PDF Shell - Batch Opener

Dec 30, 2011

PDF shell - batch opener

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Batch File Not Working When Called From Shell

Apr 30, 2010

We are attempting to run a batch file that will result in a submission to a help desk ticket system. When we run the batch file from command line on our W2003 platform, it works successfully. When we run the same file, called from our vb program, using shell or process info, it does not. With shell, we can see the batch file being called, but it is not resulting in update to the help desk ticket system. The vendor of the system believes it is a security issue. We are signed on as Administrator while running this. We set security permissions of cmd.exe to include Batch, per KB867466. What else should we be doing or looking at?

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Send Data From An Opened Window Back To Its Opener In WPF?

Apr 25, 2010

In WPF I have one window opening a second window that allows some data selections to occur on. Once the selections have been made I then want to submit/close the second/sub window and have the data pushed back to the opening/parent window.

I can push data into the sub window from the parent via public properties, but have not worked out how to get it back the other way.[code]...

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VS 2008 Make A Shell Replacement For The Windows Default Shell

Aug 1, 2009

I'm going to attempt to make a shell replacement for the Windows default shell: explorer.exe. I'm not sure if its possible using Vb.Net, but I can't seem why not. My end goal is to use a custom made shell for a Windows Preinstallation Environment instead of the default command prompt. I plan to use a 3rd party program to compile the program with the .NET Framework. Otherwise, it wouldn't work because Windows PE does not support the .NET Framework.

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Make Default Opener For .txt Files - Seems Like The .exe Of My Installed Program Doesn't Exist

Mar 4, 2012

I have recently published a simple text editor(just as an exercise). the editor has been published using Microsoft Visual Basic Express. Once the program is installed i wanted to make it a default opener for .txt files, so i clicked openwith ->Choose default program and then i was asked to show the location of the .exe. It seems like the .exe of my installed program doesn't exist. where the .exe is on a windows7 or tell me of another way of makeing that program the default opener.

Here is the link to the publish page: [URL]

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Use Shell To Have Application Call An External Application But Its Not Working - Error: 'System.windows.shell'

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to use the Shell to have my application call an external application but its not working...I don't understand why. I get the following error: 'System.windows.shell' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression!

Heres my code....any ideas what I'm doing wrong. Its got to be a simple...stupid error.

Private Sub mnuUpgrade_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Expression.Web.Interop.Legacy.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles mnuUpgrade.Click


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How To Use A File Opener Dialog And A Folder Browser Dialog

Jan 27, 2010

I have an assignment due this week in which I have to make a app that has 5 buttons and a picture box. When each button is clicked it has to show the corresponding picture in the picture box, the fifth button closes the app.

I have the whole form set up the way it should be, but I have no idea how to write the code to make the buttons display the images and close the app.I have the images in a folder within the project folders.

I have yet to be able to find one, the one I found should how to do it using a file opener dialog and a folder browser dialog but that is not what I think my prof wants us to do, as that is more for a picture viewer app that lets the user choose the file of the image they want ot view.

All i want is for the buttons to be linked to specific photos that are part of the application itself and have them open.

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How To Put A Password In PDF By Batch

Feb 27, 2012

Is there any tools or DLL that can put a password in the PDF?Example I have 1,000 PDF files I want to put a password on each PDF? The password will be differ

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Run Batch File Using UNC?

Jun 21, 2011

I have been looking all day trying to find a way to do this. I need to run a Batch file which is held on a server, the file path begins with a IP Address which DOS doesn't like. So i found the pushd command which assigns a temp drive letter from which you can run the Batch File.If i was simply running a normal program or file i would use:

Dim proc As Process
proc = Process.Start("c:\BatchFile.bat")


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Using BATCH Commands In VB?

Mar 17, 2011

I've been thinking of a new possible project, and I was wondering if it is possible to run BATCH or CMD commands straight through my VB program.I don't want to run a seperate .bat file either, I just want to run it from my code...I looked else where on the internet and they say to do things such as:

sendkeys.send(" (put anything you want between the quotes) ")

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Batch Copying Of Files?

May 17, 2012

I am busy writing a application that i can set up a list of files to copy from one location to a remote network drive.

THe program has a list of "jobs" in a datagrid that it loops through and executes in sequence. What i have now is a background worker that reports the status of which job it is on (File 1 of 5) but i would like something that shows the status of the current copying file as sometimes large files can look like it's stopped on the network

I am using the System.io.file.copy structure, but have also tried the my.computer.filesystem.copyfile (which shows the status in a "windows" copy box)

So, what i would like is some guidance on how to create a function that will copy the file but also report back progress periodicly. I don't want to read and write byte for byte as im worried this will be too slow.

