Save Data With Visual Studio's Settings?

Apr 26, 2011

So, I've made this project and I have this setting that saves a form's data. Simple stuff like check boxes and such. And it works wonders when I execute from visual studios and such. [code]....

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My.Settings.Upgrade Stopped Preserving Settings After Visual Studio And Framework Were Upgraded?

Jan 13, 2011

The company has been using Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 2.0 for approximately 2 years. During that time we released several versions (4.x.x) of our program to the public and were able to preserve the user's settings using My.Settings.Upgrade.During the past development cycle we upgraded the program to Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.0 and changed the version to 5.x.x. Now, when a user upgrades from 4.x.x to 5.x.x they lose all of their settings.However, in all upgrades after that point (ie 5.0 to 5.1) all the user's settings are once again preserved.I checked C:Documents and Settings<USER_NAME>Local SettingsApplication DataCompanyName and it contains two directories:

ApplicationName_Url_aaa ApplicationName_Url_bbb

where aaa and bbb are 32 character strings. All of the user.config files for the 4.x.x releases can be found in the ApplicationName_ Url_aaa directory. All of the user.config files for the 5.x.x releases can be found in the ApplicationName_Url_bbb directory.Based on this information it seems like something changed when we converted our program to VS2010 and Framework4 that is now causing a different 32 character string to be generated. However, we have been unable to track it down.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Save Data From Database Into Excel File In A Certain Folder

Dec 15, 2011

im currently doing my special project in software development


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IDE :: Visual Studio Settings And Project Designers Package?

Sep 28, 2011

The Visual Studio Settings and Project Designers Package ({67909B06-91E9-4F3E-AB50-495046BE9A9A}) did not load because of previous errors. For assistance, contact the package vendor. To attempt to load this package again, type 'devenv /resetskippkgs' at the command prompt.

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Visual Studio 2008 - .Net Application Settings / ClickOnce?

Mar 15, 2010

VS 2008 / VB.Net / WinForms I have an application setting (Settings.settings) for a project and I am using Click Once deployment. I used the VS Editor to create the setting and I can see the setting in the app.config file

<setting name="MySetting" serializeAs="String">


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Visual Studio Webpage Privacy / Authentication Settings

Dec 8, 2011

I am using Visual studio 2010 vb want to secure my webpages from direct accessed by unauthorized person or only user can access the page. how to setup Visual studio vb webpage privacy.or Is there any plugin available for visual studio for securing pages

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C# - Create Visual Studio Style Options / Settings Dialog

Sep 13, 2011

I am currently in the process of improving my options dialog for a winforms application. At the moment I am using a tab control. I would like to create a form/dialog for settings that is similar to Visual Studio's. How is this done? I can see a treeview like control on the left hand side but what control are they using to display each of the options pages, it doesn't appear to be a tab control. I would like to be able to build the controls for each of the settings at design time.

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Interface And Graphics :: Visual Studio 2008 IDE Code Editor Settings

May 11, 2008

Does anyone know how to turn off the blank space delimiter of a dot? I have no idea how I turned it on, but now there's a dot where every whitespace charater would be in the IDE's code window.

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How To Save A Forms Settings In Visual Basic 2008

Jan 5, 2010

trying to save the settings in a settings form but every time m setting the settings (when the form is running) then exiting it and then reopening itare the settings that i setted not there Ex : I open form2 by clicking on a button thought form1 and change the settings for example i uncheck a checkbox then do i close form2 and then open it again. And the settings should be saved so the unchecked checkbox should still be unchecked.BUT when i close form1 should the settings be unsaved and go back to normal :)

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How To Reference Resources To Save In Settings - Visual Basic 2008 .net

May 24, 2012

I'm trying to save a setting that keeps what background image I'm currently using.If it's an external file, there is no problem, i can just get the .location and set it in a String setting to store it.

But, if I want to store an image resource as a setting, how do i do it?I know i can store rawdata, like bitmap information, but then i can't set that type of data to the my.background.

I don't know if the question should be: "how do i reference resources", but the my.resources.resource.methodsList doesnt contain anything that seems to be of use.

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Visual Basic 2010 - Use Settings To Save Users Background?

Apr 23, 2012

I am working on an virtual operating system. And I want the user to be able to change background, and at the same time save it! So, the next time he opens the application, the background is saved and changed.

I know that I have do this through project > settings, but I don't know how to program it. I have managed to allow the user to change background, but dont how to save it. Could anyone solve this little problem for me?

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Save Visual Studio Screen Shot In Document?

May 5, 2009

how do I post a screen shot in my thread. I have save visual studio screen shot in my document. but I don't know how to post it.

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Visual Studio 2010 Addnew Event And Save To A New Database?

Feb 26, 2012

Can someone help me i am trying to add and save customers to my database and it doesnt seem to be letting me unless i directly go into the grid and add them there. You can see that the addnew button adds them but it wont save them. when i go back and preiview the data on the table its not there. I am just tring to develope a regular simple customers database

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Save And Search Picture In Access Database In Visual Studio 2008

Dec 15, 2011

check the problem inside my code?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System.IO
Public Class editMovies


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Permission Conflict - Close Word Or Visual Studio In Order To Save The File

Jan 8, 2010

I write an HTML file with MS Word, and use it on my application. The problem is that I need to close Word or Visual Studio in order to save the file, or compile the code, because each one reserves the file permission rights. The html file is only written by word, and only read from VS. At compile time, the file is copied to execution directory. Is there a way to give both programs simultaneous permission rights?

