VS 2005 Unattended Job Scheduling Calling .dll?

Sep 28, 2011

I have 5 separate class libraries where each one of thses are consuming separate web services (the web services connects to a server, runs stored procedures and return data tables to the .dll).

My task is to sequentually run these 5 jobs unattended through a job scheduler. I am not really sure how to do this and what my options are.I was planning on creating a driver (a console application) that would call each .dll. If this is a acceptable way then I am not sure how to reference and call each .dll, could I use import, add a reference to the .dlls and instantiate a new class, make a setup project with dependancies etc.

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DB/Reporting :: Scheduling With SQL 2005 Server Agent And SSIS?

Jun 2, 2008

I'm currently using SQL Server 2005 and I've created a business intelligence solution that has a "Package1" copying a table from a database to my local database. I tried executing this package/solution from my .Net IDE and it worked.

Later, I tried creating a job that will execute the package at the intervals of 1 hour per day using SQL Server Agent but when I get to the part where I select the type of job (under the "Job step property", I can't find the job type of "SQL Server Integration Services Package". I've been following this: http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1180 tutorial but I can't execute my job probably because I'm using an incorrect job type.

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Running Unattended Windows Process?

Mar 30, 2011

Have an EXE (Let's call it EXE1) that creates a process to run a second EXE (let's call it EXE2) EXE2 (which we didn't write nor can we adjust) has a visual interface.

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VS 2005 Calling A COM DLL In .net?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm having trouble getting a COM based DLL working in my vb.net program. The DLL is a C++ based COM DLL. When trying to use the DLL in my code, I get the ever so popular "Unable to find an entry point named 'Getdata' in DLL".


Both ways give me the same error. I've added the references to visual studio, and i'm able to bring up the DLL interface in Object Browser within Visual Studio, but for some reason i'm still not able to call it.

I think what I'm missing is small, but i'm new to calling COM DLL's from visual basic. So what am I missing? I've searched google until my fingers started to bleed and i've searched this forum up and down, but haven't been able to find anything.

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VS 2005 Calling A Vb6 Dll From .net?

Oct 21, 2009

I wrote a vb6 dll and now I'm trying to call it in vb.net but I'm getting an object required error. I'm not sure what that means. Do you see anything obvious that I need to do? I haven't worked with vb6 dll's much and this is probably the first one i've tried calling in .net.

Dim file As String = "myfile.dat"
Dim vb6Hashclass As VB6_MD5Hash.hashFile = New VB6_MD5Hash.hashFile


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Calling An Event In VB 2005?

Nov 10, 2008

How can I accomplished the following, but in Visual Basic .Net 2005:

Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode as Integer, Shift as Integer)
If KeyCode = 13 Then
Text1.Text = "Hello"
End If
End Sub


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VS 2005 Calling Structure For MAPIInitialize?

Jul 7, 2009

I'm running around a problem I can't figure out. In my application I have to usethen MAPIInitialize function to initialize the MAPI32 and doing some work ...

<DllImport("MAPI32.DLL", CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi)> _
Private Function MAPIInitialize(ByVal lpMapiInit As IntPtr) As Integer
End Function


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.NET Scheduling Threads?

Oct 25, 2010

I am having an issue where I need to implement a type of thread scheduling... I'm looking to implement a list of tasks, each with a set time that they need to execute, and after the time is up they will execute the respective code that goes with that task. I would use a timer based solution, however, I don't think that it would be very efficient. There will be a very large list of tasks, some of which need to be executed within seconds of being placed in the list.

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Add A Scheduling App In My Project?

Jan 27, 2010

Add a scheduling app in my project..were can i get the source code for this?or were do i start in making one.

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CPU Scheduling FCFS Using .net?

Jun 5, 2011

at - arrival time
bt - burst time
I - idle

for example the user input 3 process

process 1 - at = 5
bt - 5
process 2 - at - 2


this is the logic : smallest time + burst time = sum1 if the next arrival time is less than the sum1 then add the next burst time but if the next arrival time is greater than the sum1 then subtract the sum1 to the arrival time so you will get the difference1. after that the difference1 must be added to the sum1 then add the burst time. that is the cycle.

