RSA Algorithm
Sep 8, 2010
I'm Micah. Electrical/Electronic engineering 500 level student. I'm working on my final year project. please i need a code for the implementation of RSA algorithm in VB.NET. your assistance will be appreciated.
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Jun 8, 2009
I am trying to implement an Algorithm called "Diamond-Square Algorithm" I am having trouble ending it so that it retiurns the required result. So far I have the folloiwng.
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Apr 14, 2010
I'll do my best to explain what the algorithm is supposed to do:There's a class 'Recipe'.ach Recipe can include other Recipes but cannot include itself or any other Recipe that includes it. So, a simple example is we have just two Recipes A & B.A,B,C(1) Recipe C Adds B(2) Recipe B Adds A(3) Recipe attempts to add C, but can't because of the relationship. C- B - A.
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Dec 26, 2009
is the algorithm for VB editor released anywhere? because i'm trying to create my own editor that gives various options like Linking and self defined array functions (see below) such that one edit can update several others in various places, but i do still wish to have the auto formatting VB editor provides us example of a self defined array function (count):we can transform this:
Public Class test
Private Shared number_of_methods As Integer = 2
Public Function get_number_of_methods_juz_an_example() As Integer
Return number_of_methods
well of course instead of the code it would be just click and select (i wrote out the code in <> just to show what's happening)
View 5 Replies
Mar 15, 2012
i need some tutorial to implement BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) signature algorithm to create private key and public key to encrypt a message.I need tutorial to implement this in VB.NET.
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Oct 21, 2005
I found an algorithm in C# that I need to convert to C. Problem is, I have never used C# so the syntax is really strange to me.
Implementation of Berlekamp-Massey algorithm for calculating linear complexity of binary sequence
s = byte array with binary sequence
returns Length of LFSR with smallest length which generates s
View 7 Replies
Dec 14, 2010
I want create my own algorithm
View 1 Replies
Aug 21, 2009
How would I be able to use my own Encryption Algorithm in my program such as encrypting text. I havn't been able to figure this out.
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Aug 25, 2007
can you write an algorithm which can calculate 500 factorial.scientific symbol(mode) is unauthorized.Answer should be in String mode.
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Apr 29, 2009
I am using VB.NET and I am trying to come up with some algorithm or some pseudo-code, or some VB.NET code that will let me do the following (hopefully I can explain this well):I have 2 collection objects, Cob1 and Cob2. These collection objects store objects that implement an interface called ICob. ICob has 3 properties. A boolean IsSelected property, a property called Length, which returns a TimeSpan, and a Rating property, which is a short integer.
OK, now Cob1 has about 100 objects stored in the collection and Cob2 is an empty collection. What I want to do is select objects from Cob1 and copy them over to Cob2. I want the following rules obeyed when selecting the objects though:
View 2 Replies
Nov 20, 2009
So far, my friend has this, and we're trying to figure out how to get the code to tell convert F to C, and back. All we can use for input is (example:) 10,f and it will change it to 40,C.
View 2 Replies
Apr 29, 2011
Forgive me if this is a silly question....but I think back to my Comp. Sci. classes and I distinctly remember learning/being quizzed on several sorting algorithms and the corresponding 'Big O' notation.
Outside of the classroom though, I've never actually written code to sort. When I get results from a database, I use 'Order By'. Otherwise, I use a collection class that implements a sort. I have implemented IComparable to allow sorting; but I've never gone beyond that.Was sorting always just an academic pursuit for those of us who don't implement languages/frameworks? Or is it just that modern languages running on modern hardware make it a trivial detail to worry about?
Finally, when I call .Sort on a List(Of String), for example, what sort algorithm is being used under the hood?
View 9 Replies
May 30, 2011
I'm trying to convert the following algorithm from C# to VB.NET and the VB.NET I have is not producing the same results as my C# algorithm, can someone tell me where I've gone wrong in my conversion?
public static IEnumerable<T[]> Combinations<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, int k)
List<T[]> result = new List<T[]>();
View 4 Replies
Oct 17, 2011
I need to encrypt vbs file using a cryptographic algorithm. I read about converting it into vbe file, but is there any other way to do it?
View 1 Replies
Mar 17, 2011
I have visual studio 2008, and we have been given specific tasks to carry our for our course, we have been asked to implement euclid's algorithm by using a while loop, doing so without the visual part of visual basic whatever that means an example of a question they gave was 1)HCF(88,26)=2 how I would go about doing this, as I am thoroughly confused, and deadlines are fast approaching.
View 3 Replies
Sep 9, 2010
I have some text files that contain
<img width="100" or
<img width="1400" or....
How could i replace all above with the following, since the image width is not static?
