Remove XML Output File?

May 4, 2010

What i have realized is that when you use My.settings, a XML File is put with your EXE when your project is Published.

What you can also do is just Open that File and Change the Variable "Register" From "False" to "True"

How can i do what Most Registration files do, and make the XML File go away and Create a Unwritable file, where the values cannot be changed.

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Remove Special Characters In Redirected Output?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm redirecting a acronis cmd script to a text box, when its running it looks like this[code]...

im trying to capture the percentage so it can be used for a value in a progressbar. my question is how do i remove the (.)%# characters and where do i put the code i need? the update text box was needed to update the progress but without the Form3.status.Text = "" it made a new line with every percent increment

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Social Security Program, How To Remove Dashes For Output

Oct 18, 2011

Hi, I am doing the SSN program.So when I type "345-584-5869", it should display "3455845869".I'm just learning how to use string manipulation.My problem is I cannot get all dashes remove when I output

' Name: Social Security Project
' Purpose: Removes the dashes from a social security number
' Programmer: <your name> on <current date>


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No Output In Asynchronous Program - Retrieve Output After The Events Are Invoked?

Mar 1, 2012

What I am trying to do: There are three powershell scripts with different time delays as shown below.I am trying to run them asynchronously in .NET and I followed this article to implement Asyncrhonous programming. Where I am stuck:The I am not able to retrieve output after the events are invoked.The scripts are being called but then the program ends and it shows "Press any key to continue" in console windows.I don't what I am missing here.

Info: JobRequest is a class that I use to pass around information keep track of jobs.

Sub Main()
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript2.ps1", "-arg1 4 -arg2 5", 1)
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript1.ps1", "-arg1 2 -arg2 3", 2)[code]......

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Get An Output File Through Speech API?

Jun 6, 2010

I am new to programming and I am developing a simple application to convert a text which is made using SSML to a audio file,for a personal task. When I use the function

SetOutputToWaveFile or SetOutputWToWaveStream, the file can be created and played using media player, but there is an error in the file. When I use the function setOutputToAudioStream, The audio file can be created, But it can't be played with any media player.[code]...

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Output Data To CSV File?

Jul 21, 2009

Is there an easy way in Visual Basic to record values to a CSV (comma separated value) file? I would also consider recording values to an xls or xlsx if it is easier. Anyone have any experience with this? Basically, during a loop, I'd like to take the values of 3 different variables and put them on one line of a csv, then make a new line in the csv and repeat with the next segment of the loop.

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Output Data To PRN File

Jul 23, 2009

I want to output some of the data in my VB program to a .PRN file (no commas). I'd like to have the program create a header with the data, parameter info, etc... How does one begin something like this?

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Output File In Same Directory As Exe

Dec 21, 2010

I'm making a GUI for a console application. I want it to save the file to /data/ to anywhere the .exe is. Process.Start(Form2.TextBox1.Text, "get /folder/") So if my application is in C:appmyapp.exe the output file would be in etc.

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Record The Output Of The File?

Apr 1, 2012

i have this program i need to make, where it runs a bat file. i got that far, so when i click the button it opens the bat. but 3 problems i encountered i have been trying to resolve for a few days now, the problem is that i need to get the output of the .bat and display it in a textbox, i got that, but it only displays the first and least line... then i need to run the .bat in the background. so you don't see the window.then i also need to be able to hit a second button to close it. the bat is a constant update, lets just say it reads a number then 5 seconds later adds 1 to that number and displays it again. and does this over and over till you close it. that would be a simple description of this

Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Users/jwoow/Desktop/Server/run.bat";


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VS 2010 Get .bat File Output?

Jul 29, 2011

I'm coding a program & the program runs a .bat file with this content :



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File I/O And Registry :: Remove Part Of Text File?

Dec 16, 2009

I would like to know how to remove part of a text file between two points

For example, say i have a text file that contains:

-4.920156 -2.543200 4.277774


I want to write directly to the source file. The files I want to edit are only about 30KB

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File I/O And Registry :: Remove Spaces In File Names?

Mar 16, 2009

i need to be able to check files in a folder to check if any has spaces in there names and then remove the spaces.

So, Aero Vista.jpg will become AeroVista.jpg

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Arraylists Output Not Writing To .txt File?

Jan 30, 2010

Background: I'm writing a application that will allow users to enters items on a form using textboxes, radio buttons and checkboxes. I then take each input item and write it to it's own arraylist. After the user is all done entering data the information in the arraylists will write out to a single .txt file.

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Executing Pdf2text In Vb6 But Not Getting Output File?

May 7, 2009

I am executing pdf2text in vb6 but not getting output file my code is

Call Shell("pdf2text -f example.pdf abn.txt")

it does not show any error but not giving any output

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Junk Characters In Output File?

Jul 3, 2011

I'm having VB write a batch file to send to a remote system via psexec.exe later on in the script. When it goes to execute the batch file, it fails due to these junk characters showing up in the beginning of the first line. I'm creating the file like so:My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:Program FilesBobBob's Programadd_user.bat", "net localgroup """ & Group & """ /add DOMAIN" & UserID, True) Where Group is the local group I'm adding to and UserID is the domain login for the user.

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Output Continuous Sound NOT A File?

Nov 2, 2011

I have a data source that creates a continuous stream of 24-bit samples. I can collect a set of samples and build a .WAV file, and play the file through my speakers. What I want to do is eliminate the middleman, and send the stream of samples directly to the sound card. The data source can run for hours or days. I want to hear it in real time, rather than collect it all and listen to it after the fact. The idea is that I can tune the process that creates the data better if I can hear what it's doing.

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Output EVERYTHING From A Text File To Screen

Apr 15, 2012

I currently have a system that saves student data to a text file. I can search for individual students and have their information output to screen. How can I make my system output every student in the text file to screen?

