Validating Auto Generated Code For 24 Hours?

Jun 29, 2011

I am new to I created a script to autogenerate a code. Now, after generating this code, what I want is to determine the validity of this code. for example, a code has been generated now and this code will be valid for 24 hours only.

Below is my script for the auto generation code
Dim randomvalue As New Random
Dim randomhold As Integer
Dim newcode As Long
For i As Integer = 0 To 9999
randomhold = randomvalue.Next(1, 9999)
newcode = randomhold & DateTime.Now.Minute & DateTime.Now.Year
Label3.Text = newcode
The code generated will be sent via sms. If the code hasn't used within 24 hours, it will be invalid.

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Validating An Auto Generated Code Within 24 Hours?

Jun 29, 2011

I created a script to autogenerate a code. Now, after generating this code, what I want is to determine the validity of this code. for example, a code has been generated now and this code will be valid for 24 hours only. Can someone help me how to do this? i have no idea as of this moment. Been searching over google and dont know what's the right keyword for that.. Below is my script for the auto generation code

Dim randomvalue As New Random
Dim randomhold As Integer
Dim newcode As Long


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Set An Auto-generated Code That Can Be Only Used Once?

Jan 30, 2011

I already made a code on to generate random numbers with letters using HEXA + date time. Now, all i want to know is how to set it to single use? Once they got it, they can no longer use it back. They have to request for new one..

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DataGridViewColumn Auto Generated Code?

Feb 25, 2011

I created a custom datagridview. In the constructor of that datagridview, I set

Me.AutoGenerateColumns = False

and then, declared and added 4 DatagridViewImageColumns and 140

DatagridViewTextBoxColumns by the code
Dim dvgCol as New DataGridViewImageColumn


But when I add an instance of that datagridview onto a form, in the there are many code defines for each columns and then sometimes adds additional code to create those columns again. Sometime when I delete the datagridview control in the form,that code is not deleted.

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IDE :: Project Template Awareness For Auto-Generated Code?

May 6, 2012

IDE :: Project Template Awareness for Auto-Generated CodeE

View 2 Replies - Cannot Add ScriptMananger To Page Without Getting Error From Auto Generated Code To The Designer

Apr 25, 2012

I am trying to use a script mananger to use page methods to communicate between the server and client side of my page. I have added this code to the html

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"

When I add this, here is what is inserted into the designer page.

Protected WithEvents ScriptManager1 As Global.System.Web.UI.ScriptManager

But when this is automatically added, i get this error.

Error 52 Type 'System.Web.UI.ScriptManager' is not defined. C:UsersBillDesktopiPlan-7-layerlistingsummarytreeMain.aspx.designer.vb 32 44 iPlan

I added a reference in my project to - but still can not seem to get around this error.

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C# - Force Resharper To Use The CLR Type Names For Auto-generated Code?

Nov 4, 2011

According to the General Naming Conventions the usage of CLR type names (e.g. String, Int16) should be preferred over the usage of language specific type names (string, short). I usually follow this advice. Resharper however seems to use the language specific type names when generating code (eg. when extracting methods or generating foreach loops) which is very annoying.

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Interface And Graphics :: Inherited From TextBox And Auto-validating Control?

Nov 16, 2011

I frequently use TextBoxes that expect date values. I do a tedious job every time to handle the Validating event. The Validation event ensures that the value is a valid date value according to the current thread's Calendar, and if so, formats the date to "dd-MM-yyyy".

I want a TextBox (e.g. DateTextBox) that automatically runs validation and formats its Text property. All I have to do is dropping it to the form.

I know I should use inheritance; but I do not know where to put the auto-validation code; and I do not know how to save the inherited class as a control in the ToolBox.

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Call The Auto-generated Subrountine?

Oct 8, 2011

How can I call this kind of subroutine Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click ? How to pass the values of the two parameters sender and e?

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DB/Reporting :: How To Get Auto-generated ID From Table

Jun 4, 2009

I am trying to insert data into two tables on two different forms. My problem is that I don't know how to get the last entered Auto generated ID from the first table to pass it to second form.