<img width="200"
View 1 Replies
May 8, 2012
i am working on project of using ant colony optimization and espcially on antnet algorithm but i have many problems in programming of this algorithm, and since i dont perfer using simulation for that purpose.
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Jan 10, 2010
i want to implement bankers algorithm in how can i implement it
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Jul 20, 2011
I am struggling to write a sorting algorithm that can sort characters in a word lexicographically (alphabetically) as follows
lexicographical sort of the word :- Contamination
Sorted Text Index
write a pseudo code / or an implementation in C# or VB.NET of how I can do a lexicographical sort of the word above?
View 3 Replies
Nov 7, 2010
I am trying to pair numbers, like for a tournament. I need an idea for the algorithm to pair up the numbers, not the code, but the algorithm.
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May 16, 2010
Searching the internet for an example of backtracking in VB.Net has proven fruitless. All the examples I found were either in a language I don't understand (making it impossible for me to convert it to or they contained zero commenting (making it difficult to actually understand what is going on).Does anyone have an example of backtracking in VB.Net? Commenting would be useful so I don't have to decipher single letter variables.
View 16 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
I am currently developing a advanced web browser in Visual Studio 2008. I was reading information about a browser i currently use, it said that the browser goes faster thanks to a "advanced cache algorithm". I was wondering if it was possible to implement this into my web browser, and if so how would i do so? I am using Visual Studio 2008 writing in .Net.
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Jan 21, 2010
which algorithm used for voice compression mailing and decompression
View 2 Replies
Feb 5, 2011
I have decided to use a flood fill algorithm for my application, using this pseudo-code from Wikipedia:Flood-fill (node, target-color, replacement-color):
1. Set Q to the empty queue.
2. If the color of node is not equal to target-color, return.
3. Add node to Q.
4. For each element n of Q:
5. If the color of n is equal to target-color:
6. Set w and e equal to n.
7. Move w to the west until the color of the node to the west of w no longer matches target-color.
8. Move e to the east until the color of the node to the east of e no longer matches target-color.
9. Set the color of nodes between w and e to replacement-color.
10. For each node n between w and e:
11. If the color of the node to the north of n is target-color, add that node to Q.If the color of the node to the south of n is target-color, add that node to Q.
12. Continue looping until Q is exhausted.
13. Return.
I was doing alright, until I hit the "continue looping until Q is exhausted".I don't quite get that.
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Jan 13, 2009
I am looking for a way to find the moving average for customers over a 30 day period. However I was not able to find any sample VB code to help get me started. I did find this C# sample on Code Project but my attempts at conversion have not been successfull.
Does anybody have an existing VB class they would like to share or do you know of a sample that I could use to build my own?
View 4 Replies
Jun 10, 2012
How could i round an integer number based on the last digit of the number?
For example:
Dim x As Integer = 12
Dim y As Integer = 139
Dim z As Integer = 2322
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Jun 7, 2011
Am looking for an Algorithms that will take object that a linked to multiple other object and work out the best location to draw each object based on there links.
this would generate a tree like diagram.
So i have Object 1 then hast 10 link, one of these link is object 2 that has 5 link but object 1 link to one of object2s links and such link.
so i would have some thing like this
Object1 ------------ Object2
/ /
Object 3
But this is on a 100% bigger scale with unlimited number of objects and links.
how i would go about working out the best location on my form for each object?
View 2 Replies
Dec 8, 2010
I have a function which generates a very large Integer (I do this by using Biginteger from vjslib.dll and I am able to operate all kind of arithmetic operators on such a biginteger.) But, My goal is to shorten this big integer into a small integer. Is there any algorithm? or a mathematical Formula which I can use to represent it in a small integer and use some reverse formula to get the original Big integer?
The big integer my function creates goes like this:
98761210112313489375987956157462364864823458794572 34573485683465868234568613123749081377932457923457 93475897836587236458678234568234658362458762347895 68932456892346578636123846715376123475745723645666 38247687346128346812364812364816341384612384678345 76341236412783461278346781236481263489126348971238 41134681273467812364789
I do not want to represent my bigInteger in a higher base as it will not be possible to do conversion into higher bases with such a large integer.
View 2 Replies
Jun 26, 2009
[URL]... When an entire column in a table is empty, the resulting table is very ugly. We have a text email solution that adds spaces to the end up a word up to the remaining set of characters that you specify using New String. Since New String only takes a char, was seeing what 1 liner, small amount of code examples people could come up with.[CODE]...
View 3 Replies
Nov 8, 2010
I read the article Algorithm to Switch Between RGB and HSB Color Values
Type RGBColor
Red As Byte
Green As Byte[code]....
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