ProxyReader.EndOfStream Keeps Giving Error In App (included .vb File, It's Working Alone On Fresh Project)?

Apr 20, 2012

Alone form proxy.vb is working without problem, but when I copy it and include to my project I getting always:

Exception:Thrown: "Index and count must refer to a location within the buffer." (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)


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IDE :: Setup Project Now Gives Error If The Same File Included Twice Opposed To Warning?

Oct 23, 2009

I include 2 exes in my setup project which share dlls. In 2008 this just resulted in warnings when building but I now get an error instead indicating that the file is already included.I can fix this by excluding them but they will reappear after each build so have to be excluded again which slows the process down - example error message is below:

Error 14 Two or more objects have the same target location ('[targetdir]interop.excel.dll') C:DevelopmentPIMSPIMSSetupPIMSSetup.vdproj PIMSSetup

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EndOfStream Not Working?

Dec 5, 2010

I am reading a file like I always do, created the same way I always do, and EndOfStream never returns True:

Using sr As New StreamReader(filePath)
While Not sr.EndOfStream
'do stuff with Readline
End While
End Using

The only diff is I am using Windows 7. Any Ideas?

The error:QuoteThe CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x8683f0 to COM context 0x868560 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations.

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.net - 0x80131040 Error At Runtime On An Included Project?

Apr 11, 2011

Following a move away from Desktops and onto Terminal Server machines, I'm having to recompile a number of projects created by my illustrious predecessor at the company.One of these projects is a fairly simple WPF MVVM project, with an error-reporting component added as a referenced project, i.e. the reference is to the project, not to a DLL. Both of the projects were started in earlier versions of Visual studio, but both now target framework 4.0 and are being maintained in VS2010.The whole thing compiles fine, but at runtime I get the following error:

Could not load file or assembly 'companyName.Tracer, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=0156bfd00d8c2368' or one of its dependencies.The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

The referenced project is signed with a .pfx file, though I have tried compiling with and without the signing, and it appears to make no difference.I'm not sure where "Version" is coming from. The referenced project is at version 1.1.* and the main project is also at 1.1.*.Presumably I'm missing something obvious, or I've failed to include some vital piece of information, so I'll try to respond to any requests for additional information as quickly as possible.

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Access An XML File That Is Included In The Project?

May 16, 2011

I have added an XML file (File.xml) into a project (I can see it in the Solution Explorer), it resides at the root directory level of the project i.e. the same level as the VB program (.vb), the bin directory and the References directory etc..


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Reference A File That Was Included In The Project In .net?

Apr 9, 2010

in which directory is an image copied when you include it in your project?

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Reference To A File Included In Project?

Dec 9, 2009

I would like to refer to an image i have added to a project from inside a class of the same project.

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Reference To External File Included In Project

Jun 9, 2010

When you add a file that the project will use (in my case an Excel file) and set it to be copied to the output directory, you can of course add a string to a class with the file name in it to use the file. I was wondering though does Visual Studio automatically generate a member somewhere that contains the name of the file? Perhaps in the My Namespace?

Kind of like how when you set the Build Action to Resource, Visual Studio generates a member in the My.Resources namespace for reference. Whenever I change the name of the file in the Solution Explorer it would be nice if I had some method that would automatically update the file name in the code.

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Why Is VS 2011 ASP.NET Project Giving A 401.2 Error When Debugging With IIS Express 7.5

May 10, 2012

Everything was working just fine...then one time running the debugger and I'm given a 401.2 error from IIS Express 7.5. I created a new project and tested - worked fine. I ensured the web.config and other project settings where identical - still getting the error in the original project!


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Visual Studio - Net Project Disappear Instead Of Giving An Error Message?

Jun 5, 2012

Why does my VB.Net Project disappear instead of giving an error message?This only started happening recently, but when debugging with Visual Studios instead of getting errors, the program just closes as though the stop button was pressed. This doesn't happen for all error types but it consistently happens if there is some sort of casting error. This is an overly simplified example, but the lines below would cause a program to vanish as soon as they run. Dim i As Integer i = "A" One other interesting part of this is that if that was in a try catch block the error would be caught instead of closing the program.I'm in an office setting so I've been able to test a number of configurations and have found that this problem only affects Windows XP PCs, but not Windows 7. And it consistently happens with Visual Studios 2010 Professional and Ultimate, Visual Studios 2008. Besides that we apparently we all need Windows 7.

