Resize PictureBox Image In 2005

Aug 16, 2011

i have loaded an image to picturebox from resource which can be any size,but i just want that a image i have loaded to my picturebox,image resolution is 48*48,than now how i can set image size in picturebox.

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Resize An Image To Fit A Picturebox?

May 16, 2012

I was wondering if it was possible to make an image resize to fit a picturebox. The context is that i'm making a web browser, and I want to make there to be the favicon of the website and i'm getting the favicon via this [code]...

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Resize Image In Picturebox?

Oct 31, 2009

I am new with visual basic 2008 express edition. I wanted to ask on how to resize an image in a picturebox with a set height and width.[code]...

All it does is open a file with open dialog filters. I have a set height and width for the picturebox. If i open a picture with a height and width greater than that of the picturebox, the picture box will only display a portion of the picture.

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Resize Image To Picturebox?

Apr 19, 2010

I am trying to figure out how to go about my two problems i am currently having when trying to display a resized picture into a picturebox on my form.

What does it need to be in order to grab the image thats already been cropped in the pbCrop picturebox? I have the cropped image in the pbCrop picturebox and i then am trying to resize it.[code]...

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Forms :: Resize A Picturebox To The Image's Size ?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm currently in the process of making a dynamic signature generator, and I want to make the user be able to see what he would get... So I thought of putting a browse button and allowing them to load up a background image for their signature, but I also want the picturebox to resize according to that image's size. I need them to be the same size because of the image's X, Y are needed for the signature.

So I'm using this code for that:

LocalMousePosition = PictureBox1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
xy.Text = ("X=" & LocalMousePosition.X & "," & "Y= " & LocalMousePosition.Y)

It works fine, but it only gets the coordinates for the picturebox, not the actuall image, so I think if the picturebox is the same size as the picturebox it would get them just fine..

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PictureBox - How To Resize Image Before Saving To SQL Table

Apr 27, 2011

I have some problem about image sizing, citing the process: I've create 2 button and picture box. The button1 load opendialog to load image then the image will be viewed at picturebox and the button2 will save to sql table. My problem is how could I resize the image before saving to sql table.

My code:
--before saving
dim myImage as Image=Picturebox.image
How could I resize the actual dimension of image?

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Resize - Show An Image From A Link On A Picturebox

Oct 3, 2011

I'm using this code to show an image from a link on a picturebox.


The image is bigger thant the picturebox, how can I resize the image to fit the picturebox?

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Resize An Image (jpg,gif,png) To Avoid Out Of Memory Error In Picturebox Control On .NETCF 2.0

Sep 15, 2009

I'm searching for a solution to resize image(jpg) being passed in from an array in Picturebox Control on .NETCF 2.0 in VB.NET without resorting to using the opennetcf library, is it possible?

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VS 2005 Resize A Form1's Background Image?

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to resize a form1's background image and make its "BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center" from form2 but it keeps disappearing of the screen as it resizes.

Private Sub btnResize_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnResize.Click
Dim nNewWidth As Double = 0
nNewWidth = Double.Parse(Me.Label5.Text) / 100


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VS 2005 Resize Image To Match Window Dimensions?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm making a photo editor and the size of the image depends on the size of the window, like the Zoom mode in the BackgroundImageLayout property of a form. It works sometimes: when resized only a small amount, it does nothing, but when the image is resized more than that, it jumps to the right position.
Private Function GetImageRect() As Rectangle
Dim r As New Rectangle()
If Me.ClientSize.Width > Me.ClientSize.Height Then


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VS 2005 PictureBox No Image Available?

Dec 3, 2009

The program i am trying to build populates a series of textboxes from a csv datafile and picturebox upon text change.The problem I ran into is that if there is no picture for a particular record the rest of the record doesnt populate into the textboxes

My thought, and perhaps someone has a better idea on how to handle this behavior is to have a default image loaded in the event, no image was present.


If this is a good way to handel the behavior then my question is where would the default image be stored? The program would have to be compiled with the default image? I have yet to compile a program before, getting close though

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VS 2005 - How To Save Image From Picturebox

Oct 12, 2009

I am trying to save a pic from my picturebox. I copy an image and paste it into the picturebox. I would like to save the image that I have pasted to a file.

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VS 2005 - Setting Background Of PictureBox As Image?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a problem when i opened a picture that
size image < size picture box
How can make the background of the picture box become an image too because my coding was to get the pixel from width and height picture box.. When I found the none image property, vb will show the error.. said coordinate(x,y) was null. It can be illustrated like on the picture above.

Sometimes I will used it when:
picture properties - size mode = center image
So the picture will found at center height and width.. and the background will surround it. Sometimes I used it after rotating the picture.. The problem occur when the picture get rotate for 45 degree. I am taking all point corners of the image and rotating it. So the picture will create 4 triangle at the corners..

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VS 2005 Load Image Into Picturebox Using Combobox?

Sep 5, 2011

how to correct my code.It seem dont have error but it only able to load 1 picture only.In my code here i am using combobox to load a image into Picturebox. I got 3 item in combo box and 3 image which need to load in picturebox.

Private Sub CBpayment_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As ystem.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CBpayment.SelectedIndexChanged
PBOffice2.Image = My.Resources.dollar_us


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[2005] Binding A Picturebox.Image To Byte()?

