VS 2010 Program Run Restriction Tool?

Oct 13, 2010

I am having a hard time dealing with this project. I wish to make a program that will be able to restrict programs to run. For example:Since we all know that the gpedit.msc has this ability. Which will add a new subkey under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentversionPoliciesexplorer with a new subkey DisallowRun, and a DWORD value at the Explorer key will be added DisallowRun.If I click the Button1, the text in the Textbox1 will add a String Value to the key above.

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Add Tool Tip To An Image In Program?

Jan 21, 2011

Is it possible to add tool tip to an image in vb.net

I am showing image to a treeview node.Node has its own tool tip which is shown on text mouse over of node

each node also has a image to which I want to show a different tooltip like image name

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VS 2008 Is CodeVeil The Best Tool Out There For Protecting A Program?

Aug 3, 2010

Is CodeVeil the best tool available right now for protecting a program? I'd like to be sure that when I release my program, it'll be either ridiculously hard (and not worth it) to crack (I.E, to make it free), or impossible to crack. I've been told the latter is impossible

I really just want it to be the absolute safest, and secure, without increasing the memory or CPU requirements of my program. I'm going to trial CodeVeil from Xheo... I'm wondering if anyone else has used any others, and what is the best? Pricing isn't a big deal for me.

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Make A Tool Bar In Task Bar Such As Windows Media Player Tool Ba

Jan 5, 2010

I want to make a Tool Bar in my task bar such as windows media player tool bar.

I'm using VS2005.net Windows xp Professional Edition.

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Make The Web Browser Have Restriction?

Mar 12, 2011

I have a internet option built into my application, it has three options Unrestricted, low restricton, and secured with red, yellow, and green, I have a trac bar, i want to know how I can make the web browser respond to the trac bar when one of the ticks is selected, for example when the restricted option is selected, the web brower wont display anything that is x-rated.

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Tool For Converting Variable And Loops Declarations From Program To C++?

Jun 25, 2010

Is there any available tool for converting variable and loops declarations from VB.NET to C++?

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GPS Tool Box For VS 2010 .Net?

Sep 13, 2011

Not sure if this is the right place for this discussion. I am in the process of building some tools in Visual Studio 2010 Premium in Visual Basic Windows form application. There's not much out there for this. I figured this would be a great discussion and journey for many people.

Is this the right place to post this?Dr.Bones- " If my application is too hard for a 5th grader to run, I've made too complicated"

View 16 Replies

Put Tool Tip Text In Tool Strip Status Label?

Oct 17, 2010

how to put the tool tip text in status bar label this in form load event

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How To Impose Special Character Restriction

Jul 22, 2010

I am developing a small application that need user authentication. How can I impose special character restriction. I mean how can I ask the user to enter at least 1 special character to make the password strong.I use VB.Net 2005.

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Restriction Error On Messages Between SQLSERVER And Dot.net?

May 28, 2009

I tried to run this on a local instance of sql-server and sadly it worked!!!now I know that the code is right and there is some kind of DBA restriction I need to find (and ask the DBA to remove)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;


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User Login Time Restriction?

Jan 1, 2012

I have shifts in my application. I want to restrict the time that a user can log in to their defined log in time span. Shift 1 which is AM to PM is working fine, but PM to AM check is creating problems. This is because the second shift starts at 5.00 PM and ends on next day on 10.00am.

The user table structure is

shiftid, starttime, endtime
1, 6:00:00 AM, 11:30:00 PM
2, 5:00:00 PM, 10:00:00 AM

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Created With A Tool To VB 2010 Project?

Feb 21, 2012

I recently added a class I created with a tool to my Visual Studio 2010 project but I can't call it in my codebehind file. I was told I need to check the namespace. How do I check and control a classes's namespace?

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VS 2010 Table Cropper Tool?

Nov 22, 2011

i need to draw the table outline/border,columns, rows over on a image. Like in Rectangular box in ms paint.

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Deployment :: In Windows Vista/7 There Are Some Restriction On Folder Viewing

Jun 1, 2009

I have nerver used my application in windows vista or windows 7.It turns that WinXp SP 2 supports great but when i run it in windows 7 , it shows error like this but I can't install MDAC28 in windows 7 Because it is for windows 9x.Isn't vista/7 contain JetOledb components?.I have some other questions too in windows vista/7 there are some restriction on folder viewing .. In few of application , I used to save some info in system32 folder now those applications are also working.How we can save infos in windows 7 at system directory?

View 19 Replies

Restriction / Boundaries - Change Color (to Red) When It Touches The Picbox

Nov 18, 2008

i've drawn two boxes (one with spotcolour color of orange) in a picture box. box a stays fixed at the bottom and box b can move. i've restricted box not move outside the picbox, but it needs to change color (to red) when it touches the picbox, and i've tried can't seem to do it. boxb also can't overlap boxa.


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VS 2008 Does Adapter.fill Have A Query Length Restriction

Apr 10, 2010

I have a database with around 100 columns and when i go:


The code works fine with a smaller database, so i was just wondering the problem is that the database is too big and the adapter isn't able to handle such a long query. I was just wondering if anyone knows what kind of limits there are?

View 6 Replies

Creating A Temperature Conversion Tool With Vb 2010?

Nov 15, 2011

i am creating a temperature conversion tool with vb 2010. i am trying to use radio buttons to choose the type of temperature that i am converting to and from.

Option Strict On
Public Class project
Private Sub txbInital_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles txbInital.TextChanged


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Visual Studio 2010 Diagnostic Tool

Feb 23, 2010

I reported a bug with VS 2010 here: [URL]

They said they could not reproduce the error and wanted me to download the "Visual Studio 2010 Diagnostic Tool ". They just say download the tool and provide them with a trace file which i'm assuming the mean an ETW file. They give me no information on how to accomplish creating a file. I'm using you have to accomplish this with xperf but even if i'm right it has many options that i have no idea what they mean.

