User To Know The Room Temperature?

Apr 23, 2012

I am trying to provide a GUI which helps the user to know the room temperature.I am using an 8051 microcontroller with rs232 cable in order to provide the serial communication.

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When A Player Types North In Room "Crash Site" They Get The Description Of Traveling To The Next Room "In Trail"?

Jul 27, 2010

I've run into another road block while programming my game. The problem is that when a player types North in room "Crash Site" They get the description of traveling to the next room "In Trail" as well as the description of traveling to the next room after that, "Deeper In Trail" before having to type north again. I've looked over the code several times, but can't find the problem....the conditions seem to be fine, but I'm guessing that's where the problem is..

ElseIf LCase$(txtInput.Text) = "go north" And Room = "Crash Site" Then
Room = "In Trail"


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Radio Button Group For The User To Choose Entry Temperature Type?

Jan 22, 2012

I need to have 4 text boxes and three command buttons. One button should be used for exiting the program, one button should be used for clearing all of the text boxes, and the last button should be used for any calculations/conversions. You should also have a radio button group for the user to choose entry temperature type.

One text box should be used for the entry of an initial temperature. The radio button group will then allow the user to select the entry temperature. When the button is clicked for conversion, the other three text boxes will populate with answers to the conversion. and if I enter 37 degrees Fahrenheit, the Fahrenheit text box should read 37 after the conversion.)

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Create A Chat Room?

Dec 23, 2011

create a chat room? My current hosting is a linux server with mysql. I want to make a client that can connect to the database.(already done) and if the user exists, to open a chat form. I want this to be multithreaded, that way I can have up to 500 people chatting with each other at the same time, from different locations. (realistically will usually be around 50)I have found some winsock type examples, but I dont understand how I can adapt that to work with a linux server... Can anyone help give me examples? I guess I basically want an IRC.(Which I dont know how to implement.)

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VS 2005 Room On Tab Control?

May 5, 2009

I have a tab where i'm adding more and more controls to it... I have no problem on my computer i can reszie my screen and just refit them but other users may not want to how can i make my tab have scroll bars to if my controls don't all fit it will just be a scroll away??

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Calculating Carpet Room Area

Dec 1, 2011

Calculating Carpet Room Area


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Chat Room Dropping Connection?

Jul 30, 2009

I have created a instant messenger program that works great except for 1 of our computers that is in our vpn but is an offsite location. The computer is able to connect but loses its connection after a few minutes.

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How To Use In A Server To Client Chat Room

Mar 6, 2009

I have been looking for a really detailed tut on how to use in a server to client chat room. I looked on google but they just post the script which helps alittle but I need a lot of detail to make a working chatroom.

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Room Availability Calendar Blocking

May 26, 2011

I am developing a hotel software product, and one of the features required is to be able to display the room numbers in the hotel, and then the status of them for each day of the month.

I am trying to create something similar to a DataGridView control where at the top the column names are the dates of the month, and to the left is the room numbers as rows. Please see the below screenshot of the function I wish to have. However I do not know what control or function they use to create this grid below (it is from an existing product). I need to not just be able to join multiple cells together when it is the same person in the room for multiple days, but also allow drag and drop ability.

Currently I have a DataGridView control and am able to simulate the below screenshot, however with a datagridview control I am unable to join cells across multiple columns nor allow drag and drop ability between rows.

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Room Booked View DataGridView?

Jun 15, 2011

I need to create a DataGridView that will show all the bookings from each room within an SQL database.This will show the rooms down the left hand side and then the time slots in 30 min intervals as the columns.I dont want to use any thrid party controls as i need to do it for college.I have 2 tables called Rooms and Bookings this is the code i have so far

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'Sets conn as new connection
Dim conn As New SqlConnection


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Making Chat Room Window And Do A Post Or Something To Log-in?

Oct 14, 2009

I want to make my own little chat room window. [url] But I want to do a post or something to log-in. Not just filling out the form values one by one. I've looked at some sources, but I'm overly confused. Anyone have some direction to help guide me, or even some examples?

