Same Textbox In 2 Forms?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a textbox on form1, how can i get that textbox to display the same information on form2 automatically? =

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Forms :: Convert String To Give Textbox Name To Get Contents Of Textbox

Jul 6, 2011

I have a form where a number of textboxes are programmatically created within a flowLayoutPanel and named by adding together 2 strings.

With the click of another button i hope to have all the values entered into these text boxes stored in a text file. However, i cant seem to find a way to add strings together to allow me to retrieve the values entered within the text boxes created.

Below is the code i have so far: BTW FLP is my flow layout panel and c is my calculated nmber of textboxes that are created.

Private Sub createTB(ByVal c As Integer)
Dim x1 As Integer = 1
Dim y As Integer = 2


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Oct 4, 2011


Why it is that the text boxes have errors like this even they are in the tax forms..

Label13.Text = sss.Text - philhealth.Text - pagibig.Text
Label18.Text = semiSalary.Text - Label13.Text


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Forms :: Passing Several Textbox.text Between Forms

Jul 28, 2010

I use the code

Dim Selvk As New Selvkost2
Selvk.PassedText = TextBox29.Text


in my second form and the text passes. but I need to pass values from 20 textboxes. do I have to copy the code in my second form 20 times an declare passedtext2 and so on or is there an easier way to do this?

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Forms :: Re-using Same Buttons, TextBox, Combobox In Different Forms?

Jun 18, 2010

I am creatting an windows application software in which many controls like Buttons, textBox, combobox are remain same in 12 different form. In this 12 diff form the activity of those controls will remain same.The scenareo id

1. I have 12 forms.

2. Each form containing 3 labels (Country, State, City). These labels indicates 3 combobox from which we can select location.

3. Now I need to use these 3 controls in all 12 forms with same activity.

4. When I change forms to another, these buttons shud remain same.

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Forms :: Text From The 3 Textbox To My Textbox In Form2?

Jan 3, 2011

I will try to explain what i want to do.I have make 3 textbox in form1 And i have a form2 where i have a Textbox ( Multiline )What i want i want to have the text from the 3 textbox to my textbox in form2.

textboxt1.text = tennis
textboxt2.text = boys
textboxt3.text = 01-01-2011


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Forms - Put A Value In A Read-only Textbox .net?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a form with many textboxes. I would like to disable the operation of user interaction with 2 or more textboxes but i would like to assign some text to it. I cannot figure it out a way to do it ...

I have the following code:

If tablead.Rows(0)(4) = True Then
TextBox2.Text = "0"
TextBox2.ReadOnly = True
TextBox2.Text = "0"
End If

When i run it the textbox goes "read-only" but the value 0 is not shown. Why ?

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Forms - Put A Value In A Read-only Textbox?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a form with many textboxes. I would like to disable the operation of user interaction with 2 or more textboxes but i would like to assign some text to it. I cannot figure it out a way to do it ...

I have the following code:

If tablead.Rows(0)(4) = True Then
TextBox2.Text = "0"
TextBox2.ReadOnly = True


When i run it the textbox goes "read-only" but the value 0 is not shown.

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Forms :: Add Text To Textbox?

Jul 18, 2011

when i type any web site address in textbox1 and i press ctrl+enter it will add www. and .com.

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Forms :: Calendar To A Textbox?

Oct 1, 2010

Im sorry if this is a stupid request but I cant find any information or at least any usefull information on this. I have a database program just now that requires information to be stored in a database.

Right now I have the users entering dates manually, and I would like to have a small image that they click to bring up a calender, select the date which will then be automatically entered into a textbox. The calender must be able to go back in time as well as forward.

Im fairly new to VB but have experiance in Java. Would somebody be able to either provide me with the code or at least a walkthrough how do it.

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Forms :: How To Put WMI Code In TextBox

Sep 19, 2011

I am looking to put the end value of this code below in the TextBox.

Imports System
Imports System.Management
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Namespace WMISample


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Forms :: How To Restrict TextBox

Oct 13, 2004

I want my textbox to take only letters as Input, no numbers or other keys.

And Viceversa that I want Only numbers as Input ,no letters or other keys.

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Forms :: Put Another Integer On Textbox?

Sep 13, 2010

can someone put his/codes in with..i have my own but it didn't add when i tried to put another integer on my textbox.

it will just update the first integer i put..

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Forms :: Text From Textbox By Name?

Oct 31, 2011

Ok, ive had a brief look round and can't find the answer to this question. I've also been browsing the internet for what feels like a life time in order to find this answer but i've had no success so far and its driving me up the wall. What i'm doing is a very simple (or so i thought) project for my local Pool Team. I haven't hOk, the bit im struggling with is: I'm trying to make text files for each player. With the text file being called Player 1, player 2 etc etc, and the first line inside the txt file to be their name., I'm getting the "player 1", "Player 2" part, but the first line is constantly coming up with "textbx_1" instead of whats inside the Text box.

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Forms :: Textbox Have A Scroll Bar?

Feb 8, 2011

All I want to be able to do is push a button a to load a resources text file into a textbox , I have managed to do this after hours and hours of googling , videos, but it's quite a long document and I was wondering if I can have a scroll bar so it doesn't end half way through the text?

