Removing String From ListBox And From File .txt

Nov 16, 2009

So im trying to do a simple system in my VB Express Edition 2008 and what it does is add some car models (example) to a list box and stores it in a .txt file for future use. But when the user clicks a delete button it should delete from both the listbox and the .txt. I have to use only the FileOpen(OpenMode.Append or OpenMode.Input/Output) functions.

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Removing String From ListBox And From File .txt?

Mar 11, 2010

So im trying to do a simple system in my VB Express Edition 2008 and what it does is add some car models (example) to a list box and stores it in a .txt file for future use. But when the user clicks a delete button it should delete from both the listbox and the .txt.I have to use only the FileOpen(OpenMode.Append or OpenMode.Input/Output) functions.

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Removing Text From File Using Listbox

Nov 11, 2010

I have been working on this for quite some time now. I have a listbox that loads the names from a .txt file. When the user selects names I need it to delete the items from the list. I have the code to remove it from the listbox, but when I reload the form it puts them back in because it's reading the file.

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Removing From Listbox?

Sep 12, 2011

So i would like it when button 3 is clicked it will remove the selected item from listbox 3

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Removing Items From The Listbox?

Mar 5, 2012

Im working on a school project where i add items to a listbox in two columns. The first being the name of a course and the second being the credit hours of the course. I can add and remove the items just fine BUT when i remove an item im also required to subtract the credit hours of said item from a variable i have called "totalhours." Essentially im trying to figure out how to subtract a certain piece of a selected listbox item from my class level variable.

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Removing The Last Item In The Listbox Which Is 9?

Oct 25, 2009

removing the last item in the listbox which is 9.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Label3.Text = ListBox1.Items.Count


As you can see, I set the Label3.Text = ListBox1.Items.Count and when Label3.Text = "9" I need help making it remove the 9th item.

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Removing The Listbox Items?

May 26, 2011

I got this code but it won't work...

For Each item In ListBox1.Items
For i As Integer = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1
If item.ToString = ListView1.Items(i).Text And ListView1.Items(i).SubItems(1).Text = TextBox4.Text Then


It only deletes 1 listbox item while there are more items that have to be deleted.after debugging i get this:List that this enumerator is bound to has been modified. An enumerator can only be used if the list does not change.

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Removing Duplicate Numbers In Listbox?

Jun 10, 2011

I have been working on a pythagorean theorem calculator and am actually stuck on the final bit of code. What I am trying to do is check the values (integers) inside a listbox, remove duplicate number (both values), and input one of the values into a textbox.

Here is an example of what I am doing:



When the program runs, check listbox value #1 and listbox value #2, if listbox value #1 and #2 match (2 & 2), input that value (not both duplicates) into a variable, remove both of the duplicate values, continue checking the rest of the values, and finally multiply the leftover values. I am sure that sounds confusing. Here is what the final output will look like



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Removing Items From ListBox 1 At A Time

Aug 22, 2010

I want to remove items from a listbox 1 at a time. I have two timers set up to remove the two types of items that are put into the list box. When there is a "Player 1 killed Button 1" following a "Player 1 killed Button 2" or vise-versa they get removed at the same time. Is there any way to prevent this?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim XP As Integer
[Code] .....

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Removing Only Empty Items From A Listbox

Jun 9, 2012

I need to know if there is a way to remove any items from a listbox if they contain no text. Like if there are three items(Blah, ,Blah) listed in the listbox like so (remove the middle line that is empty so the listbox now contains two items(Blah, Blah) listed like so Or if there is a way to do this to a textbox that would work too. I'm working in VB 2010

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VS 2010 Listbox: Removing All SelectedItems?

Jul 10, 2010

i want to remove all selecteditems i tried to use this loop but it didn't work

Dim a As String
For Each a In History_Textbox.SelectedItems

How do i do it because that just didn't do anything

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Forms :: Removing Certain Text From A Listbox Item

Apr 22, 2009

Im trying to remove a certain bit of text from my listbox item..

heres my code..

If ListBox1.Text.Contains(".zip") Then
ListBox1.Text = ListBox1.Text.Remove(".zip")
End If

and when i start it and it tries to remove it, it comes up with an error saying

Conversion from string ".zip" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
ive tried, this code..
If ListBox1.Text.Contains(".zip") Then
End If

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Javascript - ASP.NET With VB. ListBox Adding And Removing Items?

Nov 19, 2009

i'm creating a web form and i want a user to be able to make certain selections and then add the selections to a text box or listbox.Basically i want them to be able to type someone name in a text box ... check some check boxes and for it up date either a text for or a list box with the result on button click...


John Smith Check1 Check3 Check5

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Reading TXT Files From ListBox And Removing Set Of Words

Feb 20, 2011

Currently, my application will send the contents of a directory into a list box.
Dim folderDlg As New FolderBrowserDialog
folderDlg.ShowNewFolderButton = True
If (folderDlg.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then
ListBox1.Text = folderDlg.SelectedPath
Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo(folderDlg.SelectedPath)
[Code] .....