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VS 2008 : Error - No Room Is Available To Display Rows?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using this code to have current days work show at top of list:(It's working for me so I need to continue using it)

Dim FirstJobOfDay_SP As Integer
Dim Today As String
Today = DateString


I have changed my application. Now it has two separate datagridviews each using the code above (seperate bindingSource and GridView). One each in it's own splitcontainerpanel one above the other. My intent was to allow the user to view both at once or grab the divider and slide the panels up or down to only reveal the grid they want to view.Trouble is, when one grid it completely collapsed I get an error "No room is available to display rows".

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Web Based Chat Room With VB.NET Behind Code In ASP.NET Framework?

Sep 11, 2002

Is there any way to build a web based chat room application by using VB.NET as behind code and put it with ASP.NET on the web so users can login the account and start to chat without keep refreshing the browser or frame and have a real time transaction, I know that I have to use .NET.Socket namespaces, but don't know exactly how. I have seen many examples of windows based applications, but I need to know how to put it on the web.

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What Control Should Be Use In Making A Room Mapping System

Feb 25, 2010

what control should i use in making a room mapping system? i just cant figure out what controls i should use. i plan to use the datagrid but i don't know how to fill the color of cell.

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Carpet Calculator - Rolls Required To Cover Room?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm trying to make a carpet calculator that will do the following:
1) How many metres of carpet are needed to cover a room.
2) How many rolls of carpet that will be.
3) How much full-width carpet will be left on the last roll.

The carpet is supplied in rolls that are 5 meters wide and 30 metres long. Any excess width is discarded. This means that rooms that are wider than 5 meters need several strips of carpet. The smallest space that will be carpeted is 1m x1m, the biggest is 20m x 20m. I only need whole meter lengths, so example if only 1.6meters of carpet were used to cover a room it would be rounded to 2 meters.

Here's the code that's giving me incorrect calculations. The number of rolls required to carpet the room seems to be the biggest miscalculation.
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim width, length As Single 'Defines variables.
If IsValidInput(txtWidth.Text) Then
width = txtWidth.Text
[Code] .....

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Chat Room - Sending Messages To Specific Clients?

Nov 19, 2009

How would I create a multi-tcp chat room. Im having trouble handling them. I know you can store the connections as arrays or store then in hash tables. Is there a better way to data to a specific connected client. My way was to just broadcast the message to all the connected with the clients name (EX: Client1||MessageHere) || is the split. The client reads the message and sees if client name matches if it does then it will display it other then that it will not. I found out that my server was sending out useless data with this method. So is there a better way to handle/Send messages to a specific client?

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Examination Scheduling (filtering Conflict Of Assigning Proctor And Room)

Jan 15, 2012

am doing my thesis entitled Automatic Exam Scheduling System. this works when button "GENERATE" is click. that would initialize the automatic assigning of proctors and rooms to classid.....plz help...i can't filter the conflicts of proctors and rooms since it is automated.

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Get PC/CPU Temperature?

Nov 20, 2006

Is there any way to get PC/CPU temperature??

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How To Get CPU Temperature

Dec 16, 2005

i like to get CPU temperature of my own machine and i am developing application for network monitoring. is there any way to get CPU temperature using Visual Basic..

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Silverlight Project With Tabcontrol Hosting Canvas Objects : Can't Get Vertical Bar To Hide Even When Lots Of Room

Aug 11, 2011

Silverlight project with tabcontrol hosting canvas objects. I want to wrap my entire tabcontrol with a scrollviewer so that on a short display you can scroll vertically to see the whole area on my canvas.When I run my project my scrollviewer vertical bar is always showing even when there's more room vertically than needed for a scrollbar.

All I am trying to accomplish here is a min resolution of 1280x768 to be scrollable and anything bigger than that have the scrollbars hide. My laptop is only 768 tall, but my canvases were developed with 1280x1024 in mind. So I would like a way to set this up so that everyone can scroll or just see the canvas all at once depending on their resolution.

