.net - 0x80131040 Error At Runtime On An Included Project?

Apr 11, 2011

Following a move away from Desktops and onto Terminal Server machines, I'm having to recompile a number of projects created by my illustrious predecessor at the company.One of these projects is a fairly simple WPF MVVM project, with an error-reporting component added as a referenced project, i.e. the reference is to the project, not to a DLL. Both of the projects were started in earlier versions of Visual studio, but both now target framework 4.0 and are being maintained in VS2010.The whole thing compiles fine, but at runtime I get the following error:

Could not load file or assembly 'companyName.Tracer, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=0156bfd00d8c2368' or one of its dependencies.The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

The referenced project is signed with a .pfx file, though I have tried compiling with and without the signing, and it appears to make no difference.I'm not sure where "Version" is coming from. The referenced project is at version 1.1.* and the main project is also at 1.1.*.Presumably I'm missing something obvious, or I've failed to include some vital piece of information, so I'll try to respond to any requests for additional information as quickly as possible.

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IDE :: Setup Project Now Gives Error If The Same File Included Twice Opposed To Warning?

Oct 23, 2009

I include 2 exes in my setup project which share dlls. In 2008 this just resulted in warnings when building but I now get an error instead indicating that the file is already included.I can fix this by excluding them but they will reappear after each build so have to be excluded again which slows the process down - example error message is below:

Error 14 Two or more objects have the same target location ('[targetdir]interop.excel.dll') C:DevelopmentPIMSPIMSSetupPIMSSetup.vdproj PIMSSetup

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ProxyReader.EndOfStream Keeps Giving Error In App (included .vb File, It's Working Alone On Fresh Project)?

Apr 20, 2012

Alone form proxy.vb is working without problem, but when I copy it and include to my project I getting always:

Exception:Thrown: "Index and count must refer to a location within the buffer." (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)


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Add New Controls To Included Project?

Jun 12, 2012

I was able to include (add) an existing project to a current one. I finally got all the references and libraries in place, and everything works great. I decided to move forward with development and started adding some features...much to my surprise, when I debug none of the controls are there (In the form belonging to the added project)...

Do I need to develop the second project from it's original solution (and not from within the combined solution)?

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Importing The C++ Dll For Use In The VB Project - Runtime Error R6034

Jun 6, 2010

I have a VB.NET Console Application that depends on a C++ project in the same solution. I'm importing the C++ dll for use in the VB project. When I compile and then run the application, I get the runtime error R6034. Anything wrong going here?

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Access An XML File That Is Included In The Project?

May 16, 2011

I have added an XML file (File.xml) into a project (I can see it in the Solution Explorer), it resides at the root directory level of the project i.e. the same level as the VB program (.vb), the bin directory and the References directory etc..


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Reference A File That Was Included In The Project In .net?

Apr 9, 2010

in which directory is an image copied when you include it in your project?

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Reference To A File Included In Project?

Dec 9, 2009

I would like to refer to an image i have added to a project from inside a class of the same project.

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Shortcut When Database Is Included In The Project?

Oct 20, 2010

I made a setup project and added a folder for desktop shortcut. My application includes database file as well. When I installed the application and ran the shortcut from desktop, it gave Desktop's path and said ABC.mdb not found.

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ClickOne - How To Get Resources Folder Included In Project

Apr 23, 2009

With Visual Studio - 2008. I publish to my server. I have problem with the ClickOne, I cant find a way to include my DB connection and resources folder included in my project. It update correctly, but it does not include my resource folder a database connection. Maybe something with the rights to connect to the DB. Can can also see that every time I update my application, it make a new folder but it do not input my folders.

Any right way to do this:
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & "Resources/" & "myDB.mdb")

This is my string to connect. And I have added "myDB.mdb" it to my resource folder in the project. I have followed this video: [URL]. What is the correct way to implement a DB connection to my project when I am using ClickOnes?

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Reference To External File Included In Project

Jun 9, 2010

When you add a file that the project will use (in my case an Excel file) and set it to be copied to the output directory, you can of course add a string to a class with the file name in it to use the file. I was wondering though does Visual Studio automatically generate a member somewhere that contains the name of the file? Perhaps in the My Namespace?

Kind of like how when you set the Build Action to Resource, Visual Studio generates a member in the My.Resources namespace for reference. Whenever I change the name of the file in the Solution Explorer it would be nice if I had some method that would automatically update the file name in the code.

