PHP Script Turned Into VB

Jan 20, 2011

I have a PHP script that works fine, but instead of using it outside of the programme would like it to be programmed inside.

I wouldn't no where to start as it handles a lot of arrays.

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Assembly Binding Logging Is Turned OFF

Mar 30, 2010

I get this error whenever i run my program on another computer See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.


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Date Turned Into Random Number

Jan 15, 2012

im trying to insert date to my .mdb database, but when i check it, the date turned into random numbers, like 3.2938482..[code]

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Update An Application On Windows 7 With UAC Turned On?

May 4, 2012

I know there are many posts about updating an application with UAC turned on. We have a huge application and our own update program for updating that. We don't want to use the UserAppData area to install our exes. We do mostly custom programming so updates are a part of like for us. My question is: If we get our update program digitally signed can the standard user with UAC turned on accept those changes without administrator privileges and can that be done to a VB6 executable.

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Opening And Saving Word Doc - Error When Visibility Turned Off?

Jun 11, 2011

I am opening a word document and saving it as html with the following code. If i set the objWord.Visible = False , i get an error: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A1098 , which i believe indicates there is nothing to open.

Protected Sub btnUpload_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim objWord As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass = New ApplicationClass()
If Not (fUpload.HasFile) Then


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.net - DataGridView.SelectionChanged Event Firing When BindingSource.SuspendBindings() Turned On?

Jul 28, 2011

In the following sample, I create a collection of objects and bind them to a DataGridView. When the button is clicked, I .SuspendBinding, then remove all the records, then .ResumeBinding. The DataGridView1_SelectionChanged event is fired when I remove { m_dataSource.RemoveAt(pos) } the selected row of the Grid. Why is this? I would think that .SuspendBinding() would stop any events from firing through to the grid. If not, what is the point of .SuspendBinding()?

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1
Private m_dataSource As New BindingList(Of BusinessObjects.Person)


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Communications :: Write A Program To Ping Computers On Network To See If They Are Turned On?

Jul 4, 2008

I am trying to write a program to ping computers on my network to see if they are turned on. So far i have the following:


If My.Computer.Network.Ping("") Then
MsgBox("Computer is on.")
MsgBox("Ping request timed out.")
End If

If i use ip addresses, this works fine but i would rather use hostnames due to the ip addresses being dynamic (something which is outside my control). Using the hostname, it reurns "Computer is on" if the ping is successful, but if the hostname cannot be found, instead on returning "Ping request timed out", an error occurs as follows:

A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException' occurred in System.dll

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VS 2008 Project Just Turned Into A Not Working System With Hundreds Of Warnings?

Jul 24, 2009

I don't know why or how but my project just turned into a not working system with hundreds of warnings... I didn't touch any of the assembly or anything that could do this and I don't have a clue. I have backups but one days' work will be gone if I can't resolve this.I got warnings like these:Warning1Could not find type 'crm.MyTextBox'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built.00 Warning2The variable 'txtQty' is either undeclared or was never assigned.L:MartynascrmEquipmentSale .Designer.vb3270Warning3Could not find type 'crm.Mycombox'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built.00 Warning4The variable 'cmbProduct' is either undeclared or was never assigned.L:MartynascrmEquipmentSale.Designer.vb3310 Warning5Could not find type 'crm.MyTextBox'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built.00

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VS 2008 Start A Particular .net Application, The Caps Lock Should Be Automatically Turned On?

Jul 17, 2009

i want that when i start a particular application, the caps lock should be automatically turned on.... how can this b done ?

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