Remove Final Comma From String?

Feb 25, 2011

I need to build a comma-delimited string from an array.

For i=0 to ubound(arr)
str+= arr(i) & ","
Next i

The trouble is that I end up with an extra comma at the end.

My current method for removing the comma is:

If str<>"" then
Left(str, Len(str) - 1)
End if

But it seems pretty untidy, and non-generic. I have to do this so often, it's become a pain.

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VS 2005 Comma Seperated String To Multiple Comma Separated Strings?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm having a little trouble with this... I have a Session variable which contains a string of comma separated ID's which needs to be passed to a stored procedure but if it is more than 8000 characters, it needs to be split into more comma separated strings. For example;


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.net - String Concatenation: Final String Value Does Not Equal To The Latest Value

Apr 12, 2012

I have a simple question about string concatenation. Following is the code. I want to ask why s6 = "abcde" and not "akcde"? I have change the s2 value to "k".

Public Class Form1
Public s1 As String = "a"
Public s2 As String = "b"


View 5 Replies - Remove Last Comma Before WHERE In SQL Update

May 25, 2011

I am manually building up a SQL UPDATE statement out of "SET Column = @param," strings. The problem I have is that the last one of these SET statements before the WHERE, should not contain a comma, as that is as syntax error.

So my code looks like this:

Public Sub Update(byval id as Integer, Optional byval col1 as String = Nothing, Optional byval col2 as Integer = -1)

Dim sqlupdateid As SqlParameter
Dim sqlupdatecol1 As SqlParameter
Dim sqlupdatecol2 As SqlParameter


Can anybody suggest a better algorithm to remove the last comma before the WHERE in the SQL statement, keeping in mind that the number of SET statements before it will vary?

As I'm adding a comma after each set, since another one can follow or not follow, so I have to after building up the UPDATE, go find that last comma and remove it.

So it should look like this:

UPDATE dbo.MyTable SET Col1 = @col1, SET Col2 = @col2 WHERE id = @id

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Format Number - How To Remove Comma From Result

Aug 14, 2009

I have the following code:
FormatNumber(.Item("Class_RAmt").ToString(), 2)
It able to convert the string to number, but the result is 1,200.00. How can I remove the comma within the number for example, 1200.00 instead of 1,200.00.

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VS 2005 RegEx - Remove '; (anything):' And Replace It With A Single Comma?

Mar 18, 2009

I have this text:


How to remove '; (anything):' and replace it with a single comma? I am sure RegEx can do it...

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VS 2008 : Update Or Remove Record From Database : Syntax Error (comma) In Query Expression

Mar 17, 2010

When I'm trying to update or remove record from database I'm getting this error:

Syntax error (comma) in query expression 'Ime='Blagojce', Prezime='', Adresa='', Grad='', Telefonski_br='( ) -', Fax='( ) -', e_mail='''

Here is my connection string:

command.CommandText = "DELETE * FROM podatoci WHERE Ime='" & ime & "', Prezime='" & prezime & "', Adresa='" & adresa & "', Grad='" & grad & "', Telefonski_br='" & broj & "', Fax='" & fax & "', e_mail='" & email & "'"

where ime, prezime and so on are ListView selected items.

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Comma Separated Value Find The Value In A Comma Separated String?

Jul 11, 2011

I have a string like

human, roti, makan, ghar, house, language, english, india, US, master, teacher, html, code, asp, jsp

i need code for find the input string.

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Split Comma Separated String In Text File And Save Each String In Different Variable?

Dec 5, 2011

These is the content of my txt file which is saved in D drive in my pc abc,1,2,3..I tried the flowing but it didn't work:[code]I am getting error on this line.. data = line.Split(","c) says this line isn't in use anymore or something and that I rather use LineInput but thats asks for filenumber and i don't know what that is. I am sorry but I am a complete beginner. what else can I try? [code]ok that error is gone now but now if I want to add these values to a list can i do that?

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Get A Regular Expression That Can Validate That A String Is An Alphanumeric Comma Delimited String?

Jun 23, 2011

I need a regular expression that can validate that a string is an alphanumeric comma delimited string.


