Parallel.For Termination - Service That Scans Network Folders Using A Parallel.for Method
Jan 16, 2012
I have a service that scans network folders using a parallel.for method. However recently I am finding if I stop the service then while windows says the service is stopped the process is still running in task manager. However it is at 0 cpu and the memory does not change. If I try and end the task (even a force in command prompt) it just says access denied and i have to reboot the server. What would be the best way to make sure everything terminates? I thought of adding a global Boolean that in the stop procedure it turns true and part of my parallel code will check for that and call s.stop.
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Dec 2, 2010
im using tasks parallel library in .net 4.0 i want to have the ability to specify a task for each core independant of the other cores. usually in TPL, i create a task and i tell it to run in parallel, i have no control over the number of threads created nor can i control the number of cores to participate in the parallel task. also, i cant specify each particular core a different task.i'd like to know how to achieve this in TPL if it is possible.
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Nov 11, 2009
Is there any way of doing parallel processing in Like running a IF-ELSE and CASE in parallel.
For example i'm incrementing a counter in a IF-ELSE statement. And for each count i need to display some thing using a case statement.
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Apr 15, 2010
tell how to form this to the correct Syntax?ere the sample in sequential form:ForEach ctrl AsCheckBoxIn tblCKBoxCollection.Controlsctrl.Checked =
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Mar 31, 2011
I have been reading up on the parallel programming and even now still a little confused on the whole concepts. Lets say I have a single project with about 5 classes that interact and have local variables in methods and variables accessible to all methods in a single class and even 1 or 2 variables accessible to all classes accessed through instantiation. Now using threads I know that global variables would be overridden by multiple threads if there were no locking applied but local variables to a method/function do not, right?
So if I ran the project multiple times meaning as a new process, the methods and variables would be thread safe right and no data corruption occurs? So to implement parallel programming using the task factory, if I created a project that basically creates tasks and each task is basically running an instance of another project, then shouldn't the variables and data be thread safe and safe from corruption? But what if I had the output files and they named by Output &, would there be conflict issues and I ask this knowing that I have seen this happen when trying it. [Code]
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Sep 28, 2010
I have 2 threads in my Program. Here is code for both of them
Private Sub btnStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
StartReceiving is working fine but StartWriting is called only once and that msgbox in startWriting is never called, any suggestions on this
View 7 Replies
Jul 13, 2010
I have this sub :
Private Sub error_out(ByVal line As Integer, ByVal err_col As Integer, ByVal err_msg As String)
Dim ln = t_erori.Rows.Add
I suspect this is because it's trying to add the same row twice.
How can i make this work ? Or what else method could I use to do this ?
I need this datatable because my app is writing some results in there, but any other method to store the results that works with parallel.for would be ok.
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Nov 26, 2010
I have a class written in C#. In it I want to run a certain function in parallel on a list. After it completes on each item I would like to update a progress bar. However, I get very odd behavior from my program. It executes the event and reaches my sub but never proceeds to actually execute any code. Instead it just freezes. (I've mixed and c#. It will be rewritten at some point)[code]So for some reason I get it to enter progressBar Counter on each item in the list but it never exists. Instead it just keeps the form frozen.
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Jan 11, 2011
Im trying to learn how to use a Parallel.For loop. Ive got a big for loop, that i need to run parallel, and am trying to use a Parallel.For loop for the first time. When I try using this code, I get that it cant be called using these arguments. The old way to write this would be:[code]I dont need to return anything to the for loop, Im just trying to iterate m, running in parallel. Where am I going wrong?
View 5 Replies
Dec 31, 2008
I use the following code to print to the receipt printer on the parallel port in vb 6.0, but it seems that it doesn't work on[code]...
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Mar 15, 2012
I have two System.Windows.Forms.Timer with different interval having [code]...
but some timer2 not start wroking until timer1 not get finished i want them to run parallel without waiting for each other to finish
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Mar 13, 2012
how can i sort too parallel arrays?
Those are the two arrays now when i try array.sort(strflavor,decamountsold) or array.sort(decamountsold,strflavor) they are not arraigned properly. I am trying to get them to sort by which flavor sold the least and which flavor sold the most. However when i sort them, the flavors are not matching up with the decimal values.
View 8 Replies
Feb 12, 2010
I prepare data to be processed, and saved to file. Since this process is slow, I want to delegate it to a parallel thread, so the main routine can end his work faster. The data is processed and saved to file by the "Sub ProcesarDatos", a routine on his instance of "FileProcessor class".
I call the code this way:
fp As
FileProcessor(DatosDeArchivo, Archivo & ".txt", Me)
(NewSystem.Threading.WaitCallback _
View 2 Replies
May 26, 2010
i am trying to make a robot that i can talk to(not yet) and tell it to goto places 1st task it to figure out how to use an inbuilt webcam in my net book and do an image Recognition for walls stars eg 2nd task is to see if i can get it to use my server to help compute the images because my net book is very slow 3rd is speech to text now can all of these be done in
View 2 Replies
Aug 3, 2010
I recently changed a For Each loop to a Parallel.ForEach loop. I'm concerned about an object being declared outside the loop but assigned while iterating in the loop. Here is the simplified code.
Dim results As ModelResults
Dim noResultsModel As New List(Of ModelResults)
Dim lock As New Object
Is there a potential race condition with the results object? Would anything be different if I moved the declaration of results into the for loop?
