Rename Directory Using Save Filedialog Filename?
Jul 26, 2011
I Have a folder in this path C:UsersXXXDesktopOriginalXXXinDebugBackup And when I save my project with "XXX" name the same time I need to change the Backup Folder using that save filedialog name and it shouldn't overwrite it.
Private Sub SaveProject_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveProject.Click
Using sfdlg As New Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog
sfdlg.OverwritePrompt = True
sfdlg.InitialDirectory = "C:"
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Feb 4, 2011
How can I remove the actual file name from the path returned by the FileName property of an Open or Save File Dialog?
All I want is the path to the file without the file name.
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Oct 26, 2009
I am trying to rename a directory in c# to a name that is the same only with differing case.[code]...
and I get a IOException - Source and destination path must be different. I have also tried Directory.Move() with the same result.
How is this done? Do I have to create a separate temp directory, move the contained files from the original directory to the temp directory, and then delete the original, and rename the temp directory?
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Jul 22, 2011
how to copy, delete, show files, show current directory, change directory, make folder, rename folder. My problem is i have a method on deleting a file and copying a file, but i don't know how to pass the method so that when i click the delete button it would let me choose what file to delete. By the way im using buttons on each function.[code...]
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Oct 22, 2011
rename a group of files in a directory - I have 100's of files in a directory that have a eight digit number with an underscore then a nine digit number.....
All I need is to delete the 12345678_ from all the files (numbers will be different in front of the underscore)
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Jul 13, 2011
How do I search for every file in a directory (including subfolders) that is of a certain type for example txt .than rename all those files.
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Oct 15, 2009
I have a script task inside a for each file loop which moves files from one directory to another. It uses the file.move command which works fine unless the file I am moving already exists in the destination directory. I would like to add the datetime string to the filename before moving it or alternatively an incremental variable to make the filename unique before its moved.
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Jun 7, 2012
I have the below code that (not sure exactly where I found it) I am trying to add a recursive rename to all files in the directory. Currently, this code only does a folder at a time, however, I need it to go through all the folders and change all files.
Private Sub StripXfromBeginning(ByVal strip As Integer)
Dim JustFileName As String
Dim attributes As FileAttributes
For Each fileNameToProcess In FileList
[Code] .....
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Apr 25, 2011
I have to rename a text file present in one of my directory. The file is emp_det_1.txt and I have to compare the name of this file with emp_det.txt (this name is present in a Table). For this i have compared the first 7 letters of both the strings. Now i have to rename the file as emp_det.txt. I have tried using the below code which i could found after some googling:
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Jul 12, 2009
I am looking for a way to rename all JPG's inside a directory. So I'll pass it a directory (for example C:/PictureTest). It will then rename all JPG's inside that folder to something of my choosing.
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Feb 2, 2010
I've been having for the past few hours? What I'm wanting to do is create a program which essentially removes a certain string from the filename in all files. So for example I have:
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May 14, 2011
I am making a program where I want to copy & rename a file. I want to copy a file from a directory which I can choose (by OpenFileDialog1.FileName), then copy or move it to a directory. This directory has been newly made and named (progdirCollin). Let's say the file is called cv.pdf then I want it to be moved to the new dir and rename it Collin.pdf. The extensions can also be .rtf or .doc and I want them to be left unchanged. So I want to copy or move a file, rename it, but keep the extension of the file, which can be all kinds of file (vb.pdf to collin.pdf or vb.txt to collin.txt.)
Explained :
1. Put in the name of the person = V
2. Pick a file with the openfiledialog = V
3. Make a directory with the name of the person in the appdir = V
4. Copy / Move the file to the new directory = V
5. Then rename the file to the persons name, but keep the .doc / .pdf / .rtf etc = ?
All V = Done
View 5 Replies
Jun 29, 2009
I'm trying to rename a user programically and can't figure out the mailbox piece(proxyAddresses).
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Jul 26, 2011
So i have this code that will rename one of the folder:
FileIO.FileSystem.RenameDirectory("C:Program FilesYahoo!", "Yahoo!1")
but when I run the say's: IOException was Unhandled
Access to the path 'C:Program FilesYahoo!' is denied.
I think the OS is the cause of the problem. because in Windows 7 it asks for permission to change the name.
How could i make the program to continue renaming when the log in user is administrator.
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Apr 26, 2010
This is the code I have set up to scan a directory of files:
Dim fileArray() As String
fileArray = Directory.GetFiles(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & "help")
And it successfully gets all files in the directory, but it gets their absolute paths as well. For example, one of the entries in fileArray() is:
And I want it to just be:
Is there a way to do this without parsing through all the array entries to trim off the path?
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Sep 13, 2010
I am a new developer in general and decided on VB.NET for my first language. So, I decided that I should write a basic FTP client since the types of apps I plan on developing later on will incorporate file transfer. I imported the chilkat dll as a reference to my project since the FTP seems to work great. Anyhow, I've designed my program with separate interfaces for sending and getting files (see attached screenshot).
The problem here is that I use an openfiledialogbox to select the local file to transfer to an FTP server which this populates the textbox with "C: ext.txt", but chilkat wants the filename without the C:, or I receive an prohibited file name error when executing the send button. So basically I just need a way to store the filename text.txt without the C: extension so I can specify THAT name as the "remotefilename" which Chilkat will understand. The way I'd really like to do it is to have my send button remove the C: from the existing textbox and just leave the filename there - that would be fine.
