Replacing A String With Index Of An Array?
Jul 12, 2010
i have an array that contains a-z.When i enter text like "ab" into a textbox and click the button, it will search the array and replace the text accordingly to the index number of the array and rewrite into the textbox with the index number.
But what i got from the code below is "ab0 1".May i know how to do so that the textbox will only display the index number and not with the letters. Also, how do i search the array from index 12 onwards to the end of the array.
For Each b As String In TextBox2.Text
If abc.Contains(b) Then
Dim ab As Integer = Array.IndexOf(abc, b)
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Jul 13, 2010
i have an array contains a-z.Then i have a textbox and when click on the button, it will replace the text inside the textbox to the index number of the array.Example, from "abc" will become "0 1 2" The code below do the to do so that i can replace the text inside the textbox from "0 1 2" back to "abc" based on the array?
Dim txtKey As String = readKeyTxt.Text
readKeyTxt.Text = ""
For Each b As String In txtKey[code].....
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Nov 6, 2010
Given an enum similar to this:
Friend Enum TestValue As Int32
tstNotSet = -1
tstA = 0
As noted in my comment to Jon Skeet, this construct, along with the rest of the Object's components, executes 100,000 times in a profiling loop in ~570ms (rough average of 3-5 runs).
Exchanging the above construct out with a smaller Array.IndexOf construct loops 100,000 times in ~630ms (again, 3-5 runs, rough average, the whole Object). The new construct looks like this:
Dim p As Int32
p = Array.IndexOf(TestValues, s)
If p <> tstNotSet Then
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Apr 1, 2009
I have been searching for a while now, but I still can't seem to figure this out. I wrote a rather large program, and to make things more efficient I started to create structs to store more info in a variable.All was well replacing my old code with new code, till I reached a certain point and found that blindly using a loop of integers to access the indexes of the array wouldn't work anymore... I need to access a specific struct by the information contained in a single variable within the struct (like a hashtable key), but can't seem to figure out how.
Is it possible for me to go through my array indexes in a fashion like this?:
Dim myArray(TableCount) As myStruct
Dim TableName As String = "SomeTable"
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May 4, 2009
I would like to format output to a property of a custom control I have made.For instance I have a literal control in my control and when populated I want to check if it is longer than 30 characters long, if so, then go to the next space (as to not cut the word off) after the 30th character and place a <br /> tag in to place the next 30 characters on the next line.So if there were 100 characters in a string, there would be 3 line breaks in the label.I have the looping worked out to get the label populated but cannot get how to dymaically create the array based on the string lenth property and index of method.
View 7 Replies
Apr 30, 2012
Trying to input a high setpoint, low setpoint, a % load, and number of compressors, then calculate the temp that all compressors are off. Then build a datagridview with the staging of compressors from all off to all on for each compressor up to 10 compressors.I am trying to insert headers from 1 to 10 compressors (Variable) with the text "Comp1", "Comp2", etc....Two rows with header. I am trying to use an array with index number to insert the text, but that is where my problem happens."Index was out of range".Here is my code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim i As Integer, num1, num2, num3, num4, alloff As Single, stg As Single
View 4 Replies
Nov 14, 2010
I am coding a program for a movie trivia game that randomly shows a movie quote and the the user selects a movie name from a combo box that matches. I used a array for the movie quotes and a comboBox for the movie names. I have coded a portion of the program but I am stuck on how to compare the array quote being shown to what movie the user selects from the comboBox. I have tried numerous different things but none seem to work right. The way I have it coded now it shows that every movie I pick that it is right even if it is wrong. I am going to show part of the code here and also attach the entire solution for anyone that needs it .
View 6 Replies
Dec 30, 2009
please tell me what is below code doing? is it creating array with two values or its creating to string index which will take value later? [code]
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Mar 28, 2012
I've got an issue with a program I am writing. The specific issue is replacing characters in a parent string by finding, and matching, specific characters within it that are parsed from an external xml file. It's for a chat-like client.Here's the 2 classes I am using to pull the emote strings, titles, and id from external XML:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Public Class emote
View 1 Replies
Feb 25, 2009
i have data (CSV) that goes into an array. I then update the data but when it updates, it keeps blank elements of the array. Each time i update, the array doesnt replace my old data with the new data, it just seems to create a new element of the array. Then i get the incorrect count of entries.
Reads XML
For Each node As XmlNode In xnames
nvalues = node.InnerXml.Trim
View 4 Replies
Jan 31, 2011
Replacing text in an array ?
View 1 Replies
Nov 11, 2009
I have an array that hold 6 random number, then this numbers are sorted from smallest to highest. My question is: How would I go about replacing any repeating numbers with a different random number. I.e. 1 3 7 2 2 9 is sorted into 1 2 2 3 7 9, but I would like to see one of the 2's replaces with a different number (that it is not currently in the array).
I have no code for this part - but the code for making the random number, storing them and sorting them works fine.
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Dec 12, 2010
Per this UserControl that can be added to a blank form, I would like to use the HorizUnits array below to map custom grid x coordinate from a mouse x position.For a given input value 13, what syntax would I use to obtain a value of 2 where 13 lies between Value 10 and 16 for which 2 (Name) would be the custom grid's displayed coordinate position?
