Nhibernate Projection List - Could Not Find Setter For Property

May 23, 2011

I have issue with a Nhibernate projection list, It keeps saying it Could not find a setter for property 'Commname' in class 'Label6.Domain.Product' or could not resolve property "pl.commname"
the property "commname" is a part of the object productslangs.

My product object looks like this:
Public Overridable Property Latinname() As System.String
Return _Latinname
End Get
Set(ByVal value As System.String)
[Code] .....

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Reflection - Find From A Property Info Object If That Property Has A Non Public (Private / Protected) Setter?

Aug 27, 2009

I searched on the forum / Internet for the solution how a PropetryInfo object (of a Public property) can reveal if it has a Private Protected Setter ... it was all in vain .... all help I found was about how to "Set" value of a public property having a Private Setter.I would like to know if I have a PropertyInfo object of a public property, how would I know if its Setter is Non Public?

I tried, in a exception handling block, where I did a GetValue of the PropertyInfo object and then called SetValue by setting the same value back... but to my surprise it worked well and didn error out.


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.net - If An Interface Defines A ReadOnly Property, How Can An Implementer Provide The Setter To This Property

Jun 10, 2011

Is there a way for implementers of an interface where a ReadOnly property is defined to make it a complete Read/Write Property ?

Imagine I define an interface to provide a ReadOnly Property (i.e., just a getter for a given value) :

Interface SomeInterface
'the interface only say that implementers must provide a value for reading
ReadOnly Property PublicProperty As String
End Interface

This means implementers must commit to providing a value. But I would like a given implementer to also allow setting that value. In my head, this would mean providing the Property's setter as part of the implementation, doing something like this :

Public Property PublicProperty As String Implements SomeInterface.PublicProperty
Return _myProperty


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Setter Value - How To Update Flag Property Of Row

Nov 10, 2009

I've got 2 classes, one called row and one called value. The row class has an array of value as one of its properties. The row class also has a property called flag which will contain an enum for how it has changed. On the setter for value I was hoping to update the flag property of row, but I cant work out how to do it via modern OO. Here's the

Public Class Row
Private values_local() As Value
Private flag_local As DataFlags
Property values() As Value() .....

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Create Property Setter Delegate Via DynamicMethod?

May 28, 2010

I'm building an abstract class that handles some common operations for all of my data access objects. The class will utilize generics, so I can't make direct calls to constructors, business object properties, etc. Reflection is way too slow for what I want to accomplish, so I am using a DynamicMethod, ILGenerator, and Delegate caching instead (sample will follow).

The method I'm currently working on is a Private Shared method that populates a list of business objects using records from a data table. I'm having a problem building the property setter via IL. I'm getting an object reference error, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I believe the error comes from the "target" being Nothing, but the parameter I'm passing as the target is not Nothing at the time of invocation. Here are some snippets of what I've got so far:

'class declaration -- TList is strongly-typed list of T
Public MustInherit Class DataAccessBase(Of T, TList)
'delegate declaration


I'm assuming the obj is not being passed correctly as the target, thus causing the target to be Nothing.

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Dynamic Property Setter With Linq Expressions?

Jan 5, 2011

I want to create a simple function that does the following:

Sub SetValue(Of TInstance As Class, TProperty)(
ByVal instance As TInstance,
ByVal [property] As Expression(Of Func(Of TInstance, TProperty)),


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Find An Object With A Given Property Value From A List?

Oct 8, 2010

This Questions has properties QuestionID and QuestionAnswer. While iterating through this List of Question in foreach, I have to find .QuestionID = 12. If I find .QuestionID = 12 then I have to immediately assign a value to .QuestionAnswer = "SomeText" of .QuestionID = 14.

I don't want iterate again inside .QuestionId = 12' to find.QuestionID = 14` again.

Is there any way I can go directly to .QuestionID = 14 using LINQ?[code]...

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Find List Index For A Given Property Value?

Aug 15, 2011

Ive got two lists (each representing a table in a DB, so they are related). lstTransaction has t_id, date, and cust_id. lstCustomer has Name, and cust_id.For each item in lstTransaction Id like to find the index in lstCustomer where lstCustomer.cust_id = lstTransaction.cust_id.

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List Of T Find Date Or Other Property In A Object In The List - Then Return Found Object?

Sep 3, 2009

After reading all the examples for list of T exists and Find and find first, none show how to handle multi-property objects. Below is bare bones example maybe someone could flesh out to show how this should be done.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim DatePriceList As New List(Of DateAndPrice)
DatePriceList.Add(New DateAndPrice(Date.Parse("1/1/2000"), 10.12))
DatePriceList.Add(New DateAndPrice(Date.Parse("1/2/2000"), 11.12))


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Moq's VerifySet Be Called - "Expression Is Not A Property Setter Invocation"?

