Removing A Code Generated Button?

Oct 23, 2009

Is there anybody who can tell me what i'm doing wrong in the following code if I want to delete the restart button.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Removing Items In Code Generated From Codedom?

Aug 13, 2010

Is there a way to remove items in code generated in Codedom from VB code?

For example at the top of all the code I generate, it has:


I'd like both of these to go away - the commented text and the both the Option xxx. I've tried toying around with CodeGeneratorOptions, but have not been able to remove the above from generated code.

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.net - Difficulty In Using VB Code Dom (having If Expressions In Generated Code)?

Nov 27, 2009

I have difficulty in using the vb code dom. Basically, I want to compile this piece of code dynamically:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Namespace Formula
Public Class TsCalculator


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IDE :: How To View VS-generated Code?

Mar 24, 2010

I know that when I add things to the designer in Visual Studio, it has to be generating code for them somewhere. Where do I find the code that Visual Studio creates when I add controls, change properties, etc in the designer?

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Set An Auto-generated Code That Can Be Only Used Once?

Jan 30, 2011

I already made a code on to generate random numbers with letters using HEXA + date time. Now, all i want to know is how to set it to single use? Once they got it, they can no longer use it back. They have to request for new one..

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Access Each Button's Properties After They Are Dynamically Generated?

Jun 10, 2012

I have dynamically generated some number of buttons. Now i need to manipulate them in such a way that clicking on one button should do something on another button. How to do it? I would prefer the code to be as simple as possible as i am tutoring amateurs.

Private Sub NewButton(ByVal ButtonNumber As Integer)
' set the button properties
btn.Name = "Button" & ButtonNumber


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VS 2010 Dynamically Generated Button Background?

Nov 2, 2011

On my main form I have a 9 button grid that I need to fill with a gradient colour so that it represents a "heat map" going from Green (lower left) to Red (upper right). The "heat map" needs to be generated dynamically as - if I use an pregenerated image I have noticed colour variances when working on different screens / projectors as in the app there are other dynamically generated graphics & the two sets of colours need to match.So to achieve this - on my main form I have a PictureBox that I fill with the gradient colour.On top of the PictureBox I place my grid of 9 buttons.I then hide each button & take a screenshot of what is behind it & that then becomes the background image for the button. The button is then made visible.All works fine when I am testing in on a simple form The issue is that this arrangement needs to be placed on a tab control & I'm having difficulty replicating what I could do successfully on the simple form.....

Code for the colour gradient :-

Dim A As Integer
Dim B As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim D As Integer


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Custom Code Designer Generated?

Jan 20, 2011

but it's something I'm pretty consistently needing for the sake of my own sanity, so:If you add a Settings file to any project in Visual Studio, VS provides a GUI making it quick/easy to add a new Setting entry and assign it a Type; at that point the actual code-behind is automagically created with a variable and a property exposing that variable.Can we build our own designers to generate code this way, with a GUI allowing for those quick/easy variable/property assignments?

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DataGridViewColumn Auto Generated Code?

Feb 25, 2011

I created a custom datagridview. In the constructor of that datagridview, I set

Me.AutoGenerateColumns = False

and then, declared and added 4 DatagridViewImageColumns and 140

DatagridViewTextBoxColumns by the code
Dim dvgCol as New DataGridViewImageColumn


But when I add an instance of that datagridview onto a form, in the there are many code defines for each columns and then sometimes adds additional code to create those columns again. Sometime when I delete the datagridview control in the form,that code is not deleted.

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Generated Database Accessor Code?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm trying to make alterations to an existing project, and I've found a project in the solution which is full of generated classes.Problem is, nobody here can tell me what generated them, so I'm pretty much left with pasting one of the classes in here and hoping someone will be able to tell me where they came from.

The solution I'm working on uses Expression Blend 3 and Visual Studio 2008. Dunno if that's relevant, but I'm trying to give as much information as I can think of... As well as this class, which appears in its own file, there's an "SPResults" file, which contains about 5000 lines of accessor classes of this type. Not quite sure why EndCustomer is in its own file...

From what I can see for myself, there's a stored procedure in one of the databases this program links to, and that SP's name is "GetEndCustomers". Something has then created a class called "EndCustomers" to represent the return type of this procedure.

The first part is a function from a class named Database, which returns a collection of the objects in question.

