Opening Specific Sheets In Spreadsheetgear?

Aug 13, 2009

I have loaded an Spreadsheetgear Form with 5 Taps (Sheets) in a Windows Form Application (Form2). I also have anouther windows Form Application (Form1) with 5 Buttons on it but I can't work out how to make each button open the Windows Form Application (Form2) with a different Tab (Sheet) open?

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VB 2010 Express - Create A Search Form That Allows Opening Any Of The Spread Sheets That Contains The Type Of Data

Feb 17, 2012

I have a bunch of Excel files full of research data. Everything is strait forward: rows of research categories and columns of research parameters. I want to create a simple search form that allows opening any of the spread sheets that contains the type of data that I specify. For example, I would choose a parameter


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Merging Multiple Sheets From Multiple Workbooks Into New Sheets In A Single Work Book

Dec 13, 2011

I am looking for the code to consolidate multiple .xls sheets from within multiple work books in a file all containing the same format of information. Each sheet needs to be coppied to a new sheet within a single work book.

Once in a single sheet I need to then copy data from a range of fields into one consolidated sheet.

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Dynamic Buttons Opening Specific Forms?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a form which gets populated by 15 buttons dynamically at runtime (these need to be dynamic as there will be a user config file at some point)What I need these buttons to do is to open a specific form when clicked. Which form that opens will be dealt with in the config file.

Public Class frm_MainScreen
Private Sub frm_MainScreen_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim count As Integer
Dim ImageDir As String


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Set Default Date Format When Load A Xls File To SpreadSheetGear Workbook?

Nov 3, 2010

When I load an xls file, which is created by the user, to SpreadSheetGear workbook it changes date format from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy. How can I prevent this?I use the code below (VB.NET) to load xls file:

WorkbookView1.ActiveWorkbook =

xlsFile is a Byte array.

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Spreadsheetgear Form But When Change Its Values And Do Some Calculations On Differed Tabs

Aug 14, 2009

I've got a spreadsheetgear form but when I change its values and do some calculations on differed tabs. I want to be able to save all the data and tabs at it curent state so when I open the application it is at the saved state. I'm not worried about the values before I saved.

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Opening Text File From Specific Location Folder?

Nov 3, 2009

I have the following code used to enter the name of a text file and then display it in a richtextbox. This is working but I would like it so that I could take out the initial part of the filename detailing the location of the filename to simply set it to the project folder, is there any way of doing this using the App.path function?

My code is as follows:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Opening Folder Code Specific Folder

Mar 15, 2009

I need a code to work to simply open the my document folder.However, I tried using open file dialog:[code]

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Sheets In A Workbook

Mar 11, 2011

The job runs but not put all sheets in tha same workbook.


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VS 2008 How To Add Name/id To All Sheets

Oct 9, 2009

I found this code online that create a excel file and gives a name/id to the first cell of the first sheet. The excel file have 3 sheets. So how do I add the name/id to the first cell of each sheet? The code is below:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,_
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Excel Sheets In Vs 2008?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that will write and read excel docs in vs 2008 with these following editable items date, time, and results using text boxes and combo boxes but I can't figure out how to get the excel part to work in it. How do I add this in visual studio 2008? what component do I have to add to my program to veiw and edit excel spread sheets?

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Sorting Data To Appear On Different Sheets?

Mar 5, 2010

What I want to do is have data rows on the first sheet that is basically a master list, then have the sheets behind it display the data rows that meet a given critera.For example, sheet 1 column 1 has a person's name, column 2 their phone number, column 3 their address. Column 4 has 'M' or 'F' designating wether they are male or female. I would then like to open sheet 2 and all the entries marked with 'M' are automatically produced and display all the information for each person. I also need to "change the gender" of the person and these changes are also automatically changed on sheet 2. I'm guessing it may be a combination of filtering and macros but have no idea how to execute it

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Display Data Fro DGV To Excel Sheets

Feb 3, 2012

This code to display data from DGV to Excel Sheet. it will display them in the first row of Excel . how can I make it Display them in the second row or third row? [code]

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Implement Reporting With Excel Sheets?

Jun 28, 2011

I need to implement reporting.. with Excel sheets and need a lot of heavy excel workings..So..I have two options.. or !!What would be more closer to EXCEL ?What would provide me more excel api's and more control?

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Import Excel Sheets To SQL Serve?

Jun 23, 2011

Am trying to import Excel Sheets to SQL Server, how ever the same code is working well for MS Access, here is the code which i am using

Dim cn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + ImportWizard.openFD.FileName)


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Drag&drop In VisualStudioExpress2010 Using Excel Sheets

Feb 21, 2011

I am experienced VBA programmer and I want to expand into Visual Studio 2010 (Express version at the moment, bacause it's free). What I need is some code samples to get me started. Possibly showing all relevant aspects. Here goes:

A form has products as icons (in ListView?) - ordering is done by drag and drop onto a basket Products will have color and size - selection is done by two TabStrips or similar feature ( if TabStrip control is still available in ViStuEx2010)Database might be Excel sheets if possible, but other free options are OK (if Excel can cooperate with ViStuEx2010). How about XML residing on the Web? SkyDrive?