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C# - Web Matrix Differ From Visual Studio - Is It More Efficient Than Visual Studio To Develop ASP.NET Web Project

Oct 12, 2011

WebMatrix is a web development and deployment tool by Microsoft so how is this compared to Visual Studio? which Use C# Razor Syntax is that more better coding.


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How Is WPF Data Binding Using Object Data Source In Visual Studio 2010 Done

Apr 23, 2010

how to use the VS 2010 IDE tools in a way the Microsofties didn't specifically intend. But since this is something I immediately tried without success.

I have defined a .NET 4.0 WPF Application project with a simple class that looks like this:

Public Class Class1
Public Property One As String = "OneString"
Public Property Two As String = "TwoString"


The expected result was that "OneString" would appear next to "One" and "TwoString" next to "Two" in the running window.

The question is: Why didn't this work? What will work instead? If I put bindings in a DataTemplate, it works. Blend, with its sample data stuff, implied that this should work, but it doesn't.

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Save Data To Program Using My.Settings

May 17, 2012

To save data to your program using My.Settings. To do this go to your program's properties and to Settings. Create your variables there and to access them, here's an example:


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Save The Data Of The Varchar In The Settings?

Jul 1, 2010

im making this simple app and i want to know

Let the user add collums?

let the user remove collums?

let the user delete rows?

how to change the the varchar of a row?

how to save the data of the varchar in the settings?

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Compile A Solution In Visual Studio 2005 Which Was Compiled In Visual Studio 6?

Sep 15, 2009

I have to compile projects which was compiled in Visual Studio 6 in Visual Studio 2005. When i compiled i got a set of same error. I opened the project for VS6 by selecting File->open->project/solution and tried to build a solution by Build option but i am getting the following error.


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Open Visual Studio Express Files With Normal Visual Studio?

Apr 11, 2011

Is it possible to open visual studio express files with normal visual studio?

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Save Data In Settings Using System.Collections?

May 17, 2012

ok this code will save data withc is URL from textbox and load it to listbox , but i want it save first name of uRl like google then in other textbox put URl and save so when its load data its shows only name like Google not [URL] in listbox sometimes the link is too long and it will be not good interface in form1 and then when u click Google in listbox it open its URl [URL]

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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ADO.NET - Insert Data - Visual

Apr 1, 2009

im starting and have some problems i can read from data base but when i wanta to insert some data ,visual show me some errors my code:


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VS 2010 Visual Studio 10

Apr 19, 2012

i am trying to make a VS 2010 Sign in Program And Its Says

Imports DevComponents.DotNetBar
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class signupXE
Public conn As MySqlConnection


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Developing MS Visual Studio Like Application Using MS Visual Studio 2005

Nov 27, 2009

I have to develop an application using MS Visual Studio 2005 or above with the following objective:

* The application should allow users to create as many new forms as they want and each form should behave like a MS Visual Studio WinForm. By saying that it should be a container for drag and drop of controls from the toolbox that I will develop....

* Once the user design's each screen to his taste by placing various controls on the form, he should be able to save the form as a screen. Of course I have to provide functionality for each of the controls such as if he drags a button on to the form, he should be able to specify what action it has to perfom when clicked when the application is put into run mode. Quite similar to regular windows form button.

* My application should have two modes: a DESIGN MODE, where user can drag, drop controls and specify what they should do when put into RUN MODE. This is quite similar to MS Visual Studio designer.

* Last but not least is to be able to access the application via the browser with the same look and feel his desktop version.

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Developing MS Visual Studio Like Application Using MS Visual Studio 2005 Or Above?

Nov 26, 2009

I have to develop an application using MS Visual Studio 2005 or above with the following

objective:* The application should allow users to create as many new forms as they want and each form should behave like a MS Visual Studio WinForm. By saying that it should be a container for drag and drop of controls from the toolbox that I will develop....

* Once the user design's each screen to his taste by placing various controls on the form, he should be able to save the form as a screen. Of course I have to provide functionality for each of the controls such as if he drags a button on to the form, he should be able to specify what action it has to perfom when clicked when the application is put into run mode. Quite similar to regular windows form button.

* My application should have two modes: a DESIGN MODE, where user can drag, drop controls and specify what they should do when put into RUN MODE. This is quite similar to MS Visual Studio designer.

* Last but not least is to be able to access the application via the browser with the same look and feel his desktop version.

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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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Add A Data Source To Visual Studio 2008?

Jun 27, 2009

I have downloaded and run the mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.5-win32.msi. The wizard goes through the process but when I go to vs 2008 and try to Add a Data Source or Show Data Sources I get a blank. NOTHING! Just like I had not clicked on the command. There are simply no data sources available in this virgin copy of Visual Studio 2008. I cannot even access an access db!

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Share Data Between 2 Or More Visual Studio Extensions?

Nov 1, 2010

I have several Visual Studio Extensions (VSX) that I need to communicate with each other. (For instance activate features, share saved files, access project items from one to another.) I could utilize the registry but I have a very bad feeling about that. I was thinking of a commonly placed XML file but I'm afraid of not having the proper permissions to access it. sharing data between (live) extensions?

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Visual Studio 2008 Keeps Crashing With "Microsoft Visual Studio Encountered A Problem And Was Shut Down"

Mar 20, 2009

I have a Visual Basic project and when working and modifying code, the compiler will crash and then a message will say something like "Microsoft visual studio encountered a problem and was shut down." I've tried editing code from the solution and the project. Both produce the error. Usually occurs when adding an "IF...Then..." condition. May work for hours but then crash. Solution will compile and build.

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