Format Number - How To Remove Comma From Result

Aug 14, 2009

I have the following code:
FormatNumber(.Item("Class_RAmt").ToString(), 2)
It able to convert the string to number, but the result is 1,200.00. How can I remove the comma within the number for example, 1200.00 instead of 1,200.00.

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Format Decimal Number (Comma As Fraction Separator With Two Digits)

May 22, 2012

Is there a format string to format a decimal to 000000000,00. So first 9 digits, right padded with zeros if needed; a comma as fraction separator and two fraction digits.
0 => 00000000,00
12 => 00000012,00
987456,456 => 000987456,46
So something like myDecimal.ToString("D9") together with .ToString("F2").

View 3 Replies - Remove Last Comma Before WHERE In SQL Update

May 25, 2011

I am manually building up a SQL UPDATE statement out of "SET Column = @param," strings. The problem I have is that the last one of these SET statements before the WHERE, should not contain a comma, as that is as syntax error.

So my code looks like this:

Public Sub Update(byval id as Integer, Optional byval col1 as String = Nothing, Optional byval col2 as Integer = -1)

Dim sqlupdateid As SqlParameter
Dim sqlupdatecol1 As SqlParameter
Dim sqlupdatecol2 As SqlParameter


Can anybody suggest a better algorithm to remove the last comma before the WHERE in the SQL statement, keeping in mind that the number of SET statements before it will vary?

As I'm adding a comma after each set, since another one can follow or not follow, so I have to after building up the UPDATE, go find that last comma and remove it.

So it should look like this:

UPDATE dbo.MyTable SET Col1 = @col1, SET Col2 = @col2 WHERE id = @id

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Remove Final Comma From String?

Feb 25, 2011

I need to build a comma-delimited string from an array.

For i=0 to ubound(arr)
str+= arr(i) & ","
Next i

The trouble is that I end up with an extra comma at the end.

My current method for removing the comma is:

If str<>"" then
Left(str, Len(str) - 1)
End if

But it seems pretty untidy, and non-generic. I have to do this so often, it's become a pain.

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VS 2005 RegEx - Remove '; (anything):' And Replace It With A Single Comma?

Mar 18, 2009

I have this text:


How to remove '; (anything):' and replace it with a single comma? I am sure RegEx can do it...

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Format Integer To Have Comma-separated Thousands?

Mar 7, 2012

I have a list of integers and I want them to display with comma separated thousands. I'm using ASP.NET and VB.NET. Some examples:

What I'm putting in:


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Delete Comma And Other Number After That?

Jul 22, 2009

I make a building calculator to a browser game with the name: OGame

How do i remove the comma and the other numbers from the label9 and label10 ?

Here is the code i use:

ComboBox1.Text = "Metal Mine"


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VS 2008 HTML Table Parsing, Need Output In Comma Separated Format?

Apr 4, 2010

I need to extract a html table and show the data in comma separated format. Below is a similar html table from which I need to parse data.

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VS 2008 : Update Or Remove Record From Database : Syntax Error (comma) In Query Expression

Mar 17, 2010

When I'm trying to update or remove record from database I'm getting this error:

Syntax error (comma) in query expression 'Ime='Blagojce', Prezime='', Adresa='', Grad='', Telefonski_br='( ) -', Fax='( ) -', e_mail='''

Here is my connection string:

command.CommandText = "DELETE * FROM podatoci WHERE Ime='" & ime & "', Prezime='" & prezime & "', Adresa='" & adresa & "', Grad='" & grad & "', Telefonski_br='" & broj & "', Fax='" & fax & "', e_mail='" & email & "'"

where ime, prezime and so on are ListView selected items.

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Format The DataGridView DefaultCellStyle Format Property (Zip Code And Phone Number)?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using VS 2005 pro and VB.NET. How do you format the DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.format property for zip codes and phone numbers. I have a zip code and phone number column(s) that I want to be formatted. I have tried a lot of different things:

Zip code: "99999-0000" or "Phone Number: "(999)000-0000" or "(000)000-0000" and the like So far nothing has worked. I can get my date columns formatted correctly, but not these. Can any one give me some examples that work?

