ProcessLink Is Going To Receive Multiple Groups Of Data From The ArraList "mylist"?

Sep 29, 2010

This needs to be written in Visual Basic

Here is a statement from the Main part of the program...

mylist.ForEach(AddressOf ProcessLink)

What this statement says is the following.... "For each item in the ArrayList "mylist" send item to the sub program "ProcessLink"Note that ProcessLink is going to receive multiple groups of data from the ArraList "mylist".ProcessLink then takes each value sent to it and turns it into "P.myName" and P.myValue".I need ProcessLink to then add these values to an array. And each time it receives a batch of data from the ArrayList "mylist" it will add those values to the same Array. ProcessLink will then sort the array based on "P.Value".I then need ProcessLink to output the name value pairs in the array and output the result as...Response.Write("<tr><td>" & P.myName & "</td><td>" & P.myValue & "</td></tr>") .What should the code in ProcessLink look like?

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Opening Multiple COM Ports And Send / Receive Data

Jun 8, 2011

I am trying to set up a program that allows you to open multiple COM ports and then select which COM port you send data down. The computer i am using has 18 COM ports. Also on the first code it shows the ports are open they just wont receive anything.


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.net - Replace Multiple Captured Groups In Regex?

Feb 9, 2012

VB2005: I've been looking at regex for some hours now and cant seem to get my head around the .Replace for my case. I'm looking for two fields and then I want to replace those fields with new values. So my string looks like so:


What do I put in MyRegexReplace? This is a simple two value replace but Im going to have possibly more so was thinking there has got to be a way to do this but need .

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Multiple Radio Button Groups - Text Box To Display A Value

Nov 14, 2009

I have a question regarding radio buttons. I am creating a little prog that has three separate radio button groups. After selecting one button in each group, I would like a text box to display a value. The text box value will be a number between 50 and 350 or so.

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Reading Multiple Batches (groups) In Text File?

Aug 15, 2009

how i can read multiple lines from a text file to a variable that i can process individually later. Each batch needs to be stored so that i can modify them and then recombine them into a file later.So each "group" starts with the line that begins with 5 and ends with the line that begins with 8, no if we can store the line great, if not then output to a tmp file and merge after completion is ok too.. not sure how to best handle it (hence why i am posting here)I was looking at doing with Regex but this is way over my head right now. So here is what i need to do, and below is the code that processes the groups... not sure how to read the batches in first:So from this input:

101 129984776 12239022378970495730475347 NATIONAL BANK clark county cred
5200HEAVENLY A133016 1880467884PPDPAYROLL 080309090807 1122016060000001
6221224007799238298775 0000201175A13399 $TAX COMPANY 0122016060000001


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VS 2010 Adding A User To MULTIPLE LDAP Groups At Once?

Mar 30, 2012

Ok, I have this code... and it works. If I want to add it to say... a checkbox or something of the sort.

Public Sub groupaddarray()
'Alpharetta Staff
If Form1.CheckBox23.Checked = True Then
Dim grp As IADsGroup


My question... how can I double click the listbox, and then it keeps adding these groups to say... another text box, and when I click add groups it will read the textbox, and add multiple groups instead of just the one?

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VS 2005 Get DataRow (myList) To Start On A New Line After

Sep 27, 2011

I cant see to get my DataRow (myList) to start on a new line after my column names. It starts at the end of my column names

Not sure how to correctly get this line:


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Receive XML Data Via URL

Aug 29, 2011

Am told to receive XML data via URL. Can someone suggest the best way to achieve this without any authentication required at the level of server. Best Regards, Harikrishnan R

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Can't Receive Data Using Winsock

Jul 20, 2009

I'm working on a server/client chat program in vb 2008 using winsock. I have a connection and can send data, but for some reason I can't receive data. [Code]

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Parse(receive) The Data From The PBX Itself?

