Rules/Guildlines For Closing Vs. Hiding Forms

Jul 16, 2009

I was wondering what Rules/Guildlines poeple for Closing vs. Hiding forms?

example:Should i only close a form when i am finished with it?

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VS 2010 - Hiding / Closing Login Forms?

May 1, 2012

I've created a program with a login form. Once you log in, the login form should close and the next form should display... my problem is...
If I use Me.Close()... than both forms close and the application terminates.
If I use Me.Hide()... than the application never unloads from memory and run indefinitely.
So what do I do? Neither of these work how I need them to.

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Closing Application Via X Button Without Closing Forms Inside Mdiparent Causes Exception Error

May 3, 2010

Form1 is a mdi container. It has a bunch of forms that can load inside of it as mdi children. If I close each open form inside the form1, and then click the red X at the top right, application exits fine.If I click the red X without closing the forms inside I get: An unhandled exception of type 'System.CannotUnloadAppDomainException' occurred in mscorlib.dll

Additional information: Error while unloading appdomain. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131015) However I can break from it. How do I get the application to not show that error? What must I do to fix those inside forms or close when the red x is clicked?

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VS 2008 Closing All Forms When Program Closes Vs. Closing All But Main Form

Jun 4, 2010

Dim frm As Form
For Each frm In Forms
Set frm = Nothing
Next frm

The above code is what I used in VB6 to close all forms associated with my programs before my program closed. I have been searching for information on how to make sure all forms are closed when closing a VB2008 program.

I have seen info on using the Project Property Shutdown mode When startup form closes and I currently have this set.

Is this all that is really necessary? Will the garbage disposal close everything else to free up RAM?

Also, if I have several forms open and want to close all from the main form without closing each one individually, what is the best approach? Is there a collection like in VB6, go through the collection, compare it to the name of the main form and close it if it is not the main form?

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Hiding/unloading Forms In .NET?

Feb 2, 2012

Im learning VB.NET and as a first task im creating a login form. ive been trying to link it to another form once a correct username and password are entered. however, despite that i still cant be able to hide it or unload it once the next form is loaded

Here is the Code

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
If UsernameTextBox.Text = "chris" And PasswordTextBox.Text = "chrispass" Then


The Form2 appears as coded above but the 'Me.Hide()' manages to hide the login form but then it appears again?

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Showing And Hiding Forms

May 4, 2010

When my login screen loads, if the user has not created an account the form will close and a form to create an account will appear. However when I code this both forms stay visible, instead of just the one. Where am I going wrong?[code...]

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Showing And Hiding Forms In VB?

Mar 11, 2009

I've just upgraded from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.

1. Show anothor form (ie. Form2)

2. Close Form1.

At present when I use the me.form1 , but both Form1 and Form2 both closes.I would like to press a button or on a timer, to show Form2, while closing Form1.

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VS 2010 Hiding Forms?

Aug 1, 2011

It seems like such a simple thing to me, but it seems like the usual, me.hide() isn't working in this case. I have 2 forms that tie together, the login form, and then the main for being form1. The login form has an autologin feature, which works out fine, but with it enabled, the login form doesn't automatically hide like it should.


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VS 2010 Hiding/Showing Forms In MDI?

Feb 16, 2012

I am using a MDI parent to house each of the forms in my application. I have a main form and 2 sub forms. The sub forms are opened using the code below. Also, when I am finished entering info into these forms, i am hiding them so that I can reopen them with the same info still entered.

The problem is that when i show the form again, it is blank. Why would this be the case? I am never closing or disposing the form, so shouldn't it just unhide easily?Showing the sub-form(savingsfrm1) and and hiding the main form(riskfrm1)Public savingsfrm1 As Savings

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Forms :: Multiple Forms, Closing Events And Sub Routines?

May 25, 2010

I have googled high and low to find an answer to this but I must be searching wrong.I have an application which has a listview displaying some items that are stored in a SQL Compact database. I am using a second form to add new items to this list directly into the database.When the second form closes I want to call the sub in my first form to refresh the list from the database.