<FunctionAttribute(Name:="dbo.GetEndCustomers")> _
Public Function GetEndCustomers(<Parameter(Name:="Dummy", DbType:="VarChar(1)")> ByVal Dummy As String) As ISingleResult(Of Data.EndCustomer)
Dim result As IExecuteResult = Me.ExecuteMethodCall(Me, CType(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod, MethodInfo), Dummy)


So, yeah, can anyone tell me what has been used to generate this class? It could be something in Visual Studio, Expression Blend, SQL Server Management Studio, or some obscure bit of software I haven't even noticed is on the PC. Any clues, anyone?

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Get Source Code Generated By Script?

Mar 19, 2011

I want to get a part of the text a webpage, but when i get the source code using a webclient it gives me a javascript on the place where the text I want is. This javascript generates a lot of text, but how I can I let my program get this text? BTW if I select the text in Firefox and right-click view source code then I see the source of the text, but not when I just view source code of the whole page.[code]....

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Get The Windows Form Generated Code?

Jan 7, 2010

how to get the "windows form generated code"? I've tried double clicking all things I put in the form but it doesn't generate any default code...

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Why Is The Datagridview Generated By The Code Below Invisible

Oct 15, 2010

Have you tried setting some dimensions for the grid? i.e. width/height.

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Wrap HTML Around Something That Is Generated In Code?

May 29, 2009

I'm having a problem using XML literals with a StringBuilder in VB 2008. If I use this code everything is fine.Dim html As New System.Text.StringBuilder


Now the problem is I want to wrap HTML around something that is generated in code.

msgbox("nothing happens")

When the HTML doesn't have the corresponding ending tag, it acts like it goes beyond the ) and keeps looking for it.

View 4 Replies - Get User To Click On Button A Letter Is Generated And Sent To Printer?

Sep 25, 2011

I have a web application build using classic ASP and VB. How do I print a document from within the back end VB code?

Protected Sub btnPrint_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click
End Sub

What i am trying to do is get user to click on button a letter is generated and sent to printer?

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Dynamic - Accessing Each Button's Properties After They Are Dynamically Generated?

Jun 11, 2012

I have used the following code to generate buttons dynamically. I want to know how to code in such a way that if i click one button, there should be some change done to some other button in the same form. Since all the buttons are generated in the loop, i do not know how to call one button elsewhere in the code.

Private Sub random2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim i As Integer


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Removing The Close Button?

Dec 10, 2008


Removing the Close Button?

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Removing The Red Exit Button?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to remove the red X in at the top and the bar that it's on (don't know what it is actually called) cause all the infomation i have found on the topic is using VB6 or earlier

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.net - Reading Codelines From Dataadapter Generated Code?

Mar 10, 2011

In one of my project I have the following lines:

Me.SqlDeleteCommand1.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [CLASS] WHERE (([MAIN FACILITY USED] = @Original_MAIN_FACILITY_USED) " & _
"AND ([START DATE] = @Original_START_DATE) AND ([CentreId] = @Original_CentreId) " & _
"AND ([RowVer] = @Original_RowVer))"
Me.SqlDeleteCommand1.Connection = Me.SqlConnection1


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.net - Subsonic 3.0 - Separate Generated Code From ActiveRecord.vb?

May 18, 2010

I moved from SubSonic 2.x to 3.0 and noticed that all my classes are combined into the ActiveRecord.vb(cs) file. Is there a way to have my classes generated individually in a separate folder (DAL) as I was doing with 2.x?

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Code-generated Controls And Memory Usage

May 29, 2011

I have started with a small project in VB2008 Express which grew to a complex application. I have deployed the application recently discovering it is rather small, and the major issue is that code-generated controls (checkboxes, comboboxes, textboxes) are not displayed as during development. I have declared the code-generated controls in the declaration region, and there are about 250 controls. According to user selection some of the controls are added to a container panel. Now, I am concern that because I declare those as public (static?) variables, it uses much memory and causes the problem in the compiled application. Is that correct that static declared and code-generated controls uses much memory? How to avoid it ? I need the controls as public variables. Is it better to add all 250 controls on the form in designer mode, and use the property Visible (control.visible=True)?