For now, all that is inside the directory is a text file. I would like my program to read the contents of the text file and remove a set of common words, but I don't really know how to move forward here. Would it be best to create a class that holds a set of words that I would like to remove, then loop through the text file, remove any words that match those inside my class and then write what's left to a new .txt file?

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Removing A Listbox Item When It Stored In An Array?

Jan 7, 2011

Basically, the user can type in a name and a job description into two different txt boxes and then click add. It then adds the name to the listbox and stores it in a string list (Public strList As New List(Of String)) it also stores the job description in a string list as well (Public strListDescription As New List(Of String))Then when you select an item in the list box it knows what data to bring up in the txt boxes using an array with these lists:

Private Sub lstMyCourt_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstMyCourt.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim i As Integer


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Removing Item From Listbox And Updating Subtotal?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm having trouble removing both the number of adult golfers and children golfers in a group. I want to remove the item as well as update the order subtotal.

The Minigolf form code

Dim intTotalGolfers As Integer = 0
If IsNumeric(txtNumberOfAdults.Text) Then
If CInt(txtNumberOfAdults.Text) >= 0 Then


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Removing Items From ListBox With Custom Properties?

Jan 29, 2010

How would I remove an item from the listbox.. I used the code below to populate using a class with description and value properties.
I cant use listbox.items.indexOf("listitem1") to get index
I cant use listbox.items.remove("listitem1")
If I use listitem.items.removeAt(1) it works of course. How can I get my index in this case?

Dim IAdapter2 As New ds_SecurityTableAdapters.Security_UsersTableAdapter
Dim usersDT As ds_Security.Security_UsersDataTable = Nothing
usersDT = IAdapter2.GetUsers()
Dim userItems As New List(Of myItem)
[Code] .....

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Removing Items On Double Click From ListBox

May 24, 2011

I have to make a listbox with a few(8) names in it & double clicking on a name in the listbox will removed the name from it. I have already add the names into the form using the listbox.items.add method & would display the names in it. Then I enter the coding for 8 names in double_click procedure (listbox) using the "listbox.items.remove" method. However, when I try double clicking on a name in the listbox, it would remove all the names instead.

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VB 2010 - Removing Listbox Items That Are Less Then Average

Apr 29, 2012

Basically I need to remove Listbox1 items that are less then average, but its giving me:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandled

Message=InvalidArgument=Value of '9' is not valid for 'index'. [Code]

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How To Find ListBox Average Removing 2 Lowest Number

Apr 3, 2012

How can I find a listbox average removing the 2 lowest number? I tried
intSmall = lstGrades.Items.Item(0)
IfItem < intSmall
intSmall = Item
lstGrades.SelectedItem = intSmall
I cant select or remove it

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Deleting A String From A Listbox And A Text File?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm writing a email program and i need to make it so that when I delete a item from a listbox it also deletes from a text file. Right now all it does is delete it from the listbox and when the program is reloaded its still there.

Dim arrEmailSelect As New List(Of Integer)
Dim fileContents As String
Dim thisEmail As New email


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Find A String In A Listbox And Then Replace It With The Value From A Txt File?

Jan 20, 2012

I've got a listbox build up as an array of items like this: First column is product id, 2nd column is name, 3rd column is price, 4th column is amount and I put them in an array: Public Item(3) As String,

7226218; Hemlock; 22.55; 0
7711175; Pine, Radiata; 12.45; 0
2229886; Pine, Arkansas; 15.25; 3[code].....

how to change the line if the Order(0) value is found in the listbox with the new amount value..

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Display Match String On Listbox From Text File?

May 30, 2010

I have a text file contains " staff id, male/female, first name+surname", which look like this[code]...

1: i dont know how to display a error message if the text file is not found

(i can display all the staff's in listbox with one click)

2: i need to display "male" only in the listbox.[code]...

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IDE :: Removing Tab From String?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm having a variable, which contains characters with tab character in between two words. remove the Tab character.

For Ex;

Input string "Word<tab>1234"

I need the output as "Word1234"

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VS 2008 Removing String From A String?

Aug 10, 2010

0000011 22 331. How do I remove "22"?2. How do I get "0000011" and "33"?

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.net - Removing - Character In String?

Mar 22, 2011

i tried to read html contents by striping html tags in a string.when i try to print that string i got - character. how to remove this character?

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Removing All Spaces In A String?

Nov 8, 2010

Is there any function in that removes all spaces in a string. I mean a string like ' What is this' should be 'Whatisthis'

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Removing Certain Character From String?

Jun 13, 2011

I had a quick question. I'm desiging a program that users can enter a currency (dollar amount) in a textbox. Since the string I declared will be based on what the user typed in and I want to convert it to a decimal, I want to remove a "$" sign if the user made one.

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Removing Characters Off The End Of A String?

Jun 5, 2009

lbltime.Text.Replace(lbltime.Text, lbltime.Text.Length - 2)That does nothing, no error but it doesnt remove the last 2 characters from the string.

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Removing Last Part Of String?

Feb 10, 2010

I have an object folder, which has an atributte name path, that contains a string with it's current path, say "folder1folder2folder3"

I need to remove the last ocurrence beginning on the last "" (in this case, 'folder3'). The new string would be "folder1folder2"

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