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Forms :: TextBox Validation?

Mar 16, 2010

My question is the last code tag section above where the parameters are set for the input.If on the form there is a textbox that is required (on the db side to not allow nulls) how would you perform the validation before you tried to execute the update sql?Ex: say 'SerialNumberTextbox.Text' was empty or if you needed to have character constraints on what was typed like varchar(15) and they have 16 or more characters

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Forms :: Visible Textbox After A While?

Sep 6, 2011

i need to make a textbox in my windowsform after 3 seconds.

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Add A Newline To A Windows-forms TextBox?

Aug 19, 2009

I am trying to add a line of text to a TextBox component in, but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to force a new line. Right now it just adds onto what I have already, and that is not good.I have tried copying the actual linebreaks, didn't work. I tried AppendText(), didn't work.

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Can't Set Focus On A Windows Forms Textbox?

Jun 9, 2011

I can't seem to get input focus on a textbox when a tab page first comes up (I'm using Windows Forms, VB.NET 3.5). I have a textbox on a panel on a tab page, and I want the focus to be on the textbox when the tab page comes up. I want the user to be able to start typing immediately in the focused textbox without having to click on the textbox. I have tab stops set in the order I want and the textbox is the first tab stop. The tab stops work except that when the tab page comes up the focus is not on the textbox, i.e. the one that's first in the tab order.

In the Enter event handler of the tab page I call the Focus method of the text box, but it returns False and does nothing, no error messages. I know I can access the text box because at the same point in the code I can set the text of the text box.If it matters, the layout of the tab page is a little complicated:[URL]..I want to set the focus on TextBox1.

What's the best way to get the focus on the desired textbox? If setting focus is the best way, why is the textbox.Focus() method failing?

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Forms :: Bind Textbox To Table?

Feb 21, 2010

i want to read the data from the table to textbo.below is my code when i try to run it it shows the error following are error.IndexOutOfRangeException was Unhandled

Make sure that the max row on a list is is less than list size...

below is the code


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Forms :: Cannot Update Textbox Text

Nov 13, 2010

I have a function called textupdate that updates text1.text value. when i call this function in Form1_Load, text1 is updated successfully. However, when i call this function in Private Shared Sub function2, no update is done. I am a newbie in programming and it may be a silly question but I could not solve it

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Forms :: Check Textbox If Empty?

Aug 19, 2009

I am using to create a simple winform. I have the option to save the data I input on that form. I am trying to prevent the user not to save the data if textbox10 is empty. I tried the while loop but I go into an infinite loop. The code is below. The if statement gives the error but allows the user to save.


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Forms :: Create A 'button' In A Textbox?

Oct 24, 2010

My aim is to have a textbox in which a page of information is already written for the user to read. This box will have a vertical scrollbar, so I can't simply superimpose a button over the textbox. What I would like is to be able to have certain words underlined and in a different text colour (similar to a hyperlink), which, when clicked, will throw up a pop-up box.The purpose is to create a glossary such that if a new word is used in the textbox, I can allow the user to click on it

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Forms :: Disable Textbox Pop-up Menu?

Oct 3, 2009

is there anyway to disable the menu that contains : Cut, Copy, Paste, etc, on a textbox, when you right click it?

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Forms :: Focus On The Very Last Word In The TextBox?

Jun 9, 2009

I make the TextBox1 properties become multiline and has vertical scroll. This is my code :


I made this code accidently. And it works. But I wonder, Is there a better to do it?

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Forms :: Format - Display INT Value In Textbox

Jan 8, 2010

How to display INT value in textbox1 in this format 45,75,147.45 I do not want to use MaskedTextbox

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Forms :: Format TextBox Like Xx-xx-xxxx?

May 29, 2011

how i can store database records in TextBox like this format xx-xx-xxxx It is just to show them to the users not anything else !

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Forms :: Get The Key Char On Key Down Event Of Textbox?

Mar 23, 2009

On the KeyDown event of the textbox, i need to capture the character pressed and send it to a function which fires a sql query for this character.To get the character i am using Convert.ToChar(e.keycode).However Convert.Tochar converts the keycode to char according to its ASCII value , thus F4 gets converted to "s" as "s" has ASCII keycode of 115.Is there some other way to convert the keycode to character which won't make these wrong conversions as even if i restrict the functions keys there may be problem with other key conversion also.

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Forms :: Get This Text From HTML To A .NET TextBox?

Jun 1, 2011

i have webbrowser1 in my project where the url is on a site which has html like this

<form id="edit_form_user_friends" name="edit_form_user_friends">
<div class="box-title title-text-color">Friends (<span name="channel-box-item-count">2183</span>)

I Want when i press a button to execute a code which will look something like this

TextBox2.Text = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("channel-box-item-count").InnerText


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Forms :: How To Lock A Textbox To A Cell

Aug 22, 2011

I have a windowsform in visual studio 2008, I connect to a ms sql-server On my form I have a datagridview who I use to enter data etc and save them to the database. I then have textboxes who shows the sum of the columns etc in the table abd save that value back to the database. but for instance if i put the cursor in row 2 of the datagrid the values in theese textboxes dissapear.

What I want to know is if there is apossibility to lock the textbox to

ex. table test, clomn x and row 1??

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