Apr 10, 2010

I am trying to test that a property has been set but when I write this as a unit test: moqFeed.VerifySet(Function(m) m.RowAdded = "Row Added") moq complains that "Expression is not a property setter invocation" My complete code is


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Fluent NHibernate Not Mapping Child Rows To A Collection Property (DB2 Database)

Nov 4, 2011

The tables described herein both utilize composite keys. I have a parent table that stores eligibility information per "case". The child table stores eligibility information regarding each individual associated with the case. The child records are differentiated by pin number to make them unique in the child table only.

I am using NHibernate v3.1 with Fluent NHibernate v1.2, both acquired via NuGet packages. The entities are mapped in using the Fluent NHibernate auto-mapper functionality. Any custom mapping is done in the mapping override method for each entity.

Another thing to know is that these tables do not have a "primary key" defined in DB2. They only have "unique keys", which are what you see in the composite key definition below (see code).

T0026_AG_ELIG is the name of the parent table and the corresponding POCO class.
T0265_AG_IN_ELIG is the name of the child table and the corresponding POCO class.


The problem is that when I execute the query, all the data is queried, the parent record is successfully mapped to the class, but the returned child rows do not map into the collection on the parent class. NHibernate does generate the queries for the parent and child data. When I execute my own query against the database, the correct data for the conditions does come back. For some reason, the child records are just not being bound to the property on the parent (T0026) class.


What do I need to do to get the multiple rows coming back from T0265_AG_IN_ELIG to map to their corresponding class and load properly into the specified collection property on the parent class (T0026_AG_ELIG)?

Collection Property of Parent (T0026_AG_ELIG):

Public Overridable Property IndividualEligibilityRecords As IList(Of T0265_AG_IN_ELIG)
Mapping Override for Parent (T0026_AG_ELIG):
mapping.CompositeId() _


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Handle Property Mappings To Other Domain Classes That Aren't Yet Mapped With NHibernate?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm working on a project to replace ADO.NET data access logic using NHibernate where we're not able to map the entire domain model at once. This means we'll have domain classes with property mappings to other domain classes that aren't yet mapped with NHibernate.

Consider a Person class with an Address property (Address being a domain object without an NH mapping and Person being the class I'm mapping). How can I include Address in the Person mapping without creating an entire mapping for Address? Is it possible to call legacy (ADO.NET) data access logic from a custom PropertyAccessor? If so, is it reasonable?

*I asked this within another question here but didn't get a response. I'm hoping to get one in a more concise question.

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.net - NHIbernate NHibernate Attempts To Execute A Database Update During CreateQuery Execution?

Mar 10, 2010

Basically, I wish to fetch a filtered set of objects from the database (Oracle 9.2) based on the id property of the object PsalertsEvent. The code being executed is:

Public Overloads Function GetAll(ByVal laterThan As Long, ByVal filteredPsalertsEvents As IList) As IList Implements IPsalertsEventRepo.GetAll
'Get all psalerts events with an ID greater then the specified laterThan parameter
filteredPsalertsEvents = MyBase.NHibernateSession.CreateQuery("from PsalertsEvent p where p.id > " & laterThan).List


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MS Entity Framework VS NHibernate And Its Derived Contribs (FluentNHibernate, Linq For NHibernate)?

Feb 4, 2010

I just read this article about the Entity Framework 4 (actually version 2).Entity Framework seems to offer a huge improvement over its first release. Thus, I have never ever used EF in any project, since I think EF is not mature enough in comparison to NHibernate.NHibernate and its current contributions of FluentNHibernate and Linq for NHibernate by Ayende RahienMy feeling is that Microsoft is solely trying to gain terrain it has lost in favor of NHibernate when the 2nd version of NHibernate came out.Nevertheless, my concerns are the followings (not in particular order):Will EF4 tend to be less XML-verbose?Will EF4 be compatible with other underlying datastore than just SQL Server?What are the greatest benefits of going with EF4 instead of FluentNHibernate or NHibernate itself.

NHibernate is a great tool, I guess everyone agrees. Due to its predecessor Hibernate, we may easily find documentions and tutorials and sample applications to get acquainted with it. This is not the case for FluentNHibernate. Particularly as per the project I'm working on right now which demands that I investigate further about NHibernate and its options (FluentNHibernate for instance) in order to document the rules of usage and the best practices of NHibernat and FluentNHibernate technology. Thus, being handcuffed with VB.NET, being a C-Style developer, I can't find some syntax equivalencies in VB.NET for the examples provided, though I made I way so far

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VS 2008 .NET For NHibernate And Fluent NHibernate?

Oct 26, 2010

I would like to ask if you can use VB.NET for NHibernate and Fluent Nhibernate?I have searched the web, but I can't seem to get a detailed or explicit statement that tells that one can use VB.NET for NHibernate and with Fluent.

Many of the samples in the NHibernate site are made in C#. That's why I was wondering if I can't use VB.NET when using NHibernate.

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LINQ Doesn't See To Fit Anywhere Else ... MIN / MAX On A Projection?

May 5, 2011

I have the following VB:


The above fails... am wondering how I can get the above to work without iterating over

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LINQ Question Doesn't See To Fit Anywhere Else... MIN / MAX On A Projection ?

