Save In Datagridview Violates The MaxLength Limit Of The Column?

May 12, 2009

I got this error message when I only typed about 60characters. I have no idea why this happened to me since I have my address datatype set to varchar(100), I even had it set to varchar(MAX) at one stage but that made no difference. May I know what I've done?

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Check Box Error Message : Cannot Set Column,The Value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of This Column

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to placed several check boxes (15) in a group box or on a form. I receive the following error message in Visual Studio:
Cannot set column, "The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column".

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Cannot Set Column 'SalesTeam' Value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of This Column?

Aug 9, 2010

I have several controls on aWinForm (VS2010) which are bound to an SQL database table via a Dataset, BindingSource and TableAdapter (all bindings created via the IDE). When i try to update the daatbase table with changes made in the form controls using:


I'm getting the following error message: Cannot set column 'SalesTeam'. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column Now on the surface the problem would seem self explanatory and the solution quite obvious. However i'm not changing the 'salesTeam' data, so it's exactly the same as it came out of the database and consequently it must be the same length. the data is two characters, the database field is a Char(2) data type and the datatable field has MaxLength = 2. So i can't see what's causing the problem or what i can do to resolve it

I've tried changing the data in the relevant textbox to just one character, but it still throws up the same error I've tried changing the SalesTeam DataTable field to MaxLength = 4, but it still throws up the same error I've tried reconfiguring the TableAdapter, but it still throws up the same error

I know my code is good because it works for other datatables that other controls in the same form are bound to. I'm I doing something wrong or missing something obvious or has anyone come up against this before

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Select Method Of DataTable Doesn't Work - "value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of Column"?

Nov 11, 2011

I need some help on merging 2 tables. A simplified version of the issue and the error is outlined below. I am doing the following steps: 1. Create & Fill the schema of the table TblA by an adapter. TblA = DSTasks.Tables.Add("A") AdpA.FillSchema(TblA,


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DataGridView Column Character Limit (Solved)?

Jun 9, 2010

All programmers would want to prevent the users from overflowing input data fields. The DataGridView feature allows the programmer to specify the MaximumInputLength property for a DataGridView column at design time but it does not give the programmer access to


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When I Hit The "Save" Button, It Crashes And Says That The Column "Serial Number" Has Exceeded The MaxLength?

Oct 10, 2011

I've made a program that basically keeps track of all your CD Serial Keys. I've made the database and I'm at the point where I can type it all in and hit a "Add New" button to add it to the database, but when I hit the "Save" button, it crashes and says that the column "Serial Number" has exceeded the MaxLength....I don't get it...the numbers you put in the "serial number" is something like this "X5J3-2K4L5-2P4OK-23VMN-903NC" that's 24 numbers and letters long...I have changed the MaxLength property for the column to 30,000. How is 24 numbers and letters exceeded the MaxLength of 30,000? I think my "Serial Number" is setup for text. How do I fix this?

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Set The Limit Of A Certain Column To Accept 10?

Jun 11, 2011

how to set the limit of a certain column to accept 10 the same inputs only. I have a table named Date and I want to limit its content for the same inputs to 10 only cause 10 person only can have the same date.

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Limit Number Of Character In Unbound Datagriedview Column?

Jul 15, 2009

In my datagriedview i have 5 column called T,C,F,S and H.

I want to specify in column C that the user must enter 3 digit. For column H the maximun value should be 2000 so user should not enter more than 2000.

how i can specify this condition for my datagriedview column?

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Limit What A Data Set Will Return To A DatagridView?

Dec 8, 2009

I am trying to limit what a data set will return to a DatagridView. Is this possible?For example if I wanted to only show Data that was logged between 2 dates.I have the full Dataset done and am trying to figure out how to use a button to then manipulate the data to show what I want to and not every record in the dataset.

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VS 2005 Limit Rows In Datagridview?

Dec 8, 2009

I am loading data from a Textfile into a datagridview. I want to limit the amount of rows created at any stage to 9. How can i do this?

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VS 2010 Limit Text Entry In DataGridView?