Anyone have any ideas why it is always visible? I've tried setting canvas width and height. I tried setting stretch on alignments on the outer grid. Saw both those tips while searching other issues similar to mine.

Some code:

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" MinHeight="768" MaxHeight="1024" MinWidth="1024" MaxWidth="1280" Background="#FF6A6868" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<ColumnDefinition Width="0.775*"/>


....lots of child canvas items in my "Main Floor" canvas. Child canvas objects contain lots of path objects. None which are taller or wider than the main floor canvas width/height.

<sdk:TabItem Margin="0" Header="Mezzanine">
<Canvas x:Name="Upstairs" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="1000" UseLayoutRounding="False" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="1280">

..another tab. Same deal with child canvas objects.

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Get CPU Temperature In Program?

Jun 15, 2012

Recently ive been experiencing someproblems playing minecraft on my toshiba qosmio x500, because of the high ram and cpu useage, my laptop gets very hot very fast, simply turning off due to overheating after maybe 20 minutes, if i am not rasing it off the desk, in which case, i must be careful as the fans are often blocked by whatever i am leaning the laptop against, otherwise if positioned carefully, i get cpu heat at a constant 90% or so,100% being when the computer overheats and turns off.[code]...

finding out how to get the cpu temperature?

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Reading CPU Temperature (WMI)

Sep 30, 2007

I just searched a method to read my CPU Temperature, at first i tried W32_TemperatureProbe, but this didn't work. Now i use: MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperatureI found this [Code]

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Reading CPU Temperature?

Aug 29, 2009

read the cpu temperature in a VB application.i tried to get it using WMI but that isn't supported by my computer.i used code i found on this forum and what i get from the WMI code creator.this is the code created with the WMI code creato

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Make A Basic Client And Listener Chat Room - : Error1Method 'Private Sub CliInfo' Does Not Have A Signature Compatible With Delegate

Dec 9, 2009

Im trying to make a basic client and listener chat room but im having problems with method invoker.

Error: Error1Method 'Private Sub CliInfo(CliMess As String)' does not have a signature compatible with delegate 'Delegate Sub MethodInvoker()'

Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Text[code]......

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Algorithm For Temperature Conversion?

Nov 20, 2009


So far, my friend has this, and we're trying to figure out how to get the code to tell convert F to C, and back. All we can use for input is (example:) 10,f and it will change it to 40,C.

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C# - WPF Binding: Doing A Temperature Converter App?

Jan 6, 2011

I'm doing a little app that basically has 2 text boxes. You'll enter Fahrenheit into TextBoxA and Celsius into TextBoxB.As the text changes in TextBoxA I want the equivalent Celsius value to be displayed in TextBoxB and vice versa.Is there a way to do it all in Xaml except for a Convert class that does the maths? So basically I want the TextChanged event of one textBox to pass in it's value into a Converter class that is evaluated and sent to the other TextBox and visa versa.

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Cant Find Pc Temperature Or Fan Speed Using WMI?

Jul 4, 2008

im wish to get the cpu temperature and cpu fan using wmi.. in my bios, i can read my fan speed and cpu temperature.. i tried to use wmi to get the data but it doesnt function..for the wmi, i downloaded the wmi creator from microsoft website.. n it work perfectly to find other information like bios infomtion. however, it is not working with cpu temperature and fan speed..from internet, i found a program called SPEEDFAN and this program can list out all the computer temperature... do anyone know how this program function? i wish to get the information of temperature using

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Display The Temperature Curve?

May 24, 2011

I want to know are you have trend view control.Each second I receive temperature value, I want display the temperature curve (trend graphics).

Are there have existing control to use? If not, how can I achieve this.

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Get The Temperature From The Net To A Windows Application Using .Net?

May 20, 2009

I need to find the local temperature and load that information on to a windows desktop application, which has to be programmed either using vb or C#,

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Getting The CPU's Temperature In VB 2010 Express?

Aug 11, 2010

If this is possible i'min need of the code snippet to be able to display the CPU's temperature in a listbox

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