I have no idea how to run this thing and i shouldn't have to scour MSDN documentation for the tool trying to figure out what they want.. I did provide them with additional information on how to get the crash to open "have VS 2008 open" but unless i get instructions on what they want then unfortunately i'm not going to be able to help them.

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VS 2010 Include A .COM Tool Into IDE (like Common Dialog)?

Sep 30, 2010

I did this before but can't seem to remember how. How do I include a .COM tool into my IDE (like Common Dialog)?

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LINQ Left Outer Join W/ Date Range Restriction On Right Table?

Feb 4, 2011

I have two tables, a LP_task table and an lp_Update table. I want a complete list of tasks and only updates that were posted during a specific date range. LINQ doesn't seem to support any other join criteria but 'equals'or each task. I want all tasks (left table) even if they don't have an update. (Left Outer Join)

Dim TasksData = (From t In db.LP_Tasks _
Group Join up In db.LP_Updates On t.ID Equals up.TaskID Into upds = Group _
From u In upds.DefaultIfEmpty _


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VS 2010 Gradient Color Text Tool - Strings And Numbers

Jun 11, 2011

I am making a gradient colored text tool for a game I play where they use a 3 digit number as an RGB color code before text. Making gradients by hand is tedious, as to do a gradient you type one letter at a time with an RGB code that changes by 1 in front of each letter.
example: "^090H^190e^290l^390l^490o" Would be a color gradient for Hello

I have a user input text into a text box and choose up to 6 colors. The colors then are assigned RGB values, only instead of 0-255 they are 0-9. (So they look like this 000=black 999=white 090=green, etc.)

I have figured out how to do this, but now I need to place the RGB values in front of the users text while only changing one of the RGB numbers at a time.

So if the color values are 090 and 900:
"090 190 290 390 490 590 690 790 890 990 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900" is what I would like generated with the users text spaced evenly between.

I have no idea as to how I would go about putting three digit color codes between the users text or how to change the color codes one number at a time. I could try to do this on my own but it would be sloppy and probably a lot more code than needed (I have a feeling I should be using a loop or something like 'for each')... It's been awhile since I opened VB!

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VS 2010 Parent / Child Forms - Remove The Tool Bar In The Black Square?

May 30, 2012

This is a very basic question, I have a parent form and a child form and both window state are set to maximize, would it be possible to remove the toolbar at the top? I have tried most thing like setting the form border style to none on the child form but still I get two tool bars. I would like to remove the tool bar in the black square

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VS 2010 GPS Tool Box For VS 2010 .Net

Sep 13, 2011

I am in the process of building some tools in Visual Studio 2010 Premium in Visual Basic Windows form application. There's not much out there for this. I figured this would be a great discussion and journey for many people. Is this the right place to post this?

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VB Tool Strip Container - From Chapter 6 Of The Microsoft Press "Build A Program Now" Book

Sep 10, 2010

This is a VB.Net newbie question. I am working through the Microsoft Press "Build a Program Now!" book using VB 2005. I am in Chapter 6 where you build a simple browser. But, my problem is with Tool Strip Containers. I am running Visual Studio 2005.


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Get Templated Starter Database Driven Forms Generated In C# Winforms SQL Server Using Some RAD Tool Or Visual Studio 2010

Aug 11, 2011

I hope I got all that in this question title. Let me explain. We are starting on small desktop app that will snowball into a big app with many forms. The database is SQL Server. It will have classic stored procs/functions performing classic CRUD functions. Given a table or stored proc in SQL Server what is the quickest way to create a form with all the hooks to maintain a table.

For e.g. lets assume I have table like this (most code below is pseudo code)

Table Employee
Name varchar(30)
DOB Datetime
Address varchar(100)

From this as source I want to create my Target which is form with 3 labels and 3 textboxes with add delete modify buttons (or OK button to add if not exists or modify if exists)


The code generation tool or technique that will be used should generate the correct db hooks (create SQL parameters, SqlCommand, execute sql.. basic try catch etc. Is there any open source tool to do this ? Some trick or templated approach via VS 2010 ? Worst case any third party tool ?

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Generic Restriction - Dont Select The Key Bytes And The Block Bytes From The Numeric Up/down?

Sep 16, 2011

Ok i am having some issues designing a base-class to handle generics.Caveat is i need to restrict the type put in as a Numeric type, specifically Int16, Int32, or Int64 (Short or Long).I know you can do Of T as {Structure} but i dont want to select the key bytes and the block bytes from the numeric up/down.

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"PInvoke Restriction: Cannot Return Variants"

Jun 24, 2011

Public Structure WSADATA
Dim wversion As Integer
Dim wHighVersion As Integer


Code above give me this error

"PInvoke restriction: cannot return variants"

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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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Order "tool" In .Net 2010 IDE?

Jul 23, 2011

Ok; I give. I've been searching through the menus and maybe I'm just missing it but...where did they hide the old tab order tool in VB.Net 2010? I checked the View and Format menus; not there. I suppose I can change each one by hand, but my forms have reached a size where that's getting to be a bit of a pain....

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VS 2010 Program Crashes As Published Executable, Not As Program Running In Studio Or Express?

Jun 6, 2012

I wrote this VB program to be able to throw a device we developed into programming mode where we use an ATMEL Flip installer to upload new firmware. I can program one device after another running the application off of Visual Studio Express 2010 or Visual Studio 2010, but when I go to publish this file and run it on another machine, it becomes unstable and crashes after each upload. On those same computers if I run the raw unpackaged program under Visual Studio Express, the system does not crash, and I can program devices repeatedly.

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