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.net - Extract A Comma Separated Number From A String

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to write two regex's - you'll need to tell me if they're even possible. Both are based on syntax.

Regex 1:
The string I'm testing against -
Size on disk: 25,754,900,936 bytes

It has a handful of leading spaces, but the text is ALWAYS the same. I'm trying to extract out just the number (25,754,900,936).

I've tried a handful of regex's, but I can't get everything on one line. The commas are messing me up and returning multiple matches (For example, d+W+ gives me four matches, one for each set of numbers separated by commas.)

The best I've done is [0-9/,]* but that gives me 25 empty matches and one match (On match 19) of the number. I need this to match on match 1.


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How To Get Result In Currency Format

Sep 14, 2009

This is my code:
Private Sub cmdHitung_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdHitung.Click
Dim tempBASIC As String
If strChrDec = "." Then
strFormatDec = "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)"
formatSAVE = "############0.#0"
[Code] .....
Example: I input 150000, But result 60.69364. Not I want. I want to 60.693,64.

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Count Instances Of Each Unique Number Comma Separated In A String?

Dec 18, 2009

I am going to have a series of numbers, I want to count how many times each unique number exists in the results.For example if I have this string" "1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 7, 1" I want to know the number 1 appears 2 times, the number 2 appears 1 time, the number 3 appears 2 times, the number 5 appears 1 time, and the number 7 appears 1 time.I want to load this up into a datagrid each unique number will be stored in a column named acct the number of times the number appeared in the string will be stored in a column named numref?

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Converting The Number Of Frames (in A Video) To A Number/time Format?

May 28, 2011

converting the number of frames (in a video) to a number/time format. For instance, say a video has 110,212 frames at 23.976 fps, it works out to 01:16:36 (hh:mm:ss) with 18 frames remaining. I would like to format the result in a Textbox like the following:


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Format A Decimal Result To String Without 0.00 Suffix?

Jul 22, 2010

How can i format a decimal result to a string without the .00 suffix?

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Detect Culture Of Number Period Or Comma For Decimal Point / Thousands Separator?

Jul 1, 2011

In VB.Net, is there a way of auto-detecting the culture of a string representation of a number? I'll explain the situation:Our web site receives xml data feeds for boat data. Most of the time, the number format for the prices use either a simple non-formatted integer e.g. "999000". That's easy for us to process.Occaisionally, there are commas for thousands separators and periods for the decimal point. Also, that's fine as our data import understands this. Example "999,000.00".We're starting to get some data from France where some of the prices have been entered with the periods and thousands separators the other way around as that's the way it's done in many European countries. E.g. "999.000,00". This is where our system would interpret that as nine hundred and ninety nine pounds instead of the nine hundred and ninety nine thousand pounds that was intended.

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Format A Function Code To Returns A 4 Digit Result

Mar 19, 2010

I am trying to format a Function Code so that it returns a 4 digit result no matter the entry by the user (i.e. they enter 540, stores 0540 in the database). While looking online, I've found the format function, but when I use it, it returns 540, regardless if I enter 540 or 0540. [Code]

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Get The Row Number Of The Result Row?

Jan 3, 2010

I'm trying to get the row number of the result row but I don't know the exact syntax.

For x = 0 To BDataGrid.RowCount - 1 'sort thru datagridview
If BDataGrid.Rows(x).Cells(0).Value = newID Then 'if result found
'get row number of result row???
End If

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SQL - Select Query Result In Tabular Format Like Summary Report

Nov 30, 2011

For example
month1 month2 month3 total
district1 5 2 9 16
district2 1 0 11 12
total 260 150 140 550

Here final total is not much important. But at least I need to show count per district per month.
SELECT Districts_mst.district_name,COUNT(Payments.PaymentId)users ,DATEPART(M,payments.saveon)Month
FROM Payments
JOIN Subsciber ON Payments.SubId =Subsciber.SubId
JOIN districts_mst ON districts_mst.district_id = Subsciber.District
where lang_id=1
group by district_name, DATEPART(M,payments.saveon)

Which give me list like.....
district_name users Month
dist0 1 1
dist1 1 11
dist2 3 11
dist3 1 11
dist4 3 11
dist5 1 12
dist6 1 12

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Adding A Number To The Result?