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Dropdown Control And Auto Generated Value

Feb 26, 2010

I have around 60 dropdowns and textboxes on webform, have primary key column (QuoteNumber) too which is dropdown control and Auto-generated value. I have a button called AddQuote when I click this button QuoteNumber should be autogenerated in database and same should be loaded into QuotNumber drop down, how can I achieve that.

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How To Create A Simple Auto-generated Id

Nov 15, 2009

as I'm starting at this I'm very confused trying do this stupid code in visual basic 2008 in .net : Each time i create an instance of clsTest (for example) i would like to do an attribute call mID that adds 1

For example:
instance 1-
mName = test1


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Make Auto-generated Alphanumeric Pk?

Jun 9, 2011

Auto generated alphanumeric pk


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Refrencing Auto-generated Controls?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a VB 2008 app that creates controls at runtime. I can read these controls EG: textbox or dropdown by the following line.

TXT_value = CType(Main.Controls.Find(TXT_item, True)(0), TextBox).Text()

I can see the value but sometimes.. Sometimes I get a indexoutof range exception.

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Format GridView Auto-Generated Columns?

May 29, 2012

I am trying to format the width of my gridview columns dynamically for easy of use in editing and updating. Is it possible to have multiple column widths defined? Here is the code I am using to create the gridview...

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)


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How To Display Auto-generated Id On Textbox In A Form

Jun 8, 2011

knows how to display autogenerated id on textbox in a form?for exampleif i have 2 textboxes

1st txtbox is for CustomerID
and the other is CustomerName
when im gonna add a new record


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C# - Adding DataAnnotations To Auto-generated DBML Class?

Feb 17, 2010

i'm worried about doing this since my changes will be overwritten when the dbml file is auto generated again (as they often are).i'm thinking of doing a partial class and writing out the same properties to annotate them, but worried that it will complain about duplicates, and the reason i can't even experiment brings me to the second part of my questions...

that, the expandable arrow on my dbml file listing is missing, right clicking and selecting "View Code" just displays an empty partial class as below.


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How To Exclude An FxCop In Source When Item Is Auto-generated

Nov 14, 2009

For example:Public Event CurrentChanged As EventHandler(Of CurrentChangedEventArgs(Of T))Shows the message "Do not nest generic types in member signatures." on CurrentChangedEvent, which is the variable that holds the delegate for the event, and VB generates it automagically.How do I suppress the rule for the item?

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VS 2010 Auto-generated Treeview With Only SubNode Checkboxes

Dec 27, 2011

I need to help about treeview.I have a auto generated treeview with only SubNode checkboxes like this;Forexample; when I want to check B-SubNode-1 checkbox, the other node checkboxes (A-Node & B-Node) must be uncheck if it is checked. It might be check all SubNode checkboxes if their state under on a same Node.

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Auto-generated Text Boxes / Address The Correct Textbox?

Aug 4, 2010

Using this

TxtBox = New TextBox()
With TxtBox
.Name = "T" & reader("area").ToString
.Visible = True


The name would come out like "T3" Now I want to put a value into that textbox.How can I address the correct Textbox?

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Disable Auto-generated Event When Double Click A Control?

Apr 26, 2012

As mentioned in the subject. I found this default setting in VB 2010 rather annoying. For example:I have created an combox box and i have created an event as below as well

Private Sub cmbBuildingID_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbBuildingID.TextChanged


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VS 2010 Can't Find The Auto-generated Initialize Components Method

Jul 14, 2011

I'm messing with a GUI however I can't seem to find the auto-generated initialize components method. There certainly is a constructor somewhere, my gui initialises and works just fine, but I can't see it...

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Update Dataset Parent & Child Tables With Auto-generated Identity Key?