How can I get it to fire the form1 sub routine on the close event of form2

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Forms :: DataGridView Display - Hiding And Showing

Mar 31, 2009

I have a form e.g. Form1 , which displays a datagridview.
1) On form load, the datagridview doesn't have any data
2) The user clicks on a button called filter, this opens a form where the user can specify parameters to filter the data by
3) This form calls a setData() in Form1, which fills the dataset with the data

This works fine. If I click on a button called controlPanel it launches another form and hides this. E.g.
dim cp as new ControlPanel()

On the controlpanel I have a button that links to form1. If I click on it. E.g.
dim frm as new Form1()
It redisplays Form1 but without any data in the datagridview.

I think the problem is that since I am creating a new instance for Form1 it comes up with the blank Form1. Is there a way to redisplay Form1 so that it retains the data that was displayed last, without having to retrieve the data from the database.

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Way Of Hiding Forms And Classes From Main Project

Aug 31, 2009

the client has asked for all forms and classes to be hidden from the main project, so when he sells it, they will only be able to see part of the project and not all the classes and forms.My Solution: I have created another project called project2, and added all the forms and classes from main project, fixed all errors and compiled it.I deleted all the forms from the main project and added a reference so that it gets all the forms from the other project by referencing the dll file, but it does not seem to work and get a lot of there an easier way of hiding the forms and classes from the main project or do I need to do more then just add the reference.

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Forms :: Closing Forms On MenuClick From Module?

Dec 13, 2009

Im running a program with multiple forms with a menu and toolstrip defined and assigned with properties in a module. each form has the Call menuload (Me) in the form_load sub.

My problem is that these menu's have menuitems which need close the shown form and open another. a sample of one of my menuitems is:

Module MenuTemplate
Friend WithEvents frm As Form
Friend WithEvents menustrip As New MenuStrip


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Forms :: Two Forms Application Is Closing

Dec 12, 2011

I have two forms and a button on the first form. What i want is when i click the button the second form to show and the first one to close. But this isn't working with: Me.close All the application is closing with the code above.

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Closing Old Forms?

Jul 5, 2009

Here is my problem: when I create a new form i want to close the old so it is not still running in the background. As in if the were to move on to a second form and the X-out the first form would still keep the program running. Normally i would do [me.close] and when that didnt work i tryed [me.form1.close] and then [dim frm1 = form1 frm1.close] with no luck. Could some one please tell me where i have gone wrong?

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Forms Not Closing When They Should

Apr 20, 2010

i have a problem with trying to get 2 forms to close at different times using a timer on each of the 2 forms.This is my form layout:frmMainFrm1 Frm2..Frm1 and Frm2 are identical to each other. FrmMain has 2 buttons on it. One button to call Frm1 and the other to call Frm2.Frm1 and Frm2 each has a timer. It counts down to 0 and then does a .close(). However, if i pause between clicking the second button they both seem to always disappears at the same time.then they both disappear at the same time.... which shouldn't happen since i clicked the Frm2 box 10 seconds AFTER Frm1... So Frm1 should hide before Frm2 does...but it does not.

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Forms Not Closing When They Should?

Apr 21, 2010

i have a problem with trying to get 2 forms to close at different times using a timer on each of the 2 forms.

This is my form layout:


Frm1 and Frm2 are identical to each other. FrmMain has 2 buttons on it. One button to call Frm1 and the other to call Frm2.Frm1 and Frm2 each has a timer. It counts down to 0 and then does a .close(). However, if i pause between clicking the second button they both seem to always disappears at the same time.I would do something like this...

Click on the first button (showing the Frm1 form)
wait about 10 secs...
Click on the second button (showing the Frm2 form)


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Closing Unactive Forms?

Sep 13, 2008

, When you hit esc a 2nd form comes up on top of the first. On the second form you are able to close the first or/and reload the first with different info. My problem is whenever i try and reload the 1st frm it doesn't close it just opens it again. So if i do it seven times i have seven windows of the first frm open... my codes is something likes this

Dim frm1 as new form1

From what i was thinking it has to do with the "New" Part in the dim statement....

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Forms :: Form Not Closing?

