Have A Conflict Between Maxlength And CharToUpper?

Nov 17, 2009

I am trying to do two things and I am having a conflict. I want to restrict the number of charcaters someone can type in a text box (numbers and letters) and also make sure all lowercase letters are changed to capital. For some reason my script works fine on numbers limiting them to 3 but I can type in as many letters as I want. How can I make the maxlength work for numbers and letters?[code]...

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Get The Maxlength Value Of Node?

May 22, 2012

i build a application for validating xml file against XSd. if error occours in one node it throws a exception, in that exception i can get only line number and line position only. how to get the maxlength value of that node.

MemoryStream xml = new MemoryStream();
string xsd;
XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();


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Change Maxlength For Multiple Textboxes?

Feb 17, 2011

how to change multiple textboxes without calling each specific name. I have about 10 textboxes and would like to change their maxlength based on the following conditions.

1- If the user select decimal i would like to limit the maxlength to 3 on all the 10 textboxes at once versus individually changing each textbox maxlength.

2. If the user select hexadecimal i would like to limit the maxlength to 2 on all the 10 textboxes all at once.

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Set Maxlength In The Textbox Of Rdlc Report

Jun 11, 2011

Do you know how to set maximum length of character in the textbox of rdlc report? I already dug all of its properties but I didn't see any.

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VS 02/03 Dynamic Textbox MaxLength Property?

Mar 11, 2011

i am struggling with something quite elementary and simple. I am creating 200 dynamic textboxes with the following code :


Now, I need to restrict the user to type a maximum of 5 characters inside. The MaxLength property is supposed to help me with that, but the user is still allowed to type more than five characters!Later on, after I have crossed this bridge, I'll need to allow a minimum of five as well - so that the user will always be able to enter only five characters inside each textbox. Another problem in the future will be to allow only numeric digits. These are product codes, whic are always numeric, and always 5 characters in length

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Textbox Maxlength For Positive / Negative Integers

Apr 25, 2012

The problem is simple: I have a form with textboxes, and in one of those textboxes, I want users to enter either a positive or negative 2-digit number. I'm looking for an easy way to enforce this restriction, i.e. without having to parse the number and check whether its absolute value is below 100.


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Save In Datagridview Violates The MaxLength Limit Of The Column?

May 12, 2009

I got this error message when I only typed about 60characters. I have no idea why this happened to me since I have my address datatype set to varchar(100), I even had it set to varchar(MAX) at one stage but that made no difference. May I know what I've done?

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Setting TextFields MaxLength Property automatically With The Width

Jan 3, 2010

When I drag a dataset onto a form (as details), is there a way in which the textFields maxLength property is automatically set with the width within the actual table. Or do i have to select each textBox and enter it manually?

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Textbox - Trim Value Of String To MaxLength Characters Automatically?

Oct 11, 2010

If you assign a string that is longer than the current value of the MaxLenght property, VB6 automatically trims the value to MaxLength characters, whereas VB.NET doesn't. Is there any way to achieve the same in VB.Net.

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Conflict With Name Space Excel?

May 25, 2009

Conflict with Name Space Excel?

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How To Check For Conflict Time

Feb 23, 2012

What I want to do is whenever I want to add subjects to my listview it will check first if either the schedule is conflict or not. i have a starting time end time, and days but i dont know whats the proper condition to use in order to check if its conflict or not. anyone can help me on this matter this ive been struggling about this for several days.[code]

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VS 2010 VB + ASP.NET COM Port Conflict

Dec 13, 2011

Apologies for the long post, but I would be very greatful for any advice given. I have developed a visual basic application to communicate with a device through a COM port. This application works fine. The device connected to the COM port sends information relating to the status of the device, this information is read in using VB and inturn written to an SQL database. Using the visual basic application the user can also send commands through the COM port to the device. The application scans the users computer and detects all available COM prots, these are presented to the user and they can select which one to connect to. The COM port is held open for the entire period that the program is in use (this is to allow for the incomming information to be read)


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VS 2008 DataColumn And Call MaxLength Property On It To Get Length Of Data

Sep 16, 2009

I have a DataColumn and call the MaxLength Property on it to get the length of data that can go into a field ... but it always returns -1 (yes even on a string field).

