ProgressBar For Long Looping Operation?

May 13, 2012

i want to ask about progressbar i mke some looping, maybe long looping, can be 2000 record or maybe 20K record but i want the progressbar show the progress of that looping example = i have 20.000 record, when it loop on the 2.000 record, the progressbar automatically 10%, then if 2.200 then progressbar become 11%.. and the progressbar is dynamically changed within the record i have read some about BackGround worker, but i dont know the i count the record, and then set the maximum value for progressbar, and inside looping, i set the value 1 by 1 but, if i count it first, then it will 2 time loading and not as fast.

here is my simple code

Function nilaicari(ByVal sDir As String) As Integer
If (countfolder(sDir) = 0) Then
For Each d In Directory.GetFiles(sDir)
z += 1


it work fine, but i think it not effective because it process 2 time how can i make it loop, and then immediately make the progress of the looping ?

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Progressbar With Long Function

Mar 10, 2009

I have a situation like this:[code]This function takes several minutes. I do not have access to any kind of loop counter because the function is a big loop, but I do not want it to be done in the click event, I want the click event to call the function, as it does here. Is there any way to report the progress in a progress bar on the form with the button that called this function?

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Progressbar Does Not Run During Operation

Oct 14, 2010

I have a form called frmReport and on this form a user makes selections and clicks the "btnBuild" button which in turn creates a crystal report and displays it. However sometimes this process can take some time to build the report. So I placed a panel control along with a progress bar to let the user know that the system is working. However when the form runs the progressbar does not run until the last few seconds before the report is displayed. how to get the progressbar to "run" while the report is building ? (The progress bar is set to marquee.)

Private Sub btnBuild_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBuild.Click
' Display panel control with progress bar


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How To Make A ProgressBar Will Be Long As Music File Length

Mar 11, 2012

[code]how to make a ProgressBar will be long as a music file length

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Long Running Operation, Nonresonsive Program?

Jun 30, 2010

I have written a program that searches a bunch of urls and pulls out information that I need. The program works to an extent. Everything codewise works, but it seems like I did a sloppy job of pulling the code together. After about 10 minutes of running, the program just becomes unresponsive and I have to close it through task manager. I've seen it range from 100k to 350k in memory useage. It also uses about 80%+ cpu usage at all times. I hope someone might be able to see something that I forgot or did wrong as the program is meant to run almost full time, executing parts of code on certain days/times.

Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim strCon As String = "Data Source=server;Initial Catalog=database;Integrated Security=True"
con.ConnectionString = strCon


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Refresh Form During Long Synchronous Operation?

Nov 13, 2009

I am running several long synchronous operations in my VB.NET application that can take several minutes each to complete. During these operations the form will turn white and the title bar will show "Not Responding" and some users may close the application thinking it has stopped working when in fact it is still running.I am pretty sure I need to multithread to do this, but my initial efforts have been unsuccessful. What is the easiest way to refresh my form every couple of seconds or so while these long operations are running?

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ProgressBar+MultiThreading Cross Thread Operation Not Valid?

Aug 13, 2011

I'm having difficulty in working with MultiThreading.I want to add to my project a ProgressBar to show the working flow.I'm getting combinations from many Strings, the number of combination can be really big, so it takes few seconds or minutes.

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Force A Progress Bar To Update During A Long-running Operation In Program?

Dec 19, 2010

I am running a test program for VB.NET, and it will simply crunch a million numbers in for loop. I've linked a variable implying the progress of the for loop with the progress bar, but it seems that when I run the program, the progress bar does not update itself. The bar itself has only value 0-100 as input (as stated in the document) and I've tested it without using the for loop, and it works.

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VS 2008 Way Of Coding In Stead Of Writting Long Long Paragraphs

Sep 18, 2011

Is there a easer way of coding in stead of wrighting long long paragraphs like this in one line [code]All of this is on one line and i got lots of info to put down.."The game will begin on your 16th birthday with your mother waking you up. Today you are to go to the castle for the first time. Leave your bed and open your dresser for a Strength Seed. "

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Make The Progressbar Look Like The Progressbar In Xp When Use Win7?

Dec 21, 2009

in vb 2008 or higher :how do i make the progressbar look like the progressbar in xp when i use win7?

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Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal FBlock As Long) As Long?

Dec 26, 2009

In Visual Studio 2008 I am using :Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal fBlock As Long) As Long To stop input from occuring during a search-replace operation.

BlockInput(True) ' do not allow input during search and destroy
Dim cursorIcon As Cursor
cursorIcon = Cursor
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor

Then setting it to false at the end of the operation. It did not work, so I thought maybe it was because I was calling it from a child window, so I created a function in the mainwindow, and ran it like this:

FrmMain.BlockFrmMainInput()With these functions is the Main window:


It did not solve the problem. I thought maybe it was because I was running under the debugger, so I tried compiling and running it debugger-free, but that did not do any better. I am still getting input when I double-click the mouse on either form.

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Convert A Delphi Copy Operation To A .Net Substring Operation?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm trying to convert code from Delphi to .Net. I'm stuck on one line:

//Delphi code ss := Copy(ss, Length(ss), 1) + Copy(ss, 1,Length(ss) - 1); ' code ss = ss.Substring(0, ss.Length - 1) + ss.Substring(1, ss.Length - 1)

Delphi combines the two substrings, while .Net just concatenate them like a copy.

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% Of RGB In A Progressbar?

