Rename A Process - So Can Just Close The One Excell Program - Print Out Of ?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the following code where i open an excell program and print directly then close it but it closes all excell programs open on my pc not just the one i print,so i want to rename the process so i can just close the one excell program i print out of

Dim printjob As Process = New Process
Dim myProcessStartInfo As ProcessStartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("excel.exe")
myProcessStartInfo.FileName = "c:\\5.xls"


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Make Sure Process Ends When Close Program?

Jun 23, 2009

I wrote a program using VB 2008 Express Edition and noticed that when I close the program (by clicking the "X" top right corner), sometimes the program is still showing in processes within Task Manager.What do I need to include in my programming to make sure this does not occur - i.e. make sure the process ends when I exit the program?

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If First Process Close, Then Second Process Open?

Jun 10, 2011

Like in the title. How to create that code ?

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File Rename - A Message Saying OldPathName Is Being Used By Another Process, When It Tries To Delete The Old File?

Dec 12, 2006

I try to rename a file by

file.copy(oldPathName, newPathName)



File.copy works.But somehow, a message saying oldPathName is being used by another process, when it tries to delete the old file.

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IDE :: Rename A Form Of VB Program?

Nov 13, 2009

i just wanna get to know the basic steps in order to create a VB Program?

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Rename A File To Exe In Program?

Jan 22, 2011

I am writing a program. it is called the file renamer, all it does is rename .pptx to .exe (i have a website on wix so I have to rename .exe files to .pptx so I can upload them). I dont want to other users who have no Idea how to rename file extensions any trouble. [code]...

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Close Another Exe Without Process.Kill() ?

Mar 11, 2012

I've been doing some research on controlling another exe without Process.Kill() .

The reason why is that I want to have a main controller program that starts and terminates my other exes . I can't use Process.Kill() it just kills my exe without giving it a chance to save data or handle the form closing event . I want to separate my program to multiple exes to prevent a scenario which is if one of the exe hangs , all the other exe hangs .

When the termination event or signal is received , then the exe would do a rollback or handle the closing part to prevent data loss etc .

So far , I've only found some methods of doing that .

1) using TxT files to communicate between exes.
2) Inter-Process Communication (IPC) using name pipes .

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End The Process When Close The Window?

Nov 30, 2010

i am using a server that remain working when i close the window ,how to stop the process

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End The Process When Close Window?

Nov 17, 2009

i am using a server that remain working when i close the window how to stop the process

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Proper Close A Process?

Aug 10, 2011

I have a process, that when you manually closing it. its closing another processs with him. but when you kill it, the process is still open..

i want to know how to Proper exit a process.

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Rename A Project In Program 2008?

Feb 2, 2010

I would like to rename my project in VB2008 so I can resume and improve it.

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Rename Tables In SQL Databases With Program?

Oct 26, 2011

I am looking for the proper code format to rename a table of an SQL file within[code]...

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.net - Unable To Close Excel Process From App

Apr 20, 2011

I created the class below to open and gather the names of worksheets in an excel file. It does as it should in opening the file and returning the names of the each individual worksheet. Unfortunatly, I'm unable to close the file. This keeps the Excel.exe process hanging. Even after I attempt to close it at the bottom of this class the process still hangs. I have to manually goto Windows Task Manager and kill the process before I can use the file again. Even if I exit out of the application it still is out there.


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Write A Little Program That Checks For A Process - ,,Cheat Engine" Is Running The Process Is Getting Killed?

Oct 13, 2009

i am trying to write a little program that checks for a process and kills is the

Dim p As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("Cheat Engine")(0)

My problem is it�s woking ,yes if the programm ,,Cheat Engine" is running the process is getting killed.But if the program is not running my program crashes.

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Process.start() Freezes Main Program Until Process Finishes?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a program that starts another program after setting the regkeys basically the program continually syncs the calandar of outlook and another application.I set the regkeys than launch the c:sync.exe app. I have tried a simple process.start and launching the process as a thread and they both do the same thing: The other process starts and works as it should but my main program goes "White screen" or "not responding" until the process.start has exited.

I want the process.start to run in the background so if users click in my main app it responds and truly that they can access the context menu of my main app from the taskbar while the process.start is running.

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Close Another Application When The Main Process Has Been Killed?

May 3, 2011

I have a vb application(1) which is made to launch another software(2) with specified parameters, but i wanna keep my application opened as long as the 2nd one is opened too, and I also want to close the second one automatically if mine has been force closed by the user in windows taskmanager, on the desktop, or in any way.

So I need something which detects if windows is closing the program and kill the second application auto.

I would like to avoid the task manager block, because that isn't necessary for this i guess.

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Command Line To Close Shell Process?

Mar 12, 2011

I've created a very basic WF Shell project which runs an EXE (xyz.exe) in the WF Shell project's Resource folder. I can get a command line working from the Shell to open the other EXE (xyz.exe). But, I can't get code to close the Shell project's other EXE (xyz.exe) once it is opened. The xyz.exe windows called by the Shell continues to stay open even if I pass a "close" command line to the Shell.

The following code (which Paul suggested in another posting) will not close the other (xyz.exe) EXE's running process (when called by the Shell). While the Shell seems to be able to return it's called subordinate EXE's (xyz.exe) ID, not sure how to use such an ID to close its process.

