Running Calculations In A Schedule (not Timer Type)

Jun 9, 2011

I have a bunch of calculations, which will run down for x amount of years or months, specified by the user. These will be in a table (datagridview or something similar), which I will need to access to create reports. So basically calculating the data, then dragging various values at intervals. So it could be any cell at random or patterned. An example of this would be watching how much tax a person paid per year, and how much their income was per year. A pretty basic example. So there would be two columns, and x amount of rows depending on what the user wants to see, in this example, the next 48 months, in months not years. The user then decides to take every 12th value and putting that straight into a report, showing their expected schedule for tax and income.What sort of table structure would be the best to use? The table should be created automatically each time the event (for examples sake a button) is clicked. I'm not sure what I need the event to be based on yet. Most likely the form loading, or when the user tabs onto a new area. Should I use a datagrid view?

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Decimal Data Type Loosing Accuracy During Calculations?

Dec 24, 2011

I have to display all the digits of 2^90. This is within the reach of the Decimal format which can display up to 2^96-1. The Decimal format stops displaying after the 15th digit.The real answer for 2^90 is : 12 379 400 392 853 802 274 899 124 224 (29 digits)

Here is what I do:
Dim a As Decimal = 2^90
TextBox1.Text = a


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Timer Only Running Once?

Nov 24, 2010

If a function returns false it is supposed to delete a file and then call the MyTimer.QuickFire event to relaunch the sub. It does this only 1 time, however my problem is that it might return false multiple times before all the function return true. The HourDownload Sub is set to fire every at hour at 5 minutes after the hour, the data could be valid at this time or it might not be valid until 40 to 50 minutes after the hour. So the quickfire event would need to run multiple times until everything returns true and the sub is exited. I also have another Sub Called FiveMinuteDownload that runs every 5 minutes, which is basically identical in structure to the HourDownload Sub. Both of these Subs call the QuickFire event in the event that a function returns false, however both only run once.

Private Sub HourDownload()
If OneHour() = True Then

If validateOneHourxml() = True Then 'Calls the validateOneHourxml function to see if the xml file is valid or not(if it is valid then it goes onto the next step, if it is not valid then it should call the MyTimer.QuickFire(2) which is a 30 second timer to relauch the HourDownload Sub.)

If HourImport() = True then
Exit Sub


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Timer Running In Gridview

Nov 1, 2011

I am doing windows app. in

in Gridview shows customer details, now i need to add one column for timer,

ie, Each row having start button, while press the start button that current row timer starts now and hide the start button and show stop button.

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Create A Timer While The Application Is Running?

May 16, 2012

I want to create a timer while the application is running. For example, the form has TextBox1 and Button1. When Button1 is clicked, the timer will be enabled and will print the current system time in TextBox1 every 10 seconds. The timer will be disabled when the Button1 is clicked again. How do I implement the timer and its events? An example with both Windows Forms and Silverlight would be great.

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Timer Control - Running Specific Method Once A Day

Nov 22, 2010

I need to have a specific process(method) run once a day at a given time and was wondering if this can be done using the timer control.

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Me.Controls() Collection - Control Type Can't Be Converted To The "Timer" Type

Dec 16, 2011

I am trying to make it so when I use Me.Controls("Timer1") for example I can access specific commands for a timer such as Stop() Start(), I tried CType() and typed in "Timer" as the type but it says the control type can't be converted to the "Timer" type.

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VS 2008 Checking If Process Running On A Timer Not Working?

Nov 29, 2009

This is my

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim procs() As Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("samp-server")
If procs.Length > 0 Then


Its supposed to start the samp-server.exe if it closes but it doesn't?

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Screen Capture Running Just As A Picturebox On A Winform Updating With A Timer?

Sep 29, 2010

i have a screen capture running just as a picturebox on a winform updating with a timer... i have it so it shows my race in a game.... now all is running gr8 on my pc... im now looking to make it viewable to someone else thats connected to my chat server i have made a picturebox on the client form and have the capture code in my server im hosting on my pc...

so my question is how and what is the best/quickest way to do so? maybe memorystream? if so how do i go about that? how do i send a image over memory stream? or is there a better way?

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[2008] Express Edition - Convert The Timer So That Instead Of It Running In Milliseconds It Runs In Minutes?

Mar 3, 2009

I im trying to set a time so that the user of my quiz has to do their 20 questions in 40 minutes. i actually have a few questions about the timer. How do you make it so that you canrun this same timer over everyform and then make it stop on the last form? is it possible for you to convert the timer so that instead of it running in milliseconds it runs in minutes?

