Retrieving Data From MYSQL Dataset?

Apr 2, 2010

I have worked out how to get the MySql data into the dataset:Dim DataSet_1 as New DataSet()

Dim SQL_Cmd_1 as New MySqlCommand("Select * from Table where feild = X")
Dim SQL _Dat_Adapter_1 as New MySqlDataAdapter (SQL_CMD_1)
SQL_Cmd_1.Connection = New MySqlConnection("server=localhost;user id=user;password=pwd;database=db")
'MessageBox.Show("Connection Opened Successfully")

If the query returns 8 column values and I want to read those values into 8 feilds on a windows form - How do I do it?

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Retrieving Data From DataSet (.xsd)?

Jul 12, 2010

I have created a .xsd dataset using the visual studio installed template ->DataSet. nothing programmitcally rather it was using the toolbox and creating various DataTable. how do I retrieve the data once it is assigned programmitcally.

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Retrieving Data From Xml And Populating A DataSet With The Results Into Multiple DataTables?

Mar 4, 2010

Heres my issue, I am retrieving data from xml and populating a DataSet with the results into multiple DataTables but i have an issue where an item is repeated in my input data and it is causing it to exception because of the constraints imposed between these tables. how can i determine if a row exists prior to adding the DataRow and thus not include it in my DataTable?

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Retrieving Information From A MySQL Database

Mar 15, 2009

I'm new to VB.NET and having problem with retrieving information from a MySQL database, when populating the datagrid. [code]

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.net - Retrieving Mysql Connection Strings From App.config?

Oct 24, 2011

How can I call the connection string by name from an app.config file in my program?

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Storing And Retrieving Rich Text From MySQL?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a question, i need to store the value of richtextbox to MySQL and retrive the value from MYSQL to richtextbox. can you give me a code in and will the formating be affected like the font and alignment?

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Retrieving Table Rows From A Dataset?

Sep 10, 2009

I am trying to retrieve row data from a table in a dataset (dataset name is PatientsDataSet and table name is tblfacilitiesnames).

I am using VB 2008 but the code I entered is from a VB2005 sample so something must have changed in the format.

I am already connected to the database since it opens the connection when the program is run.

Here is the code:

Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Str1 As String
Dim FacRow As PatientsDataSet.tblFacilitiesNamesRow


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Update Mysql From Dataset/datatable?

Apr 20, 2011

I am trying to update mysql table from a txt file using So far I've found code here and there and been able to extract the data from the txt file, now my question is how to update mysql from the same dataset or xml file. Here is my code to populate the datagrid/dataset/xml file.what is the easiest way to update mysql assuming "Orden" is my primary key in mysql.

OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text File|*.txt"
OpenFileDialog1.Title = "Open File..."
OpenFileDialog1.FileName = "trackings"


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VS 2010 Inserting Dataset To MySQL?

Feb 2, 2012

I know this is simple, but for some reason.. Im just simply trying to take my whole dataset and put it into my premade mysql tables.


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VS 2008 Create Dataset From A Mysql Database?

Jun 13, 2010

My connection that I am using is via connection string, so there's no dataset that will be created for the datasource. How can i create one for this type of connection?

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MySQL Update Dataset With Multiple Tables - Close?

Nov 7, 2010

I've been working with a remote mysql database. The design of the database pretty much requires that I use SELECT commands that include multiple tables, and sometimes joins. Updating a single table query is SO EASY, yet dealing with multiple tables has me pulling my hair out.


What's killing me is that if I make a change to a field in the products table in the datagridview and press button1, the changes are saved. If I make a change to a field in the specials table in the datagridview and press button2, the changes are saved. If I combine the two updates together in a single routine, only the first one is saved. I presume this is because after the first update executes, the dataadapter no longer reports that there are any changes to save, since the update already happened.

I've tried breaking this up into separate dataadapters for each table, but then even using dataset relations, I can't get the data together in a single datagridview. On top of that, the grid itself is only intended to be used for searching and querying data. It still needs to be bound along with a set of textboxes that accept the input.

Lastly, this database is part of an ever-evolving website database with dozens of tables that need interfacing. I just can't see manually maintaining hand written sql statements for every table. That's why I've been working so hard to get the commandbuilder to handle it.

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VS 2008 - Loading XLS File To DataSet And Import In MySQL

Aug 27, 2009

I want to load an xls file to dataset, edit the data, and import them in mysql. My problem is that I can't load the file. It seems like it ignores the file completely.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmd1.Click
Dim MyConn As OleDbConnection
Dim myPath As String = "C:TempManinLottery2009.xls"
MyConn = New OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source='" & myPath _
[Code] .....

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 - Index Out Of Range (DataGridView / DataSet And MySQL)

Jul 8, 2010

I'm loading a table from a MySQL-server, which loads fine, but I also get the following error:
Error 5: Index was out of range, Must be non-negatives and less then the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

This is how I load the database:
mysqlAdapter.SelectCommand = mysqlComm
mysqlReader = mysqlComm.ExecuteReader

While mysqlReader.Read
sbar_progress.Value += 1
beslag_dg_beslag.DataSource = mysqlTable
End While

View 3 Replies

Data Grid View (retrieving,searching Data)?

