"SQL Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denied."

Apr 28, 2010

Have built a small VB.Net app in VS2010.

The connection string to the SQL Server is as follows:

<add name="IWSR_DataDownloadWizard.My.MySettings.sqlConnection"
connectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=SQLServer;Integrated


Further information:

Development System is Windows7 using VS2010 Deployment systems are a combination of Windows XP, Windows 2000 and Windows 7 SQL Server is SQL2000 (soon to be SQL2005).

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SQL Does Not Exist Or Access Denied

Sep 6, 2010

I have a problem in SQL provider, when i type server name in my code it connect without any errors but if I want user to type the server name it gives an error "SQL does not exist or access is denied".

Hereunder what I mean. In the below code I typed server name and it connect without any problems
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;server=cai-magedh-lt2;database=Att;user id=;pwd="<br/>

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Sql Server Filestream Access Denied

Sep 9, 2009

I have trouble accessing filestream via SqlFileStream. Sql server and IIS7 are on different servers, remote access to Filestream is enabled. Workgroup for both servers is the same.I've tried everything, including opening user with identical username/passwords on both servers. Didn't work. Dim sqlFileStream As New SqlTypes.SqlFileStream(filePath, txContext, IO.FileAccess.Read)I have both filePath and context.However, when I open server via explorer logged on locally as Administrator, I also get access denied if I try to acesss this share.Can permissions for this share be edited at all?

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"General Access Denied Error" After Changing Password On Windows 2008 Server?

Nov 22, 2011

The error is raised after a normal user changed his password on - Windows Server 2008 Standard server joined to a workgroup

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Cannot Copy SQL Server Files "Access Is Denied"

Mar 16, 2012

I need to copy my SQL Server DBs to a folder. The files are attached to SQL Server, which I have detached using my code. When I try to copy these files using My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(filePathToCopyFrom1, targetFilePath1)


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Creating New DLL's - "the Call To The Server.CreateObject Falied While Cheking Permissions. Access Is Denied To This Object"

Jun 21, 2010

I am getting this error saying "the call to the server.CreateObject falied while cheking permissions. Access is denied to this object".I get this error every time I create a new DLL after compiling my VB6 code and drop it in the component services.i am using these DLL's for the web application i am working on. Is this a DLL registration issue, or is this because the DLL is not being generated correctly. What are your thoughts on this? i have attached the error message for reference

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.Net "Access Denied" When Creating A New FileStream To SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM?

Nov 25, 2008

The goal is to write data to a SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM file using VB.Net. An "Access Denied" message occurs when creating a FileStream object in the code(see red underlined code below). SQL Server 2008 is configured to "Allow remote clients to have streaming access to FILESTREM data" along with "Enable FILESTREAM for Transaction-SQL access"... What configuration setting is missing and causing the "Access Denied" message? Figure 1.) Code used to stream data to SQL Server managed file


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Detect If Jpg Exist On Remote Server?

Apr 27, 2009

On another server we can have up to 10 images, however not always are 10 uploaded. I have ASP:Image codes to display those 10 images and visibility= a function to see if that photo exist[code]...

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Access Denied On Vista?

Sep 19, 2009

screwed up User Access Control, some functionality does not inherit the accounts true privileges. I built a Command Prompt application and ran it from an Admin account, but I kept getting access denied when I ran it. The only work around I can find for now to shut the dam thing off in control panel.

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Access Path Is Denied?

Jun 21, 2010

i doing a window app using vs2005 to download file using FTP to my c drive it have no error when i run it in window xp but when i test it in vista i facing a problem stating access to path "c:program file...." is denied any work around can be apply to it? i know if i grant the folder security to everyone then this problem will be solve but if do so i need to configure it 1 by 1 for every computer

View 9 Replies

Access Registry Key Is Denied?

Feb 10, 2012

I am having a problem with my application I encounter this problem in windows 7 only but in windows XP it is working fine. When I install my application onwindows 7, any file must have an option when I right-click the any files. Here is the code of my project:

Dim WP As RegistryKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("*\shell\Upload through ACE\command")
WP.SetValue("", Application.ExecutablePath & " " & Chr(34) & "%1" & Chr(34))


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Access To Path Denied

Dec 1, 2011

file = System.IO.File.Create(filepath)


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Access To Path Is Denied

May 24, 2009

I'm trying to copy a file from one folder to an other using this [code]...

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Access To Path Is Denied?

Aug 18, 2010

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, and am getting the error Access to path is denied when i try to delete a file across the network.

View 18 Replies

Access To The Path '....' Is Denied

Aug 31, 2009

When I run the following command:

infile = New FileStream(SOURCE_FILE, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read) ' Open the file as a FileStream object.

I am receiving the error message, Access to the path '....' is denied. I have gone through the file/folder properties of my target folders and I thought I gave full access to the items I am targetting but it doesn't seem to help. What else should I try to avoid this error?

View 12 Replies

Access To The Path Is Denied

Feb 25, 2011

I am trying to copy data from folder (SC1) to another folder (SC2 in Local AppData).Basically my steps:

1. User click hotkey (To capture image)

2. Data captured will be save in folder sc1 (sc.CaptureScreen.Save("sc1/" & imagename & ".jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg))

3. Then data in sc1 will be copied to folder sc2

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As System.Windows.Forms.Message)
If m.Msg = WM_HOTKEY Then
Dim id As IntPtr = m.WParam
Select Case (id.ToString)


After I execute the program, got an error saying ' Access to the path 'C:Documents and Settings ewuserMy Documentsackup 2editlatestU-Surf SysteminDebugsc1' is denied?

