OleDB Parameter - Inserting DateTime Entry Into Database

Nov 25, 2011

I am inserting data from vb.net to oracle but I am unable to insert datetime except date into oracle. I want to insert date and also time of entry into database:

cmd.Parameters.Add(":STARTING_DATE", (OleDb.OleDbType.[Date].))
cmd.Parameters(":STARTING_DATE").Value = DateTime.Now()
cmd.Parameters(":STARTING_DATE").Value = txtStartDate.Text

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Inserting DateTime To MS Access Database?

Apr 10, 2012

Dim purchasedatetime As Date = Now
str = "Insert into Customer_Order (Order_Date) values ('" & purchasedate & "')"
cmd = New OleDbCommand(str, cn)
exe = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery

I am trying to insert Default dateTime into my databse however when I run this code it stores date but stores time as 10:00:00, Is there a way I can store the time without the seconds so it is like 10:00?

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Error When Inserting A Parameter In A Query To An Access Database

Sep 2, 2010

I have a form showing a datagrid that is filled with info from an Access database table. The table only has 3 fields: two of them are string type and the third one is boolean. The first String type field is also the primary key (this field is called "clave"). This datagrid is supposed to let the user select one of the rows and then click on a button to delete that row. I'm trying to do that with the following code:


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Error When Inserting A Parameter In A Query To An Access Database?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a form showing a datagrid that is filled with info from an Access database table. The table only has 3 fields: two of them are string type and the third one is boolean. The first String type field is also the primary key (this field is called "clave").This datagrid is supposed to let the user select one of the rows and then click on a button to delete that row. I'm trying to do that with the following code:


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OLEDB To Access 2003 DB - Record Not Inserting?

Mar 29, 2010

I am creating some basic software for our manufacturing department. I am using Visual Studio 2008 using Visual Basic.The software has a user log in. There is a form in which the choose the worker name, the item they were making, how many were made, damaged, or received damaged from the supplierHowever when they click on the "Update" button to insert the record..i get my custom message that it failed and the record is not inserted. I put a TRY...Catch... around the insert query and it didn't generate an error message.I have been following the code in the OLEDB BASICS tutorial so I am not sure what the problem is at this time.

<add name="MFCTData"
connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Data.mdb;Persist Security Info=True"


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Desing A Form Using Ms-access & Oledb Connection Provider For Data Entry

Apr 20, 2010

I want to desing a form using Ms-access & Oledb connection Provider for data entry having following buttons:

1. Add
2. Edit/modify
3. View
4. delete
5. Exit
6. First record
7. Next record
8. previous Record
9. Last Record
11. Cancel
12. find/Search

I want to desing a form using Ms-access & Oledb connection Provider for data entry having following buttons:

1. Add
2. Edit/modify
3. View
4. delete
5. Exit
6. First record
7. Next record
8. previous Record
9. Last Record
11. Cancel
12. find/Search

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Inserting DateTime On .Net SqlCe?

Nov 20, 2011

i want to insert onto a SqlCe (sdf) a data that contains a birth date, it reads from a .csv the TextLine(5) is the date in string format: "ddMMyyyy"

i convert to a VB DateTime(), it converts at this way: Day/Month/Year.After that, i insert it to the sql, everything good but the problem is, on the database is always showing as 01/01/1900, what im doing wrong?

Also i put a Console.WriteLine to check if there is any error, no errors as i expected.

apadronado.fecnac is an DateTime also my provider is an cultureinfo is an en-US


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How To Set OleDb Parameter To Null

Sep 5, 2010

In the following fragment I want to set vID2 to NULL (and not to 0) if mID2 is an empty string. How do I do this? There is apparently no OleDbType.Null

strTemp = "INSERT INTO tbShips (vNew_b, vID, vID2) VALUES(?, ?, ?)"
MyCommand.Connection = cn
MyCommand.CommandText = strTemp
With MyCommand.Parameters


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VS 2005 Using An OLEDB Parameter

Jan 13, 2011

I have run into an issue using an OLEDB Parameter and am not sure how or why it is doing it. I have the following property setup in my program:


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Inserting A Value From DateTime Picker Causing Errors

Feb 27, 2012

In a Windows Form on Visual Basic, I have a DateTime Picker for a user to select a time and date from.I'm inserting this value via a parameterized query into an Access Database. However, as I'm running the form, I keep getting the error Data type mismatch in criteria expression.If I remove the parameter from the Insert command, the field enters fine. But when I put it back in, it doesn't work.[code]

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VS 2010 : Update Boolean Through Parameter Oledb?

