SDF File Creation For Window Mobile 6.5?

Apr 28, 2011

I create a vs 2005 project and a sdf file using ms sql server express 2005. And I try to connect it in MC65. I got this error The database file has been created by an earlier version of SQL Server Compact. Please upgrade using SqlCeEngine.Upgrade() method.

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Check File Location In Window Mobile 6 Professional?

Dec 26, 2011

i face check txt file location problem in window mobile 6 professional.code testing for window form

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "c:UsersChee KangDesktopNew folder (2) estFile.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then


coding above show me the correct answer :File already Exist (i pasted the file there before i start my program)but when i apply the same thing in window mobile 6 professional, it give me the wrong answer "File Does Not Exist" although i pasted the file there before i start my program.

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Overwrite A Text File In Window Mobile 6 Professional?

Jan 20, 2012

am facing overwriting file in window mobile 6 professional.bellow are my code.

when the system start loading:
PrivateSubForm1_Load(ByVal sende System.Object, ByVal System.EventArgs)HandlesMyBase.Load


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VS 2010 Application Supports The Creation Of System Files From A Windows Mobile PC - Subject?

Jan 28, 2010

I would like to fine-tune their work tool.The basic idea is to load different libraries etc CppThere in my working environment, such as files - *. dsm.Read the information from them is no mean feat.

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Stream Load Jpeg For Window Mobile 6.x?

Dec 20, 2010

This is the very first time I join this forum, since I have difficult convert code into windows mobile 6.x compact frame. I hope someone know how to write coding for compact frame.

I would like to load jpeg stored from an array to picture box, the following code work for only, It is not working under wm6.x compact frame.


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VS 2010 [WM] Develop Window Mobile - System Rebuilder

Feb 17, 2010


I need help to insert folderbrowserdialog in the code above, instead of location, "SYS"
Excuse me for English language

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SMS Sending Application Using GSM Modem Of Mobile & AT Command Where Mobile Numbers Are Dynamic

Sep 17, 2011

SMS Sending application in using GSM Modem of Mobile & AT Command where mobile numbers are dynamically coming from sql server database.

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Mobile Programming - Mobile Development | Dream.In.Code

Aug 25, 2010

I m trying to connect sql server to mobile device but dont know were to start

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File I/O And Registry :: FileStream File Creation With Date?

Apr 16, 2009

I have found many pages referring to having the date be part of a txt file being created, but not like the way I need. Having said that, this is what I've got.. [code] I read a page on working with txt files and learned what I could from it. It said to use the method in the beginning of my code for creating the file. It works great, but I would like to have a new file name everday, hence the date being integrated. So even if program was running, when midnight hits, a new txt file is created and new entries are written to that file. But I can't even get the date to be put in there. Everytime I try to make this work by using methods I read about in other pages, I get a syntax error, or a warning saying an end of statement is expected. I'm not sure those methods are compatible with what I've already got going.I was actually trying to store these values in a database, and I got real close I think, but I couldn't get any help to fix my problem so I'm trying to write to daily txt files instead. url....

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Create A Mobile Application For Windows Mobile?

Nov 12, 2009

I would like to create a mobile application for Windows Mobile, how can this be done? I have Visual Basic Express edition.

View 4 Replies - Know The File Creation Date

Sep 27, 2011

I have a files list which contain the directory of file. I want to know file creation date of that files. I used fileInof.CreationTime. But It is not displayed creation date. How I can know about this.


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C# - Xml File Creation And Export It Using

Apr 19, 2011

how can i write <p> <br/> hello this is my creation </p> in xml file while i am creating it by the use of .

it is showing &lt;P&gt; text &lt;/P&gt;

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Creation Of Classlibrary File

Mar 6, 2010

i wants to create an dll (classlibrary) file for displaying selected data form database by using a gridview control.for this iam creating an dll file , in that how to declare gridview1 [code]

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Automatic Log File Creation/append?

May 17, 2010

I'm trying to make my application append to a simple log file when it executed and when it's closed. So far, so good (see code)

However, what I would like to do, is have future lines of text to be written on the next line instead of the same line. And possibly a date stamp.

I'm not quite sure how to implement this as far as syntax goes.

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:log.txt", "Application was closed ", True)

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Change File Creation Date?

Apr 29, 2009

I'm trying to save a files save date, modify that file and then restore the file back to it's original date. I can't get it to work, I've tried it several ways and cannot get it to work.

My code so far is

origdate = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo("inspection").L astWriteTime.ToShortDateString()
' changing file content here
System.IO.File.SetLastAccessTime("inspection", origdate)

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Characters Not Allowed In File Creation?

Apr 15, 2010

How can I check for characters not allowed for file creation programmatically? you know like the / <> and so.

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Compare Date Of File Creation

Aug 4, 2010

be able to check if an application i am writing has been run on a week by week basis. i have created a button that when pressed creates a text file with nothing in it, i can read back the date it was created which also gives me the time which i dont need, i then need to compare the date the file was created to see if it is older than 6 days if so delete the file. how can i check to see if a creation date is older than six days???

