Read Fixed Width Txt File?

Jun 18, 2010

I'm using vb6 to read lines of txt files, using the code posted in ream.In.Code "Reading a Text file Line by Line". My question is how can I real a line with fixed column width, for example:

qwerty 12345 asdfg
asd 455 hfgdf
qhjkrty 1235 asdfg

The objective is to read each part of the row. In Visual Studio 2010 Beta version the code I present below that is actually working but it doesn't work in VB6.

Using Reader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser("C:\teste.txt")Reader.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.FixedWidthReader.SetFieldWidths(8, 30, 25, 45, 57)


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Use TextFieldParser To Read A Fixed Width Text Data File?

Aug 25, 2010

I am learning to use TextFieldParser to read a fixed width text data file. It works great. I copied code below. Question: How to stop at the end of each line because I need to add some code?

Using tf As New TextFieldParser(fileName)
tf.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.FixedWidth
tf.SetFieldWidths(60, 30, 20) //three columns


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Fixed Width File EXPORT: VB

May 6, 2009

I am aware that this is a visual basic dot net post. However It was extremely simple for me to write out a file in VB6 using lines such as the following snippet


I want basically to export an array A (I used zero based array here) with three columns and a particular value B in fixed widths, hence the @@@@@ which means 5 spaces in to a text file defined by the FreeFNum (FreeFileNumber).

I would like to use CSV and all the other formats but some scientific programs written in FORTRAN may not support them. Anyway my file output here needs to be in this fixed width format because it will be used by proprietary software that I have no access to the source code.


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Delete A Record Or Field From A Fixed-width File?

Jul 8, 2009

How to delete a record or field from a fixed-width file in visual basic code?

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Determine Number Of Fields And Records In Fixed Width File?

Feb 1, 2009

I need to import a big fixed width text data file into SQL server. Before importing, how to determine how many fields and records in the file?

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Import Fixed Width Text File Into Access2007 Table

May 7, 2011

I am trying to load a text file into an Access 2007 table. I know you can read the file line by line and then create a record out of each line. i was trying to see if this could be done with an INSERT INTO rather than cyclying through all lines of text. My text file is not character delimited but rather by fixed column width. For example:[code]The data in the example has spaces for readability but in reality the data are clumped together like so [code]I cant figure out how to tell the command how the data is structured. I know you can use a schema file but there's got to be a way to do this all through code.

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How To Read Through A Fixed-Length File

Dec 7, 2005

I've a text file which has some data written. Records have Starting character as "#2" and Ending character as "#3" in ASCII respectively and the file includes series of records, but not written as Line by Line. The difficulty I'm having is, to how to transfer those data's into a database. The File comes a 7mb file and looping character by character then noting down the Record Starting Character and Record ending Character, and finally substring them is not feasible as it take more time and makes the computer slower. I would like to know is there any easy way to transfer them?

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Fixed Width String Parsing?

Aug 5, 2011

I have files that are one long line of text but are made up of individual segments. I have managed to parse the segments into a string array but now need to parse each segment into its individual fields, based upon a field structure defined by the first 2 characters of the segment.For example:

CA segment (CA is first 2 characters of segment) has fields defined as:
Field Name,Start,Length


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VS 2005 Another Fixed Width Textfile

Aug 7, 2010

I found away to read a fixed position text file, but I encounter a problem, I know which field I want to go and check, how can I jump directly to the field I need. Readfields does not helps.for instance I need to check on field 3 and 7 of the row before the next row is read.[code]is this my best approach to read a fixed position text file?

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C# - Fixed Header Column Width In Gridview?

Nov 16, 2010

I want to set header column width for grid view. I tried HeaderStyle-Width="30px". But it is depending on Item columns. The column width is setting based on item value. But I want fixed width even if it has value or empty.

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Displaying Fixed Width Text In WinForms?

Jun 22, 2011

I need to write some fixed-width font (i.e Courier New or Consolas) text to a .net Winforms window in the Paint event - not using a label or any other winforms control - rather using a graphics object method to render the text onto the form's client area. I am having difficulty aligning text on different lines under headings even though it is fixed width font. How can I get a precise measurement of the width of a single character in the fixed-width font? How can I get 2 lines to print out aligned horizontally in successive text out calls?

For example:
Heading 1 Heading 2
Short Other text
A bit longer Still aligned?