May 24, 2012

I have a checkbox named chkFactureren.When I want to save the value of that checkbox to my ms access 2003 DB I get the error: oledbexception was unhandled by user code - data type mismatch in criteria expression

cmdUpdate.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Factureren", CBool(Me.chkFactureren.Checked))

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Sql Datetime Parameter Rounding?

Sep 28, 2010

My question is with regards to SqlCommand parameters in VB.NET. I have a database table which contains a datetime column, and I am trying to return all records between a daterange / time. I am using the syntax 'WHERE recordDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate', and specifying the parameters using sqlComm.parameters.addwithvalue("EndDate", datetimeVar), etc.

My issue here is that when my datetimeVar contains '8/31/2010 11:59:59 PM', it ends up getting rounded to '9/1/2010'. I can only tell this by the results I am getting back, which include the records from '9/1/2010 12:00:00 AM'.

Am I missing something here or is this a bug? The parameter is of type DateTime, and the value is correct at runtime. In the meantime I have no issues if I write the datetime into the sql string itself ('WHERE recordDate BETWEEN '" & datetimeVar
& "' AND ...), but obviously I would prefer to use parameters for this.

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VS 2008 System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Parameter _11 Has No Default Value?

Dec 27, 2009

This is driving me mad! This is my code and I have attached my parameters below with my error. What on earth is wrong.


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C# - DateTime Nullable Exception As A Parameter?

May 8, 2009

I have a Search Form that can search by a few different fields. The problem field is birthDate. On the form it is a string. In the SQL 2005 db it is a DateTime that can be null.

The code below is sequential as far as declaring the variable on the form and then setting it. Then the call to the BLL and then the call to the DAL.

On this line -->

dgvSearchResults.DataSource =ConnectBLL.BLL.Person.Search(_firstName,_middleName,_lastName,_sSN, (DateTime)_birthDate,_applicationID,_applicationPersonID,_fuzzy);


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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A TimeSpan To A DateTime

Oct 22, 2011

I am trying to store a time from my textbox field value but I got this exception error,Failed to convert parameter value from a TimeSpan to a DateTime.[code]

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C# - Set System.nullable Of Datetime As An Optional Parameter In A Subroutine?

Nov 13, 2011

I tried the following, but i get the error

constant expression is required
Public Sub ExampleSub(ByVal Test as string,
Optional ByVal fromDate As System.Nullable(Of DateTime) = Date.Today)
'A Great sub!


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Execute A SQL Stored Procedure With A Parameter That Needs The SQL Datetime Format?

Apr 27, 2011

i'm trying to execute a SQL stored procedure with a parameter that needs the SQL datetime format as:

Dim str_runproc As String
str_runproc = "exec UP_stopactivity @Activity='" & DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(0).Value & "' ,@Client='" & DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(2).Value & "',@starttime='" &
DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(3).Value & "'"

the DGV_currentactivities.CurrentRow.Cells(3).value is a datetime value that is put into a Datagridview via another stored procedure. When I run it in sql, it lists as a correct SQL datetime: 2011-04-27 05:54:51.003, in the datagridview it lists as: 27/04/2011 5:54:51

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VS 2008 : Passing MySQL Parameter As Object Instead Of DateTime?