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C# - .NET Compiled Third-party DLL Reference Conflict?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using Umbraco (a .NET CMS), and it has a reference to a specific version of a DLL (see 1 Umbraco Reference below). This is fine until I try to hook into the .NET MailChimp API which references a different vesion of the same DLL (see 2 PerceptiveMCAPI below).I can think of a couple of options for resolving this

a. Get either the Umbraco or PerceptiveMCAPI source and reference the same version of the DLL, really do not want to do this for compatibility reasons

b. Dump the 2 DLLs in the GAC, I want to avoid this as I see deployment issues arising if someone forgets (I know we should have an automated deployment but time is restricted)

I remember that there is a third option to specify what version of the DLL to use in the configuration. Is this possible and what is the code for it?

1 Umbraco Reference
// Assembly Reference CookComputing.XmlRpcV2
Name: CookComputing.XmlRpcV2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7d6e17aa302004d


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Combobox Binding Data Conflict

Jun 17, 2011

I've got a bound Combobox in a database for a lookup but when i set it up and change the data in the combo the program won't let me go and further. There is a data conflict but i don't know where. The problem is here in the combo setup:

Display member : ProductName (nvarChr(20)
Value Member : ProductID (int)
Selected Member: SelectedLookup (int)

This doesn't work. Everything is displayed in the dropdown by name but when i select a item. I can't go any further. If i change the Display member: to 'ProductID' the program works fine. but displays the ProductID where users won't understand. It's like it is trying to store the 'displayed member' Product Name instead in the Value Member 'ProductID'. if i use a list box instead the program works correctly.

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Forms :: Listbox Having Conflict With Keypress?

Dec 21, 2011

I've been encountering this problem. When I add a listbox at my game, all my keypress events and codes doesn't work. But when I remove it, it will work again. I don't know what's the problem. I need the listbox to add strings on it for my game.

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VS 2008 Detect Conflict Schedule

Jan 13, 2010

making a class scheduling system. I want to detect conflict in day,section,start_time,end_time,room,teacher in the MSSQL database.

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DataGridView - Handle Conflict With Constraint In DataTable

Aug 26, 2010

I have a datagridview in which the user can add new rows. The datasource is a datatable who has a unique-constraint for the column "Position". Thus, if the user enters a position already existing, an exception is thrown. To avoid the ugly standard error message, I simply handle the dataerror-event and set e.cancel = true. This works. But if the user presses escape, the row_validated-event is triggered. I use this event to format the rows containing new data by changing the font color to red. Here another exception is thrown (SystemOutOfRange-Exception) telling me that the index xxx has no value. How can I achieve row-formatting for new/modified entries without getting this error?

Here is my code:
''' <summary>
''' Catch exception and cancel illegal action.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sender"></param>
''' <param name="e"></param>
[Code] .....

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Handling Multiple Data Entry Forms Which Can Conflict With One Another?

Aug 6, 2009

How do you handle the screnario wherein multiple data entry forms are open and modifying one could potentially affect the record being modified in other forms?

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Multiple Namespaces Causing Conflict With Calling A Function

Jan 19, 2009

For a project I am working on there are two namespaces. Currently,[code]...

The problem is that when I have the button click inside the ScreenCapture Namespace, it gives me an error with the Handles Button1.Click saying " Handles clause requires a With Events Variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types". If I move it out of the namespace however, it tells me that Function1 is not defined.

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Conflict Between Two Reminders(Column 'Reminder_Time' Does Not Belong To Table Reminder)?

Mar 27, 2010

I have a form to set reminders on it. When I write a 1 reminder, everything works well. But when I write 2 reminders in same time, it comes this message.(Column 'Reminder_Time' does not belong to table Reminder.)