Feb 11, 2009

I have a database that stores images as bytes, per Here

What I want to do is bind the image of a picture box to that value through my binding source. This is what I have:

ProductImagePictureBox.DataBindings.Add("Image", productBindingSource, "productImage", True)

And nothing ever shows up. I figure it's because I am not doing something like Image.FromStream(), but I also don't know how to integrate something like that into that line. I could just re do the image box on row enter rather than bind, but I don't know how to manually pull the data from the binder.

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Resize An Imagelist/listview Image Without Repopulating The Image List?

May 17, 2009

Does anyone know if it is possible to resize an imagelist/listview image without repopulating the image list? I am using scroll bar to change the image size from 25 point to 256 point. When I leave the scroll bar the imagelist repopulates from the files list. This can be very slow when working with high resolution pictures. I don't want to limit the image size to 2 sizes by using large and small imagelist.

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VS 2008 Move And Resize The Picturebox?

Apr 17, 2012

The end user should be able to move and resize the image in picturebox in the same way as I do in my Form1.vb. (Design) *.

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Making A Form Resize When A Picturebox Becomes Visible?

Feb 8, 2012

The basis of the program is that the user enters info into to text boxes then hits a button, when the button is clicked and all the parameters are met, the visible property of a rather large picture box becomes true. What I want to do is have the form start off small, just big enough to hold the labels, text boxes and buttons and then resize when the picture box is made visible.

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Picturebox - Move - Resize And Rotate With Mouse

Jun 17, 2009

My nam's Maurizio and i from italy Sorry for my bad english... is Possibile Move position, resize and rotate a picturebox with Mouse?

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Drew An Image In A Picturebox With The Image Height As Picturebox Height And Image Width As Picturebox Width

Aug 15, 2011

I drew an image in a picturebox with the image height as picturebox height and image width as picturebox width. The image is placed somewhere on the center of the picturebox. My intention is to scale the image to fit to the picturebox.

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Drag Image From Picturebox To A Dynamically Created Picturebox?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a program I'm working on that, for one of the features, allows the user to drag an image from a picturebox, into the main form space, anywhere they want. [code]...

When trying to drag the image from the CurrentTilePicBox, the very moment I move the mouse while dragging the cursor becomes a circle with a cross and won't drag and drop into the new picturebox.

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VS 2008 Add Picturebox During Runtime And Loading Image Into Picturebox?

Feb 8, 2010

i'm doing a simple form tat could add picturebox during runtime and i could add several picture into it.

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PictureBox - Image: Select The Path To A Local Folder That Is Within The Application And Get An Image From It?

Sep 15, 2010

I have a Picturebox and a two Buttons on my Form. On click of one of the buttons I want to change the image in the picture box at runtime.

This works fine when I give the location of the image (the full path ) on my computer - but then of course it will not work if I use the solution on a different computer .

So I have made a folder named "Pics" inside my application and added two images into it.

How do I get to this local folder in the following code?

Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile (??? )
instead of the usual,
Picturebox1.image = system.drawing.image.fromfile ("C:UsersMyName My PicturesMyPicture.jpg" )

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Runtime Picturebox.image Update From A Control Owned Imagelist.image

Feb 1, 2012

I'm trying to update pictures boxes with images of controls stored in an imagelist owned by a control. The images stored in the control.imagelist do not showup in the picturebox. I'm working on simplifying the code to post, but for now could use help.If I store the image in a member variable owned bythe control it woks fine.Something to do with persistance of images in control owned imagelist? [code]

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How To Resize Image

Sep 1, 2009

how to resize images?

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VS 2010 : Resize Picturebox With Mouse To Maximum And Minimum Size As Skype When Video Calling?

Oct 21, 2011

I want to resize picturebox with mouse to maximum and minimum size as Skype when video calling...I`m using vb 2010...

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Add Picture Box Image Name To Textbox - Depending On Image Displayed In Picturebox

May 20, 2009

i'm lost on this code.. i have a picturebox that swaps 2 images, depending on the action, file_red and file_green.. what i'm trying to to is, if a picturebox switches a image or not, to be able to detect that and have textbox8 add a line with the detection.


View 9 Replies - Resize An Image In ASPNET VB

Oct 6, 2011

I would like for a user to upload an image to a file in my web application. However, before being saved I want to resize the image to a specified size. I have found code on the Internet to do what I want but I am having trouble adapting to meet my needs. Here is the part I am having trouble with:

' Resize Image Before Uploading to DataBase
Dim imageToBeResized As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(FileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream)


Rather than upload to a database I want to save the image to a folder in my web application. The problem I have encountered is that VB won't let me save a byte() to a folder. Not sure what I can safely change to adapt for my purposes. Why does it need to be changed to a byte() in the first place?

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Drawing An Image To Bmp And Resize?

Aug 8, 2009

I have an app that displays images (using picturebox component). what I am trying to do now is to try to allow the user to resize the image how he wants it (scale). for this i think I need to create an instanece (bmp) clone of the selected image in the picturebox and draw it ontop of the original picture; then specifi new set of size points.I was trying to use the code below:

Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image).BeginContainer('i do not know what to do here')

I need to specifi the new size of the graphics container but I do not seem to have any clue on how to do it.

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FAQ: Resize An Image By The Same Scale?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I resize an image by the same scale? remember to mark the replies as answers if Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback,

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