Jun 13, 2011

I am having trouble with a mySQL query with the .NET connector. When I create the query, it automatically creates my parameters as objects. I usually change the type to the correct type, which in this case is Date, but I get different results passing in the parameter as a date.When I do "Preview Query" as an object, I get the correct results, but bad results as a Date. I would just leave them as objects, but it errors out when I try to pass a date in.Here's the part of my query that I'm having trouble with:

(Tickets.Resolved >= str_to_date(@startDate, '%m/%d/%Y')) AND (Tickets.Resolved <= str_to_date(@endDate, '%m/%d/%Y')) AND
(Tickets.Status = 'resolved' OR
Tickets.Status = 'rejected')

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Pass A NULL In A Parameter To A DateTime Field In A Stored Procedure?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a stored procedure which updates a database using the parameters I supply but I'm having trouble passing a NULL to the stored procedure

The field I need to make NULL is a DateTime field

DB.Parameters.AddWithValue("@date", NULL)

This gives me the error 'NULL' is not declared. 'Null' constant is no longer supported; use 'System.DBNull' instead


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OleDb - Make Path To Database Relative And Save Database?

May 1, 2012

1. First off, how do I make my path to my database relative? The path is currently absolute and is: Data Source=J:/College/AS_DSFinalDatabase1.accdb

2. Second of all, where do I save my database in the project? I want it to be included in like project folders...kind of like the App_Data folder in ASP.Net.

3. I'm recieving an error whenever I try to populate more than 1 DataGridView upon form load for some reason...I've tried 5 different ways of writing the code, and I get the same error...there's no error description, so does anyone know what the issue is? Here's the error:

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VS 2008 Database Insert ID Using A OleDB Connection To A Access Database

Jan 2, 2010

I'm using a OleDB connection to a access database. I'm entering a row into the database to set some user preferences. What i need to get is get back the row ID of the row I just entered. I'm more familiar with PHP and with PHP I use use this entry


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Copy The Textbox Fields Into A New Database And Then Delete This Entry From The Database?

Nov 7, 2009

[code]....I have a dialog that comes up and asks for a reason for declining the business.I don't want the code to move on after not enabling the "me" until the reason has been entered and saved into the database. Also, at that point where it says "I WANT...." I want to copy the textbox fields into a new database and then delete this entry from the database, how can I do that. I am using VS 2008 and SQL.

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Database Button To Entry Data In A Database?

Apr 29, 2012

I whant to entry data in a database (fild) by pressing a button. The problem is that the button is in form 1 and the database is in form 2.

In the Button1_Click i have the cod for Form 2 to show.

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Getting Value From Database (OLEDB)?

Feb 20, 2009

All I want to do is get a value from the database and display it via a message box.

I'm using Oracle 10 with VB 2005.


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Add An Entry To A Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm doing a project where I need to have people register by entering a username and password. When they click register I want them to be added to the database, but I'm having trouble doing this. Can anyone help? This is my first time using VB.[code]...

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Ms Access Database And OleDb?

Apr 18, 2010

I have an Access table ("Titles") which is connected to VB.Net using OleDb. The connection variable is conTitles.Some of the column in the table are 'No' and 'Status'.

In the Form, I have a textbox (txtTitleNo) and a button (BtnReserve).I want to put a number in the textbox, and then when I click the button, I want the 'Status' column with the corresponding number to be changed to 'Reserved'.


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Using OleDB To Search A Database

Aug 1, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2010 express and Microsoft Access 2003. I have a database with 15 columns that I'm try to retrieve data from using a search button. [Code]

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.net Update Database Entry?

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to update a few entries in a access database through VB.NET. With the code I used below could anyone help me out and show me where I made a mistake because it is creating new database entries instead of updating them.


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Delete An Entry In A Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to delete an entry from my database, i have the code written to display the details in a listbox but now i need to write the code do the user can select the item they want to delete and then click the delete button to delete it? I just want to flag it as deleted not get rid of it completely from the database?

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Save An Entry/ Changes To A Database?

Jan 5, 2010

if i had a cancel button which showed a message box, how would i get the message box to show OK and Cancel and for each of them to do something?

and how would i get an OK (paired with the first cancel from above) to save an entry/ changes to a database?

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