SMTP_TimeMachine_Attachment_BOT : HELP Needed ASAP. "Code Included"?

Jul 29, 2009

Working with Timers, SMTP Client, and Screen Capturing abilities for VB.NET, "SIMPLE". I'm working on an application that takes a picture of your desktop, saves that image to the C: Drive, ie C:Test.jpg, and then Sends a Message to a cell phone XXX XXX, and uses the Captured image, ie, Test.jpg as it's attachment. 1024 x 768,


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Ignoring Lines Containing Certain Numbers (Code Included)?

Dec 3, 2009

Basically I want to have a lines that contain certain numbers ignored. Where lines that do not contain those certain numbers show up in textbox1.text.For Instance.In the code I want it to ignore all lines that contain "1234" and "1645" when it reads Accessed.txt, and output every line that does not contain those numbers. So if a line contains "78910" it would output that line into textbox1.text.Here is what I have so far, and it works as long as I only have 1 if not contains statement. When I have more than one, it doesn't work at all and just outputs everything in the text file.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
Handles Button1.Click
Dim r As New System.IO.StreamReader("S:accessed.txt")


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Code Needed For Creating A 10 X 10 Matrix?

Jun 4, 2010

I really need to create very huge 2D matrices such as 5x5, 10x10, 7x7 and use them for basic Matrix calculations involving Matrix multiplication, Transpose and Inverse.

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Code Needed For On Click Function

Oct 12, 2009

I have just downloaded Visual Basic Express 2008, I have previously only ever used access and I have a rather stupid and basic question to ask! I have a button and am trying to enter the very simple code so that when it is clicked it opens Form2, I am unsure as to how this is written as the "expression" I would have used in access obviously doesnt work.

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Sample Code That A S/n /key Is Needed To Install The Software

Jul 3, 2009

I know how to genrate a serial number using GUID. How can I use it. Suppose I send a CD with the software to someone. I do not want just anyone to use it. They have to have the KEY or SN. How can I impliment it so that if you do not have the s/n / key then you will not be able to install the software.

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VS2010 Variable Code Needed For Updater?

Apr 29, 2012

Its about updating, it check a remote server for version. For example i have version 1.0.0 so the updater says that there is a update (1.0.5)


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Zoom Code Needed For Tabbed WebBrowser?

Feb 15, 2012

I have built a Tabbed WebBrowser using various pieces of code from the internet. I am trying to create a button that will allow me to enlarge the page too 120%. I used some code on a normal WebBrowser page and it works OK. But this same code will not work on a Tabbed WebBrowser because of the ActiveX. This is the code I used on both browsers, as I said, it works ok in normal webbrowser, but not tabbed webbrowser. I am using Visual Studio 2010

Private Enum ExecOpt
'A few options for what we want to do, using ActiveX
'This option will just carry out the default action


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VS 2010 Regular Expressions Code Snippet Needed

May 7, 2011

i'm coding a small app.i need to use regular expressions.I've got a huge string. and i need to find some substrings and put them into variables.for instance:<span class="(some constant class)">sb's Name</span> I need to cut "sb's Name" and put it into to do this using regular expressions?I know, that I can use webbrowser and whole DOM structure connected with it. But I can't, so I must use RegExp.

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ASAP VB 2010 - Randomly Select A Single Student Out Of The Student Array Based On Their Subscript Number

Mar 6, 2012

randomly select a single student out of the student array based on their subscript number. This will be accomplished by the following:


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Get Included With The Install?

Oct 2, 2009

i have a folder called xulrunner that needs to be initialized - i originaly had the folder under c:\ and used the following code to initialize it. Xpcom.Initialize("c:\xulrunner")This worked fine, but because i want it to get included with the install, i included the folder in the project, and when built it goes to a folder on my desktop, that haves the folder allong with the exe's etc

so i swapped the above code to Xpcom.Initialize(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\xulrunner")However that does not work.

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VB 8 Help Files Not Included

Nov 3, 2009

I downloaded visual basic express 8 but don't seem to have any help files included. how do i get them.

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Add New Controls To Included Project?

Jun 12, 2012

I was able to include (add) an existing project to a current one. I finally got all the references and libraries in place, and everything works great. I decided to move forward with development and started adding some features...much to my surprise, when I debug none of the controls are there (In the form belonging to the added project)...

Do I need to develop the second project from it's original solution (and not from within the combined solution)?

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Create An Installer That Can Be Included In A CD ?

Jun 5, 2011

I have create an application in and ms sql 2005 as database storage. How do i create an installer that can be included in a CD. What i mean is if i want to install it in the virgin PC the Installer CD would be able to run the application without an problem. Which software protect licensing installer i can use to create this.

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IDE :: Prerequisites Not Included After Build

Feb 12, 2009

I have a non-click once setup to install a windows service. I have added the prerequisites as specified (extract from doc below). But when I build the solution the prerequisites do not show up. I am choosing .net, mdac 28, crystal XI r2 and the option to download prerequisites from the same location as my application. The program dosen't look for them. What am I missing? I have another windows service that is setup identically and it drops the prerequisites in sub-directories off the.. elease folder and the setup installs them if necessary. To choose which prerequisites to install


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VS 2008 .net Included In Program?

Jul 24, 2009

I just build a program and when I install to a computer it gives me an error. The eroor is simply to install .net 2.0 and then everything works fine. So I was wondering is there a way I can package the program so it installs .net first and then the program automatically?