Jul 21, 2011

Okay, I've got a datagridview in my WinForms app that auto-builds the column list from a datatable schema. It's working fine, except that it allows the user to enter values too long for the database field. For example, I have a "name" field that is defined in the Sql-Server database as a varchar(50). Is there any way to limit that cell (column?) so that it only accepts 50 characters? Right now it lets them enter anything and throws an exception later.

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Add A Checkbox Column At First Column Of Datagridview Including Column Header?

Apr 9, 2010

How to add a checkbox column at first column of datagridview including column header?After adding, how to code to "check all" or "uncheck all"?

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C# - Limit Number Of Rows That Can Be Entered In A Datagridview Based On Property Of DGV?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a UI that uses datagridviews / bindingsource / datatables of typed dataset for data entry. The dataset itself is serialized to a varbinary(max) in SQL. (i.e. no tableadapter, backend schema).I would like to limit the number of rows the user can enter into some of the grids (the data is used to fill PDF forms and I don't want them entering more rows than the forms can accomodate.).I have subclassed the datagridview, added a rowlimit property and tried to manipulate the AllUsertoAddRows property

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class dgv
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView[code]......

The behavior I see is that the messagebox comes up after leaving the max row even when the user is trying to leave the grid. I can lose the messagebox and deal with notification some other way but I thought someone else may have come up with something a little more sophisticated to handle simply causing attempting to add to many records to navigate out of the grid to the next UI control.

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Taking Screenshots Violates Privacy / Data Protection Law?

Jun 9, 2009

In my VB6 programs (internal to our organzation) I have always liked taking screenshots upon the occurence of an error to give me more clues as to its cause but somehow I have read somewhere that it may be in violation to some law (privacy / data protection).In the project I am currently developing and it will be for marketing I have used the same method but upon reading about the warning I am now somehow hesitant to use it although it has proved useful in the past.

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Add Persistence To Multiple DataGridView In Terms Of Hide/Show Column And Column Width

Feb 24, 2010

Add persistence to multible DataGridView in terms of Hide/Show column and column width

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Datagridview - Sort Datagrid View Column With Numbers And Texts On Column Header Click?

Feb 13, 2012

It seems that on clicking datagridview column header, the column will be automatically sorted based on the column type. I have a column showing some numbers. If column type is string, it sorts "1","20","3" into "1","20","3". If column type is double, it sorts into "1","3","20" which is the result that I want. However, there might be some erros in the numbers and error messages(text) will show in the cell instead of numbers. So I cannot set the column type as double. I want to ignore these error messages and sort all the numbers. How can I do this?

Also, I need to add some background colors to different rows in datagridview. So in the column header click event, I call the bkgColor Sub to achieve this. My question is that how can I override the sorting method in this event?

Private Sub DataGridView1_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.ColumnHeaderMouseClick


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Datagridview Tab Key - Ignore Column(2) So That The User Only Tabs Through The Rows In Column(1)?

Feb 27, 2009

i have a datagridview with three columns. i set the first column to visible=false, so the user can only see two columns.when the user presses the tab key in the first visible column -- column(1), i want to ignore column(2) so that the user only tabs through the rows in column(1)i can't get it to work. it will always tabs through the rows in column(2) even if i use the column name.


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Disable Datagridview's Column In Term Of The Column Will Not Receive Focus

Mar 25, 2011

I want to disable column in datagridview so the column will not receive focus,

when user press tab to move from cell to cell this column will be skipped and the focus move to the next cell or column.

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Change Textbox Column To Combo Box Column In Datagridview

Jul 8, 2010

In my window application i have taken one combobox field with its collection as "amc", "war" etc. Now in my datagridview this combobox column is display as Textbox column, i want to change it to combobox with the above collection "amc","war". I have retreiving the result in datagrid through sql query, hence in datagrid edit column section we doesnot have that part to change to Combobox column.

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Change Textbox Column To Combo Box Column In Datagridview?

Jul 8, 2010

in my window application i have taken one combobox column with its collection as "amc", "war" etc.Now in my datagridview this combobox column is display as Textbox column, i want to change it to combobox with the above collection "amc","war".

I have retreiving the result in datagrid through sql query, hence in datagrid edit column section we doesnot have that part to change to Combobox column.