May 31, 2009

I am using ADO.NET Datasets in my VB Applications. I have a typed dataset with one Parent table and many child tables. I want to generate Identity Key when I insert data into Parent Table and then update the data in all child tables with the Same key (As Foregin key).At last, I want to update the dataset in Database(SQL Server08).Well, the above thing can be possible by first inserting Parent Table in Database directly, get the Identity column and than use to for Child tables.

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VS 2005 How To Add Hours And Minutes From Code

Sep 21, 2009

I am adding the timespan and displaying it in a text box...the value can be more than 24 hrs that is the reason i m using the following code..[code]Now i want to add the value of wtothrs0.Text and wtothrs1.Text....but in the form of "hrs:min".

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Validating Zip Code In MaskedTextBox

Mar 24, 2011

I have a MaskedTextBox set to validate Zip Codes.

I set up my code to allow the user to enter either 5 numbers since most people like me don't know the last four of their zip codes.

The plan here is to allow the user to either enter 5 numbers or 9 numbers. The numbers cannot be less then 5 or more then 9.

If the user does not enter the numbers they cannot leave the field.

This is just a practice project.

This is the code I have written.

I have chaged this code multiple times for about an hour and cannot figure out what I am doing wwrong.

take a look:

Private Sub masTxtCusZipCodeField_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles masTxtCusZipCodeField.Leave
If masTxtCusZipCodeField.Text.Length = 4 Or masTxtCusZipCodeField.Text.Length = 8 Then


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.net - Difficulty In Using VB Code Dom (having If Expressions In Generated Code)?

Nov 27, 2009

I have difficulty in using the vb code dom. Basically, I want to compile this piece of code dynamically:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Namespace Formula
Public Class TsCalculator


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IDE :: How To View VS-generated Code?

Mar 24, 2010

I know that when I add things to the designer in Visual Studio, it has to be generating code for them somewhere. Where do I find the code that Visual Studio creates when I add controls, change properties, etc in the designer?

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Custom Code Designer Generated?

Jan 20, 2011

but it's something I'm pretty consistently needing for the sake of my own sanity, so:If you add a Settings file to any project in Visual Studio, VS provides a GUI making it quick/easy to add a new Setting entry and assign it a Type; at that point the actual code-behind is automagically created with a variable and a property exposing that variable.Can we build our own designers to generate code this way, with a GUI allowing for those quick/easy variable/property assignments?

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Generated Database Accessor Code?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm trying to make alterations to an existing project, and I've found a project in the solution which is full of generated classes.Problem is, nobody here can tell me what generated them, so I'm pretty much left with pasting one of the classes in here and hoping someone will be able to tell me where they came from.

The solution I'm working on uses Expression Blend 3 and Visual Studio 2008. Dunno if that's relevant, but I'm trying to give as much information as I can think of... As well as this class, which appears in its own file, there's an "SPResults" file, which contains about 5000 lines of accessor classes of this type. Not quite sure why EndCustomer is in its own file...

From what I can see for myself, there's a stored procedure in one of the databases this program links to, and that SP's name is "GetEndCustomers". Something has then created a class called "EndCustomers" to represent the return type of this procedure.

The first part is a function from a class named Database, which returns a collection of the objects in question.

<FunctionAttribute(Name:="dbo.GetEndCustomers")> _
Public Function GetEndCustomers(<Parameter(Name:="Dummy", DbType:="VarChar(1)")> ByVal Dummy As String) As ISingleResult(Of Data.EndCustomer)
Dim result As IExecuteResult = Me.ExecuteMethodCall(Me, CType(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod, MethodInfo), Dummy)


So, yeah, can anyone tell me what has been used to generate this class? It could be something in Visual Studio, Expression Blend, SQL Server Management Studio, or some obscure bit of software I haven't even noticed is on the PC. Any clues, anyone?

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Get Source Code Generated By Script?

Mar 19, 2011

I want to get a part of the text a webpage, but when i get the source code using a webclient it gives me a javascript on the place where the text I want is. This javascript generates a lot of text, but how I can I let my program get this text? BTW if I select the text in Firefox and right-click view source code then I see the source of the text, but not when I just view source code of the whole page.[code]....

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