Examination Scheduling (filtering Conflict Of Assigning Proctor And Room)

Jan 15, 2012

am doing my thesis entitled Automatic Exam Scheduling System. this works when button "GENERATE" is click. that would initialize the automatic assigning of proctors and rooms to classid.....plz help...i can't filter the conflicts of proctors and rooms since it is automated.

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When A Player Types North In Room "Crash Site" They Get The Description Of Traveling To The Next Room "In Trail"?

Jul 27, 2010

I've run into another road block while programming my game. The problem is that when a player types North in room "Crash Site" They get the description of traveling to the next room "In Trail" as well as the description of traveling to the next room after that, "Deeper In Trail" before having to type north again. I've looked over the code several times, but can't find the problem....the conditions seem to be fine, but I'm guessing that's where the problem is..

ElseIf LCase$(txtInput.Text) = "go north" And Room = "Crash Site" Then
Room = "In Trail"


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Automate Examination Using Net?

May 10, 2011

I am doing examination using vb.net but my has some error .[code]...

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Create An Entrance Examination?

Jun 5, 2011

how to create an entrance examination. I have already have a quiz creator. The only problem I have is how to display the created questions one by one just like a computerized entrance exam from a single table.

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VB Examination Average Calculator?

Jun 12, 2011

i'm having problems coding the codes myself. It's an assignment for me from school , after attemtping it for a few hours , I'm almost finish but i'm having trouble in the calculation for average , you see. I feel so tiny in this world when i get to know that there's still more for me to learn. And I'm also having problem with the MsgBox where i need to write the code to notify me like " Please enter integers! " , the teacher would want to test on that availablity either it is present or not.


I wanted to post a picture of my interface but it kept on saying here that " failed to upload bmp "...

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Online Examination Project In Dotnet

Sep 15, 2009

what are the features that should be supported by online examination project

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.NET Scheduling Threads?

Oct 25, 2010

I am having an issue where I need to implement a type of thread scheduling... I'm looking to implement a list of tasks, each with a set time that they need to execute, and after the time is up they will execute the respective code that goes with that task. I would use a timer based solution, however, I don't think that it would be very efficient. There will be a very large list of tasks, some of which need to be executed within seconds of being placed in the list.

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Add A Scheduling App In My Project?

Jan 27, 2010

Add a scheduling app in my project..were can i get the source code for this?or were do i start in making one.

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CPU Scheduling FCFS Using .net?

Jun 5, 2011

at - arrival time
bt - burst time
I - idle

for example the user input 3 process

process 1 - at = 5
bt - 5
process 2 - at - 2


this is the logic : smallest time + burst time = sum1 if the next arrival time is less than the sum1 then add the next burst time but if the next arrival time is greater than the sum1 then subtract the sum1 to the arrival time so you will get the difference1. after that the difference1 must be added to the sum1 then add the burst time. that is the cycle.

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How To Create Program For CPU Scheduling

Mar 15, 2012

How to create a program of CPU Scheduling, particularly, Preemptive one, like SRT, Round Robin etc. How can I make them using VB.NET.

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Scheduling An Email Sending App

Jun 18, 2009

I am trying to write a vb.net code which would run evry moth and perform the following task:

it would retrieve three existing excel files from a folder ,perform excel based reporing modification on them and send them as emails to alist of users ids of whom are available in a fourth excel sheet(another folder)

i am not looking for thhe full code. but i donot know the syntax for

how to access excel files from within a vb code and morover perform operations on them.

secondly is it possible to scedule such a email sending application ??

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VS 2008 Scheduling Task?

Mar 6, 2010

What is the best way to schedule task on VB.Net application? I have searched this forum and google but I still need some more comments.There are two ways that I've found so far:

Command Prompt By using AT or SCHTASKS command. My Windows 7 seems to recogonise both Command. May I know is there any significant different between this two command?

Timer By using Timer function, but I'm not sure whether is this a good method as it might slow down my program by constantly checking. May I know by using the above method, can I retrieve the scheduled task and display back in my program with ease?

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Conflict With Name Space Excel?