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DB/Reporting :: Error Connecting To Online Database Mysql After Fresh Installing

Nov 18, 2009

I have a problem here I did make database program for a friend the database is online Mysql I use Visual Studio and put this into setup.exe when he install the program and try to log on he get this error This is my connection to the database


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Add New Controls To Included Project?

Jun 12, 2012

I was able to include (add) an existing project to a current one. I finally got all the references and libraries in place, and everything works great. I decided to move forward with development and started adding some features...much to my surprise, when I debug none of the controls are there (In the form belonging to the added project)...

Do I need to develop the second project from it's original solution (and not from within the combined solution)?

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Setup Of VB 6.0 Enterprise Edition Giving Initialisation File Error

Feb 18, 2010

I am having trouble while installing Visual Basic 6.0 . Setup gives message

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Shortcut When Database Is Included In The Project?

Oct 20, 2010

I made a setup project and added a folder for desktop shortcut. My application includes database file as well. When I installed the application and ran the shortcut from desktop, it gave Desktop's path and said ABC.mdb not found.

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App.config Based Windows App - Code Is Giving Error That The File Doesn't Exists?

Nov 30, 2009

I've one 1.1 based windows app. I recently added the app.config files. In code it works fine. But, when I compile the application, VS 2003 doesn't generate the appname.exe.config.(I read on google) I manually copied the app.config file to the Release folder. But the code is giving error that the file doesn't exists.

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ClickOne - How To Get Resources Folder Included In Project

Apr 23, 2009

With Visual Studio - 2008. I publish to my server. I have problem with the ClickOne, I cant find a way to include my DB connection and resources folder included in my project. It update correctly, but it does not include my resource folder a database connection. Maybe something with the rights to connect to the DB. Can can also see that every time I update my application, it make a new folder but it do not input my folders.

Any right way to do this:
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & "Resources/" & "myDB.mdb")

This is my string to connect. And I have added "myDB.mdb" it to my resource folder in the project. I have followed this video: [URL]. What is the correct way to implement a DB connection to my project when I am using ClickOnes?

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Debugger Giving Error "Cannot Access A Closed File."?

Dec 19, 2009

I have some programming background in VB4,VB6, and some assembler, also I was a very big fan on of Qbasic.Programed 100's PIC micro in assembler and basic.
I know this list of experience will put a big smile of many readers face, that's what I have.Trying to learn VB2008 Express, I find everything I know is out of the window, nothing works the way it used to be.Cant find solution for the simplest task, like read/write a file in binary, read/write serial port.I have some e-books to read, all talks about thinks are actualy works and I could figure out myself or other case I cant get around what era they talking about.I'm cursing right now, ho would you teach a old dog for new trick's.English is my second language, not always understand all the terms and other lings what books and online sources use.I have not wrote any code for Windows for at least 5-6 years, but did wrote may program for Micro controllers in Assembler and Basic.

For example I found this code to demonstrate how to create a file, write in binary then read it back.It does not work, cant figure it out why, help is useless, stops at "fs.Position = 0", the function of this line make sense, but why errors out here.Debugger give me "Cannot access a closed file.", I don't see any line closing the file, is everything will be this difficult.Not to mention this is pose to be a working example from a book.This is the way I used to open a file.[code]...

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Working With A Text File Inside My Project

Feb 22, 2011

I have no code specifically for this part of my project just saying this ahead of time.I have not used text files that are inside my project but I want to be able to open the file when I load my form and save it when I close my form.I know how to save manualy and same with opening but that defeats the purpose this has to do as much as possible on its own.All I have are code from a project I made a while back which was a notepad program.[code]however I need this to all happen on its own and it needs to install these text files with the program hence why they are in with the project there are about 30 text files that will need to be with it so if I can get help with one then I can figure the rest out.

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Do Until Match Instead Of EndOfStream

Mar 2, 2010

I have the following code
TestArray(0) = "<RD><PS:CL><JL:Jump,""(.*?)"">"
TestArray(1) = "<RD><PS:CL><JL:Jump,""(.*?)"">(B)(.*)"
TestArray(2) = "<RD><PS:CL><JL:Jump,""(.*?)"">(C)(.*)"

Do Until xRead.EndOfStream
'do stuff here here with test array(i)
'do stuff here here with test array(i)
'do stuff here here with test array(i)
'do stuff here here with test array(i)
i = i+1
I would like it so that instead of "Do Until xRead.EndOfStream" I would like to read the file line by line until a match is found, then add +1 to i and repeat.

