Getting Value From Database (OLEDB)?

Feb 20, 2009

All I want to do is get a value from the database and display it via a message box.

I'm using Oracle 10 with VB 2005.


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OleDb - Make Path To Database Relative And Save Database?

May 1, 2012

1. First off, how do I make my path to my database relative? The path is currently absolute and is: Data Source=J:/College/AS_DSFinalDatabase1.accdb

2. Second of all, where do I save my database in the project? I want it to be included in like project folders...kind of like the App_Data folder in ASP.Net.

3. I'm recieving an error whenever I try to populate more than 1 DataGridView upon form load for some reason...I've tried 5 different ways of writing the code, and I get the same error...there's no error description, so does anyone know what the issue is? Here's the error:

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VS 2008 Database Insert ID Using A OleDB Connection To A Access Database

Jan 2, 2010

I'm using a OleDB connection to a access database. I'm entering a row into the database to set some user preferences. What i need to get is get back the row ID of the row I just entered. I'm more familiar with PHP and with PHP I use use this entry


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Ms Access Database And OleDb?

Apr 18, 2010

I have an Access table ("Titles") which is connected to VB.Net using OleDb. The connection variable is conTitles.Some of the column in the table are 'No' and 'Status'.

In the Form, I have a textbox (txtTitleNo) and a button (BtnReserve).I want to put a number in the textbox, and then when I click the button, I want the 'Status' column with the corresponding number to be changed to 'Reserved'.


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Using OleDB To Search A Database

Aug 1, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2010 express and Microsoft Access 2003. I have a database with 15 columns that I'm try to retrieve data from using a search button. [Code]

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Create Database In MS Access Using Oledb?

Jun 5, 2011

do you Create Database in MS Access Using Oledb in

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Drop A Database In MS Access Using Oledb?

Jun 6, 2011

Is it possible to drop an MS Access Database using Oledb in VB.Net?

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Get Data From Access Database Using Oledb

Jul 19, 2010

i am developing a project on "sigmoid investment solution" where i have a form where i have to enter all the recent BUY/SELL of shares. and after inserting each record i need a BUY AVG and a SELL AVG. i am using oledb connection to connect to a access database. i want to use the following sql command SELECT AVG(Price_field) FROM table_name WHERE buy_sell="BUY"..i want this result to display on a text box in the form. What is the code to connect to data base executing the query and displaying the result in a textbox.

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How To Connect An Access Database Without Using OLEDB

Oct 13, 2010

I wonder is there another way to connect,edit access database with out using OLEDB command.I want to insert,delete data from access table without using oledb.

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Efficiency Of Oledb - Got 10+ Users Using Files, Via A Oledb To Put Info Into An Excel Spreadsheet

Oct 18, 2010

Just wondering if i might hit a snag in my program. Ive got 10+ users using the same files, via a Oledb to put info into an excel spreadsheet. If 2 or more people save there file at the same time will the program go into read only on one person. Normally one 3 will use the file at one time. I know Sql itself would be better to use. best way i can describe it, normally using excel if you manage to open the same file twice one opens as normal but the other opens as a Read only file, will the same thing happen if im using Oledb connections?

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OleDB Login Screen Database Connection?

Apr 19, 2009

I am trying to create a log in screen for my program using data from an access database. I am trying to load the data from the database so that I can use it to check if a username and password combination is valid.

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Update Access Database Via OleDB From DataGridView?

Sep 2, 2010

I have been scouring these forums and the internet in general as well as doing a lot of reading, all to no avail. I can not seem to successfully update the Access database from an edited DataGridView. I am trying to use Stored Procedures that are in the Access database and work fine therein. The DGV is filled in properly. I have tried an ever-increasing number of variants to update the database (Private Sub BtnUpdate...) without success. [cod]e....

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What Are The Differences Between Using OLEDB And ODP.NET To Connect To An Oracle Database

Aug 27, 2010

I have two small VB.NET applications that connect to the same Oracle database. One uses the OLEDB provider, and the other uses Oracle's ODP.NET. Should I expect to see problems with the OLEDB provider, as it's less 'native' to Oracle?

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C# - Connecting To ACCDB Format MS-ACCESS Database Through OLEDB?

Mar 3, 2010

I've recently made another question about connecting to MS-ACCESS database with .NET in C# or VB.NET. It worked just as intended with MDB, but with accdb it caused an exception in

conn.Open();which follows:

Is there another way to do this? My original intention (like stated in the original question) is gathering some (actually, a lot of) fields.

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Loop Until Last Record .Net, OLEDB, Access Database, Bindingnavigator?

Apr 24, 2009

If (Tech_TextBox.Text <> "9999") Then
If File.Exists(ExportFolder + "" + Tech_TextBox.Text + ".pdf") Then
txtRouted.Text = txtRouted.Text + vbLf + Tech_TextBox.Text
myFileName = (ExportFolder + "" + Tech_TextBox.Text + ".pdf")
If cbPDFPrint.Checked Then
Dim MyProcess As New Process


I have created an auto emailer to distribute our work routes for my colleagues. Problem is I made it easy for the management team to update the list. List is ordered by Tech Number, First name, Last name, Email address.

I have coded this in VB.NET 2008 using Database sources and drag-n-drop the table on the form. I let VB do most of the coding of the connection and text boxes. (IE If (Tech_TextBox.Text <> "9999") Then)What I would like to do, instead of using a bogus tech number as an exit. I need an 'IF Then" or 'DO UNTIL' after last record.

