Rename Text File With Contents In Textbox?

Jun 10, 2011

how to rename text file with textbox contents. I have a textbox and i would like to make it so once a button is clicked the text file is renamed according to the contents in the textbox.I am using VB 2008.

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Rename Text File Withcontents In Textbox?

Oct 9, 2010

I'm new to VB and i need help on how to rename text file with textbox contents. I have a textbox and i would like to make it so once a button is clicked the text file is renamed according to the contents in the textbox.

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Function To Rename A TreeView Node To A TextBox Text?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a function to rename a TreeView Node to a TextBox text.. When the user clicks a button with a little icon on it, a new Node is created. It is called Graphic_(0,1,2 ect.) So it changes the number to the TreeView Node count.


But, the user can also Delete the nodes and Rename them..

Sooo... the problem is, that if the user renames a previous Node, and calls it Graphic_ and then the NEXT number to occur, 2 Nodes will be the same, and I don't want that.


Graphic_4 <<<< User renames to up coming node number..

So what I want is to prevent 2 Nodes being the same.. how do I change the UPCOMING Node name to the missed out Node, in our example: Graphic_2.

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Rename A Text File Present In One Of Directory

Apr 25, 2011

I have to rename a text file present in one of my directory. The file is emp_det_1.txt and I have to compare the name of this file with emp_det.txt (this name is present in a Table). For this i have compared the first 7 letters of both the strings. Now i have to rename the file as emp_det.txt. I have tried using the below code which i could found after some googling:


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VS 2010 - Turn Textbox Contents Into Csv Text

Aug 23, 2011

I have a textbox (txtInput) with several hundred rows of words. I have txtOutput where I want to have this format:


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Ping A Contents Of Text File And Write Resulting IP To Different Text File?

Dec 3, 2011

I am trying to ping a text file("C:/Domains.txt") which is a list of domains, then have the resulting IP address written to a different text file ("C:/IP_Addresses.txt"). And this action will be done with a Button_Click.

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Adding Text To Multiline Textbox Without Erasing Previous Contents

Apr 28, 2011

how do i add text to a multiline textbox without erasing what is already in there?

Lets say the textbox already has...

"Visual basic is "

and then i want to add the word "fun" to the textbox without erasing "Visual basic is "

after adding "fun" i want it to read.... "Visual basic is fun"

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Write Contents Of Textbox To A File?

Dec 31, 2008

EmpNoteFileName = EmpFileDir & SEmpID & ".TXT"
FileOpen(EmpNoteFileNum, EmpNoteFileName, OpenMode.Output)
txtAddEmpNote.Text = "LAST UPDATED ON " & DateString & vbCrLf & txtAddEmpNote.Text


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Write Contents Of Textbox To File?

Oct 16, 2010

I need the code when i write something in a textbox and when i click on save, it is save in a folder and in that folder will be the text file. How do i do that?

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Input Textbox Contents Inside File

Sep 25, 2010

I want to create a simple program in Visual Basic 2010 that can take input from three text boxes and when pressing a button I can write to a file, the input can be letters or numbers or both of them about 10 characters long. The program should overwrite a specific text file and place a predifined text on it and the input from the text boxes must be placed in a certain
position of the file.

"This is the input from text box I want to include" the "input from the text box" shows how it should positioned the input from the text boxes inside the file.

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Save And Load Textbox Contents To File?

May 22, 2009

I have an application that pings IP addresses. When complete it will probably have close to 1000 IP addresses it will ping. I have a settings page that has a textbox that stores the IP address (one IP address eg. per text box) for the object to ping. I want to be able to save all of the textbox IP address into a text file, and then be able to load the IP addresses from the text file into the respective text boxes.

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Saving Contents From TextBox To Txt File And Popup Box?

Mar 13, 2010

I want to make a button to save the contents of a textbox to a text file.

However, I want to create a popup screen so I can select where to save it and as what file name like the picture below.

Is there an easy way of doing this or do I need to create another form to do this.

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VS 2008 - Simple Text -> Xml Program - Save The Contents Of The Bottom Text Window To An Xml File

Dec 23, 2009

I have this Quiz software that lets you create online multiple choice quizzes which are great for studying (I am in grad school and I'm trying to use everything I can to learn). So the Quiz software is great but it only lets you input questions by hand, one by one. I took a look at the .xml file that the quiz program spits out and came up with the idea to try and make a converter so that I can import many questions at once. I was hoping to try and solve this limitation by doing the following:

Take a .doc that say a tutor gives us with a bunch of practice questions, and then take that into Crimson Editor, and then format it so the question is on line 1, the multiple choice answers are on lines 3,4,5, and 6, (for the next question, the question would be on line 11, and the answers on lines 13, 14, 15, and 16, and so on) and then take that saved .txt file into my program, hit the generate button, and it will spit out the .xml file, and then import that into the quiz software to generate the online quiz.

Here is an attached screenshot of my program layout so far:

I figured out how to open a text file by watching simple youtube tutorials, but I don't know how to have it generate the stuff and have it show up in the bottom text box. I know how to do the coding to convert the txt to proper xml code but I don't know how to be able to save the contents of the bottom text window to an xml file.

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Write Contents Of Two Text Files Into One Text File?

Jan 16, 2012

its noobish question but i didnt find any solution for it here is my problem : i want to write bites from 2 seprated file (1.txt + 2.txt) into 1 single file(3.txt) but i cant


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Copy Text Box Contents To Text File?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a patient register form in my project...When the patient details will be saved in the database it should also be saved in the text file...I am dynamically creating a folder with patientid and firstname in that folder I am creating a text file patientreg.txt and it should contain the contents of text file....

