Limit What A Data Set Will Return To A DatagridView?

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to limit what a data set will return to a DatagridView. Is this possible?For example if I wanted to only show Data that was logged between 2 dates.I have the full Dataset done and am trying to figure out how to use a button to then manipulate the data to show what I want to and not every record in the dataset.

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VS 2005 Limit Rows In Datagridview?

Dec 8, 2009

I am loading data from a Textfile into a datagridview. I want to limit the amount of rows created at any stage to 9. How can i do this?

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DataGridView Column Character Limit (Solved)?

Jun 9, 2010

All programmers would want to prevent the users from overflowing input data fields. The DataGridView feature allows the programmer to specify the MaximumInputLength property for a DataGridView column at design time but it does not give the programmer access to


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VS 2010 Limit Text Entry In DataGridView?

Jul 21, 2011

Okay, I've got a datagridview in my WinForms app that auto-builds the column list from a datatable schema. It's working fine, except that it allows the user to enter values too long for the database field. For example, I have a "name" field that is defined in the Sql-Server database as a varchar(50). Is there any way to limit that cell (column?) so that it only accepts 50 characters? Right now it lets them enter anything and throws an exception later.

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Save In Datagridview Violates The MaxLength Limit Of The Column?

May 12, 2009

I got this error message when I only typed about 60characters. I have no idea why this happened to me since I have my address datatype set to varchar(100), I even had it set to varchar(MAX) at one stage but that made no difference. May I know what I've done?

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C# - Limit Number Of Rows That Can Be Entered In A Datagridview Based On Property Of DGV?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a UI that uses datagridviews / bindingsource / datatables of typed dataset for data entry. The dataset itself is serialized to a varbinary(max) in SQL. (i.e. no tableadapter, backend schema).I would like to limit the number of rows the user can enter into some of the grids (the data is used to fill PDF forms and I don't want them entering more rows than the forms can accomodate.).I have subclassed the datagridview, added a rowlimit property and tried to manipulate the AllUsertoAddRows property

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class dgv
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView[code]......

The behavior I see is that the messagebox comes up after leaving the max row even when the user is trying to leave the grid. I can lose the messagebox and deal with notification some other way but I thought someone else may have come up with something a little more sophisticated to handle simply causing attempting to add to many records to navigate out of the grid to the next UI control.

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DataGridView Input Validation - Certain Column On Datagridview Should Accept Integers Only, Otherwise, It Will Return A Messagebox

Jun 5, 2011

Some codes here on how could I validate my datagridview? I mean, a certain column on my datagridview should accept integers only, otherwise, it will return a messagebox. Kindly include on which event it should be posted.

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How To Limit Number Of Character That Need To Be Enter In Data Grid

Jul 15, 2009

In my datagriedview i have 5 column called T,C,F,S and H.I want to specify in column C that the user must enter 3 digit. For column H the maximun value should be 2000 so user should not enter more than i can specify this condition for my datagriedview column?

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Limit And Verify The Textboxes Data Which Enter By The User?

Oct 9, 2010

I want to limit and verify the textboxes data which enter by the user i want to make a class in which i pass the textfield and the methods in that class return boolean value . First method check only numbers with decimal point. second method check only A to Z or a to z with some specify charecters. In java it is very easy by the parse INt methods or use class.

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VS 2008 : Limit The User To Enter Only Certain Data In A Datagrid?

Mar 9, 2010

How can i limit the user to enter only certain data in a datagrid. Lets say 0 - 9 only. When the user try's to enter any other char, it should stay 0

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Return Get Datagridview Cell Value?

Mar 15, 2010

Im trying to return the value contained in a datagridview cell upon clicking on the cell

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Datagridview Headers / Return Letters In Vb

Feb 16, 2010

way to return letters like a,b,c,d,.......,x,y,z,aa,ab,ac,ad,,ba,bb,bc,bd,, in visual basic. I am adding them to the headers of a datagridview. Sort of like excel numbers the headers on columns.

