Programmatically Select Items In ListBox?
May 9, 2005How would I go about programatically selecting items in a litsbox? I need a quick way for the user to be able to select all items in the list.
View 6 RepliesHow would I go about programatically selecting items in a litsbox? I need a quick way for the user to be able to select all items in the list.
View 6 RepliesIs there any way I can select multiple items in a listview programmatically in WPF?
View 2 RepliesCan I let my program select an item in a listbox based on a string (f.e. textbox.text)?So basicly, if an item in my listbox containst a certain string (text from a textbox), it should select that item..
I've been searching for a while, but nothing is doing the job.. Could anyone give me an example of this?
I have a button, if I press the button, new picturebox will appear in my main form.How to add picturebox name in the listbox? how to select picturebox name from a listbox for deleting the selected picturebox?
View 5 RepliesI have a Listbox1 Who Contains A TO Z English Alphabets.
I want to Change Selection One BY One WIth TIMER Like:
I am trying to automatically select items in a listbox when i populate it.
see the code below listbSizeRun is a listbox
Dim sizelist As New Generic.List(Of stLib.clsRecall.sizeRunInfoVO)
sizelist = recall.getDistinctSizeGL()
listbSizeRun.DataSource = sizelist
I have a listbox that displays SSRS report names and a separate listbox for displaying email addresses. Both report names and email addresses reside in separate SQL tables. This application allows my users to select an SSRS report, report parameters, export method and email a URL link to one or multiple recipients. This part works very well. One particular report has 6 recipients and I have been trying to come up with a way to automatically select these 6 email addresses whenever this one report is selected but I haven't had any luck being the neophyte .Net programmer that I am.
View 6 RepliesI currently have two list boxes that have the exact same items in each. I don't want the user to be able to select the same item from both list boxes.
My code:
I'd like the user to not be able to select AAA & AAA from different list boxes, just SSS & AAA. I have way more items just thought I'd shorten it.
Okay so I have a Textbox a button a listbox and a picturebox.
This is what I want to happen.
I want to type Balloon into the TextBox, then press the button.
Then I want the listbox to display 2 items. Balloon1 and Balloon2.[code]...
I have a list box that is bound to a datatable, which works fine. The question I have is this. I have a list of values in the form of a sqlDatareader that I want to use to select values in the list box, that is to say if the value from from the datareader matches the value member from the row in the listbox then select the row. I've come up with the following code, but can't find the syntax to utilize the SetSelected method.[code]...
View 5 RepliesI am using VB.NET (version 2008). I have two types of items populating in a listbox (checked listbox). For example: lets say one is type "A" and other is "Type B". Their names maybe same so if the user sees those items in listbox then he won;t be able to determine their type until he click on them and checks out its properties. I wanted that I add each item to listbox and colour them so that blue for example means type "A" is there and red means the other. So this way I will be able to know at a glance that how many item of what type is present. I guess it may not be possible to do that in a standard checkedlistbox. I am also using component factory's krypton controls which enhance the gui of an application. But I dunno if I can progress using that.
View 5 RepliesI am a beginer in For a school project, i have chosen inventory control as the subject. WIth help from videos, i have developed some basic forms with adding/updating.
The product table design is like this:
Now, i am designing the purchase/sales screens. I am showing the items name, qty, price in a datagrid. From the products table, I am able to select the 'ProductName' by giving it a combobox . I want the ProductSellingPrice also to appear in the next column of the grid.
got myself a bit stuck here
Private Sub tbMisconfig_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tbMisconfig.Click
Dim SelectedTabName As String = tbMisconfig.SelectedTab.Name
I have a DataGridView with about 250 rows. I want to select a row programatically and scroll to it. Whatever I set FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex to the value is never greater than 2 and the required row is out of sight. I can manually scroll to the correct row.
gdgvTasks.CurrentCell = gdgvTasks.Rows(iSelectedRow).Cells(1) ' Method to set Current Row
Is there a way to select the CurrentCell programmatically? I want to cycle through the list of SelectedCells and if they don't have a specific ColumnIndex then deselect the column. An error though is thrown when it reaches the CurrentCell though.