Imports System.Diagnostics
Module Module1
Dim resourceFolder As String = Application.StartupPath & "Resources"


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Process Running , Close Image Proccess?

Aug 20, 2010

my app has a feature of the owner changing the background. one option is to set a custom bg using openfiledialogso the user selects a image and the image copy itself to the stratupfolder and using the image as an background works..okbut when i try doing this the second time it says error! file is using under another proccess and i think it runns with my app. so i tried to set the image to nothing and the bg went black but stil getting the error that the iamge is running

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Make A Program To Rename All The Video Files In The Right Order?

Jun 1, 2011

Basically I download lots of TV shows and they're never named in the way I like; they're named like this "The Office.S06E22.HDTV.XviD-NoTV."So I was wondering if I had a .txt file with all the episode names I could make a program to rename all the video files in the right order so they're named like this "The Office Season 6 Episode 22 - Secretary's Day."So I want to copy and paste a list of correct episodes names into a text file. Then I want to read the text file, which I already know how to do. Then, and this is the bit I'm struggling with, I want to read the text file, one line at a time, and it renames the top video file with the top episode name and so on.

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Cannot Close Excel - Process Active In Task Manager

Nov 1, 2010

In the code below, I open excel file, when I try to enter some values into excel cells, and close it afterwards. For some reasons excel process is still active in task manager. I am releasing objects, quiting application like for other excel files in my program, but in this specific example can't do this. The code below is written in Visual Studio 2010, windows 7.

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Public Class Form1
Public MainPath As String = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
[Code] .....

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When Push Close Button On Top Right Of Exe Made / Process Still Runs

Nov 29, 2010

When i push the close button on the top right of the exe i made, the process still runs. How can i make it to where when i close the exe it closes the process too? Also, (this is for shits and giggles) if i wanted to make a button that closed certain processes, what would the code be? For example, the button would close explorer.exe, googledesktop.exe, ect.

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Unable To Diligently Close The Excel Process Running In Memory

Apr 21, 2010

I have developed a VB.Net code for retrieving data from excel file .I load this data in one form and update it back in excel after making necessary modifications in data. This complete flow works fine but most of the times I have observed that even if I close the form; the already loaded excel process does not get closed properly. I tried all possible ways to close it but could not be able to resolve the issue.

Find below code which I am using for connecting to excel and let me know if any other approach I may need to follow to resolve this issue. Note: I do not want to kill the excel process as it will kill other instances of the excel


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Print Excel Sheet As Background Process?

Nov 4, 2011

I'm developing app in VB.NET 2008.

I have one prob that i'm creating excel sheet runtime, loading data and printing excel sheet through my application. Actually it has 150 sheets to print.

i'm printing by using this code
xla.Sheets.PrintOut(Copies:=1, Collate:=True)

To print 150 sheets , its taking around 17 min. so now the user is waiting until printing process finish(ie 17 min ) .

actually i don't want to make him wait, i want to execute this printing process in backgroud. so the user can work on other process in my app.

how to print this in background ?

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Form With Button To Close Process And Reopen Be Always On Top And Open In Specific Location?

Aug 17, 2011

I've created a very simple form with one button on. I need it so when the form runs, it opens in the bottom right hand corner of the screen regardless of the resolution. It also needs to be always on top of all other applications.

When the buttons pressed, i need it to close all iexplore instances and reopen a fresh instance.

I've tried to search for the answer but to no avail.

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VS 2010 Copy / Move / Rename & Delete A File In Program Files Directory?

Aug 30, 2010

how can i either copy/move/rename & delete a file in program files directory? [c ode]i already have the form which grabs the updated file and it save it to temp directory ready for copying, just stuck here as of the access denied.

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If Wrong Password X2 Than Close Program And Block User From Opening Program For 180 Seconds?

Sep 2, 2011

I am making a program that NEEDS to be password protected, so i made a textbox with a code so that when the user enters the right password it lets you in. But if the user/person enters a wrong password 2X it will kick you out. So is there a way to keep the

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Command Line Strings - Make The Program Close If The -1 String Is Sent With The Program

Feb 25, 2010

If e.CommandLine.Count > 0 Then

Dim IncomingCommand As String = e.CommandLine.Item(0).ToString

If IncomingCommand.Substring(0, 2) = "-1" Then


End If

End If

I am trying to make the program close if the -1 string is sent with the program. See my installer allows for me to run certain programs before it actually installs, but it doesn't shut down copies of the program itself. So I have a next startup instance set to shut the program down if the -1 is received. But if the program is not running it starts up instead. This is not desired. form1.close doesn't work. e.cancel = true doesn't work, etc etc. What can I do to make the program not start during this instance.

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Excell 2003 Vs 2010 ?

Aug 4, 2011

I have a weird problem with compatibility I guess. The code works on Excel 2010 but doesn't on 2003. Here is the [code].....

I have no idea why but it gives an error on Excel 2003 saying he cannot access the file to Save as (even though by calling SaveAs I am creating it)

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Opening An Excell Document?

Jul 23, 2010

Is it possible to open an excell document in cisual studio 2008 and copy data from my form onto certain cells of the spreadsheet?

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VS 2010 Excell In A Project?

Jul 12, 2009

Here is a quick question, If I make a program the reads and writes to an MS Excel file, will the client computer that the program is running on need to have Excel on it?

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