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VS 2010 : Return A Row From Datagridview As Array?

Feb 23, 2011

I have been having major problems with Datagridviews and attempting to retrieve one row at a time and then assigning that row to an array , Which can be used in another function.I have tried numerous ways to achieve this but none of them seem to work. something like 'Start array of no values to be filled during the while.

dim myArray as Array
While myDataGrid has Rows
assign myArray the values held within the cells of the first row
send myArray to another function for processing

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DataGridView KeyDown/KeyPress To Return New Cell Value?

Apr 15, 2012

how to handle the keypress event but I can't find a way to update the datagridview cell with the new contents of the editing textbox control. If I add a character to a the text of a cell I want it to react with the new cell contents.

Private Sub DGV_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DGV.EditingControlShowing


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Dosen't Return The Gratest Number In The Datagridview?

Mar 29, 2012

I have som problems with my litle loop, it dosen't return the gratest number in the datagridview.

Dim NumberOfRowsInDGV1 As String = dgv1.BindingContext(dgv1.DataSource, dgv1.DataMember).Count
Dim SearchResultat As String = 0
Dim SearchRow As Integer = 0
NewNumber = 0


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Trigger Sub After Hitting Return Key While In Cell In DataGridView

Nov 23, 2009

How do I trigger a sub after the user hits the Return key within a cell in a specific column in a DataGridView. I know its columnIndex 1 that I care about. I want the sub to fire when the user is editing (i.e. DataGridView1.CurrentCell.IsInEditMode = True).

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Using Access Cases To Return Query Into Datagridview

Feb 10, 2012

I have an access table and I want to write a query that has a case in it, but it gives me an error message when running the query Error "Syntax Error missing operator in query expression"


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.net - Disable The Default Enter/Return Key Behavior In A Datagridview?

Dec 11, 2009

In datagridview the default Enter/Return key behavior is to move to the next row is there a quick and easy way to avoid that.

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Clear All Data In Datagridview And Not Delete Data , Column In Datagridview?

Jul 19, 2009

How i clear all data and not delete data or column in datagridview?

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VS 2010 : Establish An OLEDB Connection And Return The Values From The Selected Table To A DataGridView?

Apr 16, 2010

I am unable to load the dat into the data Grid. Here is where I keep getting stuck.

dgvOleDb1 = table.Select
dgvOleDb1.DataSource = DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically
dgvOleDb1.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)

I am confused; I am using VB2010, IBM.iSeries.DB2 on an as400 V5R4. I am trying to establish an OLEDB connection, and return the values from the selected table to a DataGridView. I had one of the admin's make me file named GARBAGE, in the Rprtaccess catalog. In the past, I have been able to connect via access and an ODBC connection. My project is too big for access, and the SQL middleware we have is clunky and not user friendly. This is a program that will generate the SQL statements, specifically the WHERE: clause and populate the datagrid with the selected criteria. In essence I am making a user friendly striped down program, that has variables that are manipulated by the end user, and the rest, referenced tables and libraries are coded.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.Exception
Public Class Form11


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Return Data From SqldDependency?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to write a application that usesSqlDependency. The dependency will be triggered when data is added to the database. I'm wondering if it's possible to have the dependency return the data/query that triggered it.

Currently i have to have the onchange event trigger a select statement to refresh the data i have cached. Is it possible to just have the dependency return the new data that triggered it

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Return Data Reader Value?

May 27, 2010

i have create a procedure to return data reader value, but it not return and returning null reference?

'Public Shared Sub GetData(ByVal Tablename As String, ByVal queryfield As String, ByVal Id As String, ByVal lblmsg As Label)
' Try
' Dim Cons As OleDb.OleDbConnection = DBHelper.GetConnection
' Dim Com As OleDb.OleDbCommand = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * FROM [" & Tablename & "] WHERE [" & queryfield & "]=" & Val(Id), Cons)


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Return The Rows In A Data Reader?