123, 4A67, GGG, 767 would be valid.
12333, 78787&*, GH778 would be invalid
fghkjhfdg8797< would be invalid

This is what I have so far, but isn't quite right: ^(?=.*[a-zA-Z0-9][,]).*$

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Forms :: When Clicked Final Button To Display Results 'as String' It Still Showed Number

Mar 18, 2009

when i clicked the final button to display my results "as string" it still showeed the number?? here is the code i wrote, is relativley simple, but the theory doesnt make scence to me Basicly its a box with 3 lables, (first name, surname and age), 3 text boxes (for the user to input this info) and a button at the bottom called "display in message box" so when i click the button, it displays the users input in the form as a message box. [code] what i dont get is if i said to VB that vaiable "Complete" was STRING then howcome it still displays the AGE which is an Integer (a number) not a string??

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Split The String By Comma?

Feb 10, 2011

i would like to split my data from string and put it into integer and invidual string as sample below:

this is the data i want:

Private total() As Integer = {10, 6, 2, 1} 'here consider length = 4
Private towns() As String = {"A", "B", "C", "D"} 'here consider length = 4

below is the data i get it now:

Dim total2 as string = "10,6,1" 'here consider length = 1
Dim towns2 as string = ""A,"B","C","D"" 'here consider length = 1

how to split the total2 and towns2 i get and split into total() and towns() i want.

it is i need to write a for loop to split the string by comma?

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C# - Comma Separated String Built In .NET?

Feb 12, 2010

I used a built in function to create comma separated string using List easily.(It is not split and join but new function) I'm not able to recollect or find it. If some one knows about it and uses it please post a link to that. Framework - .net 2.0

(It is not Join or split - I know about this, .net has new built in function to create CSV format)

Check Jacob G Answer below for what i was looking for let me know your thoughts on it compared to join ;)

And whoever gave me -ve rep need to keep some patience and not hurry

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How To Find 15th Comma In A String

Nov 7, 2011

How to find the 15th comma in a string and get that item's substring?

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Insert String With Comma Into Varchar?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to insert a string that contains a comma into a varchar in How do I make the insert statement I'm building understand that I want "X,Y" to be in the varchar and not X in the varchar and Y in the next column?

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Moving Characters To Right After Comma In String

Jun 23, 2011

I've got this string which looks like this:
Gabriel, Peter

And I want this string to look like this:
Peter Gabriel

I know about the replace and split functions, but I'm not sure how I can make this as simple as possible without messing around too much?

Here's the code
Dim strDisplayName as string
strDisplayName = "Gabriel, Peter"
Dim strTemp() As String
strTemp = Split(strDisplayName, ",")
strTemp(1) = Replace(strTemp(1), " ", "")
strDisplayName = strTemp(1) & " " & strTemp(0)

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Regex - Regular Expression To Split By Comma + Ignores Comma Within Double Quotes?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm trying to parse csv file with VB.NET.csv files contains value like 0,"1,2,3",4 which splits in 5 instead of 3. There are many examples with other languages in Stockoverflow but I can't implement it in VB.NET.Here is my code so far but it doesn't work...

Dim t As String() = Regex.Split(str(i), ",(?=([^""]*""[^""]*"")*[^""]*$)")

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.net - Extract A Comma Separated Number From A String

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to write two regex's - you'll need to tell me if they're even possible. Both are based on syntax.

Regex 1:
The string I'm testing against -
Size on disk: 25,754,900,936 bytes

It has a handful of leading spaces, but the text is ALWAYS the same. I'm trying to extract out just the number (25,754,900,936).

I've tried a handful of regex's, but I can't get everything on one line. The commas are messing me up and returning multiple matches (For example, d+W+ gives me four matches, one for each set of numbers separated by commas.)

The best I've done is [0-9/,]* but that gives me 25 empty matches and one match (On match 19) of the number. I need this to match on match 1.


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Convert List(of T) Into Comma-separated String Of Id's?

Jan 27, 2012

I have a number of classes that all implement the same interface. e.g.

Public Class IncidentAsset
Implements IModelWithIdentity
Private _assetId As Int16
Private _otherAsset As String
Private _asset As Asset


Is there a better way of doing this in VB.NET using .NET 2.0?

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Do Until Populating String With Comma Separated Values?