Oct 16, 2011

I'm using a mysql as my backend database and i'm using the mysqldata adapter for binding the data, i have my data in the database, but the problem is i don't know how to retrieve it, for example when i want to add a record, before i add that record, i want to retrieve the data in my database to trap that the record i'm adding is an existing record

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System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet DataSet)

May 14, 2012

I have tried everything I can to get beyond this error which shows below as <<<<< error here. It is trying to fill a dataset from a data adapter. If I change the SELECT statement to just SELECT * FROM xTable I get the correct number of records in each table. But anytime I try with a more complex statement I get the error message shown below which indicates System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet. I've completely erased all data and entered a new set of test data so I know there is no problem with relationships. Each table has primary key which is foreign key in other table. IS there something wrong with the Imports section: Imports System


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.net - Copy Data From Dataset To A Type Dataset Using Automapper?

Aug 24, 2010

i am trying to copy data from a standard Dataset to a Type Dataset (XSD) of same table structure. i want to use Automapper to do that one. So how can i do that using automapper?

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Loop Through Dataset Updating Data From Results Of Another Dataset

Jun 22, 2010

I have two Datagrids, One grid has all the customers garments on it with style number and contact length. The other grid has the users who have garment issued to them. the style number is in both grids. I need to loop through the users grid and say if the contract number is 1 from the first grid then the contract date on the second grid will be todays date + 365 days (year contract) I have looked at using a stored procedure and also a for each command but I am just getting stuck with it all. [Code]

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Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException' To Type 'MySql?

Sep 20, 2011

error " Unable to cast object of type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException' to type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader'. " ?

THIS IS THE CODE Ssql = "SELECT ItemID, Prodname, qty, Desc, Cost * FROM items ORDER BY ItemID ASC"


View 4 Replies - Retrieving Data Through LINQ To SQL?

Dec 31, 2009

I got a weird problem here like I got a site that users can post comments on a friend profile page.Everytime a user post a comment my application sends e-mail to that page owner, you know to inform for a new posted comment on his/her profile page.The problem is I want to stop the application from sending email if that user has just recently posted a comment say like 5 hours ago/earlier.Here is the function I use that would try to check it:


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Data Retrieving After Con.Close

Oct 8, 2011

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


how do we connect database in access after con.Close() since we do all operation after the con.Close() and works properly.

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Error In Retrieving Data?

Dec 1, 2011

I have MSaccess database.I have 2 tables 1) CUSTOMER TABLE=----CUSTOMER ID-Primary --AUTO NUMBER2) ORDER TABLE =----(CUSTOMER ID--Foreign KEY) Now From the front end using I have an page in which if i enter Customer details and press button add .I have to INSERT into values into CUSTOMER TABLE and I Also at the same time INSERT into ORDER TABLE with this CUSTOMER ID which i generated now.How is it possibl

View 13 Replies

Error While Retrieving Data

Dec 4, 2011

I have a code here which is to insert values in both the tables which has Relationship.[code]...

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LINQ To XML : Retrieving The Data?

Apr 28, 2011

I have this XML:

<data name="lnkViewResultResource1.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>bekijk de resultaten</value>


But, unfortunately, it is not working, it is not getting anything.

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Retrieving Data From A Datatable?

Aug 3, 2011

I'm using two textbox's to enter text and retrieve the data and then show that data in a datagridview.Here is my

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


View 21 Replies

Retrieving Data From Access Db

Mar 2, 2009

Dim cn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Dim dr As OleDbDataReader
Dim intaccount As Integer

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Retrieving Data From Database?

Oct 17, 2010

I am using two textboxes, one for roll number and the other for the corresponding roll number.

And I am using 4 command Buttons

Move First
Move Previous
Move Next


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Retrieving Data From DataGridView?

Jun 6, 2009

I am trying to retrieve the data in a DataGridView and display it in a RichTextBox.


This pulls the data from the first row only though, i want to be able to pull the information form each row and display it on a new line? So if there are 8 rows there will be 8 lines of text with the same values as set in the DataGridView?

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Retrieving Data From DirectoryInfo?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm making a timer program, that I want to be able to store "unlimited" timer profiles, that someone can load and use. Now I've created a form that you fill with data, which then gets saved to a .xml file in a pre-defined directory. I'm now working on some sort of code that will:

1. Search the directory for .xml files

2. Find any .xml files and convert names to strings

3. Store the strings in a dropdown menu, so that when one is chosen, it loads that profile.

I think I have 1 down:

System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:Simple Timer")
Dim di As DirectoryInfo
di = New DirectoryInfo("C:Simple Timer")

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Retrieving Data From Ms-access ?

Oct 15, 2011

Below is my code for login page I would like to show login user detail on home. For login my code works properly but does not show currently login user show following error "NO data exists for column/row".


Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Login.Click
End Sub


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Retrieving Data Into TextBox?

Nov 15, 2011

I Want to Display Content of Database Into TextBox,i.e. i have column named "Ename" in "EMP" table of database1 ,now i want to display "Ename" in TextBox of my form , so, how can i do this ?

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