Not Responding On FTP Upload

May 31, 2011

Not responding on FTP upload. Code I'm using


It does uploads everything according to the way I want it to but the problem is.. It becomes not responding when uploading big sized file.

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Visual Basic - Upload Progress Bar For File Upload?

May 11, 2012

i have this code, how do i incorporate a progress bar into it? Private Sub btn_upload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_upload.Click


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Using Uploadify Or JQuery File Upload For CSV Upload In ASP.NET

Oct 24, 2011

Rather than using a Handler(.ashx), is it possible to use a web service(.asmx) to upload?

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Have 2 Form Responding On Each Other?

May 9, 2011

i want to have 2 form responding on eachother. for example:

in form 1:
1 textbox and a button
in forum 2
1 label

and when you press the button the label 1 form 2 will change in the text from forum 1. i know the code haves to be something like:


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Udp Client Not Responding?

Apr 8, 2009

i have nearly finished my game matchmaker now and im stuck on one final thing... this is how the app works...form load -> read line by line from a text file -> query each line(witch is an ip) -> display the data in a line in a listbox... this loops round for each line(ip) in the text file and make a new line in listbox each time... all works just right im very happy... now for the problem im having...

while this loop is running if the query finds an ip that is not online (game server is not up) it just stops and dose nothing atall BUT if i make a seperate query for say 2-3 ips with the ip hard coded so it takes the loop out if an ip is not online it tells me server is offline so is there anyway i could make this do a timeout or something... like if the server dont respond withing 5 seconds it closes the connection to that query and moves on?? my code is below for all of the above..

ListBox1.Items.Add("Users" + "|" + "Race Lenength " + " | " + "Track" + " | " + "Realisum" + " | " + "Server IP" + " | " + "Server Name")


View 5 Replies

Array List Not Responding

Dec 15, 2011

I have two arraylists. The JobArraylist gets adresses from a database table and JobIDArray Gets the ID for those addresses.I'm populating a Combobox with the JobArrayList which is working ok.When I select a an address in the combobox I use the sectectindex to get the AdressID from JobIDArray.My Issue is when I have duplicate addresses the JobIDArray always returns the the ID for the last Address. not the select one.[code]...

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Button Not Responding When Clicked?

May 8, 2012

I have partially coded a project seen below:

Public Class frmBroadwaytickets
'Defining the cost per ticket
Const _cdecticketprice As Decimal = 153.5D


My btndisplay cost works, but my btnexitprogram does not close the application when clicked. I've ensured the button is correctly named and enabled. But when I click it does not close out, I use this simple code in other programs and it works.

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Form With A Progress Bar Is Not Responding?

Mar 23, 2009

I need to import a text file into a SQL Database.Beside the button import, I have a progress bar on the form The text file has almost 300.000 records and affter some time it appears on the title bar "Not Responding" and progress bar stops updating.I've reading on forun something about Threads and background processes, but I don't want beleave that for a simple progress bar to work it must have such amount of code.simple way of import all those records.

View 1 Replies Not Responding?

Jun 8, 2012

I am new to programming. I am trying to connect to a device using TCP/IP.I am trying to send a command "Z<CR>" where Z is a character and <CR> is a ASCII value of 13. How can i do this in one statement?

I have written following code, but my program stops responding at .read statement:


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Remote Server Not Responding?

May 22, 2012

i'm trying to connect to a website using httpwebrequest() in a VB.NET application
It is working fine for facebook website.

But when i try to connect to jsp coded sites. it is displaying "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."

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Responding To A Popup - Automatically

Dec 6, 2011

I am trying to write a program that will automate a process that goes into a website, and then checks whether certain file has been updated, every 30 minutes. Everything works fine so far, except the annoying popup: when the program attempts to sign in to the website, a popup dialog box appears and asks the user to validate by clicking "OK" before signing in. I can either use my mouse to click on the "OK" button on the popup, or hit the "Enter" key to kill the popup and then proceed...


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VS 2008 If Cph >= 4.2 Then ... Not Responding Correctly?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a block of code that has a test for a variable I use. The Code doesn't respond correctly when the variable Cph which is declared as a double is at 4.2.