Feb 3, 2012

have to write a program/application (which I already started in VB.NET 2010) that connects through Panasonic KX-TEM824 PBX machine via RS232 port (cable already connected : COM15/16 depending on USB I connect) and while it's connected to parse(receive) the data from the PBX itself, data that has caller ID, time of call started and ended, duration of the call and etc. I have found some already application on the Internet that does the work but they are free to try after awhile requires to buy or restart the app again. But I assume there's not much to implement on the code side.

Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Threading [code]..

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Split The Data And Receive Back From The Box?

Nov 5, 2010

I am writing an automation program for an associated research HYPOT tester and one of my current problems is trying to split the data i recieve back from the box.Currently i have two commands i use TD? and SALL? both do the same thing but return different data. TD? when sent to the box will return the test results and of course there is no auto return when test is complete so i have to either set some kinda of timer to get the data after the test is complete or just keep pinging the box tell the test returns with either a pass or problem is when i ping the box with TD? it returns

"M11,ACW,test results{pass|fail},1.50,10.00,10ms"

What I am trying to do is use a split command to split that line into strings based off "," as my dilimeter. Currently i am useing this set up

dim resultstring as string = main.serialport1.readexisting
dimresultarray as string = split(resultstring, ",",6)
txtTestResult.Text = resultarray(2)

for the most part is does return the test results but other times it will either error out saying that resultarray(2) is out side the index or it will display one of the other strings (acw or 1.50).Is there a more accurate way to do this.I am also printing the full string pulled from the buffer into a text doc as a data log.

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Cannot Receive Data From RFID Reader

Feb 13, 2010

I'm using VB 2008 to received data from serial port (RFID Reader). below is the coding that i used. the problem's, the RFID Tag number does not display on the textboxt. [code]....

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Receive Data From A PBX Machine After Get Connected To It?

Feb 6, 2012

I have to write a program/application (which I already started in VB.NET 2010) that connects through Panasonic KX-TEM824 PBX machine via RS232 port (cable already connected : COM15/16 depending on USB I connect) and while it's connected to parse(receive) the data from the PBX itself, data that has caller ID, time of call started and ended, duration of the call and etc. I have found some already application on the Internet that does the work but they are free to try after awhile requires to buy or restart the app again. But I assume there's not much to implement on the code side.

Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO.Ports


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Receive Data From Weighing Machine?

Apr 14, 2010

i want receve the data from weighing machine through coding and how to get data from weighing machine

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Receive HEX Data Through Serial Port?

Jan 5, 2009

I am trying to recieve HEX data from a seriall device. Code is as below . but the required output is not correct. Some chracter code are not correct even in decimal . like for 80 i recieved 3F and for c0 also.for example i recived a string .

10 02 3F 00 10 03 3F 61
but in actual data should be
10 02 80 00 10 03 c0 61


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Send And Receive Data Through Sockets?

Dec 3, 2008

I'm completely new to sockets etc.I'm trying to create an app that'll allow someone to send short information messages to several other people with the same app, using the internet and sockets(?)I've tried using code from online, but I'm getting no where.

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Send And Receive Data Through USB Port?

Jan 24, 2008

I am trying to send and receive data through a USB port on my computer to an external microcontroller.

I built most of the code using the "serial class" but then i read that this would not work with a USB port.

How would I go about communicating with this USB port on my computer?

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Serialport To Receive Data From Instrument Every Second?

Jul 18, 2009

I use the vb .net serialport to receive data from my instrument every second

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VB Receive Data From Serial Port?

