Restriction / Boundaries - Change Color (to Red) When It Touches The Picbox

Nov 18, 2008

i've drawn two boxes (one with spotcolour color of orange) in a picture box. box a stays fixed at the bottom and box b can move. i've restricted box not move outside the picbox, but it needs to change color (to red) when it touches the picbox, and i've tried can't seem to do it. boxb also can't overlap boxa.


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Change A Background Of A Load Form From A Picbox?

Jan 13, 2009

how to change a background of a load form from a picbox?? i use this but still doesnt change


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VS 2010 Picbox Overlapping Another Picbox?

Aug 2, 2009

How can I make it so an Picturebox overlaps another picturebox I mean so that the first image that is under the second will be on top and not the second one is there a code for that I can contineu my project as long as I don't know this

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Change A Forms Background System Color Schemes To Windows Default Color?

May 9, 2011

How to change a forms background system color schemes to windows default color schemes in

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VB - Pops Up A Color Picker Dialog And Let User To Change The Background Color Of The Label

Feb 15, 2012

I have a question of VB event handler and color picker. Now I have a label, and I want when user click it, it pops up a color picker dialog and let user to change the background color of the label. Not sure how to implement this, can anyone give me a direction?

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VB 2008 - List Of Colors - To Change The Background Color Of The Combo Box To The Selected Color

Mar 3, 2010

Alright inside of a combo box I have a list of colors and I want to change the background color of the combo box to the selected color...basically this... but im not sure what the problem is here anyone have some advice or is this not possible?

CBLinerColor.BackColor() = CBLinerColor.Items.Item(0)

Basically i want dynamic code that will change the color depending on the items in the box.

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VS 2005 How Change Data Grid View Button Back Color And Fore Color

Dec 31, 2009

How to change the Data Gridview Button Back Color and Fore Color Based on Condition in Vb.net2005. i'm Attaching the gif toooo

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Change Item Text Color Or Background Color In ListBox In .NET 1.1

Jun 17, 2009

I am using .NET 1.1, so I don't have the access to listitem object. I would like to change the text color or the background color of certain items in a listbox. can it do it in .NET 1.1?

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Select Color From Combobox To Change The Shape Color?

Jan 19, 2011

a set of color add into combobox

Dim mypen As New Pen(, 2)

how to make the color apply in the pen?? what to put before the coma??

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VS 2008 Creating A Snake Game - PictureBox2 Touches PictureBox15?

May 21, 2010

we were asked to create a game.Me and my friend decided to go ahead and make the game 'Snake' (I think you all know this one)Since we never had any teaching on how to do it we looked already made games and used the same code (we found this one on a Youtube tutorial so I think it was alright to copy it).We picked it because it seemed pretty easy and we can tell what each thing does in the code.I also like fooling around so I changed all he values and stuff so I understood better what was going on.The game goes great but sometimes when the snakehead touches the food it doesn't 'eat' it and I don't know why :This is the part of the code that takes care of eating the food.(PictureBox2 is the snakehead, PictureBox15 is the food)


I just don't know why does happens. The PictureBox2 touches PictureBox15 but nothing of what I typed above happens.

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Change A Controls Color To A Custom Color?

Dec 20, 2010

I would like to use a full range of possibilities for a color, such as 255,255,255 instead of predefined colors, like red. How can I do this in code. Me.backcolor=?

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Change Color Or Put A Gradient Color Of Their Top Of Form?

Apr 4, 2009

How can i change the color or put a gradient color of their top of Form?

I'll try to change it a Formstyle to None and put a image on it....

But i want to know what the other ways to change the color of Top Form....?

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Change Progressbar Background Color And For Color?

Apr 3, 2010

How to change Progressbar background color and for color.

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Color Settings - Change Color Of Background

Jan 12, 2010

Im developing a web browser and i got an idea of changing the background color of the form 1 so i made a form 2. created 1 combobox and 1 button. The idea was to change color of background and then when i start the program after closing it it will remember what color and start up same color as before? Here is what i did but it doesnt work:


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Change The Color Of The Progress Bar To A Different Color?

Sep 7, 2009

how do i change the color of the progress bar to a different color?

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Change Control's Text Color Depending On Control's Background Color

Sep 21, 2011

I have a TextBox that displays a color as its background color and the background color code in its text. I have set the text color as Black.The problem is that if the user sets the color as Black then the color code will be unreadable. How do I set the text color programmatically so that it becomes readable when the user selects any color?

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Add A Treeview Outside Control's Boundaries?

Nov 25, 2010

I am making a user control named MultiSelect, which consists of a textbox. In this textbox I put substring. I want the user control to show a treeview outside the MultiSelect boundaries where items matching the substring will be shown.

