Return Data From SqldDependency?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to write a application that usesSqlDependency. The dependency will be triggered when data is added to the database. I'm wondering if it's possible to have the dependency return the data/query that triggered it.

Currently i have to have the onchange event trigger a select statement to refresh the data i have cached. Is it possible to just have the dependency return the new data that triggered it

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Return Data Reader Value?

May 27, 2010

i have create a procedure to return data reader value, but it not return and returning null reference?

'Public Shared Sub GetData(ByVal Tablename As String, ByVal queryfield As String, ByVal Id As String, ByVal lblmsg As Label)
' Try
' Dim Cons As OleDb.OleDbConnection = DBHelper.GetConnection
' Dim Com As OleDb.OleDbCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * FROM [" & Tablename & "] WHERE [" & queryfield & "]=" & Val(Id), Cons)


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Limit What A Data Set Will Return To A DatagridView?

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to limit what a data set will return to a DatagridView. Is this possible?For example if I wanted to only show Data that was logged between 2 dates.I have the full Dataset done and am trying to figure out how to use a button to then manipulate the data to show what I want to and not every record in the dataset.

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Return The Rows In A Data Reader?

Oct 18, 2009

I have a table in my database and I want to return the rows in a data reader and retrieve them in variables. I can do that well but I can only return the last record. The reader doesn't process all the rows.

Dim myconecction As String
myconecction = My.Settings.DataSource


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Ms Sql Stored Procedure Return Data Without Output?

Mar 16, 2012

i am trying to find examples of getting data back from a stored procedure that has no parameters sent to it nor has any returned output parameter. Though it does display data.How can i get that from my code im using below?

Dim myCommandSQL As New SqlCommand
Dim myReaderSQL As SqlDataReader = Nothing
Dim intX As Integer = 0[code]....

The @return_value i just put there to see what would happen but i got nothing returned.

View 2 Replies - Use ExecuteSQLCommand And Return Data In A Datatable And Access It?

Sep 15, 2010

This is what I'm trying...

Dim myCommand as SqlCommand
Dim myTable as New xsdObject.ObjectDataTable
myCommand = DataAccess.GetSQLCommand( "MyStoredProc", _


'How to access my data ?

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Use ExecuteSQLCommand And Return My Data In A Datatable And Access It?

Nov 4, 2011

Use ExecuteSQLCommand and return my data in a datatable and access it? This is what I'm trying.[code]...

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Using LINQ To Return First Item From Each Set Of Grouped Data

Apr 16, 2012

Given a simple DTO (AccountExpiry) with properties of 'AccountNo' and 'ExpiryDate' and a List of same created thus:
New AccountExpiry(123, New Date(2012, 4, 1))
New AccountExpiry(123, New Date(2012, 4, 2))
New AccountExpiry(123, New Date(2012, 4, 3))
New AccountExpiry(124, New Date(2012, 4, 2))
New AccountExpiry(124, New Date(2012, 4, 3))
New AccountExpiry(124, New Date(2012, 4, 4))

How do I use LINQ to retrieve the most recent entry per account. I have a feeling this will involve GroupBy and FirstOrDefault. It seems like...
From Item In Source Group By Item.AccountNo Into Group
Should return all of the data grouped appropriately, but It is unclear how I might apply .FirstOrDefault to each group.

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VS 2010 : Return Data From A Specific <div> Via A Web Request?

Feb 12, 2012

I am trying to search for a term on this site: [URL] and return the definition of the term to a RichTextBox. I can search for the term easily enough. My initial idea was to find a div class similar to every definition, and in the source returned from my WebRequest there is always the div class:

<div class="luna-Ent">

So for example, if you search the term "lol" and view the page source, the definition for that term is wrapped as follows:

<div class="luna-Ent">laughing out loud; laugh out loud: used as a response to something funny or as a follow-up to something said only as a joke.</div>

My problem is that I cannot split the string, which contains the entire text from this web response, leaving just the above. Which I would further split to leave just the definition.Every time I attempt to split the string I get a bogus result with randomly cut up words and nonsense. There is only one <div class="luna-Ent">, so I have no idea why this isn't working when it does with a simpler string such as "lol?55?44" which you would split using "?".Here is the code so far, please excuse the crappy variable names. I always structure my stuff like that when testing?

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
e.SuppressKeyPress = True


Instead of my method, is there any way to return only the data, from the web request, wrapped in that div class?

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What Return Type To Use In Data Access Layer

Mar 1, 2010

Im writing a data access layer for my application.There are several functions that need to return a list of items like Employee Name, and EmployeeID so it can be bound to a dropdownlist.What would be the proper datatype to return, a Dictionary?The lists only contain 2 columns, a name and id.

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Xml - Use A Custom Class To Return Data From A Web Service?