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'global' Type Timer That Will Allow To Basically Run Clock Entire Time Someone Is On Site

Oct 21, 2009

I'm in need of a "global" type timer that will allow me to basically run a clock the entire time someone is on my site, no matter what pages they go to. I've played around with the timer available for forms but I didn't see a way to make it continue to run after someone left that page.The effect I'm attempting to create is for a timer to start whenever someone hits my site, then every X minutes an event will trigger. This event should happen no matter where they are on the site. I've read a couple articles on timers but to be honest I'm fairly new to VB and I didn't know if I really needed to learn about 'threading' etc, to get a timer to work.

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Get Type (x64 Or X86) Of A Running Process In Macro Code?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm writing a macro to automate the process of attaching to the IIS worker process (w3wp.exe, Windows Server 2k8) from Visual Studio. The trouble is that I often two app pools running at any given time, one in x64 mode and one in x86 mode. This means there are two processes called w3wp.exe running at any given time, and the only way to distinguish between them is the mode they are running in. When I use the "Attach to Process" dialog, there is a "Type" column that shows that information so I know which w3wp.exe to attach to, but I can't figure out how to get that information in my macro.[code]....

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Run An Application On A Schedule?

Apr 27, 2009

I have an application that checks valid dates from a user selected text file. This app was written in 2005.

If invalid dates or if dates are over 16 months, I populate a grid with each record where there is a problem with the date. The user can then print the content of the grid and fix the errors.

I have been asked to automate this process.

In other words, I would like my app to check within a folder to see if a file exist in that folder [c:\Datafolder\FileToProcess\Filetocheck.txt]. I would like my app to check the folder every 15 minutes.

If a file is found in that folder, then process the file automatically without user intervention. If there are errors, I will create a text file with the errors.If the file had errors I want to rename the file to FileToCheck.txt.baddates and leave it in the same directory. If the file did not have error then I want to move it to [url]...

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Schedule A Webservice In .net?

Jun 11, 2011

Is there an easy way to schedule a webservice that was created in Would I need to create a .asmx file or do I create an executable in vb that calls a webservice?I have created a webservice using SOAPUI 3.6.1. would it be easier to schedule that instead of creating a vb app.

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Way To Schedule An Event

Jan 19, 2011

Every month we need to run a stored procedure manually on SQL Server.

Our version does not allow us to save IISS or DTS packs. So I need to do this by VB.

This procedure has no parameters.

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Build Schedule From SQL Data?

Apr 12, 2010

Im currently working on a major project for school that i can keep track of customers, giftcards, and primarily appointments. My current issue is how im going to build the weekly schedule page. I dont even know where to start with the ui let alone coding after that. Once i can figure out how im going to build i should be able to finish it from there.

Primarily its supposed to take info from the SQL database i have setup and from there populate the schedule on the screen. Its supposed to be like a weekly schedule with 15 minute blocks from 9 am to 9 pm for everyday of the week. The user will be able to choose the week to display from a datetimepicker control. The table holds each appointments date, time, length, cost, type, as well as an appt id for each appt and a user id to keep track of who the appt is for.

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Code To Schedule Web Application

Aug 1, 2011

I developed a web application that selects a data source from drop downlist and generates xml's for that datasource when generate button is clicked and send s generated xml's to helath vault when i click send button.I want to schedule this application such that it will run every day at specified time.

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Edit Datagridview Into Schedule?

Jan 13, 2012

how to add time on the arrow is pointing so that its look like a schedule?

i want to create a simple appointment system, so i decided to use datagridview to collect data, is this a good choice or there is another better choice??

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How To Do A Schedule Reminder Program

Nov 15, 2011

I want to do a schedule reminder program?My reminder is use like when i done a job on 15 Nov 2011. The program will always remind me on every month for the same task. and i have many task on one month. each different day will have different task.

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Route To Schedule To Run Automatically?

Aug 12, 2010

The current project I'm working on requires me to automate some VB.NET code to run every 24 hours. Currently I have everything tied to a local webpage and I've just been calling it all from a button click in a browser.

My question is....what is the best way for me to start getting this to run on a schedule time frame? I've been looking into triggers, but if I'm not mistaken those are supposed to execute when an event is taken on the actual database. No action is taking place, I just need the code to execute. I've executed SQL statements with VBScript and task manager, but I've never had to work with VB.NET and SQL Server (using 2008) in this manner.

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Schedule Program To Run Automatically?

Jan 18, 2010

I need to be able to have my program run once a week or daily automatically and not on startup since my workstation is on sometimes and sometimes logged off.

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Sending SMS Automatically Through Schedule?

Feb 16, 2010

i am able to send sms or email on button click but now i need to send based on the expiry date & it should be posted according to expiry date . i am using VS1.1

i am working for web application so i need solution based on web application

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VS 2008 How To Schedule A Task

Mar 12, 2010

Anyone some advice how to schedule a task?At 19.00 hours I want to download new log-files, and restart the application.The download-part and the Application.Re(s)tart are not the issues here, but how do I tell my form that it is 19.00 hours?