I need a separate call to render each cell of text under Heading 2. For argument's sake - let's say column 1 items are printed in black and column 2 are printed in blue - we can't use the same text out call for the entire line.

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Format A String Into A Fixed Width Field In .Net?

Aug 1, 2011

I am trying to format a string of arbitrary length into a fixed width field for display.

Let's use a width of 20 as an example, and call the string to be formatted s. I'm adding the formatted string to a StringBuilder named b.

Dim b As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim s as New String

If the string I want to display is shorter than 20 characters, I can do this:



b.AppendFormat("{0,-20}", s)

So far, so good. But, if the string is longer than 20 characters, I want the string to be truncated to 20 characters as it is appended. The code above appends the entire string.

I tried this:


But, this fires an exception if the string was shorter than 20 characters.

So, I ended up with:


This seems to do the job. The PadRight prevents the exception by making sure thet string has 20 characters before the Substring is performed.

I was wondering if there is an alternate method that would look more elegant and avoid padding the string just so prevent the substring from causing an exception. Have I missed a feature of String.Format that can accomplish this in one step?

Edited to add solution:

I ended up with the following code:

Module Extensions
<Extension()> _
Function AppendFixed(ByVal b As StringBuilder, ByVal s As String, ByVal width As Integer) As StringBuilder


This uses an extension method to clean up the syntax, as suggested by Joel and Merlyn, and uses the StringBulider Append overloads to avoid creating new strings that will have to be garbage collected, as suggested by supercat.

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VS 2010 - How To Check If Font Is With Fixed Width

Aug 5, 2010

Is there a simple way (without measuring characters using a Graphics object) to check if a font is fixed-width?

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.net - Print Using .net On Paper With Fixed-width And Dynamic Height?

Nov 10, 2011

I'm developing a Point Of Sale (POS) app in VB.NET and .NET Framework 3.5 where multiple items can bought at a time. I need to print all items: their code, name quantity, price in a row-column manner.

========== =====
== ===== ===== === =====


The width of page is fixed but the height will be dynamic.The printout will be printed on rolled paper normally used in a POS system.How can this be done?

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In Excel Under Data Tab-Text To Columns-Fixed Width

Jul 12, 2011

In Excel under Data Tab-Text to Columns-Fixed Width- and when next is pressed we get preview of Selected Data.

There a Scale is being designed(10, 20, ...). Is there any way in to do that scale or any other form of Implementation.

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VS 2008 Measure The Height Of A String With A FIXED Max Width

Aug 26, 2009

just say I have a string as follows:

This is a long long lojngoi sudofi usdfh ksjdhfjk sdhfgkj shgh sdfhg sdfg sdfgdsfg ... I want to specify a maximum width (eg 180) for my string and get the height returned... the picture below explains in more detail:

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IDE :: MS Access Table - Exporting Data In Fixed Width Format

May 23, 2007

I am using ms-access 2002. I have to export the data of a ms-access table in Fixed Width format. To accomplish this I am using DoCmd.TransferText method.
DoCmd.TransferText acExportFixed, "schema.ini", "table_ABC", "C: estingTestData.txt"

But I am getting error message: "Run time error-3625 The text file specification 'schema.ini' does not exist.You cannot import, export, or link using the specification."
Here schema.ini is at same location as of text file. i.e. "C: esting"

I tried with
DoCmd.TransferText acExportFixed, "C: estingschema.ini", "table_ABC", C: estingTestData.txt"
but no success.

For delimited format it is working fine
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "", "VDMMEMBS", "C: estingTestData.txt"
I have gone through the link [URL]
Error message is same as of me but example shown is related to import of txt file.

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Read Dimensions (video Height & Width) From Specific File?

Jun 11, 2011

i'm working with visual studio 2010.I need to read out the resolution from a MPEG file. So that would be the video width en height.I think I need to create a button linked to an, and then get a property from the specified file, by passing it on to a function.My question: Does has build-in methods to gather the property of a file? Or does one know a free com component that does it for me?

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Item Cannot Be Added To A Read-only Or Fixed-size List?

Jun 11, 2010

I have two datagridviews in my app. They're related. When there is no record in the parent datagridview, I select the "New Row" and then press the Add Button in the child datagridview's bindingnavigator. Then I get that exception:

InvalidOperationException: Item cannot be added to a read-only or fixed-size list.

I know why this happens.When I add new record to child datagridview, parent datagridview's new row loses focus and then delete row. So this error occures.How do I prevent my program from this exception. Remember, it's only occures if there is no record in the parent datagridview.

