Receive Gmails Mails In 6.0?

Jan 5, 2012

I am developing a program which send and receive mails from gmails.

As far as sending is concerned it works fine with gmail. But in case of receiving mails from gmail i have no idea how to reterive mails. As gmail uses SSl here I stuck. I searched a lot but nothing got to reterive mails from gmail.

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Send And Receive Mails Using Outlook In Program?

Jan 22, 2012

Im using 2003.I Have windows application where we load mails from Outlook where it is very success ful right now. But Now my application is in one ip address( and my Inbox is in (1.33) . How can i load the mails to (.23) ip address? and it should automatically load the mails from the specified folder.

Now my appliaction will ask to pick folder and allow access to 10 minutes(we specify time to access the folder)

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.net - Sending E-mails

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to send e-mails with and I have a template for the code but I don't understand a few lines.[code...]

As far as I understand, mail.From is the sender's name, and is the person I am sending to. What does smtpServer.Credentials do?

I deduce that SmtpServer.Credentials is the only one that requires a password so that will be the account the e-mail will be sent from. But then what is the point of mail.From? What happens if I put different e-mails in credentials and mail.From.

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.net - Sending Automatic E-mails

Jul 28, 2010

I want to send an automatic E-mail based on the date. If the current date is greater than 5 days than the current date field in the table then i need to send an E-mail to the designated person. I am using VS.NET2003/VB.NET/ASP.NET/SQL Sever 2000.

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Getting Error Sending Mails

Nov 9, 2009

I have this code sending mails with autentication. Until now I have not problem. But today I hvae found error sending mails trying new mail provider.[code]...

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O Send Mails With A .Net App - Via Outlook?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm new in web development and would like to add a feature to a project I'm working on. I'd like to send emails with this project, and also to have a kind of agenda. I'm already using outlook for the mails and the agenda. The thing I'd like is to have a kind of template. I've got it difficult to explain what I'm looking for, as far as I'm not a native english speaker.

So, let's have an example : I'd like to develop customer loyalty. So, I'd like to send mails to a few customers (maximum 10 mails sent per offer). In the view, I'll have to make a research on a keyword, which will return a list of customers. I'd like to have, next to each client, a hyperlink called "mail", wich would open Outlook, with the mail that's allmost fullfilled (with the name of the guy I'm mailing). Is it possible to do this like that?

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Sending Mails From 2005?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm doing INVENTORY project...

front-end :
back-end : Access


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Check For Bounced Mails Using SMTP?

May 12, 2009

I need to develop an application that can read the undeliverable mails and make an entry into the database about all these mails. i m using following code to get mails from server


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Check For New Gmail Unread E-mails?

Dec 21, 2011

Im tyring to do an application like outlook to send and receive e-mails.

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Downloading E-mails From Outlook To VB Program?

Jun 27, 2012

I am creating a program for people like me, who has loads information stored all over the place, like to do lists, callender entries, notes, web links all kinds of stuff I want all under one roof. So when my program is loaded it shows all different kinds of information, a bit like the "today screen" in outlook but my program will have a lot more to it.he only bit that is really bugging me is how to show e-mails from my outlook inbox folder in a container control in my program, my plan was to create a container on my form and write code to show all emails saved in my outlook inbox.

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Error In Sending Smtp Mails?

Jun 28, 2011

developing SMTP mail program which require user to enter uid and password for their yahoo , gmail , hotmail account and then send the mail to required email address..following is the code , sometimes it says operation timed out , while sometimes it says that operation failed.

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail


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POP3 Reading Mails Automatically?

Mar 28, 2011

I Need to make an application that reads an email automatically (when there is an new email) and delete it afterward , those emails have an attachement that i want to use later

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Retrieve E-mails And Parse For Attachments?

Nov 9, 2010

In order for my program to share information between users, the best method I could come up with is using e-mails.I have a way of sending e-mails with the appropriate attachments, but would love a way to automatically retrieve these e-mail attachments directly from the program, without the user having to go to their e-mail account, find the correct project e-mail, download the attachment and then put it in the correct folder.I had hoped that VB.Net would have a built in procedure for doing this, but it seems there's not really anything there.

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Send Multiple Outlook Mails?

Jan 13, 2009

I have the folowing code for sending e-mails trough outlook-interop (outlook2000) with my winform application:

public class send_email
Dim oApp As New Outlook.Application
Dim oAppt As MailItem = oApp.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem)


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Sending E-mails From Different SMTPClients.Host?

Feb 22, 2012

The main problem is that to send an E-mail from G-mail, you need to use as the host, and the port number 587.

Dim SMTPServer As New SmtpClient
SMTPServer.Host = ""
SMTPServer.Port = 587
SMTPServer.EnableSsl = True

However, for Hotmail, I would need a different Host and Port, Other E-mail clients would therefore require more different hosts. Is there a way, to address all of them without listing all possible E-mail host names and ports?

If not, what alternative is there to supporting all the E-mail hosts without throwing an error?

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Synchronize The Gmail Mails Using Mail.dll

Feb 16, 2011

I am using Mail.dll Commercial component. I can read the unseen or unread messages in my windows application. IF i open the mail using the [URL] then I cannot get the mail in windows application. Is there any way to synchronize the gmail mails

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C# - Detect New Mails In An Exchange Server Mailbox?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a mailbox that gets alerts from different servers from time to time. Each time, we get this alert, I want it to perform a custom action based on the contents of the email.And I would like to keep it as a service in (C# or which can be run from anywhere. Is there an API for reading this?

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Encrypt Username And Password When Sending Mails?

Dec 5, 2009

Is it possible to encrypt username and pass when sending mails trough[code]...