Also, is there a better way/function to use to copy files? Looking for best speed

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Batch File Converter (PNG To BMP)

Dec 30, 2010

I am trying to create a program that renames files to 1 - (however many files are in the folder) and also convert .pngs to .bmps.

If RadioButton1.Checked = True Then
Dim files As String()
files = IO.Directory.GetFiles(TextBox1.Text)
Dim filepath_new As String
filepath_new = TextBox1.Text
For Each filepath As String In files
[Code] .....

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Batch Printing Of Files?

Oct 17, 2011

I have been asked to develop a solution which send to the default printer a list of files stored in a directory in file name sequence. These files maybe of any type - such as pdf or Office documents.

I have seen suggestions to using a process class (such as [URL]..However, the process would run largely unmonitored so I have concerns with regards to being able to control the submission of the numerous jobs to the printer and, for example, stopping the print should there be a failureerror in the print queue.

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Convert Batch File To Exe Using VB

Nov 9, 2009

how to convert batch file to exe using vb.net [Code] after i read the batch file but how can i save it as exe.

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Convert Old Batch File To VB?

Sep 2, 2009

I have an old batch file i use that I would like to convert to vb.net,

The Batch file use a .reg entry to set the cleanmgr options. abnd then calls the sagerun command to run those options

I pretty sure I know how to create the registry entries what I am not sure to do is how to call the cleanmgr with the switches /dc /sagerun:200 then display a box saying it is complete and deleting the prefetch folder of anything older then 'n' days . [code]...

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Create A Batch From An Array?

Apr 19, 2010

I need help creating a batch of Grand Totals each time enter my value and click Calculate.The code below gives me my Grand Total, now I would like to enter a new set of values and store the previous amount(s) until I'm ready to populate them in a Message Box.

Dim sum As Decimal = 0
For Each total As Decimal In totals
sum += total[code]....

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Get VB 2008 To Run A Batch File?

Oct 24, 2010

I need Visual Basic to run a batch file I have placed a batch file inside my startup application directory Inside the batch file I have WUinstall /install /reboot "When I double click the batch file it works perfect" Visual Basic 2008 Command Button I Have

Dim p As Process
'instance a new process
p = New Process


When I click this command button all I get is CMD window just flashes. When I hold down the enter key I can faintly read something about it is not an internal command.

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Reading A Batch File?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a batch file that loads into a form containing 20 IT related incidents. I have managed to upload the batch file into a form. However I have an algorithm that reads an incident and manages to classify into its topic: See Below the data imported form the file:

1) Need to install jet direct to printers and connect users
2) Remove ms project software from PC 04384 and re install on 07882
3) install needed for 2 vectra software for Finance department PC assest 9875 and 8711
4) Supply PC 500 SITA Rest Area phone 2268 Asset and S/N
5) Add printer Epson label printer in ISD2
6) Remove Jetdirect and network printer via port PPSS PC add printer
7) Credentials for user UK15428 not logging onto the network
8) Install CD RW and unsupported software for UKX3395
9) Need Entire software installing on asset 5530, and access to password for use.
10) phone handset not functioning for UK10529, new phone required.
11) install card reader and software following PC move
12) New user group UKG0345 no mail just printers on PC00856 and PC02427
13) Update outlook remove project from PC D0186 in Prod Control per Tony Campbell install on Alisons PC in NDS
14) Unable to log onto the network, profile will need recreating
15) Remove spent toner cartridge
16) The printer doesnt appear to be printing, it looks like there could be a paper jam of some sort
17) Set up laptop and use local admin password to gain access to backup files
18) Remove image grabber card from PC and install on PC in paint shop have explained to user they will have to contact optivision

19) Cannot get onto network as I have forgotten my password, can you reset for UK15617
20) User cannot access voicemails, need mac address to edit on TOIP software

For example number 1) would be classified as a printer problem. I want the algorithm to be able to read each number, not the whole lot and classify the whole block of text, I want it to classify each incident individually, so there are 20 incidents to be classified.

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Run Batch File In Program?

Feb 1, 2010

How can I run a batch from from within vb.net?

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Sendkeys To Batch File?

Mar 3, 2012

if I press a button then it send keys to a opened batch file ...

I open batch file with this

Dim proces As String = folder.Text + "process.bat"

I want to send "stop" to process.bat. How I can do this ?


How I can close the process.bat when it is running ? I try with:

Public Sub KillProcess(ByVal processName As String)
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim oWMI


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Starting App From A Batch File?

Aug 5, 2010

I have written a simple folder backup program which, if started with a /s switch (argument), will run "silently" and perform an unattended backup. The obvious way to start the program with the /s switch is from a batch file, which then runs as a Windows Scheduled Task. I would like to create the batch file from the program itself, when it first runs, as it can then write the value of "Application.ExecutablePath" into the batch file follwed by the /s switch.

