Open Windows Prefetch Folder

Apr 15, 2009

i am trying to do is open a folder in a windows application, where when i click the button a folder pops up this is what folder i want to open my windows prefetch folder. so i wanna make a button. label it prefetch, and be able to click the prefetch button and have the prefetch folder open. i can open other programs such as cmd prompt and other exes. just not and folder. [Code]

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Get Windows To Open The Credentials Dialog - Network Folder Security

Jun 2, 2009

I have a treeview control which is being used to browse various folder on the users system drive. It can also be set up to connect network folders using UNC paths e.g "serverfiles". At the moment I'm getting a list of Directories by using My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories however this obviously fails when the folder is password protected.

Is there a way that I can get Windows to open the credentials dialog as you would see in Windows Explorer and deal with the credentials side so then the user name & password is cached as well?

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Open A Windows Explorer Window With A Specific Folder Selected?

Jun 30, 2011

I have a winform application and this winform application has created few files. I want to implement "find target" function in my application to show those files. Those files located in a same folder. See the picture:Let's say that I have created few files in "C:Test" folder and this folder has this file: "C:TestFile1.txt". How to create "find target" functionality using VB.NET?

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C# - DirectoryInfo.Delete(True) Doesn't Delete When Folder Structure Is Open In Windows Explorer

Nov 5, 2010

Assuming I have a folder structure like:


This works fine, unless I have Windows Explorer open and I'm looking at the 'MySubFolder' directory. Then I get an IOException The directory is not empty. - clicking OK dismisses this and then the folder structure is not deleted. Any thoughts on how I can get this to perform correctly (i.e. delete), even when running this code while having the folder struture open in Windows Explorer?

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Open All Files In Folder And Save Them Into Another Folder?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a folder that contains master copies of about 50 txt files.

Is there a way to open each of those text files and save them under the same name but in a new folder?[code]....

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Search For Folder Wildcard And Open Folder?

Apr 27, 2012

I am having trouble trying to accomplish a search for a folder with a wildcard within a directory.

The folder will look sort of like this: [2008][560909][Market Change] or [year][number][name]

Thus far this is what I have:

Function searching()
Dim choice, input
Dim strPatheServices


I am uncertain where to go from this other than add the wild card to the exist so like:

System.IO.Directory.Exists(strPatheServicesinput + "*")

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Open Folder With Explorer.exe But Folder Name Have ','.?

Jul 3, 2009

I have use 2005, I open a folder withof command line usind (explorer.exe ,/e,/root, D:ew,folder) but my fodler name have

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If Folder Is Open Then Maximize - Else Open

May 20, 2011

I am a beginner using Visual Basic 2008 express and trying to get a folder to open if it isn't already, and if not then maximise it. Here's my


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Call Windows To Copy Folder With Windows Progress Bar?

Sep 25, 2010

Title explains it what VB code could i use to have windows copy a folder and display windows progress bar?

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Copy A File In System32 Folder From Resources Folder .resx File Of Windows Application?

Mar 14, 2009

how should i copy a file in system32 folder from resources folder .resx file of my windows application?

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Windows Explorer Search Button It Open New Windows?

Aug 25, 2009

I have use VS2005, I have open windows explorer from code. when i click on search button it open New windows, and in this I click on All files and folders in Look in : combo by default C: and D: drives are set.


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Check When Folder Is Open / Not?

Mar 18, 2012

How to check if the folder is open or no ?

i have a folder in c:

name : "my folder"

i want to know if the folder is open or no

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Get A Folder Name That Contains And String And Then Open It?

Dec 24, 2010

This is the best i could do :

If fileName.Contains("hi")

But what i want to do it .

Open a folder : C:Documents and Settings5416339.5416339-PCApplication Data and navigate into a folder that contains "hi" and then modify a file pref.js in it. (100% this file is in that folder and there is only one such folder)

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Let A VB Application Open A Whole Folder?

Mar 10, 2010

I am making a Movie Launcher for myself, because i have a **** load of movies :P (They are all digital). Now it's working fine, but i have a question.