May 25, 2009

Conflict with Name Space Excel?

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Have A Conflict Between Maxlength And CharToUpper?

Nov 17, 2009

I am trying to do two things and I am having a conflict. I want to restrict the number of charcaters someone can type in a text box (numbers and letters) and also make sure all lowercase letters are changed to capital. For some reason my script works fine on numbers limiting them to 3 but I can type in as many letters as I want. How can I make the maxlength work for numbers and letters?[code]...

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How To Check For Conflict Time

Feb 23, 2012

What I want to do is whenever I want to add subjects to my listview it will check first if either the schedule is conflict or not. i have a starting time end time, and days but i dont know whats the proper condition to use in order to check if its conflict or not. anyone can help me on this matter this ive been struggling about this for several days.[code]

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VS 2010 VB + ASP.NET COM Port Conflict

Dec 13, 2011

Apologies for the long post, but I would be very greatful for any advice given. I have developed a visual basic application to communicate with a device through a COM port. This application works fine. The device connected to the COM port sends information relating to the status of the device, this information is read in using VB and inturn written to an SQL database. Using the visual basic application the user can also send commands through the COM port to the device. The application scans the users computer and detects all available COM prots, these are presented to the user and they can select which one to connect to. The COM port is held open for the entire period that the program is in use (this is to allow for the incomming information to be read)


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C# - DateTime Issue In .net Regarding Automatic Scheduling?

May 23, 2012

I have a program that checks for the date and minute part of my job object. If these match then it triggers a particular job.

If jb.ScheduledStartTime.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy mm") =
Now().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy mm") Then
'Do some work here.
End If

Issue:If I schedule different jobs during the day at different time interval then they just work fine. I mean they are triggered and in the above code they enter the loop when it matches the current format.

However, it doesn't work when the date changes at 12:00. Even though I have scheduled start time set to trigger at 9:00 AM in the morning it enters the loop exactly at 12:00 AM which is invalidating my logic leaving me confused.

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VS 2005 Unattended Job Scheduling Calling .dll?

Sep 28, 2011

I have 5 separate class libraries where each one of thses are consuming separate web services (the web services connects to a server, runs stored procedures and return data tables to the .dll).

My task is to sequentually run these 5 jobs unattended through a job scheduler. I am not really sure how to do this and what my options are.I was planning on creating a driver (a console application) that would call each .dll. If this is a acceptable way then I am not sure how to reference and call each .dll, could I use import, add a reference to the .dlls and instantiate a new class, make a setup project with dependancies etc.

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Windows Services And Scheduling Email?

Mar 18, 2009

I need references to how to schedule emails to notifiy users on a specific date in the month (each month).All the references I stumbled upon were in C#.I'm not that advanced to convert them properly to VB dot net.

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C# - .NET Compiled Third-party DLL Reference Conflict?

Sep 27, 2010

I am using Umbraco (a .NET CMS), and it has a reference to a specific version of a DLL (see 1 Umbraco Reference below). This is fine until I try to hook into the .NET MailChimp API which references a different vesion of the same DLL (see 2 PerceptiveMCAPI below).I can think of a couple of options for resolving this

a. Get either the Umbraco or PerceptiveMCAPI source and reference the same version of the DLL, really do not want to do this for compatibility reasons

b. Dump the 2 DLLs in the GAC, I want to avoid this as I see deployment issues arising if someone forgets (I know we should have an automated deployment but time is restricted)

I remember that there is a third option to specify what version of the DLL to use in the configuration. Is this possible and what is the code for it?

1 Umbraco Reference
// Assembly Reference CookComputing.XmlRpcV2
Name: CookComputing.XmlRpcV2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7d6e17aa302004d


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Combobox Binding Data Conflict

Jun 17, 2011

I've got a bound Combobox in a database for a lookup but when i set it up and change the data in the combo the program won't let me go and further. There is a data conflict but i don't know where. The problem is here in the combo setup:

Display member : ProductName (nvarChr(20)
Value Member : ProductID (int)
Selected Member: SelectedLookup (int)

This doesn't work. Everything is displayed in the dropdown by name but when i select a item. I can't go any further. If i change the Display member: to 'ProductID' the program works fine. but displays the ProductID where users won't understand. It's like it is trying to store the 'displayed member' Product Name instead in the Value Member 'ProductID'. if i use a list box instead the program works correctly.