I tried to research this and found that the path.Getfilename may be used for this, but I'm not totally sure how i should go about it. Here is the code of the Send button for my FTP Program so far. *By the way, this program works 100% if i just create another textbox, take the filename "test.text" and reference that as the remotefilename.
View 2 Replies
Aug 30, 2010
how can i either copy/move/rename & delete a file in program files directory? [c ode]i already have the form which grabs the updated file and it save it to temp directory ready for copying, just stuck here as of the access denied.
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm creating a simple .NET console application where I want to save a file in a folder that's part of the root project, like so: SolutionName.ProjectNameTestData. I want to put test.xml into the TestData folder. However, when I go to save my XDocument, it saves it to SolutionName.ProjectNameinx86Debug Console est.xml.
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Jun 4, 2009
I have a file that need to be read and write the content in another file than i need to save that with diifrent name and save it in diffrent locatin.
Now i can read and write to another file but from that i dont know how to save the newly created file with diffrent name?
This is my coding so far?
ublic Class Form1
Dim strFileName As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
What i want to do is after user do all their thing i want the "kaya.txt" file to be save with diffrent name location.
View 6 Replies
Oct 26, 2009
I'm making somewhat of a File Shredder, wherein, it overwrites your file with a random combonation of 1's and 0's, and i was wondering, is there a way to, once you've overwritten the file, rename it to a 'random' name?How it works: (Not very effective, I know)It overwrites the file w/ 1's and 0's.Basically, theres a textbox, where a 'random' combonation of 1's and 0's(Here after known as 'data') come sup everytime.So, it overwrites wht is on that file w/ the 'data' and saves it, using a save file dialog.Is there a way so that when you save it, it saves it as a 'random' name? Like if the file was 'MY INFORMATION' Once overwritten it'd be like l_fnfu4ufhf or something.
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Jan 10, 2012
I inherited some code left behind by a previous programmer and it includes code in a Sub named Form1_Load. Now, I know this was auto-generated at one point, but Form1 no longer exists. At least I don't think so. My question is, why does this Sub even run? Is it because there are copies of the original Form1 in the working directory no longer associated to the solution? I'm going to save the solution and rename the Sub to resemble the new form name to see what happens.
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Feb 6, 2012
I want to rework and rename an existing application and utilize everything I've already done -- but it looks like it isn't going to be that simple?One post suggested renaming the folder, plus the project and another subfolder but when I opened that folder there were another 7 or 8 files that also needed changing.I DON'T want to do anything that will create a conflict and if I'm going to change to newname from oldname, I don't want to see "oldname" popping up anywhere..Is there a safe way to rename and reuse an exisitng project? Without anything being left out ?
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Jun 8, 2012
I want to create "FileName.xls" in "Excel 2007" with out changing the code I know that xlExcel.SaveAs("D:FileName",xlExcel8) code will Create "FileName.xls". Since I have more the 50 small application, in each application there are around 15 similar lines related to the above code (all are 6 to 7 Years old application).Is there any other methods (eg: Change in regedit ). so that output is "FileName.xls"
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Mar 29, 2010
I get the following error message when I try the following:[code]"Excel cannot open the file 'ContactReports.xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file."What I would like to do is Open a excel file that is the XLTemplatePath and the either rename or save the file at the XLSaveReportPath and then use that renamed/saved file to fill the report out.I am using Visual Studio 2008 in VB.NET
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Jul 1, 2009
Quick query...I'm trying to scan a long string and return any values that occur between the tags <FileName> and </FileName> I've got a bit of code here to use regular expressions to return the position of the occurunces of both substrings..Just wanted to find out if there is any way to scan for both substrings within one loop (as im currently doing 2, one for the first substring and one for the 2nd) so I can use something along these lines:
ringlist = Mid(XMLRESP, (startloc + 1), (endloc - 1))
to msg box the value between the substrings...either that or another approach to return the value between the 2 substrings (it can be of variable length)
Dim patternstart As String = "<FileName>"
Dim patternend As String = "</FileName>"
Dim matchesstart As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(XMLRESP, patternstart)
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Oct 17, 2010
How would I do that? Sample code is below that demonstrated that the file I opened contained the full path and file name.
I want to extract just the path and serialize that to the user.config file as a UserSetting value. Then next time the user opens the dialog box, it uses that saved path string to go immediately to the location previously used.
If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Properties.Settings.Default.persistConnectionType = openFileDialog1.FileName
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Jul 25, 2011
Is it possible to add a icon to a certain data type that appears in a file dialog For example for a .html would be a icon of the World.Is this would show up in a open dialog?
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May 8, 2010
I am trying to find a way to allow my users to choose the directory to save files into, THe file name is automatically generated as it has a naming convention and i am able to pre program a location to save to but i d like to be able to allow my users to decide themselves which directory they want to save the files to and to have the ability to choose which directory to save to
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Sep 27, 2010
Anybody knows how to detect that the user has pressed on the ESC key when in a FileSave or FileOpen Dialog, in VB.Net ?I have added KeyPreview to the form on which the FileDialog rests, but the key press is not seen and the FileDialog returns the file name I had given it as a suggestion to the user upon calling the FileDialog.
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Jun 16, 2010
Anybody knows how to detect that the user has pressed on the ESC key when in a FileSave or FileOpen Dialog, in VB.Net ?have added KeyPreview to the form on which the FileDialog rests, but the key press is not seen and the FileDialog returns the file name I had given it as a suggestion to the user upon calling the FileDialog.
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