For i As Integer = 0 To (dgvStaffHoursNotes.SelectedCells.Count - 1)
If dgvStaffHoursNotes.SelectedCells(i).ColumnIndex = _
dgvStaffHoursNotes.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex Then
i am trying to select the value of combobox programatically.. like my application has a form in that they can edit some field.. one of them can have only few values and they cant be edited.. i am populating them in combo box (dropdownlist type) and later ,
Dim cs As String = reader.Item("Category").ToString
ComboBox1.SelectedText = cs
reader is data reader.. when user click id, it loads all values in all text boxes.. then string cs gets value of that record but fails to select it.. in Main UI the Combo box is blank.. when i click drop down item all values are coming(that are defined previously, but i want only 1 values to be displayed that is associated with that id and its present in that drop down)..
Is it possible to select an item in one listbox and then display the data of another listbox with the same indexed position? I am planning a project and this is something I would like to attempt but I haven't figured out how to do it.[code..]
I tried doing the above code but instead of displaying the listbox text the message box just returned false.
So I want it to remove any text in the list box that has a "Job" in it and just replace it with a blank nothing.
Like if the listbox looked like this
then it would change it to this
I also would like a way of removing any blank items from the listbox.
I had a DataGridView, and already able to add DataGridViewComboBoxColumn to it. It read data from database StoredProcedure using custom ValueDescriptor class, this is the code for it:
Shared Sub fillComboBoxCellUsingSP(ByVal comboBox As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, ByVal proc_name As String, ByVal param As Object(), ByVal firstitem As String)
Dim dt As New DataTable
Actually, the line that read comboBox.Value = o is okay. But still, the combo box cell didn't display the value. Just empty. And sometimes, DataError event raised.
If have a textbox that is used to search a datagrid when a user types into it. This seems to be working properly, as the correct row is highlighted when text is entered. However, something isn't quite triggering properly because if I try to get the selected row, using dgSchedule.CurrentCell.RowIndex, it always comes up with whatever the last row that was physically clicked on, rather than the row that is actually highlighted.[code]...
View 7 RepliesI have a question here.. pls kindly advise.I need to design a simple form that allow user to choose the value from Listbox A to Listbox B. For example, in Listbox A, have value A, value B and value C, then user can choose (or highlight value B and value C) and copy into the listbox B.
May i know how can i do this in Any reference link?
I want to select many items from the listbox in vb .net i. e i have the following code:
For i As Integer = 0 To Me.lstdep.Items.Count - 1
If dt.Rows(0)(3).ToString.Trim = Me.lstdep.Items(i).ToString.Trim Then
lstdep.SetSelected(i, True)
End If
running the above code i can select only a single item from the sql server 2005.But i want to select multiple items which are seperated by comma in the back end ....
I'm modifying a windows application , and I would like to programmatically select a row inside of a DataGrid. It seems like it should be pretty easy to do, but I'm have a hard time with this.
View 3 RepliesI am using the below code to find all the items in a listbox using 2005. But how can remove the non searched items from the listbox after searching?
I am trying to remove items from a listbox based on the items on another listbox, this seems simple but apparently[code]...
View 1 RepliesI am trying to programmatically select all items, including subitems, in a listview and can't seem to get the result I am looking for. I have FullRowSelect = True set and when I click on the items, all is fine. However, if I use the following code, only the ListViewItem is selected and not the item's subitems. Is there a way to achieve this?
I'm using the following sub routines to allow the user to move treeview nodes up/down:
Public Sub MoveNodeUp(ByVal Nod As TreeNode)
If Not (Nod.PrevNode Is Nothing) Then
Nod.Parent.Nodes.Insert(Nod.Index - 1, CType(Nod.Clone, TreeNode))
Is there a simple way to keep the moved node selected after the move?
I have a DataGridView with 3 columns (metric_key, metric_name, metric_value).There are for example, 6 ROWS in this table (6 different metrics), added programmatically (DGV is not bound in any way)
Now, when I assign values in my grid I do:
dataGridView1.item("Metric_value",0).value = "value of the metric in row 0, in the column named "metric_Value".
I have a website where I am filling form data through VB.Net 2010 through WebBrowser control.
I am able to set value for input:text, input:password, checkbox, select and able to submit form.
But I am not able to select input:file programmatically. I am also able to open "Choose a File" Dialog.
How can I send file name to select and press OK button from VB.Net Code?
I need to select the address option on this webpage programatically with vb 2010 webbrowser.I think the html code is here
<select size="1" name="bytool" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: -1pt" onChange="searchTool(document.frmNavigation.bytool.options[document.frmNavigation.bytool.selectedIndex].value)">
<option value="none">Select Item</option>