If Cph < 4.1 Then
ElseIf Cph >= 4.1 And Cph < 4.2 Then


View 7 Replies

VS 2008 Tell If A Window Is Responding?

Apr 7, 2010

Is there a way to get all the windows that are active and if they are not responding close them down?

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VS2010 Not Responding After Publish?

Jan 4, 2012

I've recently tried to "publish" my vs2010 app, and ever since then, that particular program isn't working. It's taking minutes to build where it used to be seconds and if it enters a breakpoint, vs2010 quits responding.I did "repair" vs2010 and that didn't help. I also ran a program I was working on previously and it builds and debugs just fine, so I know it's not VS2010, but has something to do with the solution that I "published". Prior to publishing, everything was running just fine.Is there anyway to undo whatever action or event I somehow triggered?

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Window Form Not Responding

Jan 31, 2012

I am trying to develop Window application which used Skype to make call.

When the call in progress,It would not allow me to click on any form element.

My whole application are not responding when i check in "task Manager".

I try to used thread as well as background worker but not work for me.

View 7 Replies - Web Service Seems To Time Out 1min Before Responding

Dec 19, 2011

So I have a .NET web service running and when i debug locally and run the service local to my machine a request takes ~4s. However when i push the project to my web server, the exact same request now takes ~1m. I feel as if the request should only take ~5s. I am not sure what I have set wrong. Here are my fiddler results:


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Bulls And Cows Game - Not Responding Right

Jun 3, 2011

I have decided to create Bulls and Cows game for my project. I have been checking for it's correctness. But it behaves bad in some cases. Like when I have already guessed the word it doesn't respond right. This happened rarely but I can conclude that it still is not right. I get words from a notepad file randomly.

Some initializations
dim str as string
str = TextBox1.Text
str2 = str.ToCharArray()
Dim str3(100) As Char
Dim str4(100) As Char
Public Sub checkbulls(ByVal guess1 As String)
[Code] .....

View 4 Replies

Compiled Code Not Responding Same As Developer?

Oct 27, 2010

I have completed a small VB console app to read data from a BT card scanner. From within the VS2010 developer the app runs as desired, capturing the data and displaying it on screen with console.writeline().When I compile and execute the code either from the debug bin version or the release bin version, the app only captures the first few bytes then closes. All the code is within the Module1 Sub Main. Is there a compile setting or other property that I need to adjust?

View 11 Replies

Forms :: Progress Bar Stopped Responding?

Dec 21, 2009

I'm using vs2008 programming in I'm currently working on a project that reads miscellaneous text files and imports data into a sql database accordingly (Reads line, imports, loops until finished). There are 75k-150k imports to do. I tested it out the other day before using a progress bar, it takes about 5-10 minutes and works fine.

The issue I have is that while importing, if you click anywhere on the form, it will say not responding and will continue to import, but users using the program might be mistaken and think the program has locked up. I thought a progress bar would solve this, since it is responding back while the imports are going on in the background. However, the progress bar works, but as soon as you click anything on the form, it again says not responding and the progress bar stops moving (the imports will complete however). How can I isolate this import process so it can do this in the background, but will not affect the rest of the program?

View 16 Replies

KeyDown And KeyPress Events Not Responding

Mar 7, 2009

In the application I'm working on I use F1 and also a right mouse click to close the application since the graphics display full screen and there's no control in the upper right corner to close with. I use a good number of different keypresses to control things and everything works fine. When I switch away from the form that the applications starts in to a different form I'm not getting any response from either a KeyDown or a KeyPress event. Maybe someone knows what's going on. The ButtonClick and MouseDown events are responding just fine but for some reason the KeyDown and KeyPress events aren't. Below is code for one of the Forms that is unresponsive in this way. [code]...

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Multi Thread - Application Not Responding

Jan 21, 2012

this is my first post and my knowledge of Visual Basic is still in its infancy (this is my first real attempt at app that is any use) however I am trying to develop an application to delete user profile and home directory folders.

I have the application working but the problem is with the application hanging (I understand this to be due to it running as a single thread and the main form gets ignored while the deletion is occuring) during the deletion process, I have tried various ways to resolve this such as starting the delete procedure as a new thread but cant get it to work without the hang.


