OleDb - Make Path To Database Relative And Save Database?

May 1, 2012

1. First off, how do I make my path to my database relative? The path is currently absolute and is: Data Source=J:/College/AS_DSFinalDatabase1.accdb

2. Second of all, where do I save my database in the project? I want it to be included in like project folders...kind of like the App_Data folder in ASP.Net.

3. I'm recieving an error whenever I try to populate more than 1 DataGridView upon form load for some reason...I've tried 5 different ways of writing the code, and I get the same error...there's no error description, so does anyone know what the issue is? Here's the error:

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Setting A Relative Path For A Database?

Jun 11, 2010

i have so far set up a form to save data into a database and i am using:


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Setting A Relative Path To A Database?

Mar 11, 2010

i have so far set up a form to save data into a database and i am using:

con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0.;" & _
"Data Source = F:Database1.mdb"

I tried saving the database as i did with images in the resource folder and used my.resources but this didnt work is there any way i can save the database into the project folder and link to it no matter whan machine i am on?

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Error When Changing Path Connect To Database As Relative

Jan 12, 2010

I created a project in vb.net which is connected with database. The problem appeared when i changed the path which connect with the database, i made it relative. So some of the forms which contain the connection are working properly but in one form i got this error: [Code]

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Save Image In Directory Path And Also Save Path In Database?

Jun 11, 2011

i want save image in directory path and also save path in database...sqlserver 2005 and retrieve in in same folder and path?

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Make A File Path Relative?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a file path like this:

C:Documents and SettingsusernameMy DocumentsProgram NameFormDataGForm1Music.mp3

I need to change it from that to this:FormDataGForm1Music.mp3

The only problem is, that the rest of the file path could change but that.

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Way To Make File Path 'relative'

Aug 17, 2009

I have a form with a tabbed control on it. Each tab in the control simply loads an existing file in a reader to display to the user. I have added the files in a folder in my project. When I debug it works great. However, when I publish and move it to another computer, the program runs fine but none of the files show in the tab control tabs. The files do come with the solution when I publish.[code]I know there is a way to make the file path "relative" but I cannot figure out how and there really isn't many resources available to explain how this can be done.

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How To Save Tha Path Of The Files To Database

May 18, 2012

i'm Uploading files to my pc waht i want is to know how to save tha path of the files to my database and use the path to download the files

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Save Image Path In Database?

Nov 10, 2010

how to Save image path in Database using Vb.net?

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Make An Oledb Connection To An Access Database : Invalid Authorization Specification

Sep 15, 2007

I am trying to make an oledb connection to an Access database.

1. I added a component class.It said drag from the toolbox to add components.

2. I dragged over the Oledbconnection and OledbdataAdapter

3. I clicked on new connection string for the oldeb Connection and try to connect to the SHX.mdb datababase in the debug/ bin folder I don't have a username or password for the database and do not want to set one up.( is this possible in .net?)

4.As soon as I try to test the connection, I get the "invalid authorization specification" message. I can't get past this and do not really understand why I am getting this message.I have vb 2005 standard edition, not express edition.The exact same thing happens when I try to set up the data adapter to the shx.mdb database.

I am on XP2 and not logged in with a password or username. Could this be the issue or is there something else I am overlooking.Also, since I am coming from vb6 and ADO is there anyway to just write the code without having to use datasets, adapters and oledb connections to bound controls?

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Database Insert ID Using A OleDB Connection To A Access Database

Jan 2, 2010

I'm using a OleDB connection to a access database. I'm entering a row into the database to set some user preferences. What i need to get is get back the row ID of the row I just entered. I'm more familiar with PHP and with PHP I use use this entry


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Make Setup Of Project Then Crystal Reports Keeps Old Database Path

Jun 22, 2010

When i make Setup of my project then my crystal reports keeps old database path how can i resolve it please help me.

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Access A File Using Relative Path Or Virtual Path?

May 22, 2012

I am trying to read and display a file using MapPath as follows :

Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"
Dim FilePath As String = MapPath("../Document/123.pdf")

This procedure will work fine and display in the browser. However, if I save the file to C:Document123.pdf, how can I access this file using relative path in MapPath function. Is there an option to access the file which is saved out of IIS server? I am using vb.net 2003.

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URL Getting Absolute Path From Relative Path ?

Mar 7, 2011

Say URL1: http:[url].....
RelativePath: ../../hello.htm

Hence absolute path is http:[url].....

Is there a function that do that?

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Make Several Textboxes Save Values To A Text Document Or Database And Then Open It Up Again?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm trying to make a Doctor's program where the doctor has to enter the patients detail into several text boxes (Name, Age, Address...). So, after he has entered all the information, he would want to save it somehow so he could open up the information
again. How would i do that. I thought it could be saved in a database, or even in a text file.

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Relative Path Name In .NET?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to open a text file in a program I've created but it won't work unless I specify it as an absolute file path. I can't seem to make a relative path name.