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Thumbnail Creation From Image File

Aug 20, 2009

Im looking to create a thumbnail from a jpg image. the image is stored in c: empimage.jpg all im trying to do is create a thumbnail from this and save it in c: emp humbimage.jpg. Ive found a number of C# tutorials and some ones. Apparently this is a really easy thing to do.

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After Closing Excel File, Error Comes Up During Creation Of Next One

Sep 30, 2011

I am writing my data to an Excel file. I have two functions, create excel file and close excel file. When I am creating the first excel file, everything works fine, but creating another one after the first has been closen, I am getting an "NullReferenceException" exception.

Dim xl As New Excel.Application
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet


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C# - Monitoring A Folder For New File Creation Without Using FileSystemWatcher In .net?

Aug 31, 2010

I have to create a windows service which Monitors a specified folder for new files and does someprocessing on it and moves it to other location. I started with using FileSystem Watcher. But my boss doesn't like FileSystemWatcher and wants me to use polling on Timer or any other mechanism other than File System Watcher.

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File Creation/modified Date/times?

Mar 16, 2010

I created a background thread that constantly scans a specified folder for any .xls files that are created or modified. These files come from a vba macro in outlook that will automatically save the attachments of the mails in the this folder. This will update the modified date/time, or at least it seems to.

For Each fi In aryFi
fidate = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(path & fi.ToString)
fidate1 = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(path & fi.ToString)


Everytime I check to the code, the fidate and fidate1 variables are indeed the correct dates/times of the file it's currently checking. It almost never gets inside the elseif block at runtime though.

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VS 2008 - Read Only File Creation Time

Jun 22, 2011

I have a ERP system which create a PDF file and write it to the disk when the invoice is beeing created. On the other side a have an .NET app, which every 10 minutes read data in that folder and automatically send an e-mail to my customer with the invoice attached.The problem is that sometimes, when .NET app try to read a file which currently is beeing created -> The file is damaged. How to avoid such a situation? Is there a way to e.g. read only file creation time, and if it's "younger" than 5 seconds order app to wait a while?

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Working In Visual Studio 2008, VB File IO Creation/Opening

Apr 26, 2011

I'm trying to search for a file in VB. If it exists I'd like to read it in. If it doesn't not exist I'd like to create it. I'm working in Visual Studio 2008. I was using a Streamreader before, but when I did that I was never getting any sort of error if the file wasn't there, which isn't what I want.

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File Not Found After Creation Vista To Windows 2008 Server?

Aug 31, 2009

Using VB6 to create a file and then open the file just created fails when run on a Vista client with Windows 2008 Server. The same code will work when run directly on the Windows 2008 Server or when using an XP client. If a Sleep 10000 is placed after the close, the program will work. What is the problem here? The code is as follows:

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" _
(ByVal lpszPath As String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, _


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Unable To Use Values Extracted From Database As Variables In File Creation

May 22, 2009

I have written a web page which connects to a database and then display 3 values from a management reporting system using the database.

I am accessing a database using the following code:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlToVersion" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:WebImportOnServer %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [VerNo], [PeriodName], [PeriodNo] FROM [atblVersion]"


but it is how to replace the question marks with valid code that takes the values from the bound fields that I am stuck with.

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Email A File Off Windows Mobile?

Aug 7, 2009

I am trying to email a file off my windows mobile. I know there is a mobile section here, but the traffic is minimal. Trying to use the current profile (exchange/activesync) to send the mail.

Imports Microsoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook
Public Class tools
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Send File From My Pc To Mobile Using Bluetooth @ Vb2005

May 14, 2012

how to send file from my pc to my mobile using bluetooth @ vb2005

by making a program and inclouding it this feature?

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File I/O And Registry :: Detect A Mobile Device Has Been Connected To Pc

Jul 20, 2009

I posted the message below in the VB6 section of this forum with no success, but as I've now got access to VB2008 via work, I thought I'd try again here. Basically I'd like to be able in code navigate to a folder held on a mobile device like a mobile phone connected to a pc using MS Activesync? It shows up in the drive list within "My Computer" as a system folder, I've vb6 code to detect all the drives including network mapped drives but not the mobile device.Ultimately I'd like to do file copying when my program detects a mobile device has been connected.

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VB - Windows Mobile Application - Program Files To Locate The .sdf File

Feb 20, 2012

in my application, to get the path I use the following code.

Dim path As String
Dim asm As [Assembly] = [Assembly].GetExecutingAssembly()
path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(asm.GetName().CodeBase)

this gives path as Application Data, But i need Program Files to locate the .sdf file. how to get this path?

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VS 2008 - Mobile Export / Import Excel File - Error: Cannot Access

Jun 12, 2012

I'm creating a small application that will export the record from database to excel format (.xls) and import the record from excel as well. i have this code below i dont if this the right approach but im getting the error. Im using emulator btw. error :"The process can not access the file 'My Documents est1.xls' because it is being used by another process." Code: I'm still figuring out about import function any ideas?

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