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.net - Parsing Fixed Length File With Regex?

May 8, 2012

I'm parsing fixed length file with .NET 3.5 and Regex. This file is from bank. In customer name sometimes there is one characters from this set &,(),[],',"". These are characters, so far I've encountered. There can be anything else. Because of this my regex is failing. My regex is [A-Za-z0-9s-.,'""""(){}[]]{35}. Is there any wild card I can use for special chars rather than specifying individually. I also tried . but didn't work.

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Create A Fixed Text File From SQL DB Table?

Oct 28, 2009

Sources of Assistance: [URL]..Create A Fixed Text File From SQL DB Table I am using VS2005 and would like to add script to my aspx page to Output a Fixed Text File From my SQL DB Table to a location on the network. I did this in VB6 using a FREEFILE and PADSTRING off of an Access DB table. However, I can't seem to get it right in the .NET aspx environment. Can someone assist me with this? I have added the VB6 script that is working now and the .NET aspx vb script that I'm trying to move it to.


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Fixed Length File Into Access 2010?

May 2, 2012

i am trying to import a fixed length text file into an access database (accdb). I already have the table created but it doesn't have to be that way. i am wondering if i know the field lengths, can i a use a SELECT INTO query to get the data into access. or do i need a schema file?

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VS 2005 - Writing To A File Using Fixed Array

Feb 9, 2010

I am trying to write a program that will use a Structure with <VBFixedString(4), VBFixedArray(10)> Public Test1() As String. Back in vb6 it was in the Type statement as Test1(10) as string *4 When I hit the line ".Test1(X) = TB1" i get the following error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


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Adding Auto Width (.width = -2) To Existing Listview Class?

Nov 7, 2010

I'm using the next class to fill my listview

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class ListViewData
Public Sub FillListView(ByRef MyListView As ListView, _


I want all the listview columns to be in auto width. I tried adding the next line of code but then only my first column fills my entering listview width. All other columns are not affected!

lvwColumn.Width = -2

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Auto-size Datagridview Width Based On Content Width?

Nov 26, 2011

What I am trying to do is fill the contents of the datagridview with the cell contents. There are two ways to do this.

1) Either set the DGV width to the cell contents width, or

2) Autoadjust the width of the cells to the width of the DGV.

how to implement either of these two approaches?

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Why Isn't Width Of ToolStripComboBox Changing / When Change Width In Property Setttings

Dec 17, 2010

This Winforms app has a toolStripComboBox within a MenuStrip container that displays Culture Info languages.The toolStripComboBox's width is not expanding to accommodate the size of the string. The strings are dynamically added to the combobox from underlying code. How do I get the comboboxe's width to expand? Below is an image of the'too narrow' combobox and below that the Properties for the combobox.

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Width Of The Auto-dropdown Box Not Match The Width Of The Combobox?

Feb 6, 2011

In VB.NET for the combo box, I have set the autocomplete mode to "SuggestAppend" and autocomplete source to "ListItems". Its working as expected. But the width of the autosuggest dropdown box is not same as that of combo box and so it looks weird.I tried changing the value dropdown width property but it changes the value of normal dropdown box (seen after clicking down arrow on combobox), and not the autosuggest dropdown box.So what code or property needs to be set to make autosuggest dropdown box the same width as that of combobox width?

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.dat File With Certain Fixed Field Lengths Work Like A SQL Database In VB?

Mar 25, 2009

For a school program, I was assigned to use a .dat file to store and edit information while using VB to be it's front end( to appear in a listbox). I was also given what field length to use per field. I never worked with .dat files, so I have a few questions (all the google-ing Ive done say the same thing: every .dat file is different so you can't play around with them):


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Breaking Up A Fixed Length Flat File Into Fields?

Jul 12, 2011

so i have a file that i need to read in Each line is 32 chars long and each line consists of multiple fields. Meaning from char 1 to 9 it idicates ID then char 10 indicates an identifier,11-14 indicates a value field. I've looked at Readblock and it's not the tool for the job. Is there a way to break up each line into its respective fields other than just reading the whole line and breaking it up as a string?

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Import Data From Fixed Text File To Database?

Nov 16, 2009

I have a Fixed Text File and i need to import data from this Text file to my Database I am Using VB2008 and SQL Server2000 This is a sample of my Text File

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