For me its no problem to make a treeview inside the MultiSelect boundaries but I need to save space on the original form where a MultiSelect control will appear, so I need to do it like the treeview will appear and after I choose items, it will disappear

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C# - Silverlight Window Boundaries?

Aug 13, 2010

say your silverlight area on a webpage is 200px by open a child window, is there a way to make it moveable outside the 200x200 silverlight area?or say you drop down a combo box, let the drop down go out side of the 200x200 aea?

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Collisions And Boundaries With Sprites

Dec 20, 2009

i am trying to make a game in and so far have managed to create a sprite which is animated on key event. the only problem is it able to walk off the form out of site. i want to be able to create some sort of boundary so that when sprite position equals greater or smaller then the form width it can no longer walk in that direction, the same goes for the hight. i have tryed this myself like this


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Make The Web Browser Have Restriction?

Mar 12, 2011

I have a internet option built into my application, it has three options Unrestricted, low restricton, and secured with red, yellow, and green, I have a trac bar, i want to know how I can make the web browser respond to the trac bar when one of the ticks is selected, for example when the restricted option is selected, the web brower wont display anything that is x-rated.

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Forms :: Set Boundaries For Where Picturebox Can Move?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm using KeyDown to get the picturebox to move around, but I don't know how to keep the boat within the boundaries of the form. So if it hits the side of the form, I want it to just stop.

What control/procedure should I use to do this?

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How To Impose Special Character Restriction

Jul 22, 2010

I am developing a small application that need user authentication. How can I impose special character restriction. I mean how can I ask the user to enter at least 1 special character to make the password strong.I use VB.Net 2005.

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Restriction Error On Messages Between SQLSERVER And

May 28, 2009

I tried to run this on a local instance of sql-server and sadly it worked!!!now I know that the code is right and there is some kind of DBA restriction I need to find (and ask the DBA to remove)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;


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User Login Time Restriction?

Jan 1, 2012

I have shifts in my application. I want to restrict the time that a user can log in to their defined log in time span. Shift 1 which is AM to PM is working fine, but PM to AM check is creating problems. This is because the second shift starts at 5.00 PM and ends on next day on 10.00am.

The user table structure is

shiftid, starttime, endtime
1, 6:00:00 AM, 11:30:00 PM
2, 5:00:00 PM, 10:00:00 AM

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VS 2010 Control Outside Form Boundaries?

May 26, 2012

[url] How is this done? Is it a control of that form? Or is it a splashscreen or something like that?. I've tried by doing that with another form instead, but the first form will get unfocused, and i want the main form to be always focused.

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VS 2010 Keycodes And Creating Boundaries?

Apr 19, 2010

Today I started a little sub that would let me move a control around the form using ssigned keys but would stop at the edges of the form. I can get it to move around alright but I can't get it to stop at the edges of the form.

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VS 2010 Program Run Restriction Tool?

Oct 13, 2010

I am having a hard time dealing with this project. I wish to make a program that will be able to restrict programs to run. For example:Since we all know that the gpedit.msc has this ability. Which will add a new subkey under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentversionPoliciesexplorer with a new subkey DisallowRun, and a DWORD value at the Explorer key will be added DisallowRun.If I click the Button1, the text in the Textbox1 will add a String Value to the key above.

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Will WCF Allow To Use Object References Across Boundaries On Objects

Apr 20, 2010

So I've created a series of objects that interact with a piece of hardware over a serial port. There is a thread running monitoring the serial port, and if the state of the hardware changes it updates properties in my objects. I'm using observable collections, and INotifyPropertyChanged.

I've built a UI in WPF and it works great, showing me real time updating when the hardware changes and allows me to send changes to the hardware as well by changing these properties using bindings.

What I'm hoping is that I can run the UI on a different machine than what the hardware is hooked up to without a lot of wiring up of events. Possibly even allow multiple UI's to connect to the same service and interact with this hardware.

So far I understand I'm going to need to create a WCF service. I'm trying to figure out if I'll be able to pass a reference to an object created at the service to the client leaving events intact. So that the UI will really just be bound to a remote object.

Am I moving the right direction with WCF?

Also I see tons of examples for WCF in C#, are there any good practical use examples in VB that might be along the lines of what I'm trying to do?

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Draw Grid Line Onto A Picbox?

Jul 31, 2009

i know vb6 but i am currently trying to teach my self how to draw grid line onto a picbox ie both horizontal and vertical lines so i end up with a grid affect

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Get Randomly Generated Image On The PicBox

Nov 18, 2009

I have two images on my VB pictureBox one of it is randomly generated on the picBox(to any location) and the other is a normal image that can move around the picBox area using left right up and down buttons. The problem is that when ever the normal picture gets to the random one, it goes under the random picture and the task is to restrict the normal picture from going into the walls of the random one. when it gets to the wall, top, bottom left and right, it should stop moving.

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