Apr 20, 2011

I use ReceiveSerialData() function to get a string (20 byte of 8 bit data) from serial portBut I faild and got the error "operation has timeout". I am new in VB 2010

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VS 2008 IO.Serialport Does Not Receive Any Data

Apr 6, 2009

I want to use IO.ports.serialport to receive ASCII data from an instrument (A Luxmeter for those interested). So far, i've been unable to read any single byte from the instrument using the IO.ports.serialport.A terminal window shows the datastream just fine, and I've used MScommlib to read the data without problems. I just had other problems with the latter, so I thought I'd give this IO.ports.serialport a try.The code runs fine, no errors. It just doesn't receive anything.Bytestoread stays 0 forever.I distilled the code to it's bare essence. What am I missing? Is it something obvious, or did I completely misunderstand the whole concept? (Which is not unlikely..)I did check the obvious, of course: settings, baudrate, cable is connected, instrument is sending, etc.[code]

View 6 Replies

Can Receive Data From Handpunch 3000 Via Network

Mar 7, 2011

How I can Receive Data From handpunch 3000 via network !?

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Communications :: Receive Hex Data On Serial Port?

Jan 5, 2009

I am trying to recieve HEX data from a seriall device. Code is as below . but the required output is not correct. Some chracter code are not correct even in decimal. like for 80 i recieved 3F and for c0 also. for example i recived a string .

10 02 3F 00 10 03 3F 61

but in actual data should be

10 02 80 00 10 03 c0 61

Public Sub DataSeriallReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles SerialPort.DataReceived
Dim buff As String


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Data Send And Receive Over GPRS Connection?

Apr 22, 2010

I am sending data to my server ( from microcontroller device using socket connection, I want to receive data using Socket and store in access database need a tracker for this work

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Receive Data From COM Port Or USB Live Into Excel?

Aug 12, 2010

I have blocks of data that arrives from a remote terminal via RS232/COM1 port.

Each block has carriage return at end of the data.

I like to receive the data direcly into EXCEL so it will feel like the remote computer is typing into my EXCEL.

Do I need an interface program outside EXCEL or a MACRO can do the same and how do I do it?

Is there anyway to have the serial data go to keyboard buffer that EXCEL operates from it?

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Receive Data From Multicast LAN IP With Socket Connection?

Mar 24, 2012

I converted some codes from python to VB 2010. My aim is sending query data to multicast IP and get the response. My query data receiving from device which is connected to my LAN. Also the device responding my query and my PC receiving the responce but at this point the VB program freezing.getting response data and printing to console without freezing.

This is the code list;

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text


Here is the Wire Shark (Network Protocol Anlyzer) screen shots; My computer IP is : and device's IP is :

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Receive Data From Serial Port To Page?

Feb 28, 2011

I am working on my project "PREPAID RESTAURANT CARD USING RFID TECHNOLOGY" in which i sent 12 digit number (rfid tag id) to serial port through my hardware and receive at my 2008 page.but i don't know how to receive data in vb page in the textbox using which cammand.

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Receive Data From The Serial Port After Message Is Being Sent?

Aug 4, 2009

I am doing a project on sending and receiving sms from a serial port. But I have a problem on receiving sms. About the receiving sms, how can i show the received sms in the textbox using the serial port. Do I have to use the DataReceived Events. Here is the code i am using:

Public Class Form1
Private WithEvents serialPort As New SerialPort
Private ReadThread As Thread[code]....

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Receive Data Through A Socket Created In Another Process

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to implement SMPP protocol in vb. I am sucessfull in send and receiving packets using sockets. Now I would like to decentralize the functions of my program. I want to implement two programs one for sending and another for receiving using a single socket. I want to receive data through the same socket that was created in another process(i.e., the first program).

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Receive Incoming Data From Serial Port?

Mar 23, 2011

I am having problem receiving data from serial port. Btw, I am new to Visual studio 2010 too.

I do a test program on my PIC so that when button1 press, it will send character "Y" to visual studio; when button2 press, it will send character "N" to visual studio. I know for VS 2010, sending data out is by the command


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Send And Receive Data From A Serial Port?

Jul 8, 2011

I have created a program to send and receive data from a serial port, some of the data needs to be stored in certain strings for a export to excel. However the data takes while to to send be sent back. So in order to get the right information in the right strings I have to put pauses in my code. I have added a timer to my form:

On my timer's tick event I have the following code:

Public Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
iTick = iTick + 1
End Sub

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