Apr 16, 2012

am trying to populate an array like so:

Dim tmpArray As String = ""
Do Until x = Form1.arrayCal.Length
tmpArray = tmpArray & "," & x


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Replace Comma In String But Only At Specific Position

Dec 12, 2011

I am reading a csv file in and saving the line to a SQL database. At a later point in my code, the SQL line is retrieved in the application, and the Split function is used to get 'field' values. The Split is done taking comma as the separator. The application processes many other files (including excel), and the split function is used for all of them. The problem I am now facing is that one of the csv files I read, has a field value that starts with " followed by multiple values separated by a comma and ends with another ". The normal reading of the csv file results in each of those single field values is taken to be a separate value.

An example line is:
Elker,MissB,"Bus, Taxi, Train, Ferry, Parking, Toll",800253
Where there should only be separated to 4 columns, they get separated to 9 columns instead. What I want to do is replaced the commas after 'Bus' and until 'Toll' with a '?' instead. I have tried using Replace, including the overloaded one with starting position, but it ends up replacing ALL the commas in the line with '?'

Attempt 1:
If vstrLine(intStartPos) = "," Then
strRetVal = Replace(vstrLine(intStartPos), ",", "?")
end if
Where vstrLine is Elker,MissB,"Bus, Taxi, Train, Ferry, Parking, Toll",800253
and intStartPos is the first instance of a comma after the "
It returns only the '?' and not the string with 1 comma replaced by '?'

Attempt 2:
If vstrLine(intStartPos) = "," Then
strRetVal = Replace(vstrLine, ",", "?", intStartPos)
end if
It returns a string with all commas replaced with '?'

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Select Certain Words From List Of String After Comma?

Feb 18, 2012

What i want to do is take particular values from a list of strings and store them into variables for that particular index. Com317,subject,1,20,M,year1the example is what is contained in each index of the list of strings. I want to select the 1 and the 20 from this list and store them into 2 variables. Been trying to do this with a for each loop but I'm not sure how i can single out these 2 values

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Separate Values From String (each Separated By A Comma)

Aug 16, 2010

I've got a variable which contains a string like: dim test as string


Now I need to seperate all those values (each seperated by a comma) into new variables let's say value1 to value9 What's the most easy to use coding for this? I haven't got a clue which coding to use for this :S

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String / Array Manipulation - How To See If Field Contains Comma

Nov 7, 2011

VB.NET 2010/ASP.NET 4. I am using a web service which returns a string like this:

If I split by comma it's usually fine except in the above string I have the following:
Which contains a comma and splits into two. This I don't want.

How to see if this field (array(15)) contains a comma & if it does to leave it intact into one array field? It's always constant in the same place in the array

(16) = "INC"
(17) = CABLE/DSL

But I wish to keep it so it's:
(16) = CABLE/DSL

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VS 2008 - Comma Filter (Size Of String Not Specified)

Mar 4, 2010

I have string 12.3.2010,13.3.2010,14.3.2010,15.3.2010
And how to check for example: is 12.3.2010 member of this string up.
If it is, messagebox ("true")
If it isn't, messagebox ("false")
It's important to say that size of the string is not specified, so it can have more dates.

View 4 Replies - Retrieve A Comma-delimited String Of Values From A Text Box?

Nov 3, 2010

I have a textbox AND 3 checkboxes; checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3

In textbox we have 1,2,3

If I type in textbox1 = 1,2 then

checkbox1 and checkbox2 will be checked and checkbox3 will remain unchecked.....

How to do this in

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Combine String Value Separated By Comma In A Single Text Box?

Dec 27, 2011

I want to combine value become

A,B,C but my coding run the result as

ABC My coding:

& cboxOwner.Text & "' & '" , "' & '" & cboxOwner2.Text & "' , '" & cboxOwner3.Text & "'Any wrong?

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Convert A Textbox List To A Comma Separated String?

Mar 13, 2009

I have a text box with a list of entries for example:

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3


I plan to read the string back into a the textbox later using the split() method and assign each to string to an array.

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Convert Array List To Comma Separated String?

Aug 28, 2009

I'm using String.Join to attempt to turn an array list into a string that is comma separated, such as "1,2,3,4". I can't seem to get the syntax working.

Here's what I'm trying:

Dim aryTest As New ArrayList()


How can I go about doing this properly?

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Converting ArrayList Into String Of Comma Delimited Values?

Mar 1, 2010

How do I convert an arraylist into a string of comma delimited values in I have an arraylist with ID values

I want to convert it into a string
Dim str as string=""

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