View 6 Replies

Access To The Path Is Denied?

Dec 20, 2011

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:Program Files (x86)myhomemyhome
ame-address-city file.csv' is denied.


The code work good only in debug mode but not in the computer also freeze my computer. My program was working good a few days ago.

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Access To The Registry Key Is Denied?

Jan 21, 2012

Access to the registry key is denied.

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File Access Denied?

Aug 25, 2011

ran into an issue but i have no idea why. I made a program that reads in a text file. I tested the program and it worked perfectly. I made the setup file using the setup wizard, installed the program on my computer and tried to test it and it gave me anerror about not being able to access the text file. I attempted to run the program right in VS because it had worked fine before and now even in that i am getting an error saying it cant access the text file. I dont know why it did work and now suddenly it

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ManagementEventWatcher - Access Denied

Apr 5, 2012

I keep receiving the access denied error when running a Wql event query through VS 2005 (vb.net)

Public Function Test() As Integer
Dim query As New WqlEventQuery("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance.Name = 'C:\Users\ewar\Documents\test\test.txt'")


I've read that I have to enable certain permissions, my account is part of the admin group and I run VS by clicking 'run as administrator' How and what permissions do i need to modify?

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Network Access Is Denied?

Jun 4, 2009

Using either VB6 or VB2008.I'm try to run a "Ping" program. In VB6, I'm using "IcmpSendEcho". In VB2008, 'm using "System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply".Both have worked on the same machine before.Now I'm getting "Network access is denied": Error: 65.I can ping, but not my actual IP address. I can run a CMD line PING xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and it works every time.Can someone assist as where and what I need to change to get these to work properly?The VB6 version works on another machine. (haven't try the 2008)The OS is XP Pro Sp2 TIA

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VS 2008 Access Is Denied?

Oct 17, 2010

Dim target as Process = Process.GetProcessesByName("process")(0)Process.EnterDebugMode() Dim ModHandle as Integer = Nothing For d as Integer = 0 to target.Modules.Count -1 If target.Modules(d).FileName.Contains("mydll") Then ModHandle = target.Modules(d).BaseAddress.ToInt32 Next VB gives me an "Access is denied" error.

View 18 Replies

Windows 7 WMI Access Denied?

Sep 19, 2010

I make software by VS2008 , this software in windows xp work fine but in windows 7 have some problems .

When read cpu temp , return access denied.

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[2008] WMI Access Denied

Feb 18, 2009

I am trying to write some code to read the application pools from a remote machine and then eventually I will want to recycle one of the pools. I am trying to use the following code to retrieve the application pools, however I am getting an Access Denied error on the For Each line. There is no inner exception, so that is all I have to work with.

Dim connection As New ConnectionOptions
connection.Username = "administrator"
connection.Password = "password"


The account I am trying with right now is the box administrator account.The machine is not part of a domain and it is windows 2003 server with the firewall off.I know the username and password are correct, because if they are not I get an error on the Scope.Connect() line.I even rebooted after that change, just to be sure, but still no luck.

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Check When Record Exist In Database Sql Server?

Nov 24, 2011

I need to check if a record exist in my sql server [code]...

I need to check if in "Br" exist a record for example "123098"

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Remote Server Machine Does Not Exist Or Is Unavailable

Jan 26, 2010

When am trying read Windows 2008 serivices Remotely from 2003 server by using following VB Script :

'Objective: TO check the SQLServicesHeartbeat of all SQL Server services and send email
'if any state of service is not running
'on error resume next
Set iFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesyStemObject")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesyStemObject")
[Code] .....

I am able to get read all windows 2003 servies, but not able to read Windows 2008 SQL Services Remotely, error throwing in the above line : Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\" & strComputer & "ootcimv2").

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VS 2008 - Check If File Exist On Server

Aug 20, 2009

Anyone knows how to check if the file exist before downloading? I'm downloading the file(s) with the following


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Access Denied On File Download?

Jun 21, 2010

Using the following sub to download a file I receive an "Access to the path 'path' is denied" no matter where I try to download it to even if I run the program as an administrator.Why do I get an access denied error?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
MsgBox("HLDSUpdateTool is Copyright © VALVe Corporation. We are not affiliated with VALVe Corporation in any way.", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Copyright")


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Access To Path Is Denied / StreamWriter

Nov 4, 2011

I've seen a lot of threads in respect to file access denial, but haven't really found one that suited my particular issue. In my application the part that's not permitting the file to be saved is in the below code. I have 21 text boxes that I'm writing to a file that when in the developmental environment (Visual Studio 2010) works just fine however, when I create a setup program and then install it to a directory I get the infamous "Access to the path 'C:Program Files (x86)Blah, blah' umbers.dat is denied." before uninstalling it I took a look at the permissions on the file itself and ReadOnly is not the issue. I tried looking at the FileIOPermission Class, but find anything that would work for me or perhaps I was doing something wrong. [code]

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Access To The Path 'C:\Check.txt' Is Denied?

Mar 13, 2009

To write a new file to the hard drive Ive always used for example:- FileOpen(1, "C:\FileName.txt", OpenMode.Output) Trying this today I get an error message Access to the path 'C:\Check.txt' is denied.MSDN say I should use: - Dim file As System.IO.FileStream file = System.IO.File.Create("c:\test.txt")So although I couldnt see how to specify the mode I tried: Dim file As System.IO.FileStream file = System.IO.File.Create("c:\Check.txt")With exactly the same result Access to the path 'C:\Check.txt' is denied. It says I dont have permission.

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