View 1 Replies Not Responding

Jan 20, 2012


This code is put within a timer that executes every 3 seconds. ( instead of a while loop ) Whenever I run this code, the program takes time to upload the files in the folder to the ftp server, and it becomes (not responding), but it doesn't stop working, after the "not reponding" message, it reponds, but then it becomes not responding.. this is making the uploading process very Slow. I've heard so many things about application.doevents() and Threading and etc.

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Net Not Responding, Application.DoEvents And Threading?

Mar 8, 2009

My mdi VB.Net application performs a long operation on some data. Ideally I should use a separate thread to prevent the dreaded "Not Responding" message.My problem is if I use a separate thread users then have the ability to click on other controls in the application which can directly affect the operation my background thread is working on, creating an error.

Is there any way to prevent all the mdi windows, toolbars and other controls from receiving mouse clicks and keyboard input during my background thread's operation?

Or is there a way to clear the message que before performing a Application.DoEvents?

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Prevent (Not Responding) Message On Title Bar?

Dec 27, 2010

My application reads a table while updating, adding and deletting certain records automatically. Since this process often takes a while (about 2 minutes), the title bar of the application shows the message (Not responding) with the application title. This message disapears when my program finishes and closes the tables.Is there a way to prevent this message from showing? It does not affect the functionality of the programam but I dont want the client to think the program is faulty.

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Published Program Not Responding To Mouse Down

Jul 11, 2010

I have written a very simple program to simulate the operation of some electrical relays which respond to buttons pressed on a form.The important thing in the program is the pick and drop times of the relays so I use about 40 timers to simulate the operation
of the relays each stimulated either by another timer or the operation of a mousedown operation over an area of the window which has a GIF background.

The program works great when simulated within VB2010 Xpress but when I publish and install on either of my 2 laptops it freezes and does not respond to the mousedown procedures. It seems slightly better if I don't enable XP visual syles but still does not respond enough to be used. I am running 12 procs each time a continous timer runs out but altering the value of the timer does not make any difference. I've also noticed if I minimise the window and reopen the window it does move on slightly but still never responds to the mouse.

Also the timers in the program for the relay times seem to work at strange values and not those set sometimes? It seems to work OK on my main PC if I install it

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Randomly Freezes And Stops Responding?

Mar 13, 2010

My application randomly freezes and stops responding for some reason. A window comes up and says "svhost.exe not responding". My application is big, and I have no idea where to start or how to figure out why it's freezing. I wish I could give you details, but the only thing I can tell you is that my program runs for a random time between 5-20 seconds, then freezes

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Threading Makes My Program Not Responding?

Feb 12, 2012

here is my script:

Private Sub UpdateThread()
Dim AppDir As String = Application.StartupPath()


It does perfectly the UpdateThread task, but program just hangs.

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VS 2005 Debugging A Not Responding Application

May 7, 2009

I can pause the application and see that it thinks no threads are running so no call stack. The other projects in the same solution are all responding fine, just this one stalls. I can not think of any way to work out what it was doing at time of stall, I have no event logs, no breakpoints, there is no particular thing I can check for in my own logging system (which is quite extensive) that shows where/why/what the application is hanging for. Any clues on how to solve/investigate? To add, this is on a Vista box, but not able to move the system to anything else (source controlled) until I can find out what this is. Its an avenue I can go down if required however.

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VS 2008 : Email Program Not Responding?

Jun 3, 2011

I am making a mass emailing system that reads off of a xml document and sends an email based on the stored object made from the XML tags.This program will have to send hundreds if not thousands of emails out. I made a test XML document with 160 emails to be sent out to my address.The program gets a (not responding) after about 10-15 emails, (although it keeps sending). Also the email sent counter lable doesn't change at all during the sending, the progress bar works however.Also, when I tried running it it stopped at 140 emails.

' Algorithm
' Show the progress bar
ProgressBar.Visible = True


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VS 2010 - Project Not Responding To Code Changes

Nov 9, 2011

I'm using VB 2010 Express Edition(Registered) and after about a week of coding, the changes I write no longer works. Example, when I comment a line it still executes as if it wasn't 'commented'. Even my menus are not showing the right items.

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