Open A .DOC File To A Richtext Box Using Interrop.Word.Dll?

Jan 11, 2012

I'm having some trouble opening a .Doc file in to a richtextbox. i think my coding is ok but i can't seem to get the application to register that i have Imported the .DLL file.

Imports word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
Dim wordApp As Word.ApplicationClass = New ApplicationClass()
'Word.ApplicationClass is to access the word application


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Convert Richtext Box Content To Word Without Loosing Format In Program?

Nov 17, 2010

I copied word content to richtextbox without loosing format perfectly...but now i am editing the content in the richtextbox i want to copy the richtextbox content to word document without loosing any format.

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Open Source Richtext Control For Net?

Jun 27, 2012

Is there any good richtextcontrol for .net forms i tried almost all extended richtextcontrols from several websites but there is no print like view for any control, i want to add deference system in my app but there is no free control available and controls like from [url]...are very expensive for a student. iam searching from last two months but find no results and tried hard to make my own control but found no idea to start with.

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How To Select The Word File That Already Open

Apr 4, 2012

Anyone can help me? i have several active windows (msWord, notepad, windowsmediaplayer) , and when i run my vb program, it will do calculation then copy the calculation into one of my Word file that already open. i know how to copy the calculation, but i dont know how to select the Word file that already open.

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Use My Word Add In To Open An Existing File?

Feb 3, 2011

I want to use my word add in to open an existing file, the code is:

currentDoc = app.Documents.Open(currentFile)

where currentFile is a string containing the path to the file I want to open, when ever this code runs, there are no errors, but I also cannot see the document

edit: the program first closes the 'currentFile', adds something to the package, then tries to open it again with the line above, when it closes the document the word application stays open with no document in it, but when it opens it again it is not seen in the application, but the document is open

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Open A Word File That Will Always Be Part Of The Project?

Mar 20, 2012

I would like to include a tutorial with my project. It will be located under the Help menu. Problem is, that I don't know how to open a file because the user can install it wherever they want. How can I include the word document file as part of the project so the code can open it no matter where it's installed? -Nothing to see. Move along.

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Open And Edit An MS Word File With Program?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a need to do some extensive editing on some SGML files. SGML is, of course, just tagged ASCII files. But, I need to convert that SGML to nice, neat MS Word files, with paragraph styles. I need to do extensive searching and replacing. VBA does not have the necesary regular expression support, so, I need to use VB.Net. But, I'm at a loss to do the most basic thing. I just need to know how I can open a Word file in VB.Net.

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Open And Edit Word File Using VB 2008?

Apr 12, 2009

I am doing a project using Visual Basic 2008 (Windows Application). I need to show the results of my calculations in a Word (2007) document. I have a template (report) that contains the header/paragraphs/Tables.. What I need is to fill the blanks in this document using Visual Basic and insert pictures in that document.

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Use Open File Dialog To Populate Listbox With Word Documents?

Jun 7, 2011

I have been trying to find the best way create an Ole Object container of my own with the use of open-file-dialog, a button and a listbox. I just want to attach a file together with current dataset.I get an error that says 'Items' is not a member of 'Systems.Collections.ArrayList

Public Class MainForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim alrAttachments As ArrayList


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Read Word Doc But Don't Want To Open Ms-word Program?

Aug 16, 2010

when i open another word doc when my program still running.

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Save A Richtext.txt File With Different Font Property?

Sep 13, 2010

I created a richtextbox on a form, a button to invoke the font dialog and another one for the color dialog.

Now user can type in any text and change the font size and color. It looks very nice customized on the screen. I saved it as and txt file.

I open the file to read. It is no more as colorful as when I type in. I 'd like to save the file with those customizetion so when the read on the other end will able to see what is important in the message.

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Anyway To Check Open MS Word Documents Filesize Of Open Document Before Saving Document?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a function on my program that allows a user to load a listbox filled with words that are matched with words inside a databank. The databank is filled with 2 string arrays and file of .jpg Pictures. The Arrays attached to each word inside the listbox are approximately one page. Each page is two paragraphs of Text(string Array) and one Picture(20Kbytes).My problem is this. When the user selects the option print all, the listbox with approximately 10255 words is selected and begins to fill a Microsoft Word Document.Because the alotted amount of space needed for the MS Word Document is approximately 5 Gbytes,I need to open about 10 Documents and insert the String Array's and Pictures into each document one at a time.Is there anyway to check the filesize of the Open Document before saving the document.This way I could check the open document inside the algorithm for 512 Mbytes of memory and save the document before the size gets above 512 Mbytes.[code]

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VS 2005 Outlook Interrop In VS 2005 Got Error Upon Running

Feb 12, 2012

i got error that is not familiar to me in the line with bold font... i'm using windows 7 with MS Office 2010 and Visual studio 2005 in this application


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Searching For A Word In A Text File Returns The Word And The Sentence Plus A Bunch Of Other Weird Characters?