Oct 18, 2009

I have a table in my database and I want to return the rows in a data reader and retrieve them in variables. I can do that well but I can only return the last record. The reader doesn't process all the rows.

Dim myconecction As String
myconecction = My.Settings.DataSource


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Ms Sql Stored Procedure Return Data Without Output?

Mar 16, 2012

i am trying to find examples of getting data back from a stored procedure that has no parameters sent to it nor has any returned output parameter. Though it does display data.How can i get that from my code im using below?

Dim myCommandSQL As New SqlCommand
Dim myReaderSQL As SqlDataReader = Nothing
Dim intX As Integer = 0[code]....

The @return_value i just put there to see what would happen but i got nothing returned.

View 2 Replies - Use ExecuteSQLCommand And Return Data In A Datatable And Access It?

Sep 15, 2010

This is what I'm trying...

Dim myCommand as SqlCommand
Dim myTable as New xsdObject.ObjectDataTable
myCommand = DataAccess.GetSQLCommand( "MyStoredProc", _


'How to access my data ?

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Use ExecuteSQLCommand And Return My Data In A Datatable And Access It?

Nov 4, 2011

Use ExecuteSQLCommand and return my data in a datatable and access it? This is what I'm trying.[code]...

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Using LINQ To Return First Item From Each Set Of Grouped Data

Apr 16, 2012

Given a simple DTO (AccountExpiry) with properties of 'AccountNo' and 'ExpiryDate' and a List of same created thus:
New AccountExpiry(123, New Date(2012, 4, 1))
New AccountExpiry(123, New Date(2012, 4, 2))
New AccountExpiry(123, New Date(2012, 4, 3))
New AccountExpiry(124, New Date(2012, 4, 2))
New AccountExpiry(124, New Date(2012, 4, 3))
New AccountExpiry(124, New Date(2012, 4, 4))

How do I use LINQ to retrieve the most recent entry per account. I have a feeling this will involve GroupBy and FirstOrDefault. It seems like...
From Item In Source Group By Item.AccountNo Into Group
Should return all of the data grouped appropriately, but It is unclear how I might apply .FirstOrDefault to each group.

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VS 2010 : Return Data From A Specific <div> Via A Web Request?

Feb 12, 2012

I am trying to search for a term on this site: [URL] and return the definition of the term to a RichTextBox. I can search for the term easily enough. My initial idea was to find a div class similar to every definition, and in the source returned from my WebRequest there is always the div class:

<div class="luna-Ent">

So for example, if you search the term "lol" and view the page source, the definition for that term is wrapped as follows:

<div class="luna-Ent">laughing out loud; laugh out loud: used as a response to something funny or as a follow-up to something said only as a joke.</div>

My problem is that I cannot split the string, which contains the entire text from this web response, leaving just the above. Which I would further split to leave just the definition.Every time I attempt to split the string I get a bogus result with randomly cut up words and nonsense. There is only one <div class="luna-Ent">, so I have no idea why this isn't working when it does with a simpler string such as "lol?55?44" which you would split using "?".Here is the code so far, please excuse the crappy variable names. I always structure my stuff like that when testing?

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
e.SuppressKeyPress = True


Instead of my method, is there any way to return only the data, from the web request, wrapped in that div class?

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What Return Type To Use In Data Access Layer

Mar 1, 2010

Im writing a data access layer for my application.There are several functions that need to return a list of items like Employee Name, and EmployeeID so it can be bound to a dropdownlist.What would be the proper datatype to return, a Dictionary?The lists only contain 2 columns, a name and id.

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Xml - Use A Custom Class To Return Data From A Web Service?

Feb 11, 2011

So I have an application that uses a webservice, On the UI side the user picks a table which sends a request across the web to my webservice to return the fields of this table. So after this request is accomplished I have, on the webservice side a series of Name,Type Pairs that I need to serialize and send back to my client. I could use a List(of String()) to send the values back but I want to use a List(of Custom_Class) instead because later I have to do this on a much larger scale and I want to learn on this simpler version.


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