Dim i As Integer
TextBox3.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
TextBox4.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString[code]......

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Examination Scheduling (filtering Conflict Of Assigning Proctor And Room)

Jan 15, 2012

am doing my thesis entitled Automatic Exam Scheduling System. this works when button "GENERATE" is click. that would initialize the automatic assigning of proctors and rooms to classid.....plz help...i can't filter the conflicts of proctors and rooms since it is automated.

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Remove Range Name Conflict While Migrating From Excel 2003 To 2010?

Apr 25, 2012

We were using Ofiice 2003 since long but now we are migrating to Office 2010.The problem that we facing now is that in our Workbook based on Excel 2003 we had a few ranges with names like BCD1, DOT1 but now in Excel 2010 BCD1 and DOT1 are cell names. The new version changes the BCD1 to _BCD1 automatically but we have to manually change the Macro code for the same which is a cumbersome problem.

PS: Some code that would automatically change the required in Macro Code.

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Permission Conflict - Close Word Or Visual Studio In Order To Save The File

Jan 8, 2010

I write an HTML file with MS Word, and use it on my application. The problem is that I need to close Word or Visual Studio in order to save the file, or compile the code, because each one reserves the file permission rights. The html file is only written by word, and only read from VS. At compile time, the file is copied to execution directory. Is there a way to give both programs simultaneous permission rights?

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Conflict Between Paint And Horizontal Scroll Event Handlers In Windows Form User Control

Feb 7, 2011

The following zipped up Visual Studio Solution on Skydrive is immediately buildable and runnable; a usercontrol on a Form. Problem? If you click on any of the Edit Buttons and move the Horizontal Scroll, the values as they change in the Label_Values are off by one when you release the slider button. I think this is a timing problem between the Paint handler and the Horizontal Scroll event handler at the very bottom of the User Control code. Sorry I didn't eliminate

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Check Box Error Message : Cannot Set Column,The Value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of This Column

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to placed several check boxes (15) in a group box or on a form. I receive the following error message in Visual Studio:
Cannot set column, "The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column".

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Select Method Of DataTable Doesn't Work - "value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of Column"?

Nov 11, 2011

I need some help on merging 2 tables. A simplified version of the issue and the error is outlined below. I am doing the following steps: 1. Create & Fill the schema of the table TblA by an adapter. TblA = DSTasks.Tables.Add("A") AdpA.FillSchema(TblA,


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Cannot Set Column 'SalesTeam' Value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of This Column?

Aug 9, 2010

I have several controls on aWinForm (VS2010) which are bound to an SQL database table via a Dataset, BindingSource and TableAdapter (all bindings created via the IDE). When i try to update the daatbase table with changes made in the form controls using:


I'm getting the following error message: Cannot set column 'SalesTeam'. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column Now on the surface the problem would seem self explanatory and the solution quite obvious. However i'm not changing the 'salesTeam' data, so it's exactly the same as it came out of the database and consequently it must be the same length. the data is two characters, the database field is a Char(2) data type and the datatable field has MaxLength = 2. So i can't see what's causing the problem or what i can do to resolve it

I've tried changing the data in the relevant textbox to just one character, but it still throws up the same error I've tried changing the SalesTeam DataTable field to MaxLength = 4, but it still throws up the same error I've tried reconfiguring the TableAdapter, but it still throws up the same error

I know my code is good because it works for other datatables that other controls in the same form are bound to. I'm I doing something wrong or missing something obvious or has anyone come up against this before

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SQL Command "Timeout Expired" Exception While Handling ClientInsertServerInsert Sync Conflict

Jun 4, 2012

I am working with synchronizing 2 databases (SQL Express and SQL Compact Edition) using VS 2010. It works fine when the program first running. However the SQL Command "Timeout expired" Exception occurred when the code has been executed for several times. The error message is:


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Conflict Between "Paint" And Mouse Events?

Oct 8, 2011

In VB 2010: Whenever I try to draw graphics based on a "mousedown", I get an extremely slow drawing reaction. Is that true?

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