

I'm trying to create a virtual piano using pictureboxes to represent keys that play .wav file versions of notes. I've gotten this to work fine; however, I'm having trouble with two features I want to implement.The first feature is to be able to save what I play in a text file. I thought I could use this code but I'm getting an error. [code] The second feature is to play random keys using the random class. Is there any way I could store the pictureboxes in an array and then use the random class?

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Created A Virtual Keyboard Like The "Windows Onscreen Keyboard"?

Oct 13, 2010

I have created a virtual keyboard like the "Windows onscreen keyboard". So, I have used the method sendkeys.But if I click on the button, it doesn't write nothing.

I think I have a problem with the FOCUS.As you can see, the "Windows onscreen keyboard" is always on top.This doesn't happen to my form. How can I do?

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C# - Access Digital I/O Using USB?

Aug 28, 2009

How to access Digital I/O using USB using C or C++ or Or

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Use A Digital Pen In Program?

May 30, 2011

I developed an application by 2005 on SQL server 2008.I would like to enter some of my data such as my drawing and my handwriting in my application by a digital pen.

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Slowly Fade The First Music Out And Fade The Second Music In?

May 19, 2011

I have 5 axwindowmediaplayers, and I need to slowly fade the first music out and fade the second music in, using this:

Public Sub fifthCk_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 100


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Show A Digital Clock?

Jun 14, 2010

How can I have a simple digital clock in my application? I need it to be a label control - thats the tricky part.

Basically it just reads '5:33 PM' or '5:33 AM' etc - not 24hr time.

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Take Picture From Digital Camera?

Sep 20, 2011

How can I take pictures using a digital camera based on a button click in WinForm application? I tried googling, and got WIA. Used WIA 2.0 and wiaut.dll, and it is working fine for webcams. But I am not able to automate the actions of my Sony W220 camera. I tried googling for WPD, but it appears to be active only in Windows 7 and Vista, and I am using XP Sp2

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Use As An Digital Signal Indicator?

May 15, 2009

I need some advises on showing digital signal indicator at this moment I use radio button...but it's then becoming complicated because I have to make them "true" or "false" anytime.

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Communications :: Digital Scale/ Indicator In VB?

Apr 3, 2011

my final year project title is monitoring weight changes in digital scale / indicator.i bought one digital scale online from A&D in order to test out my system.however unlikely other device (GSM MODEM, RFID...) there are no drivers or libraries (DLL) from this device.. with only the digital scale and (rs232 9-pins to usb convertor i bought) i was like lost wondering how to get communicate with the device.i have been search around in the internet for similar post.. but there are most likely dealing with the data receiving already. is there any journals or manuals for references? i willing to study over this and not simply ask for full codings.

- how to communicate with the device (serial port communication)

- is there any driver / libraries need to install bfore everything?

OS using - windows 7 ultimate (laptop)model of device - A&D JM-SERIES 150lb

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Control Digital Camera From VB Form?

Jan 15, 2010

I want to take picture directly on my employee database form. I means, how to control digital camera from Visual Basic form? how to take picture through VB Command button.

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Digital Certificates For Authentication And Access?

Jun 11, 2009

I'm looking for guidence on using digital certificates to manage website user authenication and access. i am using a website that has this and what happens is this... the company issued me a personal certificate, that i installed on my local machine. When i connect to the website it checks my local cert store for a cert issued by them and if none is found, no entry, if multiple are found, then a box displays to allow you to pick which one to use.

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Serial Port Programing For Digital I/O?

Aug 27, 2009

Im an electrical engineering student, and I am trying to utilize the serial port to give me high and low digital states. What i want to do is simply turn on an LED or turn it off. the basic gist of what I have been trying currently is that on a button click, serialPort1.DTREnable = enabled or disabled, indefinitely until the next button click.

So far, I have only been able to get the LED to momentarily flash... It seems to begin in an active state flash off, then immediately, return to its active state. I am using Visual Studio 2008. Can I use DTREnable to generate on/off states by enabling or disabling the pin? Is there a tutorial somewhere for electrical engineering applications using visual studio 2008?

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