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Place .dll In A Folder Providing That The Folder Is Included In The Project?

Jun 22, 2009

If I have a .dll, isn't it I can place it in a folder providing that the folder is included in the project? since I really do have a problem during publishing.

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Error In VS 2005 "The Project File Cannot Be Loaded The Application For Project -is Not Installed"?

Jun 12, 2009

How do I fix this error in Visual Studio? "The project file cannot be loaded. The application for project ... is not installed" I have copied a whole project onto my PC, both into My Documents/Visual Studio and into inetpub/wwwroot, but when I try to open the project in Visual Studio, it tries to open just 1 file .vssproj and gives me error messages, like : "The project file cannot be loaded. The application for project ... is not installed.". What am I doing wrong? The VS edition is 2005 as are all the projects aI am trying to load.

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How To Find A File Included In A Build

Feb 3, 2011

I am including a file in my project where the BuildAction is content and Copy to Output is Copy Always However, when I publish and give the user a way to copy the file to another directory I keep getting File Not Found.The code looks like:

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Save A Web Page(image Included) As .doc File In .net?

May 7, 2010

I am newbie here and sorry if I post at wrong section if I did it. May I know how to do that in I try response.addheader but it seems this can only work but cannot save the image file to my document.

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Giving An Error 'Access Denied'

Jun 29, 2009

I am trying to connect to a remote machine through a application and want to retrieve the system information using WMI Classes. But the source line (scope.Connect()) as below generates an error "Access Denied HRESULT...." [code]

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IDE :: IDE Giving Weird Build Error

Oct 26, 2006

I just finished putting the first 6 datagrid controls on my form and i went to go test it and got this build error: Error 4 Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System. Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn'.C:SoftwareForm1.vb 1425 19..When the line generating the error is this Me.Name = "Form1".where it has the "Form1" portion underlined in blue.This is a weird error because that line was made by the IDE to say the name of the form and has nothing to do with 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn'.I tried saving my progress and restarting the IDE with no luck..Now I cannot even access the form in designer mode,One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes.The designer cannot process the code at line 1424: Me.Name = "Form1" The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified.

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Error Log File Location Not Working On Vista With UAC?

Oct 13, 2009

I have a program that writes unhandled exception detail to a log file stored in the same directory as the program itself. I am wondering how I can have keep the file in the same location, and not have to worry about a file write access. With Vistas User Access Control enabled, the file is not accessible unless the program is run as an administrator, which I don't need it to be for anything else. The file does not exist all of the time, it only exists after an error occurs. Users are encouraged to email the file to me and then delete the file. Thus the file should only exist if their is a error that the user has not emailed. I really want to keep it in the same directory as the program itself, or within a subdirectory of the programs directory, since the portable version is exactly the same program executable and I would like to keep it that way. I am not sure how to go about setting the file security, set it when I create the file if the file doesn't exist, prompting for Administrator privileges to create it with the security. I was also thinking that I could just set the entire folder containing the program executable when it is installed, and then it would be able to create the file without having to have administrator privileges.

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Class Giving Null Exception Error

Dec 10, 2011

It's saying I cant access this object in my class. Why? I'm pretty sure Ive used this method several times before. Below is some bits of code to figure this out. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


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Datagrid's Scrolling Giving Error After Selecting Row?

Jun 8, 2012

When I am scrolling datagrid after selecting one row I am getting error as "An unhandled exception of type 'System.StackOverflowException' occurred in System.Windows.Forms.dll" on line :

MyBase.Edit(source, rowNum, bounds, [readOnly], instantText, cellIsVisible)

Whole code is given below :


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Drop Down List Giving Me Error On Submit

May 17, 2012

I am trying to check to see if a value in a textbox is already in a drop down list. If it is, I will simply write to a label. If the textbox value is not in the dropdown list then I want it to write to the dropdownlist.

I am getting the following error Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute


Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For Each value In DropDownList1.Items


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Instance Giving A Object Reference Error

Nov 11, 2009

I've written a new DAL and BLL, but when I try to create an instance of my class, I get an Object Reference error, is there anything particular I should be looking for? I am fairly new to this concept?

Call is such:Protected Sub btnSignin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles btnSignin.Click Dim l As New Log()l.Log = "Attempted staff login with username [" & txtUsername.Text & "] and password [" & txtPassword.Text & "]"


Intellisense highlights no problems and if I Build the web site in VS I get a few warnings about schema information in the web.config (unrelated), otherwise no problem.

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