Nov 16, 2010

I have the following VB:


The above fails... am wondering how I can get the above to work without iterating over NGL... thx!

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IDE :: Make A Property In A Property Grid A List Box In 2010?

Feb 21, 2011

I have the following property in a property grid in VB.Net 2010.

<Description("Rapid Entry Post Car Wash Settings CarWashOptionPushButtons"), _
Category("Post Car Wash")> _
Public Property CarWashOptionPushButtons() As String


I need to make this property a list box that gets the values from a database table and populates the list box with the values from the table. I have tried numerous things to no avail.

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.net - Linq-to-Entities: LEFT OUTER JOIN With WHERE Clause And Projection?

Oct 18, 2010

how to translate a simple SQL LEFT OUTER JOIN with a two condition where clause into a working Linq-to-Entities query. There are only two tables. I need values for all rows from Table1, regardless of matches in Table2, but the WHERE clause uses fields from Table2. In SQL, the two parameters would be Table2WhereColumn1 and Table2WhereColumn2, and the query (which works) looks like this:

SELECT t1.Table1Id,


I've tried using Group Join with DefaultIfEmpty(), as well as an implicit join (without the actual Join keyword), and I only get rows for items that have values in Table2. I'm sure this won't help, but here's an example of the Linq I've been trying that doesn't work:

Public Shared Function GetProfilePreferencesForCedent(ByVal dc As EntityContext, _
ByVal where1 As Int32, _
ByVal where2 As Int32) _


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Determine If Property Is Generic List<of T> Via Reflection And Loop List Items

Oct 1, 2009

I'm looping all the properties in an object via reflection:

For Each p As PropertyInfo In values.[GetType]().GetProperties()
If p.CanRead Then
'Do stuff
End If

how to determine whether the property in question is a generic List(Of T)? If it is I need to loop the list itself.

I've experimented with GetType and TypeOf but have not managed to get anything working.

To clarify, I want to keep this generic. I do not want to specify the type of T, I need to loop the list items and call the ToString method on each item. T could be one of a number of different types (application specific reference types). Is it possible to do this without specifying types?

(VB.NET 2005 with .Net 2.0)

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.net - List.Contains Based On A Property Of A List Item?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a List myList of MyObjects. Is it possible to check if myList contains a particular myObject based on a property of myObject in VB.NET? In C#, you'd something similar to this right:

myList.Exists(myObject => myObject.property1 == 3)

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.net - Setter Not Visited When Using .Add?

Dec 19, 2011

I am trying to set a flag when a collection is modified - the logical place to do that seemed to be in the setter method. The problem is when I use this code


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Created A Getter And Setter

Aug 12, 2010

I created a getter and Setter in Visual Basic. I have some questions though. Please look at the code below.

A.) At line 1 below, should "pieces" be declared as Private?

B.) In the IDE at lines 4 and 7 the IDE keeps changing those variables to uppercase so that the property name "Pieces" is the same as the variable name "pieces".Should I instead define the integer pieces with an underscore: _pieces ?That is the only way I can get around the IDE forcing the variable to become uppercase. [code]

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Arithmatic Conversion In Getter/Setter

Aug 24, 2010

In my application I need to allow for someone to enter in a floating point value.However that value will be rounded up to an integer.The challenge here is that I am using a getter and setter.If I try and use mixed data types in the getter setter,[code..]

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Properties - Call Setter From Within Getter?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a class like this:

Public Class MyClass
Private _intList As New List(Of Integer)
Private _avg As Decimal


The Getter is calculating average and calls Setter to save the value. For some reason I cannot understand, the average is always 0. For example:

Dim c As New Class2()
Console.WriteLine(c.Avg.ToString()) ' This will print 0

What is the cause of this?

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Can't Find MdiList Property In Vb2008

Jul 2, 2010

I'm working on a project that has to do with making a parent mdi form. I'v created the form but I can't set the MdiList property to true cos I can't find it in the property window. For this reason, my windows menu can't list the opened child windows.

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VS 2005 Cannot Find A Text Box Property?

Jul 10, 2009

i want to use a text box of format shown below:Attachment 71883means the text box will at its end show what the user will input in it as you can see the above text boxes in the figure

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List As A Property?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a class with a property that is a list. Within the Set portion of the property I want to run some code, however the problem is that the code is not executed when the list is modified with something such as List.Add, List.Remove, etc.

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Use Nullable(of T) For Property Using List<of T>?

Jan 17, 2012

In the below sample code, I have tried to use Nullable(of T) for DateTime and I want to use it same of the Dimensions property which is List(of Dimension).


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.net - Get A Class Property To Be A List Array?

Oct 14, 2009

Stack Overflowers:I have been racking my brain trying to get an List(of T) type array to be the property of a class. I know there has to be a simple way of doing it and I can't find a good example on google. Everytime I create a class that I think will work I get the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when I try to use it. My thinking now is that I cannot use it in the way I was hoping to. Here is my latest attempt:

Public Class Item
Private _itemno As String
Public Property ItemNo() As String


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