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Forms :: Listbox Having Conflict With Keypress?

Dec 21, 2011

I've been encountering this problem. When I add a listbox at my game, all my keypress events and codes doesn't work. But when I remove it, it will work again. I don't know what's the problem. I need the listbox to add strings on it for my game.

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VS 2008 Detect Conflict Schedule

Jan 13, 2010

making a class scheduling system. I want to detect conflict in day,section,start_time,end_time,room,teacher in the MSSQL database.

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Implement Scheduling Tasks Requirement In Application?

Mar 20, 2012

I'm wondering if there is any scheduler control in Vb.Net -MS VS 2005- and if not I hope I can find a one - free - that I could use on my application...

how to implement scheduling tasks requirement in my application..

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Visual Studio 2008 - Scheduling Tasks

Nov 22, 2010

I have an application that I need to automate where at a certain time each day, say 6pm, it will run a certain method(which is to check a database for key terms and then access the api to search for these terms). But there is also another process which is running all the time accessing the stream api so when the search is complete, it interrupts the stream and hands over the new terms.

Now I thought of adding the .exe file to windows task scheduler but not sure if that would work. The stream method run indefinitely and at 6pm each day another process needs to run. I thought of using the system.threading.task TaskFactory but when I include it, it shows taskfactory as undefined. ( I do have .net framework 4.0)If it launches using the task scheduler as 6pm with my code logic as follows:


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VS 2010 Scheduling Time Sensitive Events?

May 5, 2010

I have a question for the well versed among you. I have done some research, but didn't seem to find the exact answer I was looking for. So without further adieu.Given an event which needs to occur at a very specific time, whats the best and most predictable way or making that happen.

A: Use a worker thread, and threading.thread.sleep(TIME).

or B: Use System.Timers.Timer or System.Threading.Timer to execute in (TIME).

NOTE- I am fully aware that any of these will work. My question is in regards to priority of execution. How will a timer, which I can't figure out how to set a priority on, compare to a thread with a priority of Highest or even Real Time. Microseconds DO count in this instance.

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Create A Chat Room?

Dec 23, 2011

create a chat room? My current hosting is a linux server with mysql. I want to make a client that can connect to the database.(already done) and if the user exists, to open a chat form. I want this to be multithreaded, that way I can have up to 500 people chatting with each other at the same time, from different locations. (realistically will usually be around 50)I have found some winsock type examples, but I dont understand how I can adapt that to work with a linux server... Can anyone help give me examples? I guess I basically want an IRC.(Which I dont know how to implement.)

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User To Know The Room Temperature?

Apr 23, 2012

I am trying to provide a GUI which helps the user to know the room temperature.I am using an 8051 microcontroller with rs232 cable in order to provide the serial communication.

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VS 2005 Room On Tab Control?

May 5, 2009

I have a tab where i'm adding more and more controls to it... I have no problem on my computer i can reszie my screen and just refit them but other users may not want to how can i make my tab have scroll bars to if my controls don't all fit it will just be a scroll away??

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DataGridView - Handle Conflict With Constraint In DataTable

Aug 26, 2010

I have a datagridview in which the user can add new rows. The datasource is a datatable who has a unique-constraint for the column "Position". Thus, if the user enters a position already existing, an exception is thrown. To avoid the ugly standard error message, I simply handle the dataerror-event and set e.cancel = true. This works. But if the user presses escape, the row_validated-event is triggered. I use this event to format the rows containing new data by changing the font color to red. Here another exception is thrown (SystemOutOfRange-Exception) telling me that the index xxx has no value. How can I achieve row-formatting for new/modified entries without getting this error?

Here is my code:
''' <summary>
''' Catch exception and cancel illegal action.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="sender"></param>
''' <param name="e"></param>
[Code] .....

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