Menu and starter of the application might be from Excel too - but I'll be glad to learn newer ways - code needed for both options: when Excel is a starter and compiled ViStuEx app. is a starter.

I imagine that many people write order taking applications using drag and drop interface.

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Get The Excel Application/Workbooks/Sheets Events?

Dec 16, 2010

When working with Excel in this context, is there a way to get the Excel Application/Workbooks/Sheets events?

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel").Count <> 0 Then


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Hiding Grid Lines From Excel Sheets?

Jan 15, 2012

hiding gridlines in excel sheet using VB.NET.I need to hide gridlines while exporting to excel from VB.NET.

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Read All Cells / In All Sheets Of An Excel File

Jan 22, 2009

I wanna read all cells of all sheets/pages in my excel file and just show the text content of each cell. [code]

1. How can I read cells inside the While?

2. My select command only selects Sheet1, how can I select ALL sheets?

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Read All Cells In All Sheets Of An Excel File?

Jan 22, 2009

I wanna read all cells of all sheets/pages in my excel file and just show the text content of each cell.I have written my code but have 2 problems:

Dim ExcelConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Excel.xls;Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;") ExcelConnection.Open() Dim MyCommands As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", ExcelConnection)


1. How can I read cells inside the While?

2. My select command only selects Sheet1, how can I select ALL sheets?

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Reading Large Excel Files Or Sheets?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm tryng to read an excel sheet that has more than 255 cell. I'm using the following code:

Dim MyConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim MyDataSet As New System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("PCOConnectionString2").ConnectionString


this code throws me an error that indicates me that there are too many rows to read. I found, seaching through forums, that it can't be more that 255 cells on the sheet i'm reading.

How can i read this sheet that has over 500 cells?

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Use CSS(cascade Style Sheets ) In ASP.NET Applications Using Program?

Jun 3, 2009


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Copying/Mapping Data Between Excel Spread Sheets?

Nov 14, 2011

I need to copy data using if possible from one excel spreadworbook to another and place the data into the correct columns in the existing excel spreadsheet. The column titles of the spreadsheets match up, I have several templates I need to place data into and the order of the columns is different in each template so I need a way of searching for a column header in the template and then copying the data into that column.

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How To Ignore Password Protected Excel Sheets Programmatically

Jun 25, 2009

With my Tool we are scanning excel files and generating reports. My problem is some excel sheets are password protected and getting pup-up while scanning and it halts the Tool to run further.Could someone let me know the solution, how to overcome with this problem. I just need to skip the sheet and continue with scanning without any user intervention.

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Office Automation :: Copy Multiple Sheets To Another Workbook?

Sep 20, 2011

I have 2 sheets in a workbook that have links on them. I need to copy both sheets into this new workbook at the same time to update the links and not have sheets looking for the original workbook (it just temporary and deleted after the copy). I thought I had it, but I cannot figure out how to deal with the array that is needed (I copied the code from macro builder in excel)..

oExcel.Application.Windows("EP Labor Calculator.xlsm").Activate()
oExcel.Application.Sheets(Array("Rates", "Labor Calc")).Select()
oExcel.Application.Sheets(Array("Labor Calc", "Rates")).Copy(Before:=oExcel.Application.Workbooks("SAP Test.xlsx").Sheets(5))

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Export DataSet To Multiple Excel Sheets And Download Into A Zip File Using C#?

Jan 21, 2011

how to Export DataSet to Multiple Excel Sheets and download those file into a zip in C#

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Extract Data From Excel Sheets And Write In Database In VB10?

Oct 1, 2011

I want to read data from excel sheets and write into tables in database visual basic 2010. I am usinq Oracle 9i for database.and my objective is that user should select excel file and if button is pressed then I want to extract data from excel sheet and store in a already created tables.

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Open Excel Sheets In An Application Write In VS2008 And Windows 7 As OS?

May 21, 2010

I need open excel sheets in an application write in VS2008 (VB.NET) and Windows 7 as OS. All seem work fine, but I don't see excel worksheet. I see Excel32 opened as process, but no window on my screen. The code I used id this:


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Microsoft.Office.Interop In With Sheets(array) - Select A List Of Sworksheets To Save As A PDF

Aug 29, 2011

I am trying to select a list of sworksheets to save as a PDF. The recoreded Macro gave me the code below, but after modifying it for VB.Net, the word array is flagged saying it is a type and cannot be used as an expression. Is there Excel object or namespace I can use? I can't find anything in the help searches. It says to use Sheets(array to get more than 1 sheet.


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Closing A Window While Opening Another / Opening A Url In The Same Tab

Jul 27, 2010

I am making a program that edits my website with the input that I put in. But, it is requiring multiple forms (obviousily), but I don't know how to make it close the one I am in while opening the other. For example: I have a form that opens first that requires a Username and Password, so nobody can obviousily use it without knowing them. When I submit the correct username and password and go on with the editing, I need the login form to close. I do not know the coding for this part. Is it:


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