View 1 Replies
Dec 20, 2010
is there any other way to access a serial port using visual 2010? i followed the steps in this site, How to access serial and parallel ports by using Visual Basic .NET but i just got this output Open the serial port. Send the attention command to the modem. Wait for data to come back to the serial port...
View 2 Replies
Aug 22, 2011
if there's any overload that would allow me to specify a step size in a Parallel.For loop?
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Jul 14, 2011
How to call the parallel port with vb codes.I'm going to make a helicopter to control with my pc.
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Nov 5, 2011
I just learned basic arrays, I'm writing a program the allows Professor Carver to display a grade based on the number of possible points he enters in the inputbox (strMax). Then the user enters the points he earned in the textbox (dblPoints)
Then I solve the percentage. dblResults = dblPoints/CDbl(strMax) The first step is to store the minimum percentage points in one dimensional array. I did that. The second step is to store the grades in one dimensional array. I did that. The arrays should be parallel arrays. Having trouble with it It then should display the corresponding grade from the strGrades array Not done. I'm having trouble to display arrays in that are parallel.
View 6 Replies
May 31, 2010
i want to work with it in vb. 1st i want to check if port is already mapped or not, if not then map it and once done remove the mapping. The one way is using shell and pass command in it, but not sure how to get already map status and also wondering if there is any other method to get it done.n :)
View 1 Replies
Apr 24, 2012
I have a program that connect to 2 printers at the same time. Ribbon Printer and Label printer.
I have set the ribbon printer to be the default printer of the server so that normal document printing can be printed using it. This is very simple and i already finsih the code for it.
However i have a Parallel printer at Port LPT1 which i wish to use it to print label. I have search online but find no solution on how to open connection to LPT1 and print the document in coding.What i can find i only send a window command to the port LPT
View 1 Replies
Feb 17, 2011
I am trying to convert the code below into a parallel loop. What is the proper syntax to use Parallel.ForEach instead of just ForEach?
For Each grow As GridViewRow In gvEmployees.Rows
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Jul 29, 2009
I'm deploying a standalone application (VB 2005 w/ Crystal Reports) using ClickOnce. My users have different IP addresses that they use to map to the same networked drive. The best way I've come up with to get the installer out to them is to publish it twice manually:
And telling them to execute the appropriate installer.
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Feb 3, 2010
getting started with creating an index search for parallel arrays. When the user enters the specific "code", and presses enter, the information in the other arrays should be displayed based on its matching index. I'm pretty sure I use "For i = " but I'm lost. I have my arrays set up like this:
Dim code(9) As String
code(0) = "A"
code(1) = "H"
View 3 Replies
Dec 29, 2010
i need to interface an spi analog switches using either a parallel or serial port. Is this possible?
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Mar 25, 2011
Direction with some logic using files and parallel list.. I have to create a summary of a current clients portfolio using the client id I have in a textbox. I've everything to work except the summary of the client. I have several sub functions that I can use that I've made up in my code. They are frmMain_Load that have a file and a string holding the client txtfile to a file
Dim clientFile As System.IO.StreamReader 'file of client data
Dim clientFileName As String = "faclient.txt" '
And I have two functions Private Sub GetStockData(ByVal sCode As String, ByRef sName As String,ByRef sPrice As Double) and Private Sub GetNextTran(ByRef tid As String, ByRef tcode As String, ByRef tdate As Date, ByRef ttype As String, ByRef tshares As Integer, ByRef tprice As Double). I have to add to a label,a summary tha shows the stock code, stock name, number of shares currently held, current share price and value(shares times current price). The number of shares currently help will be the result of adding the shares bought and subracting the shares sole for that stock. If the number of shares help turns out to be zero(client sold all the shares they bought), do not display the line. The program should not assume there is an upper limit to the number of different stocks a client can hold. I know is alot..But here is what I have so far..
Private Sub btnSummary_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSummary.Click
'get a summary of client portfolio and value
Dim summaryCodeList As New List(Of String) 'holds scode
Dim sharesList As New List(Of Integer) 'holds tshares
View 4 Replies
Oct 26, 2009
im new around here and also to VB.NET infact any aspect of programming, im hoping to be able to some useful stuff but at the momment im a little stuck i only have basic knoweldge so anyway here goes im programming in VB.NET 2008 Express edition, im also using inpout32.dll which is running ok and also controlling the parallel port fine.the problem i have is as follows the program so far is controlling the 8 outputs at the momment, i can turn each individual one on but when i try to turn multiple outputs on it will only turn on one and the other that was turned on goes off i understand its controlled in a 255 bit array but how to decode it is a little tough
View 5 Replies
May 25, 2012
I've got a general question about improving performance and load times in a vb6 converted program. With .net you can easily tell load times have increased and I was looking around at improvements to lower load times and was wondering if this would help reduce load times? I've heard it CAN significantly reduce load times so it was the first thing I looked into. The program has around 200 windows so it is going to be a huge task if it does indeed work well with it. What are some requirements to use this? What are some other improvements that could happen from a vb6 converted project?
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Nov 12, 2010
I need to pass some data to some procedure called with a parralel.invoke, how can I pass data to the procedure?
I need something like:
Sub ProcessData()
For Each myobject In ListOfObject
Parallel.Invoke(AddressOf LoadOneCPU, myobject )
View 1 Replies
Jul 4, 2010
I am new to VB and am needing to write to the parallel port. I am using a laptop so have got a USB to parallel port converter and need to know how to write to it using VB (I am using Visual Basic Express 2010)
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