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Unable To Set ReaderQuotas For BasicHttpBinding Generated In Code

Jul 12, 2011

I have a project with requirements to generate a single executable file with no dependencies that will automate the submission of data to a WCF service based on command line parameters passed to it. As a result, I cannot configure the WCF binding and quotas in an App.config file, so I am generating a BasicHttpBinding in code to use when dimensioning the WCF client object.

However, the WCF service accepts the binary data for a relatively small Excel spreadsheet that ends up being around 30kb, so the default configuration settings for the binding's ReaderQuotas are inadequate. My attempts to increase them in code to 1MB, however, have met with failure each time I make a call to the service.[code]...

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Validating An Auto Generated Code Within 24 Hours?

Jun 29, 2011

I created a script to autogenerate a code. Now, after generating this code, what I want is to determine the validity of this code. for example, a code has been generated now and this code will be valid for 24 hours only. Can someone help me how to do this? i have no idea as of this moment. Been searching over google and dont know what's the right keyword for that.. Below is my script for the auto generation code

Dim randomvalue As New Random
Dim randomhold As Integer
Dim newcode As Long


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Validating Auto Generated Code For 24 Hours?

Jun 29, 2011

I am new to I created a script to autogenerate a code. Now, after generating this code, what I want is to determine the validity of this code. for example, a code has been generated now and this code will be valid for 24 hours only.

Below is my script for the auto generation code
Dim randomvalue As New Random
Dim randomhold As Integer
Dim newcode As Long
For i As Integer = 0 To 9999
randomhold = randomvalue.Next(1, 9999)
newcode = randomhold & DateTime.Now.Minute & DateTime.Now.Year
Label3.Text = newcode
The code generated will be sent via sms. If the code hasn't used within 24 hours, it will be invalid.

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VB - Modify Textboxes And Objects Generated In Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I've written a for loop to generate several new text boxes and numericUpDowns when the application is run.

The text boxes / numericUpDowns are generated with a 2-dimensional array. My question is: How do I handle when the text boxes / numericUpDowns are modified?

If you would like the code, just request it and I'll add it here.

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VS 02/03 Automatically Generated Code VS Manual Coding?

Jul 28, 2009

This is my first post. I have just started some serious .NET programming. Can anyone help me understand what is a good, industry standard in developing the VB.NET or ASP.NET applications? Should we use the Automatically generated code by the VStudio or we should be coding manually i.e. handling the datasets, populating the controls etc instead of using the automatic generated code using wizards.

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Windows Form Designer Generated Code?

Feb 20, 2009

Most of my project was imported from an older version of VB (now I'm using 2008). All of the forms had a "Windows Form Designer Generated Code" that I could expand at the top of the form's code. When I created a new form, that was not there, and I found out that in the solution explorer you can "view all files" and expand the form and look at MyForm.Designer and that has the same type of instantiation code. My question is, is there some way to update the old ones so they too do not have that "form designer generated code" at the top?

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Counting Button Clicks And Saving Computer Generated Variables?

Dec 2, 2010

1: counting button clicks and saving them to a variable and adding two. For example, if a button was clicked 10 times, the value of the variable would be 12.I would start with:Dim Buttoncount As IntegerButtoncount = ....This is the part i dont know. I would think it would be something like or something, but i cant find anything that works

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Detecting A SAP Generated Message Box Automatically Click On The Default Button

Mar 22, 2011

Firstly I apologize as my question may seems repeated to you. But I am sure the details will not. I am writing a VBScript in VB.Net to automate some operation in SAP. The script is recorded from SAP. All I need to do is to put this script under a button click event on I have done this far. But get stuck at one point. While doing the execution of the script, SAP displays a Message Box with two button labeled "Redetermine" & "Cancel" and I have to Click on "Redetermine" button to make the script run further.

The number of appearance of this message box is not fixed. Some times it appears twice and some times more than twice. My question is "How can I detect the Message Box from my VB.Net application and automatically click on the "Redetermine" button if the message box appears"?

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Removing Tabs And The Enter Key From A Button?

Mar 3, 2012

Ok I'll try and explain this is as simply as I can using an example. Hopefully you will get at what i'm getting at.Let's say I have a form with two buttons. By default these buttons will be tabindexed 1 and 2. So using the tab key you can simply switch. So to remove this one would select tabstop=false for both. So now you have two buttons which can be only clicked

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