Nov 6, 2009

In my one form I have a cancel button whcih is supposed to the form when the button is clicked. But its not closing the form. What could be possible reasons. I am using VS2008.Net3.5

The code is:
Private Sub cbCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cbCancel.Click


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Replacing Forms Without Closing?

Aug 9, 2009

i have a form (form1 for example) and there is a button ( button1) and too many controls in this form and i have form(form2) and too many controls in this form
i want when i click the button1 i need every control in form1 to disappear and instead i want form2 and it is contents to be loaded in the form1


the second form is showing without the user noticing that there's too forms

can i do this and if i can't , can i create a custom control/controls to do this
and if i can how can i do this?

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Closing All Forms Within Mdi-Parent Form?

Jun 21, 2010

How will i close all the forms within my main form? Everytime I click on the menus of my main form,I'm setting my main form as MDI-Parent form and then loading a new form as it it is the child form if I'm not mistaken. I have a log-out menu, and what I want to happen is everytime I log-out all the forms within my parent form will be closed. How will I do it? Here are some of my codes.


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Closing Multiple Forms At Same Time

Feb 21, 2010

I have two child forms that open from the MDI Parent.My question is when I close one of the child forms all others will close also.

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Forms :: Closing A Form In A Panel

Aug 3, 2011

Iam a beginner to vb.i have a project work,related to Quotation software.i want to know how to unload all forms that are loaded on to a panel when clicking a i did some codes, in that, one error is displaying like "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." the code is given below:[code]

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Forms :: Closing And Re-opening The Same Form

Feb 22, 2010

I am attempting to find a way to get an existing form to close and re-open (with the controls re-set). If I use a method like


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Forms :: Confirmation Of Form Closing?

Mar 27, 2006

I want to do something like when click on the close button, a message box will pop up and if yes, close it else remain in the same form. But the following coding seems only consider one side while the other side is ignored.

Style = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2 Or MsgBoxStyle.Question Or MsgBoxStyle.YesNo
Check = MsgBox("Do you want to quit?", Style, "Exit confirmation")
If Check = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then
End If

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Forms Retaining Values After Closing

Jan 4, 2011

Throughout our program, forms are opened like this[code]...

The problem is that when forms are closed, they seem to not really be closed, only hidden - if I add some text to a textbox and close/reopen the form, the text is still there, rather than the textbox being cleared like normal. This is presumably because the form always uses the same instance.

Is there any easy way to fix this other than going through the entire program and creating a new form instance for every ShowDialog() call (there are hundreds)?

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Game Programming :: Closing Forms By Name?

Feb 18, 2009

I have an application that create forms and name it randomically. I would like at certain point, to be able to close one or more forms from the main window application.

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VS 2010 Unable To Closing Forms?

Feb 12, 2012

I have noticed when I close a form I have invoked using form.showdialog the form does not appear to be totally removed. If I load a value into a textbox and press my cancel button [Me.close() Return] and then reload the form the value in the textbox is still present. Also bindings are failing because they are already set up

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Cannot Display New Information In DataGridView Without Closing One Of Forms

May 3, 2009

I am currently working on a school database that I am having troubles with. I have the Table Adapters, Binding Source, and DataGridView all working, along with the Insert, Update and Delete Commands. I have the user open up the SubjectForm. On this form the user is looking at a DataGridView of the subjects table and everything that is in it. When the user clicks add new on the right side, it opens up a new form called AddNewSubject. When the user gets done adding the new subject in, a dialog box appears and says that the subject was added successfully. After the user clicks exit, it takes them right back to the SubjectForm where the DataGridView is. My question is, how do I update the data in that grid so that after the user clicks exit on the AddSubject Form, the new data will appear in the grid? I have tried a combination of things and they haven't worked. I will add my code at the bottom.[code]....

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Forms :: Sub Call To Form Closing Event?

Mar 21, 2011

Going around in circles here. I have an Exit button (Barbuttonitem6) on my form and would like the FormClosing event to handle this. The code works fine for the FormClosing event but when i try to call the Formclosing event from Barbuttonitem6, it does not work (The form does not close if i choose Yes to save or No)

Public Sub BarButtonItem6_ItemClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs) Handles BarButtonItem6.ItemClick


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