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How To Connect To Mail Server And Retrieve Mails

Aug 25, 2010

I have mail server configuration data (server - user name - password - port) and i want to access it using and retrieve its mails in collection.i need to parse the email body to make some operations on it.

i tried to search for it but i found a complex samples.

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Include Images In A Html And Sending Mails

Nov 18, 2009

I have a Windows Application, where I can sending mails (htmls). I have the next function to sen mails:Public Shared Function MandarMensaje(ByVal from As String, ByVal para As String, ByVal subject As String, ByVal body As String) As String..In "body" i put the code of the html, and the function works ok, but I want to the html include images that are in a folder next to the html, for this reason I want to include the images changing the code of the html for include the images there, I have listened something about use "mime" BUt I don't know if it is the correct way.

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Send Mails With Genuine Message ID Field?

Mar 2, 2012

I have writed a vb application from a code I found here ([URL]). The only problem is that : - When I send a mail with Oulook and my Postfix smtp server the mail is not classified as a spam by Gmail and the message ID field is : When I send a mail with my VB.NET application and my Postfix smtp server the mail is classified as a spam by Gmail and the message ID field is : "Message-Id: <[URL]".

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Sending More Than 1000 Mails Using System.Threading

Oct 29, 2009

I am trying to send more than 1000 emails by using gmail host.It was sending only 158 or 160.I am serching for solution in google.In google I found some articles which has described that we cant send more than 200 mails by using gmail host and some articles said we can send more emails using Thread class.I am using studio 2005) for developing sites.

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Unable To Get Large Mails From Server (POP Or IMAP)?

Nov 20, 2009

<!-- /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-parent:""; margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";} @page Section1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in .5in 1.0in .5in; mso-header-margin:.5in; mso-footer-margin:.5in; mso-paper-source:0;} div.Section1 {page:Section1;} -->

I am developing a desktop application that reads mails from the mailserver using pop and imap. The application is almost fnished .The problem is the some time when a command is send to retrieve a mail using GetMessage() functions the applications is going to a halt. So I tried to run the the code in debug mode and ran line by line.

What I noticed is in the while loop in GetMessage() function is
While Not tmpString.StartsWith(sPrefix)
tmpString = reader.ReadLine
msg = msg & tmpString & vbCrLf
End While

The reader reads line by line at certain point of time it got hangs. Some times it ill catch an exception and give an error. I am pasting the exception below:
"Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream".
But some times the applications will hang and go for a halt. This applications has to run 24/7. So if it hangs in the night or it will be problem. What I want is if the reader is not able to read from the stream after certain time period. The control has to be removed from the reader and the function has to return a message. I am new to this the network level applications and I am running shot of time.

Public Sub connect()
Dim objTCP As New TcpClient
Dim sslstream As Net.Security.SslStream
Dim reader As StreamReader = Nothing
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 Reading Mails From Exchange Server?

Mar 25, 2011

i just want to read unread mails from mail server and to download the attachment of the mail.

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VS 2008 - Send E-mails To Separated Recipient?

Dec 3, 2010

i want to send two e-mails with VB08 and make them seperate.First mail is the contains of textbox1.text and textbox2.text to an e-mail and the second is and automated message that have to be sent to textbox3.text (where the user type his email) and i have so far managed to do exactly what i want except a little problem.The automated message will include the first e-mail address (the one that recieves txtbox1 and 2) and the txtbox3's e-mail which will make the user see my e-mail that i recieve my sheet on attached in the e-mail he/she recieves.Is it possible to make them seperate? im using the following


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VS 2008 Sending Mails - Acting Like A Server?

Jun 20, 2010

I have a software under contruction for a small firm. And it requires email functionality. That is, whenever the users in the main database reaches the payment date, an email will be send to that user as a reminder.Or, in certain period, the admin needs to send a notification mail to all the users in the main database.

So, how can I incorporate that facility in my main app ?My present idea is to create a separate app for send the mails. That is, when the admin compose the mail and selects a bunch of users (as recipients) from the database, all the message will be saved to another database (for mailing application) and will start the mailing app. This mailing app will check it's database for any pending emails to be sent, and if there exists any pending mails, it will start sending one by one. After sending each mail, it will remove that from the database.

What's your idea ? Does it sounds ok to you I don't want the user of my main app to know that there exist another program, running in background, sending emails.

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Pictures In Embedded HTML Body Shown As Attachment In Sending Mails Through Outlook

Feb 10, 2010

I am using to send my mails through outlook. Where i am giving the resource path for the pictures inserted in to it.

But Email shows the inline pictures as attachments. what could be the reason?

The important thing is that this is not happening all the time. if we send 5 to 10 times we get the expected result for 2 or 3 times.

i explored some of the forums , got answers like 'changing the settings, security settings of the office outlook. that too is not succeeded.

I am giving you the code I am using in my project.

The code is given below


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Receive Value From Web To VB6?

Jul 28, 2009

i have a project where in web sqlserver database values are put in local access databaseWeb database values are put in xml format and then read it in vb6 and put it in msaccess database. I want to know how to invoke request to web to generate xml and receive the generated xml file in my local machine.

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How To Receive An Email

Feb 3, 2012

how to send a email using, however i cant figure out how to receive an email. I want to go into my email account and read a email and store it in a variable, is this possible? and if yes could any one give me some sample code, because that would be great. just to get a good idea of what I'm using here's my code for sending a email,


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How To Receive Email's

Jul 28, 2008

im working on an application that is sort of like outlook. You will be able to set up your email account (from a internet email like gmail or aol) and it will grab the email the internet mail. I have the sending part taken care of but i need the reveiving part. If anyone would be able to help me code something to recieve email from a internet website such as gmail or aol, Because of the dream in code's policy, i will show you what i have so far. I probably should say that i am using visual basics 2008.[code]

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