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Place .dll In A Folder Providing That The Folder Is Included In The Project?

Jun 22, 2009

If I have a .dll, isn't it I can place it in a folder providing that the folder is included in the project? since I really do have a problem during publishing.

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Runtime Error: This Application Has Requested The Runtime To Terminate In An Unusual Way

Aug 6, 2007

I have a Visual Basic 2005 program which runs fine if I execute the built Executable. However if I start the application in VS2005 debugger it gives a weird error


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Xml - Error: The "(" Character, Hexadecimal Value 0x28, Cannot Be Included In Name?

Feb 1, 2012

When I am converting the word into XML this error is thrown using VB.NET:Error: The "(" character, hexadecimal value 0x28, cannot be included in name

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Runtime - Error "microsoft Common Languages Runtime Version 4.0.30319.0"

Jul 29, 2010

Soemone recently downloaded my software and they got this error: microsoft common languages runtime version 4.0.30319.0 how do i fix this

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Add File To Project At Runtime?

Jun 9, 2012

I want to add an item (a .sql-file created based on user input) to the project in my solution at run-time. I tried to do it by using the VS extensibility (using assemblies like EnvDTE.dll and others).

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Project Does Not Support Changes At Runtime?

Jun 10, 2011

when i add control or make changes in code at runtime these changes does not updated to my project.

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Compiling Project At Runtime With Resources?

Sep 22, 2009

My app bundles a set of VBScripts (UTF8 text files) into a VB.NET assembly. I used to embed the script code into the classes as String members, but this is proving to be a poor design. I want to include them as resources instead. What's the best way to add resources to the CompilerParams?

What I've got so far (excluding all the error checks):

Dim comParams As New CompilerParameters()
comParams.OutputAssembly = DLL_Path


The CompilerParameters contain fields for EmbeddedResources and LinkedResources, but from the examples I found so far these seem to pertain only to framework resources???

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Project Solution Doesn't Update At Runtime?

Apr 14, 2009

I am using Visual studio 2008. I didn't see a place to post questions about this . I am creating a mobile application, at run time the executable itself is not updating to show the changes from source code i have written. I feel there must be a setting or something in visual studio .

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Setup Project With Crystal Report Runtime?

Jul 13, 2009

I have a simple application with a crystal report in there. So, the crystal report runtime must be installed on the clients which use the app. Now i have create a setup.exe and under "Required Components", Crystal Reports Basic... is marked. I choose the second option below that Crystal Report should come from the identic folder. When i call the setup.exe or the *.msi file the app is installed under programs but without crystal reports.

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Runtime Error '-2147024894 (80070002)': Automation Error

Jan 4, 2012

i have created a com class library with vb.net. i have registered the dll with regasm. Then i imported and used it to a vb6 project. I have noticed that if i unregister the library and register it again then i get the following error:

Runtime error '-2147024894 (80070002)': Automation error.

In order to make the library usable again, i have to rebuilt the library with different ClassId, InterfaceId, EventsId at the classes and then register the new dll.

PS: it also does the same thing if i overwrite the registered file with the same file or if i rename its folder and then rename it back to its previous name. Rebuid and re-registered is needed.

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Code Compiles, Throws Exception When Loading Project At Runtime?

Mar 28, 2011

I've got a code sample below that will compile, but not run. Start it in the debugger by clicking the "step into" button on the toolbar, and an exception pops up before it reaches the first line of user code:

"Could not load type 'TestPrivileges.Win32Module+TOKEN_PRIVILEGES' from assembly 'TestPrivileges, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'."

Comment out either the 'Dim ... TOKEN_PRIVILEGES' line in the module or the 'Public Shared ... TOKEN_PRIVILEGES' at the end of the class, and the problem will stop occurring.Visual Studio 2008 as well as 2010 does it.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim newState As Win32Module.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = New Win32Module.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES
MsgBox("Here I am")


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ERROR: Unrecoverable Build Error When Building Setup Project In VS.Net 2005

Nov 8, 2005

I got "Unrecoverable build error" when building setup project.I try the solution in [URL].. but did not work out.

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Mvc 3 - MVC3 Razor View Project Gives Syntax Error In Error List Window For All VBhtml Pages?

Feb 22, 2011

Using MVC3 and Razor View engine, I created a VB.NET web application in VS 2010. This creates the default Account and Home Controller along with corresponding Action Views.Now if I open any vbhtml file I get the following error message in the Error List window.