Dec 12, 2009

I'm making an application with a custom progress bar (picture box) using the formula

pbxProgress.Width = (intValue / intMax) * pbxBar.Width

where pbxBar.Width is the maximum length.Along with that, I'm using another formula to change the RGB color of pbxProgress while it increases. I'm using:

pbxProgress.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, (intColor / 255) * 650)

I came to that last number; 650, by guessing and checking. If I use that number, the RGB increases perfectly with the value of the progress bar so that it ends up being at 255 when the bar is completely full. The only trouble is, I'm not sure how I got that number, and I would like to make a more general formula for future use.

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How To Add ProgressBar

Dec 30, 2011

This is a code to send Email by when I excute the code , it will take a period to send email nad then show me msgbox("successful") I want to add in this period a ProgressBar befor msgbox


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Progressbar Value In .net?

Jul 4, 2010

i have designed a web browser.except for the progress bar it is working fine.this is my code:

Private Sub WebBrowser1_ProgressChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.ProgressChanged
ProgressBar1.Maximum = e.MaximumProgress
ProgressBar1.Value = e.CurrentProgress
End Sub

the error reported is progressbar1.value should be between max and min e.currentprogress = -1 is not possible

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.NET Progressbar Not Updating?

Apr 19, 2011

I am using a progressbar control in a splash screen.

In my code I am updating the progress bar value with each step -

In Form_Load of the main (hidden) form:

frmProg.UpdateProgress(10, "Checking Connection String")
frmProg.UpdateProgress(20, "Checking Crystal Reports OCX Files")


Is there some event I can use to find out when the progress bar has finished redrawing?

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Getting ProgressBar To Work?

May 20, 2009

I'm attempting to use a ProgressBar to show while I'm loading a database. The table I'm loading isn't exceptionally large (about 7900 records), but my program nevertheless takes 39 seconds to load it! I think this is a little too long for a wait cursor, but I'm having problems figuring out how to use the ProgressBar properly.

I would show you what I've got in the way of code, but I trashed it (accidentally) and would like to start over the right way. Please just point me to some tutorials that make sense (if possible) or any code snippets, etc.P.S. I'm loading the database from a button_click event on my main form, which (eventually) raises my 2nd form which has the database displayed in a datagridview control.

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How To Display Name On Progressbar

Jun 7, 2011

In my winform application, writing a file from one directory to another. I have the progressbar1 to show the status of copy. Now I want to display the current filename that is copying on progressbar1.e?

ConfigWindow.FileProgressBar.Visible = True
Dim fileLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:DesktopDemo.csv")
ConfigWindow.FileProgressBar.Maximum = fileLines.Count + 1


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How To Use Progressbar In This Codes

May 15, 2012

I have use this codes in my project

For Each dr As DataRow In DsReports.DataTable
Dim Cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Temp " & _
"VALUES (@ID, @AccountDeatil,@Debit,@Credit)", Cn)


Now How to use ProgressBar1 into Code?

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Make My Progressbar 100%?

Jan 12, 2010

Is there a code to make my progressbar 100%? So when my other progress is done the bar will fill up to 100%?

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Progressbar Not Visible?

May 6, 2011

I have a tab control and when I click on a tab button I show a user control in the panel associated to the tabcode works like data access , bind data to controls and hide or show , resize controls

now in tab click
pbar.visible = true
my code for binding


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ProgressBar.Value Does Not Update

Jan 25, 2012

Public Class ProgressBar
Private Sub Press_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Press.Click
End Sub


I want LABEL ProgressNum to show the updated ProgressBar.Value but it just stays at 100 forever. Why?

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Use Progressbar In .NET With Net.Mail?

Apr 20, 2010

i created an application of mail client , i can send mail via SMTP there isnt any problem while sending, but i want to show sending progress value while sending mail, how can i do that ? for example while send an email via Outlook or Thunderbird you can use the progessbar in statusbar i want to make same tool.

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Use Thread For Progressbar

Aug 28, 2010

I have a process (adapter.fill) it takes much time to execute. I want to use thread for progress bar to move. I use code like below [Code] showform is a form that contains progress bar and in its form load progress bar is move but it has a error and it doesn't work correctly. is there another way to use progress bar with thread?

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Value Of 1 Is Not Valid For Value - Progressbar?

May 18, 2010

Im making a simple mp3 player and i have a timer to display the current position of the song in this format : seconds,miliseconds And i want it to show the current position in a progressbar

This is the code i have inside the timer:


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Way To Create A Progressbar

Mar 6, 2012

I want to create a progressbar in a winform. My winform contains few btns..process,export are two main btns. When i click process its taking tym to load the page, i want to show that in a progressbar![code]...

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How Long Can A Stopwatch Run

Jul 27, 2011

I have a VB.NET app in which I'd like to use the Stopwatch class. The stopwatch will get reset every time it enters a particular method, which may be in less than a second, or not for hours. Is there a limit to how long you can let a stopwatch run before something bad happens? i.e. an error, or performance degradation?

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Int64 The Same With Long?

Apr 4, 2011

Be it in 32 or 64 bit system?

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Put A Long Description In About Box?

May 8, 2009

How do i put a long description in my about box? I can't put it through Assembly Information because it cannot fit.

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.net - Add ProgressBar While Making Operations?

Feb 10, 2012

my update script in VB.NET, i'm making some stuff, and I want, while all funcs are executed, a progressbar to be displayed? How to do that? Here is my execution sub:


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