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Extend My Interval Timer Timer To Include Hours In Addition To Minutes And Seconds?

Aug 2, 2010

What I need to do to make this code work for hours as well?[code]...

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.net - Accurate Windows Timer - System.Timers.Timer() Is Limited To 15 Msec

Jan 15, 2009

I need an accurate timer to interface a Windows application to a piece of lab equipment.I used System.Timers.Timer() to create a timer that ticks every 10 msec, but this clock runs slow. For example 1000 ticks with an interval of 10 msec should take 10 wall-clock seconds, but it actually takes more like 20 wall-clock sec (on my PC). I am guessing this is because System.Timers.Timer() is an interval timer that is reset every time it elapses. Since it will always take some time between when the timer elapses and when it is reset (to another 10msec) the clock will run slow. This probably fine if the interval is large (seconds or minutes) but unacceptable for very short intervals.Is there a function on Windows that will trigger a procedure every time the system clock crosses a 10 msec (or whatever) boundary?

UPDATE: System.Timers.Timer() is extremely inaccurate for small intervals.I wrote a simple program that counted 10 seconds several ways:

Interval=1, Count=10000, Run time = 160 sec, msec per interval=16
Interval=10, Count=1000, Run time = 16 sec, msec per interval=15
Interval=100, Count=100, Run time = 11 sec, msec per interval=110
Interval=1000, Count=10, Run time = 10 sec, msec per interval=1000

It seems like System.Timers.Timer() cannot tick faster that about 15 msec, regardless of the interval setting.Note that none of these tests seemed to use any measurable CPU time, so the limit is not the CPU, just a .net limitation (bug?)For now I think I can live with an inaccurate timer that triggers a routine every 15 msec or so and the routine gets an accurate system time. Kinda strange, but...I also found a shareware product ZylTimer.NET that claims to be a much more accurate .net timer (resolution of 1-2 msec). This may be what I need. If there is one product there are likely others.

View 5 Replies - Local Static Variables In Timer.Tick Event (Stopping A Timer)

Jul 9, 2009

I have a timer on a page in ASP.NET.

After a certain period of time elapses, I want to disable the timer.

I want to put a static variable in the timers tick event that will track how many seconds have elapsed.

My question is, will this work?

If user X and Y are viewing the page will they both have separate local static variables?

What is the best method of shutting down an ASP.NET timer after a certain elapsed time?

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Synchronize The Timer Event So That The Timer Executes From The Background Worker Thread?

Apr 23, 2009

I have a windows application that need to process som quite time consuming jobs. In my first try i did all processing under
the form thread. The result was bad response and update of the form due to the heavy jobs.To get around the problem with bad response from the form i created a new class "processing" where i put all the data processing. Then i instanciated a background worker where i in the "doWork" sub created a new instance of "processing".The "processing" class creates a timer from system.timer, and the timer drives the processing.On the Timer event Elapsed the timer starts a new thread from the thread pool.

My problem is now when i want to asynchronously close the background worker (with the corresponding function call what ever it is called ...) there is still a timer thread out there that causes exceptions for me.

1. How can i close my background worker and at the same time have the timer to be stopped?

2. Is there a way to synchronize the timer event so that the timer executes from the background worker thread?

3. Is there a better approach for me to adapt?

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Event Type Clr20r3 P3 4a5c12c0 Exception And Application Crash On Some System While Running Well On Others

Aug 3, 2009

Event type clr20r3 p3 4a5c12c0 Exception and Application crash on some system. while running well on others. i go thorugh many forms and search a lot on google but not able to resolve the issue.


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Create An Array Of Timer - Raise The Tick Event For A Particular Timer?

Jan 11, 2011

I want to create an array of timer in My problem is that how will i raise the tick event for a particular timer, say mytimer(x).tick and inside the tick event there is also a button, say mybutton(x) which changes location every interval. for example:

public class blah
dim mybuttons(20) as button
dim mytimer(20) as timer
private sub form_load(....) handles me.load
for x as integer = 0 to 20


i dont know what to do next, all i want is to pass the button mybuttons(x) to mytimer(x) tick event, in which their index number are the same. i want to create one timer per button. how to do that? please help me and post example codes. i've researched the net but i cant understand passing variables, addhandlers, etc. i'm just new to programming object oriented.

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VS 2010 Incorporate The Timer So Once A Page Loads The Timer Activates?

Jul 4, 2011

How can I incorporate the timer so once a page loads the timer activates, waits a few seconds then I tell my program what to do next.I tried this code but it didnt work:

Timer1.Interval = 5000
Timer1.Enabled = True


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