Some of the movies have a VIDEO_TS folder, witch i need to open in VLC player. How can i let a VB application open a whole folder (so the VIDEO_TS folder) in a program like VLC?

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Open A Folder From CD Drive Using .NET?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm trying to write a program that opens a folder from the CD disk when a button is clicked. The program will be run from a CD, and aims to open a certain folder. However, I can't use "shell "explorer...."" because the drive letter will change between different computers. Is there a way to open the folder straight from the CD in VB.NET

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Open Destination Folder?

May 3, 2012

Shell("explorer Path")Path is DirectoryBut it Open My DocumentPath is D:/I think It because The syntax "explorer Path" i try a lot like shell("explorer" path),shell(explorer path) , shell(""explorer" path") but it always open My Document

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Unable To Open This Folder

Dec 6, 2009

How can i open this folder?


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C# - Open A Windows 7 Library In Windows Explorer

Jan 25, 2012

How do I open a Windows 7 Library like Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos and all other custom libraries from my app? I tried opening explorer.exe LibrariesDocuments but it doesn't work.

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Open A File / A Folder Using My Program?

Aug 2, 2009

How can i open a file (like .mp3 , .avi) or a folder (like C:program files ) using my program? I use visual basic

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Open A Folder On Click Of A Button?

Sep 18, 2009

I would like to know how to open a folder on click of a button in the vb forms, i.e., let the button on the form be "explore" and if I click the button it should open then location "C:Program Files". How to make it using VB.Net code.

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Open A Folder That Contains A Comma In It's Path?

Jan 26, 2011

how to open a folder that contains a comma in it's path like: Shell("explorer.exe \serverpath to, folder", vbHide) or Shell("cmd /c start \serverpath to, folder", vbHide)

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Open A Form Which Is In A Folder (within Same Project)?

Oct 25, 2010

In my project i have created few folders to better structure my forms.. my problem is how can i call up (open) a form in a different folder.

eg. Form1 is located in main directory, how to open form2 which is located in a folder called Folder2 (within same project)

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Open ALL Text Files In A Folder?

Jun 26, 2010

Need to know how to open all text files in a folder so that I don't have to name each one.

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Open Excel File From The Same Folder?

Nov 26, 2011

I'm using 2008 I want to use this code to open Excel file from the same folder where the program(exe) will be.

Dim exl As New Excel.Application
as when did in Process.Start("Name.xlsx")

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Open Folder By Pressing Button?

Jul 1, 2009

Button pressed. and a Folder then opens so you can see the contents

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Open The Containing Folder And Have That File Selected?

Dec 21, 2010

If i have the path of a .txt file how can i open the containing folder and have that file selected.

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.Net - Open Remote Shared Folder With Credentials?

Sep 26, 2011

I need to open a folder on a remote server with different credentials in a window (explorer.exe).I managed to do it with no credentials (my credentials), but when I do it with another username and another password than mine, it opens a prompt to enter a username and a password, and it says "access denied".

In the access log on the remote desktop, it says that I tried to connect with my own username, and not the other username I entered. So, the process obviously did not work.


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How To Open A Pdf File In Silverlight From Clientbin Folder

Aug 17, 2011

I have a product.pdf in my clientbin(silverlight) folder which contains detail about product on click of button just i want to open that pdf i used following code it's working fine locally after hosting it is giving HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

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Monitor Folder - Open And Edit Files

Feb 24, 2011

I want to be able to monitor a folder, and anytime a file is placed in it (in this case, a .jdf file) I want to edit a string within the file (it's just a text file), then save the file onto a network path and remove it from the hotfolder into a "done" folder.

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Open A File That Is In The Resources Folder Of The Program?

Jan 30, 2011

How do I open this .REG file in Visual Basic 2010?

I'm trying to make a program that will launch this registry file that I've put already in the Resources folder of the program.

BTW if you're curious it's not a harmful program I'm making.

So all I've done so far is put the file in the resources folder of the program, but I don't know how to actually launch it.

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