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[2005] Calling Function From Gridview/ajax?

Feb 14, 2009

Im having problems calling a button click event.I have an ajax modalpopupextender inside of a gridview.The error im getting at btnOk_Click is Quote:Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

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How To Create Program For CPU Scheduling

Mar 15, 2012

How to create a program of CPU Scheduling, particularly, Preemptive one, like SRT, Round Robin etc. How can I make them using VB.NET.

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Scheduling An Email Sending App

Jun 18, 2009

I am trying to write a vb.net code which would run evry moth and perform the following task:

it would retrieve three existing excel files from a folder ,perform excel based reporing modification on them and send them as emails to alist of users ids of whom are available in a fourth excel sheet(another folder)

i am not looking for thhe full code. but i donot know the syntax for

how to access excel files from within a vb code and morover perform operations on them.

secondly is it possible to scedule such a email sending application ??

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VS 2008 Scheduling Task?

Mar 6, 2010

What is the best way to schedule task on VB.Net application? I have searched this forum and google but I still need some more comments.There are two ways that I've found so far:

Command Prompt By using AT or SCHTASKS command. My Windows 7 seems to recogonise both Command. May I know is there any significant different between this two command?

Timer By using Timer function, but I'm not sure whether is this a good method as it might slow down my program by constantly checking. May I know by using the above method, can I retrieve the scheduled task and display back in my program with ease?

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C# - DateTime Issue In .net Regarding Automatic Scheduling?

May 23, 2012

I have a program that checks for the date and minute part of my job object. If these match then it triggers a particular job.

If jb.ScheduledStartTime.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy mm") =
Now().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy mm") Then
'Do some work here.
End If

Issue:If I schedule different jobs during the day at different time interval then they just work fine. I mean they are triggered and in the above code they enter the loop when it matches the current format.

However, it doesn't work when the date changes at 12:00. Even though I have scheduled start time set to trigger at 9:00 AM in the morning it enters the loop exactly at 12:00 AM which is invalidating my logic leaving me confused.

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Windows Services And Scheduling Email?

Mar 18, 2009

I need references to how to schedule emails to notifiy users on a specific date in the month (each month).All the references I stumbled upon were in C#.I'm not that advanced to convert them properly to VB dot net.

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Implement Scheduling Tasks Requirement In Application?

Mar 20, 2012

I'm wondering if there is any scheduler control in Vb.Net -MS VS 2005- and if not I hope I can find a one - free - that I could use on my application...

how to implement scheduling tasks requirement in my application..

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Visual Studio 2008 - Scheduling Tasks

Nov 22, 2010

I have an application that I need to automate where at a certain time each day, say 6pm, it will run a certain method(which is to check a database for key terms and then access the api to search for these terms). But there is also another process which is running all the time accessing the stream api so when the search is complete, it interrupts the stream and hands over the new terms.

Now I thought of adding the .exe file to windows task scheduler but not sure if that would work. The stream method run indefinitely and at 6pm each day another process needs to run. I thought of using the system.threading.task TaskFactory but when I include it, it shows taskfactory as undefined. ( I do have .net framework 4.0)If it launches using the task scheduler as 6pm with my code logic as follows:


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VS 2010 Scheduling Time Sensitive Events?

May 5, 2010

I have a question for the well versed among you. I have done some research, but didn't seem to find the exact answer I was looking for. So without further adieu.Given an event which needs to occur at a very specific time, whats the best and most predictable way or making that happen.

A: Use a worker thread, and threading.thread.sleep(TIME).

or B: Use System.Timers.Timer or System.Threading.Timer to execute in (TIME).

NOTE- I am fully aware that any of these will work. My question is in regards to priority of execution. How will a timer, which I can't figure out how to set a priority on, compare to a thread with a priority of Highest or even Real Time. Microseconds DO count in this instance.

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Scheduling - Run A Specific Functions At User Defined Times

Sep 2, 2011

I'm building an application that will need to run a specific functions at user defined times I need help with setting up the schedule part of the app. What I would ideally like to do is be able to set up an "event" which will occur at a specific time and date or at a specific time on specific days such as 9:00 Monday's Tuesday's Wednesday's and Saturday's.