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Access An XML File That Is Included In The Project?

May 16, 2011

I have added an XML file (File.xml) into a project (I can see it in the Solution Explorer), it resides at the root directory level of the project i.e. the same level as the VB program (.vb), the bin directory and the References directory etc..


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Character, Hexadecimal Value 0x3A, Cannot Be Included In A Name?

Jun 1, 2010

I have the following code:

Private Function ReadRequestedSecurityToken(ByVal rstr As XDocument) As RequestedSecurityToken
Dim requestedToken = (
From rt In rstr.Descendants(WSTrust13Constants.NamespaceURI.ToString &
Select rt).FirstOrDefault()
If Nothing Is requestedToken Then


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Coding A VB Button, Program Included?

Feb 27, 2012

I created a empty Web application called Grocery Store and added a new web page named Default.aspx to the application. I have changed the DOCUMENT objects Title property to Grocery Store. The DropDownList control needs to contain the store numbers listed. I need when the user clicks the Enter Button, the buttons Click Event procedure should display the names of the manager and Assistant manager.


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Determine If Referenced Assembly Is Included In CLR?

Jul 1, 2009

I would like to enumerate an assembly's referenced assemblies and determine what should or should not possibly be included as a dependency in deploy scenarios.For obvious reasons I would want to exclude those assemblies that would be included by the CLR install.Is there any way to track back an assembly to being part of the default install of the CLR?

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How To Find A File Included In A Build

Feb 3, 2011

I am including a file in my project where the BuildAction is content and Copy to Output is Copy Always However, when I publish and give the user a way to copy the file to another directory I keep getting File Not Found.The code looks like:

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Number In Text Box, To Be Included In Update?

Jan 21, 2011

I have access column with number data type.

I need to query the values in this column.

Value is taken from text box when making the query.

sqlupdate = "UPDATE Addresses SET firstname=@firstname WHERE autonum ='" & txtAutoNum.Text & "'"

This is not working.

If I change the access column data type to text, its working fine.

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Reference A File That Was Included In The Project In .net?

Apr 9, 2010

in which directory is an image copied when you include it in your project?

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Reference To A File Included In Project?

Dec 9, 2009

I would like to refer to an image i have added to a project from inside a class of the same project.

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Referencing Files That Were Included With Solution

Apr 19, 2010

my application builds a pdf with images in the solution explorer i added a folder called pics and dropped all the images there..when i run the program from my computer, there are no problems, but when i had a different user install the application they get this error:[code]

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Shortcut When Database Is Included In The Project?

Oct 20, 2010

I made a setup project and added a folder for desktop shortcut. My application includes database file as well. When I installed the application and ran the shortcut from desktop, it gave Desktop's path and said ABC.mdb not found.

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WAV Files Not Included After Installation Of Application

Jan 28, 2012

I'm trying to publish the application and install it on another PC. However, when I install the app, it doesn't include the .wav files; I have to add them into the folder myself once the app is installed. They are included in the solution window under bin/debug before I hit publish.
My.Computer.Audio.Play(Application.StartupPath & "" & "Treyson.wav")
to play the sound.

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[2008] C++ Win32 DLL And Included In Same Solution With VB

Jan 9, 2009

I would like to mix C++ Win32 DLL with VB in the same solution such as: [URL] It's just that I would like to reference the DLL with VB. In the example above:


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.net - 0x80131040 Error At Runtime On An Included Project?

Apr 11, 2011

Following a move away from Desktops and onto Terminal Server machines, I'm having to recompile a number of projects created by my illustrious predecessor at the company.One of these projects is a fairly simple WPF MVVM project, with an error-reporting component added as a referenced project, i.e. the reference is to the project, not to a DLL. Both of the projects were started in earlier versions of Visual studio, but both now target framework 4.0 and are being maintained in VS2010.The whole thing compiles fine, but at runtime I get the following error:

Could not load file or assembly 'companyName.Tracer, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=0156bfd00d8c2368' or one of its dependencies.The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

The referenced project is signed with a .pfx file, though I have tried compiling with and without the signing, and it appears to make no difference.I'm not sure where "Version" is coming from. The referenced project is at version 1.1.* and the main project is also at 1.1.*.Presumably I'm missing something obvious, or I've failed to include some vital piece of information, so I'll try to respond to any requests for additional information as quickly as possible.

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ClickOne - How To Get Resources Folder Included In Project

Apr 23, 2009

With Visual Studio - 2008. I publish to my server. I have problem with the ClickOne, I cant find a way to include my DB connection and resources folder included in my project. It update correctly, but it does not include my resource folder a database connection. Maybe something with the rights to connect to the DB. Can can also see that every time I update my application, it make a new folder but it do not input my folders.

Any right way to do this:
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & "Resources/" & "myDB.mdb")

This is my string to connect. And I have added "myDB.mdb" it to my resource folder in the project. I have followed this video: [URL]. What is the correct way to implement a DB connection to my project when I am using ClickOnes?

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Full Version Of NET Framework 3.5 Be Included On The Install CD?

May 27, 2011

Can the full version of NET framework 3.5 be included on the install CD? I have a redistributable license for Sql Server Compact, but I haven't been able to find such an agreement for the NET framework package. Just want to stay legal. In need both of these packages to run the distributed program.hemicro

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