So, the question is, where best to save the batch file without running into Vista/Windows 7 permission problems? Is the local application data folder suitable?

Bear in mind there are three parts to this: my vb.net app needs first to create a batch file somewhere without permission issues, that batch file needs to be accessible to Windows Task Scheduler and then, when the batch file is run, it needs to start an .exe which is most likely in the "program files" folder.

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Vbscript - Run .net Code In Batch?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a web site that includes code to move data between databases, generate Office documents, etc. I also have a need to duplicate some of this work in batch. Where they overlap, I've had to code things two different ways -- one for the web site (using server-side vb.net) and one for batch (using vbscript). I know you can run batch from vb.net. I'd like to do the opposite -- from batch I'd like to access some code that I've already written using vb.net classes, web.config, and Office interop assemblies. I tried some of this in PowerShell, but it took 45 minutes to generate a report that runs in 20 seconds through the web interface.

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VS 2008 - Batch Run Application?

Nov 12, 2010

I have applications that need run many times. Currently I use dos batch file to run .exe file generate by vb.net or c#, but to be honestly, I hate dos command/batch. How can I avoid it?Saying a simple example "Hello World!" I need run it 10 times.

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.net - Launch Code That Would Normally Run From A Batch File?

Jul 14, 2011

It am trying to launch this code that would normally run from a batch file

Batch file code:

"%ProgramFiles%Javajre6injava.exe" -Xincgc -Xmx1G -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


When I run the code cmd.exe opens but then nothing happens?

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Batch File Input/out To Same Textbox?

Feb 28, 2009

i am creating an app that when a button is pressed a batch file is executed and hidden from view.I have managed to get the output of the batch file to be displayed in a text box.

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Batch File Works When Ran Directly But Not From .Net?

Sep 2, 2009

Im running VB.Net 2005.Inside of the program I use the line ystem.Diagnostics.Process.Start("program_) to open multiple programs. For all but one of them this works perfectly. This erros when I try to run a batch file using. System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:xx.bat") the batch file opens but then throughs a number of unreconizable java errors follow.


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Batch Updating Of An Access Database (DDL)?

Jan 27, 2012

I have taken over support of a VB .Net application that makes use of an Access database. Now I discover that the developer who wrote this application did not create any unique indexes on the primary key columns for the tables in the database. So none of the primary key fields are actually flagged as being primary keys in access and so no duplicate checking is being performed by Access. Furthermore, the primary key columns are not being auto-incremented with an AutoNumber type in Access, rather the developer has used queries like this to insert rows into the tables:

INSERT INTO Users (pkid, FirstName, Surname, City)SELECT iif(isnull(max(pkid)),0,max(pkid))+1, [@strFirstName], [@strSurname], [@strCity], FROM Users;This application is generally run as a networked application with up to 40 people using the application simultaneously, and combined with design issues already mentioned, this has resulted in serious concurrency issues with several users being assigned the same primary key value. This == BIGNow I need to sort this out (guess what I will be doing this weekend!! Great.). I have thought about maybe using a mutex around the code that calls the Access insert queries; not the neatest of solutions, but it would be the quickest. Ultimately though, I would like to have the database corrected and have proper primary key values in place. But the application is currently running at about 15 different sites, so I need to do some sort of batch update of the database.

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Batch XML File - Tag Find And Replace

Mar 23, 2010

VB.net VS 2008

I need to develop a small application which can do a batch find and replace on all xml files within a folder. Example:



I want to replace ALL <firstName) tags to John and all <lastName> tags to Smith to protect sensitive date. In addition, there will be other tags such as address, ss number and phoneNumber.

NOTE: There may be multiple instances of <firstName> within the file. 1000 xml files with all replacing names, address etc. with the same fixed name such as John Smith These will be used for testing and to prevent sensitive data from being leaked

There is no doubt that I can do this the long and dirty way. (I am working on).

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Cannot Create An Executable That Uses Batch Files

Jan 27, 2012

I've been developing an application that is basically a GUI for several batch files. You click on a button, and the corresponding batch file will run. I got it working in debug using this code:

Private Sub btnOpenFS_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOpenFS.Click
End Sub

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Cannot Start Windows Service From Batch

May 23, 2012

I created a custom windows service in Visual Basic using Visual Studios '05.

The service is on our server which is running Windows Server 2003. I have installed the service, and it runs perfectly when I go into Computer Management and Start the service manually.

I have created a batch file to start the service using the NET START command. Whenever I run the batch file, the service doesn't start. I get this message from the command prompt[code]...

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