Feb 11, 2011

So I have an application that uses a webservice, On the UI side the user picks a table which sends a request across the web to my webservice to return the fields of this table. So after this request is accomplished I have, on the webservice side a series of Name,Type Pairs that I need to serialize and send back to my client. I could use a List(of String()) to send the values back but I want to use a List(of Custom_Class) instead because later I have to do this on a much larger scale and I want to learn on this simpler version.


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Dependent Object Will Not Return Data For Extended Fields In TPT

Jul 22, 2011

I am using TPT modeling and writing the EDMX by hand as our data model is much more complex than the designer can support. My model includes a ProjectObject which has a dependent object name Project. When I query ProjectObject.OfType(Project) using Linq to SQL, I receive back data in all the fields that are inherited from ProjectObject, but no data in the fields that only in Project. I have ran a SQL Server Trace and captured the actual SQL and ran it using SSMS and it returns data there, so I am relatively certain the data is being passed back, but it seems to be getting lost somewhere in EF. Everything appears to be ok in my model, but . . .

<EntityContainer Name="Insight_ModelStoreContainer">
<EntitySet Name="Project" EntityType="Insight_Model.Store.Project" store:Type="Views" store:Schema="dbo" store:Name="vw_insight_Project">
[Code] .....

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Return Data From An Access Record From User Input?

Feb 17, 2011

It's been a good few years since I dabbled in VB and I'm very very rusty so any help would be great! What I'm looking to do is search an access database with user input and display the relevant record.I have a single table set up in an access database called school_info with the following fields and data:

001________1234________School 1________Primary
002________4321________School 2________Secondary


I've linked the database to my new project, connected the database and added the 4 fields to my form. When I run it, the data shows in the boxes fine.The Tres and DfE fields are show in text boxes on the VB form, and the school and Type are show in labels. What I really want to do is be able to manually type in either a Tres or DfE number into the relevant text field and have the other labels auto populate with the relevant data that's stored in the database table.

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Search Access Database And Return Data To Textbox

Apr 22, 2011

I've created a basic search form. I have a textbox with a search button and an Access Database as the backend. I have also added it as a new datasource. What I'm looking to do is grab the search string from one textbox and return the data to another textboxt. I have a table called "VehicleInfo" and I want to search the field in my table called "VehicleID" and return the vehicleID I searched for into another textbox. I'm really new to VB. I understand databases and basic code structure, I just don't have a good grasp yet on how these two work together.

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Garage_ServiceDataSet.Service' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
[Code] .....

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Creating Data Access Layer - Return My Object But Not All The Fields

Jun 21, 2010

I'm creating my Data Access Layer and I want to return my object but not all the fields so this is the code i'm using


I then call this method in the Business Logic Layer


lastly I try to call in in my user interface and bind it to a DataGridView


But I keep getting this error: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Linq.DataQuery`1[VB$AnonymousType_0`3[System.String,System.String,System.String]]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[PP_DAL.DCProposal]'.

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Pass / Submit The Data To The WebService And Return Back The Results

Jul 9, 2011

Trying to find some code to assist with accessing a web service. I am a newbie when it comes to web services and don't quite get the whole how to submit the request and then read the results. I know from searches that people request a copy of the WSDL file so I have attached (SystemManagementService.wsdl)


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Using LINQ To Query XML And Return Empty String If No Data Is Present?

Mar 8, 2011

What I'm trying to do is to write a generic rss reader that I plug in any URL into without worry if the feed has all the common properties. For instance in my example below I'm looking for pubDate, however if no pubDate exists in the xml I'd like to return the current Date. I cannot seem to get the syntax right though.

Dim xmldoc As New XDocument
xmldoc = XDocument.Load(url)
Dim feeds = From feed In xmldoc.Descendants("item") Select New With { _


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Creating A Gridview And Gather The Data From Various Functions That Return A Type Of IEnumerable?

Feb 28, 2012

I am creating a gridview and need to gather the data from various functions that return a type of IEnumerable. I've created gridviews using a dataset as a datasource, but how does one use multiple data sources(of IEnumerable) to populate one gridview? Like how do you combine all that into one dataset?

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VB - User Substitutes Name On Query - Get The Data Set To Return Different Output Given A Variety Of Inputs

Nov 19, 2009

So, I run a select statement in SQL and then it has something like " where clientName = 'John Doe' " I can generate a datagrid or dataset off the SQL statement, but it will only be good fro one client...... I would like to be able to populate a dataset/grid using the select satement and then having something like a combo box of names the USER can choose. Then the user selects the name and the datagrid is populated with that clients info or w/e........


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VS 2008 - LINQ Query Against A Typed Datatable That Will Return Me Duplicated Data?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm trying to do a LINQ Query against a typed datatable that will return me duplicated data.With out going into too much detail, here's the basic setup:

strCode1 - string type
intCode1 - int32 type
intAdjustor - int32

There are more fields but these are the ones that are important.I'm going to do my best to describe this, as it's kind of confusing.In theory intCode1 is a key for strCode1 (hence the names). So each time intCode1 is duplicated, the same strCode1 should appear. Example:


Ultimately I'd like to get a List(Of T) - where T is my typed data row. In SQL, I would simply use a sub query, to get a distinct list of strCode1 and intCode1, then do a count, grouped by strCode1 where I get more than one row.I'm not sure how to translate that into LINQ, AND get the original types data rows returned in a list.