Nov 8, 2010

I can search for the word Love in an .rtf file and return every occurance of the word into a RichTextBox. It returns the word and the scripture the word is in, but it also isreturning a bunch of weird text like: archan78988yykp etc etc. How do I onlyreturn the scripture with the searchedword, in this case the searched word is love. The code I am using is as follows:

If Line.Contains(Me.rtbSearch.Text) Then
'show search form


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VS 2008 Add The Word To A Text File And Create A Folder With The Word As Its Name?

Apr 25, 2009

The following code allows words to be added to a listbox. Add the word to a text file and create a folder with the word as its name. The second part undoes the actions.If I try to delete the word immediately after adding it one of two things happen.

1.An error is reported stating the path cannot be found. Although the listbox index value is correct according to the code the error is pointing at that index +1.

2.The code continues to the point of requesting conformation to delete the folder, still pointing at the index value +1. I the action is confirmed the wrong folder is deleted.

However if I stop debugging, then run the code again all works correctly.Is it likely to persist when the application is compiled?

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim pathlist As String = "M:Visual Studio 2008ProjectsEnvironment and Conservation GlossaryEnvironment and Conservation GlossaryGlossary List.txt"


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VS 2010 Word File Raw Data From Word Document Object?

Feb 12, 2012

is there a way to get the raw data of a word file document object?

word = new Word.Application();doc = new Word.Document();

now, I open the word file, do some replace. save the file. I could open the file as raw binary file. but I'm thinking maybe there is a property that can get the raw the data? which property?

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Open Word Via Net?

Jun 14, 2010

I have this code which opens a Word application via VB.Net. It works fine, but I would like to have the text "Create /Edit Mail merge text" to be set as read ONLY, i.e., user can't change/delete the text.

Secondly, I would like the cursor to prompt at the second line (i.e., under C). Presently it is prompting before the letter C. [code]...

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.NET Open Word Document?

May 4, 2009

In VB.NET how do you open a word/PDF doc? I used to have the code and I remember it was very short.

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How To Open A Word Document

Dec 31, 2008

I am trying to open a word document from within my windows form application and am unsure how to do this.I know i need to add the microsoft word reference but when i do i receive the following error:

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Open A Word Document

Feb 26, 2010

How do you open a word document in VB.NET. The document is a manual for the program.

View 5 Replies - Open Varbinary Word Doc As HTML?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a problem which I have not been able to find an answer to in months. I store word doc resumes as varbinary(max). I can retrieve the resumes based on a full-text search no problem. But the resumes are retrieved as word documents in a .ashx file with the following code. I really need to implement hit highlighting on the site so that users can see if the returned resume is a good fit or not.

I don't think this can be done from an .ashx file, so I think I need to be able to open the resume as html in an aspx page and maybe use javascript to do the hit highlighting or perhaps return the text only content of the word document somehow and manipulate the text before display with html tags.


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Button To Open A Word Document?

Jun 3, 2011

I am using vb 2010, and i really would like to Just open, not modify a word document.

Now i have browsed the internet, and this is what i have project menu>refferences> select .. microsoft word 9.0 object library

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim objWord As Word.Application
' this would be faster with a "with objWord" but for clarity I use the explicit


Now, my problem is, that i only have microsoft word 14.0 object library

So now it throws me "Word.Application" unknown errors

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Code To Open A Word Document?

Jun 17, 2009

I got this code to open a document[code]...

It freezes my pc and does not open the document (well, sometimes it does open a document), and I find [url]... processes on the windows for every click I do on that menu item.

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How To Open Specific MS Word Document

Jan 19, 2011

I create Ms word document MyWord in C hard disk then I create this code to open it but didn't success without any error.
Dim oWord As New Word.Application
Dim oDoc As New Word.Document
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(Application.StartupPath & "c:MyWord.doc")

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IDE :: Open Word In Webbrowser With 2008?

Aug 28, 2009

I want to open a word file in webbrowser with vb.net2008,and set the init commandbars as "standard",In the MSDN for vb.net2003, sample code is :

With oDocument.Application.CommandBars("Standard")
.Position = 4 '[msoBarFloating]
.Visible = True
End With

But it seems not work in vb.net2008, there is an err message "Object variable or With block variable not set." on "Standard".

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Open A Word 2003 Document?

May 13, 2011

I'm trying to open a word 2003 document, but I get an error that says 'Application' is not a member of 'WindowsApplicaion1.Form1'. Below is the code that I'm trying to use.

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Open A Word Document In Program?

Dec 18, 2009

How to open a word document in to add any reference file.

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Open A Word Document With A Button?

Nov 5, 2009

in my program i want to make a button that opens up a seperate word document eg i want a button that opens a saved word document in the same folder as the program but not inside the program but in microsoft word.

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Open Microsoft Word Documents From VB?

May 10, 2011

Open Microsoft Word documents from VB?

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Open MS Word And MS Excel In VB2010?

Aug 5, 2010

how to open MS Word and MS Excel in VB2010?

An can you give any site for referrence.

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