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When Using SHELL Can't Pipe (>) The Output To A File?

Aug 20, 2010

Just trying to get EXIF information using ImageMagick. If I set the variable command to:-

"C:Program FilesImageMagick-6.6.2-Q16identify.exe" -ping -format "%[exif:*]" "C:est.jpg" >c:exif.out
And then:-
Shell(command, AppWinStyle.Hide, True)

I don't get an exit.out file. There's a delay so it's clearly doing it. Obviously the same line from an actual command prompt does work! And I get an exif.out file... Any idea how I can shell that command off and get an output file?

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Write Output To A Text File?

Oct 20, 2011

If I want the my output to be written to a text file do I just need to add:

Respone.clear() , Respone.ContentType = "text", Response.OutputStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.length) , Respone.flush()


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Open A File For Output Or Input Or Even Append ?

Jul 6, 2011

find a way to check if a file exist before opening it or creating it.I know how to open a file for output or input or even append which is what is going to do assuming it exist already.

'all this is inside a button which will open the file upon pressed
'to populate a
'combo box drop down list[code]....

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Access The Public Subdirectory For The Output File(s)?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to create and add text to a file.When the code runs, sAppDirectory shows a subdirectory as indicated below, but an exception is thrown because the subdirectory doesn't exist. Windows Explorer shows a " . . . DocumentsMy Documents . . . " structure but the sAppDirectdory doesn't show the "My Documents" in the string. Where did it go?Is there a way I can keep this automatic rather than having to "hard code" the pathname?Or, how can I access the Public subdirectory for the output file(s) via an automatic method? See the code below.[code]....

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C# Running Batch File And Streaming Its Output?

Apr 2, 2012

I have this problem in VB.NET in c#, I have this project where I need to run a batch file, which is easy enough. But my problem is I need to display everything that shows up on the batch file, in the cmd window, in a textbox, now, this code opens the file no problem:

System.Diagnostics.Process proc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
proc.EnableRaisingEvents = false
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "C:\Users\jwoow\Desktop\Server\run.bat";

but it doesn't move the code over to the textbox, this code transfers the last displayed line, but not the entire thing of the batch file and it also closes the cmd window, i need it to stay open:

Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;


the batch file is for a server, it displays the amt of users on it (updates ever 2 minutes) and shows different events taken by the users. so it is constantly updating.

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Call A DOS Command And Redirect The Output To A File?

Apr 2, 2010

I'd like to have a macro in Visual Studio 2005 that calls a DOS command and redirects the output (stdout and stderr) to a file. Just calling the command and ">" redirecting it will not capture stderr, so there are two parts to this:

calling a DOS command capturing both stderr and stdout to a file during that call

I'd then like to open this file in Visual Studio after the command completes.

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Collection Input/output Text File?

Nov 30, 2011



This question has been most likely been asked a number of times, but really hitting a brick wall regarding this.

The issue is that at the moment, I have to create a database using text files on VB.

So far I have managed to get the code working to add new customer and browse added records, but stuck on how to output/input back and fore to a text file, to store information, and after this input/output the text file to a DB ( Not worried about this at the moment)

Public Class Customer
Dim CmrColl As New Collection 'Create the new collection. Think of this as an array of objects.
Dim itemCount As Integer = 0 'A variable to help us scroll through the objects later.


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Download Output Of An Aspx File Using HttpWebRequest?

Apr 20, 2009

I'm trying to import data from our database into the Property Agent module for DotNetNuke. I can do every thing ok except for one issue.

Some units have their images stored as simple urls and those are no problem. The problem I'm having is some of our images are actually retrieved from an aspx page the outputs the image data and the browser displays that.[code]...

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Format Date Output In Text File?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to have an output like this in my text file


This is my code

oWrite.WriteLine("{0,10:ddMMyy_hhmm}{0,10:yyyy/MM/dd}", """" + Now())

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Forms :: Unable To Write To Output File

Feb 6, 2007

I have been at VB.NET for a very short while now (about 1 month) and I can say without a doubt my knowledge of VB has continued to amplify from the information posted in these forums.Along with my first post I also have a question about setting an icon for my application .exe file.I have read that I need to go to Project > properties then on the Application tab there is a section to change the icon from the default to something else. However when I do this and choose the icon that I want, I get an error when I use the debug to run my application.It says "Unable to write to output file C:/... the specified image file did not contain a resource section".

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Plotting Graphics And Output To Image File?

Feb 23, 2009

I am a total beginner to software development, I have purchased a copy of Visual Studio 2008 and have been working through a self teach book on Visual Basic.NET. I have some ideas for applications that I want to develop and am in need of some pointers.

I want to plot graphical objects and standard lines and rectangles based on coordinate data that I have imported into an array from a tab delimited text file. I have some bitmap symbols that I have created and I want to plot these in my programme along with some labels and save the output as a bitmap file or other suitable image file.

I am having trouble finding any help in the online documentation and want know where I need to start. Do I plot the graphics directly onto a form or do I need to add them to a picture box? When I get this far how to I create the image file?

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Process.start And Redirect Output To File?

Jan 15, 2011

I want to launch a file from a VB program and capture the output of that file in a text document.Here's an example:Process.Start("systeminfo.exe > Data.dat")This doesn't work. I get an error that the file cannot be found. I've tried using Shell instead of Process.Start. I've also tried replacing systeminfo.exe with a variable and replacing the redirect portion with a variable.The ultimate goal is to get the text file e-mailed. So, if it were possible to output to the Clipboard, then paste that to a file or directly into an e-mail client that would also work.

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Record The Pc Screen And Output A Video File Of It?

Jan 12, 2008

Is it possible to write code to record the pc screen and output a video file of it?

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