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Save Data In Microsoft Access Database And Retrieving It Back From Database?

Nov 19, 2010

can anyone teach me how to save data in microsoft access database and retrieving it back from database?[code]so, how do i save it in that and how do i load their data by typing their ic no only..

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Database Sql Server Compact Edition 2005 - Save In A Database - Column Cannot Contain Null Values

Oct 15, 2009

Ive created one database Sql Server Compact Edition 2005, with one table ("Cliente") I know that I can created my database good, but i have a problem saving information since three textbox, in my table(With columns "Nombre" "Apellido" "Cliente". In my form there is a button save ("Guardar"). When I do click in my button appear the next message : "The column cannot contain null values. [ Column name = Nombre,Table name = Cliente ] " and happen the same with apellido and Id_Cliente. And this happen becouse my code cant save the information....

This is the code

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data


And the code for my button is:

Private Sub cmdguardar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdguardar.Click

Dim myconnection As SqlCeConnection
Dim mycommand As SqlCeCommand


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Getting Value From Database (OLEDB)?

Feb 20, 2009

All I want to do is get a value from the database and display it via a message box.

I'm using Oracle 10 with VB 2005.


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Relative Path To An Image?

Sep 19, 2010

i am trying to create an application with with a tree view on the left and a list view on the other (which functions like a explorer )but i need a folder icon in both tree vies and list view it is only working as complete path C:Documents and Settings6025DesktopAccessProviderclose.jpgbut when you deploy this application the location always changes where shall i copy my images? and how can i locate itPlease see my code

Private Sub AddAllFolders(ByVal TNode As TreeNode, ByVal FolderPath As String)
Dim imageListSmall As New ImageList()
TreeView1.ImageList = imageListSmall


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Set The Relative Path Of A Exe File In .net?

Feb 11, 2010

set the relative path of a exe file in .net?

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Ms Access Database And OleDb?

Apr 18, 2010

I have an Access table ("Titles") which is connected to VB.Net using OleDb. The connection variable is conTitles.Some of the column in the table are 'No' and 'Status'.

In the Form, I have a textbox (txtTitleNo) and a button (BtnReserve).I want to put a number in the textbox, and then when I click the button, I want the 'Status' column with the corresponding number to be changed to 'Reserved'.


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Using OleDB To Search A Database

Aug 1, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2010 express and Microsoft Access 2003. I have a database with 15 columns that I'm try to retrieve data from using a search button. [Code]

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Open PDF File With A Relative Path?

Aug 4, 2009

I am working with Visual Studio 2008 to concieve a small program.pdf file is supposed to open when a button is pressed. It work great with the code:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("<Full File Path>")

Only, I would like to place the pdf file in the project's folder and that would open wherever the project's folder is (on the Desktop, a USB port, anywhere).

1- How to get this relative path?

2- in which folder to put the pdf?

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Relative Path Names VB2010

Apr 21, 2011

I'm trying to write a little Jukebox application in VB Forms, and I need the pathnames of the sound files (inTracks"Insert Name Here") to be relative instead of absolute, so that it may work on a different computer to mine. At the moment, I am testing with the simple Soundplayer class, and the single line of code to play a song is this: My.Computer.Audio.Play("inTracks" & txtCurrentlyPlaying.Text) It works when, instead of inTracks, I put the full pathname (C:Documents And Settings etc.), but not when I try a relative path such as this.

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Sql - Relative Path Connection String .net?

Mar 30, 2011

Possible Duplicate: SQL Express Connection string - Relative to application location

I have a desktop application written in vb.net. The app uses an SQL Server express 2008 database (.mdf file).Currently i have the connection string as absolute path like this:

Dim ObjConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UsersPantheoDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsFood Manager 2012(new)Food Manager 2012Food_CustomerDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")


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Sql - Relative Path Connection String?

Jun 5, 2012

Possible Duplicate: SQL Express Connection string - Relative to application location I have a desktop application written in vb.net. The app uses an SQL Server express 2008 database (.mdf file).Currently i have the connection string as absolute path like this:

Dim ObjConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UsersPantheoDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsFood Manager 2012(new)Food Manager 2


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Create Database In MS Access Using Oledb?

Jun 5, 2011

do you Create Database in MS Access Using Oledb in vb.net?

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Drop A Database In MS Access Using Oledb?

Jun 6, 2011

Is it possible to drop an MS Access Database using Oledb in VB.Net?

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Get Data From Access Database Using Oledb

Jul 19, 2010

i am developing a project on "sigmoid investment solution" where i have a form where i have to enter all the recent BUY/SELL of shares. and after inserting each record i need a BUY AVG and a SELL AVG. i am using oledb connection to connect to a access database. i want to use the following sql command SELECT AVG(Price_field) FROM table_name WHERE buy_sell="BUY"..i want this result to display on a text box in the form. What is the code to connect to data base executing the query and displaying the result in a textbox.

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