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[VB 2010] Return Alert Message If SQL Query Return No Records

Dec 12, 2011

I use this code to return records in a DataGridView:


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Forms :: Way To Return Multiple Rows Of Data To Calling Method Via Class Property?

Jan 28, 2009

I have this application which has one class. I need to return a recordset of data to the calling form. If i use Properties to return, it can only return only a single value at a time. Right now i'm returning a datareader object with one of the properties.Can anyone suggest a better way to return multiple rows of data to the calling method via Class Property?

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Return An Object As The Return Value Through A RealProxy Transparent Proxy?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm working up a system where I plan on using RealProxy objects to enable intercepting method calls against a set of objects, handling the call, and then returning appropriate results. This works just find for simple return types like strings or ints, but I can't seem to return objects from the RealProxy.Invoke method. Everything works. I get no errors, but the returned value is always NOTHING, instead of an object.

I've worked up the smallest sample code I could, and have included it below. Essentially, just call RPtest and single step through. The code creates a simple object, RPTestA, with a string field and an object valued field It then retrieves the string


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Stream Read Return Length 0 While Stream Is Open And Has Valid Data In It?

May 25, 2012

in an winForm app in VS2010 win 7 compiling to x86, I try to do what Alvas.Audio seems to work. See (c# ex: [URL] for reference.

Dim data() As Byte = wr.ReadData(second * i, second)

The result give me data.length()=0. I do not have any exception, I can read format from it and whatever reader I use I got this problem.EDIT : After some tests, it seems like the uncompressed file I create in the first step (in PCM format, with .wav extension) can not be recognized by the library for the second step. I must miss something around Audio file markups or something alike.

Here is the code that might be the source (basically this is step 1):

Dim functOut As String = String.Empty
Dim wr As Alvas.Audio.IAudioReader = Nothing
Dim fs As IO.FileStream = Nothing


How can I write the resulted stream to be sure I can read it again later?

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System.Exception: Unexpected Return Code: 1 At System.Data.OracleClient.DBObjectPool.GetObject Error

Jul 13, 2010

I have a windows service written in .NET 2.0 that will run every 5 minutes and executes bunch oracle SQL/PLSQL scripts based on time/validation, it throws the above said error some times against some SQLs, the same SQLs run fine at later point without any error, I have no idea what is going on with the app. I am not sure if this has any thing to do with oracle connection pool as I am properly closing the connections after every SQL execution.


System.Exception: Unexpected return code: 1 at System.Data.OracleClient.DBObjectPool.GetObject(Object owningObject, Boolean& isInTransaction) at System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(String encryptedConnectionString,


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Checking If A Port Is Open - If It Is Open Then Return True, If It's Closed, Return False?

Dec 28, 2010

I'm making a Visual Basic GUI application to display whether a number of my ports are open for people to know whether things like my website and my Minecraft server are open.My problem is I have absolutely no idea how to do this in Visual Basic.Basically, I'm asking for something which sends a signal to an IP with a specific port, if it is open then return true, if it's closed, return false. Similar to: http:[url]....

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Using LINQ To Return Element In Collection, Would Like To Return Nothing If Element Not Found?

Mar 3, 2011

I would like the following function to return Nothing if the element with the specified key is not in the collection. Instead, it returns an error - something to the effect of "no element found"

Public Class MyCollection
Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of MyType)
Public Function FindByActivityKey(ByVal searchValue As Integer) As MyType


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Function Return - Assign A Value To The "Functions Name" Or Use "return Value"

Jan 16, 2009

In order to return a value from a VB.NET function one can assign a value to the "Functions Name" or use "return value." I sometimes see these inter-mixed in the same function. Personally, I prefer the return. My question is, what is the internal difference, if any, between the two?

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Get Return Value Of Exe?

Feb 17, 2009

I am working in Microsoft Visual Studio 2003.

I want to execute file using command line argument.

Actually my requirement is run the exe file in PHP. In Php exe is running using the exec command.

In my exe file i copy a file from one folder to another folder. I have to return whether that file is copied successfully or not to php.

how can i send this information to php from

My code is

Dim sourcepath, source, filename As String
Dim destinationpath As String
Dim processvalue As Integer


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How To Return A Value

Aug 13, 2011


Dim mappath As MatchCollection = r.Matches(randomstring) when changed to derp doesn't work. Derp does work when you put it in a message box too. I tried .tostring. I don't know what to do D:) I tried tostring, I tried converting with cstr but it say's it cannot return a value, what do?

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