I have wriiten the below code but I am getting an error....
Dim di As DirectoryInfo = New DirectoryInfo(Application.StartupPath & "" + txtPatientID.Text + txtFName.Text)


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Import Text Box Contents From A Text File?

May 20, 2009

I'm in the final stages of finishing a program I've been working on for nearly a year now, and this is basically my final hurdle. The Save dialogue is working beautifully, with 'flags' in order to switch it over from the regular input into text boxes to the Listbox input protocol.


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Read The Contents Of A Text File And Add It To A Text Box?

Jun 17, 2010

I am writing a simple program that will encrypt the text that is held in a text box and save it to a text file but I want it to be able to open a text file and decrypt the contents.

Ok now all the threads I have read are about reading a text file that is in a preset location.

What I want to do is open a text file that the user selects and have the contents displayed in a text box.

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Parse Text File Contents In Web Url?

Sep 11, 2011

I am a completeBrenner of using the below code for download stock price from yahoo finance

but it is difficult to add stock symbol always in code,so I want to use a text file and add stock symbol, A Program will read the text file and [code]...

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Totalling Text File Contents?

Nov 6, 2009

I have a text file that contains 10 integers in a list format


I wish to create an application that will:

A- Display the list

B- Allow editing of the list

C- write the edits to the file (display error message if not integer)

D- Display a message box that displays the sum of the integers is the list

E- Re-Total the integers in the list automatically as edited in the text file display.

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Cannot Read Contents Of Text File On Website

Jul 18, 2010

I'm trying to read the contents of a text file. Everyone says it's a piece of cake, but I still get error "404 Not Found" even though the site exists.

I'm using the following:
Dim myRequest As HttpWebRequest
Dim myResponse As HttpWebResponse
myRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("[URL]") 'This does work
myRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("[URL]") 'This does not
myRequest.Proxy = New WebProxy("http://proxy address", True)
myRequest.Method = "GET"
myResponse = DirectCast(myRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

When I hit the [URL] the myRequest.GetResponse command passes the contents of the site into myResponse. However, hitting the [URL] always returns 404 even though it exists.

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Copy Contents From One Text File To Another In Vbscript?

Jun 21, 2010

I have used Mid,InStr and other methods to get a substring of a string from one text file and copied the required string to another text file. While I get the correct string, vbscript however generates a BLANK SPACE after evry character in the output string.

I tried to use the Replace function inorder to replace the " " with ""... but the function does not detect any blank spaces at all to replace.

Instead of copying to another file, I even tried to replace the undesired part of the string with a " " and get only the required part ... but then again it gives the same problem[ a BLANK SPACE after evry character]

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Copy Contents Of A List Box To A Text File?

Apr 21, 2010

I understand I've been asking alot of similar questions around this topic, but I think, with luck, and your help, this will be the last time.

I have a listbox containing x-many different values.

What I want the program to do is to overwrite a pre existing file with all these values,

that is, essentially, to do the reverse of this piece of [code]...

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Extract & Sort Contents From Text File?

Jul 21, 2009

I'm using Visual Basic 2008. Im my work, I need to capture data from a spectrometer and display it on graph. I've managed to capture the data and save it as a text file. Now I'm confisued How to sort it out my data from the text file?[code]...

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Find Out Contents Of A Text File Thats Online?

Jun 24, 2009

Is there anyway to find out the contents of a text file thats online?[code]...

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Read Text Contents Of Smart PDF File?

May 21, 2009

I'm wondering whether anyone else has had to do this. I've looked in to some third party solutions.

The two I've used with the most success are: 1. xPDF. This includes an executable, PDF2TEXT.exe, which takes an argument that is the path to the PDF file to "read" and a second argument which is the name of the text file where it will write the output. This works well and fairly quickly, but it's external to my application and calling it via a Process.Start() command raises security considerations and requires to user to allow the external executable to run. They must allow this to happen AT LEAST every time they run the import application (IF they will check the "Don't keep bothering me about this" box).

2. A solution from Foxit, which is GREAT, but costs a good bit of money to use. Does anyone have a solution that I can implement IN MY CODE (like #2) but that's free (like #1)?

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Reading The Entire Contents Of A Text File?

Oct 27, 2009

reading the entire contents of a text file that contains the Mall name,monthly rent per square feet, and total square feet. The file is names mall.txt and contains the information as follows:

Green Mall


The objective is to use the sub btndisplay_click event procedure and the three sub procedures.

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Save Contents Of A Rich Text Box To A File?

Mar 12, 2010

I want to be able to save anything the user typed in the rich text box in my form into a .txt file in a location of their choosing after using the 'Save' option on the menu.[code]...

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Set Textbox1.text Equal To The Contents Of File.txt?

Mar 11, 2010

How can i set Textbox1.text equal to the conents of file.txt?

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Wrtite The Contents Of A Text File To A List Box?

Jan 30, 2010

Im using visual basic 2009, im trying to wrtite the contents of a text file to a list box, im using the following format technique

{0, -5}{1, -20}{2, -20}{3, -5}{4, -5}{5, -5}{6, -5}{7, -20}

i have used a similar format in vb6 where it worked, but in .net it doesnt get me anywhere, does anyone have experience of using string format in and can help me? =]

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VB File I/O - Get The Contents Of A Text File Into An Array

Apr 22, 2010

I'm working on a homework assignment for class from the Programming in Visual Basics 2008 published by Mc Graw Hill. It is the Chapter 11 Case Study. We are to create a program that makes a text file and populates it with data. Then use a second program that reads the contents of the text file into form containers. The first half is working perfectly.


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