View 1 Replies
Jul 14, 2009
I am using the .Replace function of a string. My string is a module I have added for a resource which looks like this: My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("This String Will Go Away/details.txt", "details.txt") And then in my application I have:
View 9 Replies
Apr 17, 2012
This should be fairly simple but i'm having one of those days, can any1 advise me as to how to replace the first and third occurance of a character within a string, i have looked at replace but that cannot work as the string could be of different lengths, all i want to do is replace the first and third occurance?
View 2 Replies
Apr 2, 2010
Okay, so I know now how to replace vowels in a string. Is there any way I can use the Select Case similar to the code below to replace all numbers into letter Z.
View 29 Replies
Apr 6, 2011
I am trimming some strings but I am unable to do anything about the strings containing plus signs. For example if I have this string with a telephone number
Dim str As String = "+46765124246"
And try
str.replace("+46", "0")
Nothing changes in the string.
View 2 Replies
Apr 2, 2010
im having problems using the replace method.newpassword = oldpassword.Replace("[aeiou]", "X")
View 10 Replies
Feb 11, 2009
I am trying to replace a ' with " but this does not work:
Dim strFilter As String = " 'TESt'"
Dim x As String = strFilter.Replace(Chr(145), Chr(147))
Dim u As String = strFilter.Replace(Chr(146), Chr(148))
View 6 Replies
Sep 7, 2011
I have an issue, i have a program im working on, that i have been working on and im trying to replace a whole block of text. I do it in one spot in my code and it works great, but in a different part of my code, even though im using the same exact logic and pretty much the same code (other than slight variable changes) it will not work, and i have no idea why, it just like ignores it. I took some screenshots:If you look hard the only difference is the "S12000" (top pic) is changed to "S6000" (bottom pic). The pic shows this part about 3/4 of the way thru it.
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Jul 25, 2010
How do I turn
I basically want to remove multiple strings within a string.
View 6 Replies
Oct 29, 2010
for example i have two strings 0000 and 0001 then
result= 000- here difference is indicated by - sign
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Aug 8, 2010
I am working on a program and for one of my features, I need to replace all spaces in a program with - (dashes.) Is there a way in which I can do this?
Start String = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain."
End String = "The-rain-in-Spain-falls-mainly-in-the-plain."
View 1 Replies
Mar 26, 2012
Below is the section I'm having trouble with at the moment:
Friend Sub glbHooks_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles glbHooks.KeyPress
newStr = newStr & LCase(e.KeyChar)
Neither of these worked, though the 2nd one would clean up my code a bit. Unfortunately I'm getting an "Expression expected" error on that "newStr = If..." line. I know there's supposed to be a "Then" somewhere along it but I don't know where it's supposed to be and the poster hasn't gotten back to me on that yet.
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Jan 23, 2010
i want to replace certain words each time they are detected in order to create a correct response. i have managed to replace the word"i" with "you" and "you" with "me" separatley but when both words are detected in the string it dont work....
ElseIf txtEnter.Text.Contains(" i ") Then
Dim ii As String
ii = Replace(txtEnter.Text, " i ", " you ")
View 4 Replies
Mar 3, 2011
Is there a simple way to remove reserved characters from a string without looping through it and testing each character? I want to remove <>:/?|? from strings that are used for folder and file names.
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Aug 12, 2011
What I basically have is a small game which I want to count wins/loss/ties. I have no problem with the game aspect but need to know how I can replace a string in a csv file. IE: If Jim wins the game, his 5 needs to be turned to a 6. After googling quite a while I came across the replace() function, but it doesn't actually rewrite it back to the text file
Contents of users.txt:
Snippet of
The issue I have, is if I try to use any sort of IO function after this (WriteAllLines, streamwriter, etc) - I get a process is being used and can't touch the file (because its being read).Must I somehow create a new file with a copy of everything including the replaced string?
View 2 Replies
Dec 20, 2010
I am wondering how to replace two variables in a query from selections that the user makes. One variable is chosen by a combo box called cboYEARMONTH and the other is selected from a list view called employeeListView. I know that I can use .replace to insert the YearMonth into the string but, how do I also replace the EmployeeID in the query string?
View 2 Replies
Jun 1, 2012
I'm trying to make a function in that will loop through an algorithm. I've split the algorithm into an array using the Split command, so I have an array with the values. I then try to loop through them and replace a # with "Number" where necessary, however throws an error. Algorithms are in the format A B C D E F 1 2 3 #
Function generate(ByVal alg As String)
Dim algSplit As String() = alg.Split(" ")
For Each digit In algSplit
View 3 Replies
Apr 27, 2011
I'm using the Oracle command dbms_output.get_line to retrieve output from a stored procedure. Once my code runs the command, I'm retrieving the results through a buffer string, 32000 bytes long.Inevitably, this string will have Oracle line breaks (chr(10) and chr(13)) in it that I'd like to replace with Environment.NewLine so I can display the output in a standard Winforms textbox.Here is the code I've been using - I don't recall exactly where I got the Oracle command right now, but if I find it, I'll add the link.
Dim cmdGetOutput As New OracleCommand("declare " & _
" l_line varchar2(255); " & _
" l_done number; " & _
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