Error 50 Syntax error. C:****MVC3AppVBViewsAccountLogOn.vbhtml MVC3AppVB
(See screenshot here http://www.flickr.com/photos/7672540@N07/5469248676/)


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Error In VS 2005 "The Project File Cannot Be Loaded The Application For Project -is Not Installed"?

Jun 12, 2009

How do I fix this error in Visual Studio? "The project file cannot be loaded. The application for project ... is not installed" I have copied a whole project onto my PC, both into My Documents/Visual Studio and into inetpub/wwwroot, but when I try to open the project in Visual Studio, it tries to open just 1 file .vssproj and gives me error messages, like : "The project file cannot be loaded. The application for project ... is not installed.". What am I doing wrong? The VS edition is 2005 as are all the projects aI am trying to load.

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Runtime Error 440: Automation Error?

Aug 14, 2009

I work for Southwire Company. We are owners and developers of a program called SAG10. It is set in VB6. When trying to run this program on Windows Vista, I get a runtime error 440. Not all installs on Vista behave this way. I have had multiple successes in installing and running SAG10 on Windows Vista. I have changed settings to mimic the successful runs and I still get this error. I have disabled the User Account Contro

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Get A Runtime Error Msg Thats Says "Syntax Error(Missing Operator) In Query Expression"

Mar 29, 2011

I am having a problem with this code. I have used this code before on other apps and it works, but I don't have a clue as to what is going on here.

This is the whole event. I get a runtime error msg thats says "Syntax error(Missing Operator) in query expression"

I think this is Legacy SQL coding but I don't know how to make it better.

Private Sub btnEdit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEdit.Click
Dim Question As Integer


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C# - Dll Reference Of One Project Into Another Project - Error Of "Type Or Namespace Name Could Not Be Found"

Apr 25, 2011

I have 2 projects, one built in VB.NET and another in C#.NET. I want to use certain functionality of VB.NET into C#.NET and hence I have added the dll file of VB.NET solution into C#.NET as a reference by browsing the dll from my system. Say dll name for VB.NET is myData.dll. In my C#.NET project I am trying to declare it as a namespace i.e. "using myData;" and its giving me an error of "Type or namespace name could not be found"

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Multiple Runtime Exceptions When Clicking Run From Task Scheduler / Works Fine Running Application From Project Folder

Jun 3, 2011

So I wrote a VB.net project in Visual studio.I have a scheduled task that is set to run the program every morning at 10AM. If I use windows explorer and double click the application, it runs fine.If I open task scheduler, open the task properties, and browse to the application, then choose run, the program fails, due to Runtime exceptions.I know I have the path entered correctly, since I can debug the instance when it crashes from the task scheduler. VS2010 pulls up my source code.The exception is System.IO.FileNotFoundException, remember, it works fine when I double click the app. If attach a debugger to the process after it is executed from the task scheduler, I can then restart the debugger, and Voila!, The application runs fine.

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Nonsense Error At Runtime

Jul 28, 2011

I just converted my project over to 2010 from 2008. Everything seemed to be working fine (no errors came up). I ran the program and found no run time errors either. I then proceeded to update my program by adding user controls. These controls where already used by the program (through references), but were originally external. Due to issues with them not updating updating (no matter what I tried) I decided to build them directly into the project. This did not cause any issues at first, the program continued to run without errors or execptions. I replaced some of the old controls that referenced the external project with the new internal ones. The old ones were completely deleted first, and then the new ones (named same as the old ones to reduce programming errors...and yes I am sure the names are spelled EXACTLY the same) were added.

Now, the progam is throwing an exception during the variable declaration of a form I had been using with no errors: "Unable to cast object of type 'OldControl' to type 'NewControl'". I have run into cast exceptions before an am fairly good at solving whatever the problem is (usually a simple issue). Here is the kicker (actually 2 kickers)... First, NO LINES OF CODE HAVE BEEN CHANGED from when the program was working fine. I have basically changed out 'old_textbox' for 'new_textbox' in the graphical interface (and have given the new ones the old one's names) and made sure no errors came up (which didn't happen). Second, this exception is being raised on a line that has NOTHING to do with the old or new control: Public AllowCopiesMode as Boolean = False

I know that sharing code is usually helpful in situations like these, but I wouldn't know where to begin concidering where the execption is being thrown. If anyone knows if there is an issue with vb.net 2010 or a 'quirk' that rquires me the do something slightly different, please let me know. Out side of that I am completely lost

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