Oct 26, 2009

i need to add the number in textbox 1 to textbox2 and mutiply the result times .10, if the result is grater than or equal to 2000 i need to add 12 other wise i need to add 10 heres my code

Dim total double
total = Val(txtbox1.Text) + Val(txtbox2.Text) * 0.10
If total >= 2000 Then


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Regex - Regular Expression To Split By Comma + Ignores Comma Within Double Quotes?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm trying to parse csv file with VB.NET.csv files contains value like 0,"1,2,3",4 which splits in 5 instead of 3. There are many examples with other languages in Stockoverflow but I can't implement it in VB.NET.Here is my code so far but it doesn't work...

Dim t As String() = Regex.Split(str(i), ",(?=([^""]*""[^""]*"")*[^""]*$)")

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2 Decimal Places Even If The Result Is An Even Number?

Apr 2, 2009

correct syntax to format decimals. I want 2 decimal places even if the result is an even number i.e. I want 40 to show as 40.00 and 40.6666667 to show as 40.67.

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Show Only 1 Number In The Result Of A Division?

Mar 11, 2010

i have a division of 2 integer that give me a result as2,3944534 i can give e result as

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VS 2005 Comma Seperated String To Multiple Comma Separated Strings?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm having a little trouble with this... I have a Session variable which contains a string of comma separated ID's which needs to be passed to a stored procedure but if it is more than 8000 characters, it needs to be split into more comma separated strings. For example;


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Show The Top Number Of Result On A Crystal Report?

Sep 22, 2009

When logging into my system, I select the number of result that needs to appear on the report. In my stored procedure it selects count of all the data for a period. It returns all in the information, but I only want the number of records to appear on the report that I selected at the beginning.

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Display Total Number From Bindingsource.filter Result?

Mar 26, 2011

i need some help here, i want a result that shown a total number from student who passed some subjects. Let say there are 8 student who got A in subject chemistry, then the output should display result something like " there are 8 students who got A in chemistry". And also is it possible to combined the result, for example i want the output something like "there are "X" students who got A in chemistry and physics". where "X" is variable (number). it should trigger when winform is loaded. im using bindingsource.filter, but failed. because using bindingsource.filter need the input from user then it produce the output. whereas i want the result shown when the winform is loaded. How can i achieve this.

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Format Date Yyyy-MM-dd And Remove 00:00:00?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a very simple question.I retrive a date from my database and save it in a date variable Dim ShowDate As Date = dt.Rows(I)("ShowDate")The date look like this "2010-09-11 09:48:00"now i just want to format it so it only shows the date "2010-09-11"I have tried the following ShowDate = ShowDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")but that returns "2010-09-11 00:00:00"

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VS 2008 Dividing Numbers - Result To Be Displayed On A Eight Decimal Number

Jul 30, 2009

I'm trying to do this division and the result to be displayed on a eight decimal number.

Dim r1 As Integer
Dim r2 As Double
r1 = Val(TextBox16.Text)
r2 = r1 / 60
TextBox18.Text = FormatNumber(r2, 8)

The value or R1 on this case is 273.4 but it varies according with the result obtained so I can not allocate a constant number to r1. The problem is the result that I am getting is 4,55000000 instead of 4.5566666

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VS 2010 - Display In Result Textbox Is The Word That Many Number Of Times

Mar 22, 2011

I have set up text boxes for user to pick a number 1-20 and to enter a word as well. Then, press submit button. What's supposed to display in result textbox is the word that many number of times. For example if the number is 5 and the word is hello, then "hellohellohellohellohello" should appear. I don't know how to complete my For...Next function to append the word to the result.

Public Class Ch6ex1

Private Sub btnsubmit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsubmit.Click


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Using String.Format To Remove Decimal Places?

Feb 2, 2009

I have a program reporting 6.0054434322 gb Free on my machine.

Dim gigabytesC As String = (GetHDDFreeSpace(letterC) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) & " gb"

I use string.format to try to chop off unwanted floating point numbers

Dim s As String
s = String.Format("{0:n3}", gigabytesC)

But.. The above line does not work.

Desired Result: s = 6.005 gb

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