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OleDB Parameter - Inserting DateTime Entry Into Database

Nov 25, 2011

I am inserting data from to oracle but I am unable to insert datetime except date into oracle. I want to insert date and also time of entry into database:

cmd.Parameters.Add(":STARTING_DATE", (OleDb.OleDbType.[Date].))
cmd.Parameters(":STARTING_DATE").Value = DateTime.Now()
cmd.Parameters(":STARTING_DATE").Value = txtStartDate.Text

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Populate Listbox From Access Database Using Oledb Datareader

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to populate a listbox from an access database. It is a scheduling database. First my users pick a room they would like to add an event to, then a date. after the date is selected, id like the listbox to populate with meeting titles corresponding to the date they selected. The code so far looks like this:


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DB/Reporting :: Export MSAccess (OLEDB) Database To Text File

Aug 7, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2008 (VB.NEt). I've created a project which
connects to a Microsoft Access Database (OLEDB) & displays the records using textboxes in the windows app.

I need to add a button which exports the database to a fixed length text file. Does anyone know the code I would use to do this?

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VS 2008 Get Permission Denied Error While Accessing A Database Via OleDB

Jan 28, 2010

I've got a problem whereby I get Permission Denied while accessing a database via OleDB. I know how to unlock this but i'm not permitted to do so. I was wondering if ODBC would work? I'm not sure on the settings around this on my the PC where I'm going to use this application but wonder if this has less security around it. your thoughts until I can test this next week. Or is there another way you may know that I can use a database. (access)

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VS 2010 SQL Syntax For SELECT INTO - Using OLEDB To Connect To An MSAccess Database

May 31, 2011

I'm using OLEDB to connect to an MSAccess database and would like to know which is the correct syntax to get a value from the database and store it into a variable. I'm using the following syntax but it is not working: getStock = "SELECT Stock INTO " & stkActual & " FROM PECAS WHERE PECA_ID = " & Val(Me.PECA_IDTextBox.Text)

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'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' Was Unhandled When Database Connection Is Opened?

Dec 18, 2011

During Runtime when it tries to open the connection it throws up this error.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException was unhandled'

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Database Error 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' Provider Is Not Registered On Local Machine

Jun 22, 2009

Microsoft Access is installed on the local machine and I created the database with Access 2007. Will read some of the similiar threads to see if my answer is there?

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Make An Oledb Connection To An Access Database : Invalid Authorization Specification

Sep 15, 2007

I am trying to make an oledb connection to an Access database.

1. I added a component class.It said drag from the toolbox to add components.

2. I dragged over the Oledbconnection and OledbdataAdapter

3. I clicked on new connection string for the oldeb Connection and try to connect to the SHX.mdb datababase in the debug/ bin folder I don't have a username or password for the database and do not want to set one up.( is this possible in .net?)

4.As soon as I try to test the connection, I get the "invalid authorization specification" message. I can't get past this and do not really understand why I am getting this message.I have vb 2005 standard edition, not express edition.The exact same thing happens when I try to set up the data adapter to the shx.mdb database.

I am on XP2 and not logged in with a password or username. Could this be the issue or is there something else I am overlooking.Also, since I am coming from vb6 and ADO is there anyway to just write the code without having to use datasets, adapters and oledb connections to bound controls?

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Database Deleting Rows - Error - Value Of Type String Cannot Be Converted To 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection'

Sep 15, 2010

I have been trying my hand at this for some days now and just cant get anything to work. Below is the code im currently using to delete a row from a database table, the problem when trying to build the project line 5 is giving this error about the value con" Value of type String cannot be converted to 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection' "

Dim con As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=Customers.mdb"
Dim cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(con)


I have also tried using this code below, but to no success. Im basically just looking for something rock soild that i can use to accomplish this task. Been stuck on this for quite a while now.

Me.CustDetailsTableAdapter1.Delete(txtDelCustN.Text, txtDelCustSname.Text, txtDelCustTel.Text, txtDelCustAddr.Text)

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Connect To A Database And Retrive Data Using Oledb Data Provider In Microsoft Access?

May 7, 2009

how to connect to a database and retrive data in a table using oledb data provider in Microsoft access?

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OLEDB Connection - Pull Information From Three Different Database Tables And Compiling The Information Onto One Screen

Jun 9, 2011

The program is currently trying to pull information from three different database tables and compiling the information onto one screen, to do this i am using three different connections and a function to handle the data at each stage. The issue is as my code hits PageLoadStage of "2" and runs the QueryDatabase() Function i am encountering an error of: "OleDB exception unhandled: No value given for one or more of the required parameters." This occurs on line 15 of the first code snippet. Can anyone explain this and/or identify any code issues if that is the cause.


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VS 2008 OleDB - Search My Access Database And Count The Number Of Records In The Column "Type" In Each Group

Feb 13, 2010

I want to search my access database and count the number of records in the column "Type" in each group. For example


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Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Is Not Registered?

Jun 9, 2011

whenever i try to run my program i keep getting this one error:[IMG][/IMG]it works fine in college but on my laptop at home it doesnt seem to work :(does anyone know whats wrong with it and if theres a solution for it?

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Jun 20, 2008

I created a database program when I used Windows XP and now I'm using Vista x64 When I try to run my program I get error message "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0-providers not registerd on your computer. I have looked for solutions everywhere but the only thing I found was for Visual Studio.

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Oledb Add Row And Now.month

Oct 19, 2010

Ive got my code, it add the data but not how i want it, when i add row i wnat it to go to row 1,2,3 and so on but its adding the data to say cell 5000, 5001 and so on. any way to get it go in at number 1 and 2 and what not. Now.month shows as a number how can i get it to reference it as a name so 10=Oct. and can i use it without referencing it into a textbox.


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