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VS 2008 Detecting The 30 Minutes Interval In Time Scheduling

Feb 27, 2010

I have a problem in detecting the 30 minutes interval in time scheduling like for example i have a combobox(starting_time) and combobox2(endtime) and I select there 9:30-10:00 it has 30 minutes I want to show a message box that I should be 1 hour.

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VS 2010 - Time Scheduling Control That Allow User To Choose

Dec 10, 2010

I once saw in an app a control that allowed the user to choose when they wanted the Timer running. It looked something like this: And when the squares are green, for example Tuesday 3:15 AM - 4:15 AM, the timer would run during that time period. I'm curious as to what control will allow me to do something similar?

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Examination Scheduling (filtering Conflict Of Assigning Proctor And Room)

Jan 15, 2012

am doing my thesis entitled Automatic Exam Scheduling System. this works when button "GENERATE" is click. that would initialize the automatic assigning of proctors and rooms to classid.....plz help...i can't filter the conflicts of proctors and rooms since it is automated.

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Make A Random Shift Scheduling Application For A Rotating Workforce?

Apr 16, 2011

I am trying to make a random shift scheduling application for a rotating workforce that must satisfy the following basic requirements: 3 shifts (8 hours each) per day (Morning, Afternoon, Night), 2 workers per shift work a maximum of 7 consecutive days and rest a minimum 1 day. 9 Total workers separate in 5 supervisors and 4 operators, and 2 part time workers (1 supervisor and 1 operator) for covering the possible absences of 9 standard workers. Total days off are 8 days per month (normal sequence 2,2,4) and the vacation days are 22 per year. A basic rule is that the shift must cover from 2 supervisors, or 1 supervisor and 1 operator. 2 operators are forbidden.

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VS 2005 Calling An Event From The Class: "Class1"?

Jun 1, 2011

I am working with a class that I need to class when ever the end-user wishes to do so. The two events are called: Remove and Add, I don't know how to call them, at all. I am using the Call command, but to do avial!! They are inside the same Class, but they are two entirely different events, that need to be called at different times, during the execution of the program's processes..

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Calling .NET Dll From C++?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a C++ application exe that uses a C++ dll. I don't have the source of this C++ application and cannot rebuild it. But I know that it uses the traditional LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress to access individual functions in the dll.For some reasons, I want to replace the C++ dll with a VB.NET dll. The dll is not and ActiveX and is therefore not registered.I think I cannot use a class but a module since the C++ exe application does not expect any class in the dll. In all my attempts, I could not have the inner functions of the VB.NET to be called by the C++ exe.How should I write the VB.NET dll?

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Calling C++ DLL From .net?

Sep 16, 2011

I do realize that a number of questions regarding calling a DLL from vb.net have been raised. I have implemented the DLL from vb.net. I would like to know if the calling procedure is correct or should I be calling the DLL in a different way?

C++ DLL prototype

extern "C" int FitCurve(int solid_or_fluid, int prop_id, int fit_id, int N_points, int N_terms, char *file, double *x_data, double *y_data)

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Calling C++ DLL From VB?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm not sure whether this is a VB forum question or a C++ question, but I'll try here first. I have an API library written in C++ (including source) which compiles to several DLLs. I want to call the functions in the library from VB but I can't get the parameter passing right.


The above example runs but returns nothing. If I change DeviceName to ByRef, I get protected memory errors.

The full library and documentation is available on the internet if anyone would like to download it and I've successfully compiled it with VS2010.

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Calling C++ Dll In VB?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a dll which has one function and I want to call this function from Visual Basic 2008. I tried every solution, but I couln't get it to work,

The original declaration is the following in C++

extern "C" CSSM_API void GetOptimalCSSMShaderParams(
float* outProjMatrixArray
,float* outCtrlMatrixArray


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Calling SAP RFC Using .Net?

Jun 9, 2010

I want to connect to SAP and call RFC from VB.Net 2008.I have done it with VB 6.0 But not getting success in VB.Net I used following code in VB 6.0

Set ctlLogon = CreateObject("SAP.LogonControl.1")
Set oConnection = ctlLogon.NewConnection
oConnection.User = "SIILRFC"


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