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Replace Column By A Related Column From Another Table In DataGridView

Dec 14, 2011

I have:

- Table1 with columns: PK_ID1, LOCATION, DIRECTOR, SELLER, SELLERID, WORKTIME (relationship), WORKCODE

- Table2 with columns: PK_ID2, WORKCODE (relationship) & WORK_DESCRIPTION

My DataGridView do a SELECT * FROM Table1;How can I replace WORKCODE with WORK_DESCRIPTION in DataGridView, please?

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Show Bit Column As A Checkbox Column In Unbound Datagridview

May 14, 2010

Dim Comp = From C In db.Table1 _
Select C.Completed, C.Taken, C.Namne
Datagridview1.DataSource = Comp

Am using the Entity Framework and Columns Completed and Taken are of bit Datatype. When the query results are displayed in the datagridview, these bit columns are returned as of ColumnType Textbox - so i get a Datagridview textbox column with true or false string values.

I want to display Completed and Taken as Checkbox columns (either ticked for True or un-ticked for false) but ofcourse i can't do this in EditColumn dialogue because the Datagridview is unbound.

how can i change this in code at runtime

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Save All Data Displayed In DataGridview And Save It Using Oracle Client(ODAC 11g)?

Apr 20, 2010

How to save all the data displayed in DataGridview( 2 column, no primary key) and have a button and

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Get Column Index Of A DataGridView Column Using DataPropertyName

Jan 18, 2012

Is there a way to find the column index of a datagridview column using the columns DataPropertyName?I currently use a loop (shown below in the class) which is kind of ugly, but it works. I'd like to do something like this, which seems more elegant.My goal is this, I store the users DataGridView column settings (i.e. DisplayIndex, Visible, & Width).When the user opens the form that contains the datagridview I want to get those settings from the database and apply the settings to the datagridview.[code]

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Identify A Datagridview Column Based On Column Name?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a data gridview on my windows form with 4 columns. Now I identify a column as followed:

Dim item1 as String = DataGridView1.Item(1, index).Value

So now I use a number ( In this case: 1 ) for the column index, but I want to make it a bit more readable so now I want to obtain the column index based on the datagridview column name.[code]...

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VS 2010 Datagridview: Move To Column 4 But Instead To Column 5

Apr 9, 2011

I want to move the cursor from column 1 to column 4 but what happened instead the cursor moves to column 5, this happens when I use the enter key event. but run well if I double click. The following description of the program: there are 7 columns of code, item description, unit, price, qty, discount, item amount code when key enter press :


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Get The Maxlength Value Of Node?

May 22, 2012

i build a application for validating xml file against XSd. if error occours in one node it throws a exception, in that exception i can get only line number and line position only. how to get the maxlength value of that node.

MemoryStream xml = new MemoryStream();
string xsd;
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();


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Have A Conflict Between Maxlength And CharToUpper?

Nov 17, 2009

I am trying to do two things and I am having a conflict. I want to restrict the number of charcaters someone can type in a text box (numbers and letters) and also make sure all lowercase letters are changed to capital. For some reason my script works fine on numbers limiting them to 3 but I can type in as many letters as I want. How can I make the maxlength work for numbers and letters?[code]...

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DataGridView Input Validation - Certain Column On Datagridview Should Accept Integers Only, Otherwise, It Will Return A Messagebox

Jun 5, 2011

Some codes here on how could I validate my datagridview? I mean, a certain column on my datagridview should accept integers only, otherwise, it will return a messagebox. Kindly include on which event it should be posted.

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DB/Reporting :: Displaying DataGridView Text Column In A Mixed Bound/Unbound DataGridView?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a DataGridView (dgv) on a Windows form (VB.NET) which is bound to a datatable. One of the bound columns is a an ID (Foreign Key) to another datatable. All I want to do is Hide the ID column and populate an unbound column with the Name (ParmName) for the user. I searched the foreign value in the datatable and retrieved the information. I set the Value of the cell in the Datarow. All works well, but does not display. The cell accepts the value...I can even Debug.Print the values to the console. They are there just nothing displaying in DataGridView. Nothing odd about DataGridView. Should be straight forward...

My Code
Dim dtParm As DataTable = MyDataSet.tblParameter
Dim dgv As DataGridView = Me.dgvResultNum_DataGrid


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